Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter T - Page 55

Tote (n.) The entire body, or all; as, the whole tote. [Colloq.]

Tote (n.) A capacious bag or basket [syn: carryall, holdall, tote, tote bag].

Tote (v.) Carry with difficulty; "You'll have to lug this suitcase" [syn: lug, tote, tug].

Totear (v. t.) To tear or rend in pieces. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

Totem (n.) A rude picture, as of a bird, beast, or the like, used by the North American Indians as a symbolic designation, as of a family or a clan; also, the object or animal itself, considered as an symbol of the family.

And they painted on the grave posts Of the graves, yet unforgotten, Each his own ancestral totem Each the symbol of his household; Figures of the bear and reindeer, Of the turtle, crane, and beaver. -- Longfellow.

The totem, the clan deity, the beast or bird who in some supernatural way attends to the clan and watches over it. -- Bagehot.

Totem (n.) Anything which serves as a venerated or mystic symbol or emblem.

Totem (n.) A clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object.

Totem (n.) Emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians).

Totemic (a.) Of or pertaining to a totem, or totemism.

Totemic (a.) Relating to totemism; "totemic object."

Totemism (n.) The system of distinguishing families, clans, etc., in a tribe by the totem.

Totemism (n.) Superstitious regard for a totem; the worship of any real or imaginary object; nature worship. -- Tylor.

Totemism (n.) Belief in the kinship of a group of people with a common totem.

Totemist (n.) One belonging to a clan or tribe having a totem. -- To`tem*is"tic, a. Totem pole

Totemist (n.) A person who belongs to a clan or tribe having a totem.

Toter (n.) (Zool.) The stone roller. See Stone roller (a), under Stone.

Toter (n.) Someone whose employment involves carrying something; "the bonds were transmitted by carrier" [syn: carrier, bearer, toter].

T'other () A colloquial contraction of the other, and formerly a contraction for that other. See the Note under That, 2.

The tothir that was crucifield with him. -- Wyclif (John xix. 32)

Totipalmate (a.) (Zool.) Having all four toes united by a web; -- said of certain sea birds, as the pelican and the gannet. See Illust. under Aves.

Totipalmi (n. pl.) (Zool.) A division of swimming birds including those that have totipalmate feet.

Totipresence (n.) Omnipresence. [Obs.] -- A. Tucker.

Totipresent (a.) Omnipresence. [Obs.] -- A. Tucker.

Tottered (imp. & p. p.) of Totter.

Tottering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Totter.

Totter (v. i.) To shake so as to threaten a fall; to vacillate; to be unsteady; to stagger; as,an old man totters with age. "As a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence." -- Ps. lxii. 3.

Totter (v. i.) To shake; to reel; to lean; to waver.

Troy nods from high, and totters to her fall. -- Dryden.

Totter (v.) Move without being stable, as if threatening to fall; "The drunk man tottered over to our table."

Totter (v.) Walk unsteadily; "small children toddle" [syn: toddle, coggle, totter, dodder, paddle, waddle].

Totter (v.) Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion [syn: teeter, seesaw, totter].

Totter (v. i.) To move or walk in a slow and unsteady way.

Totter (v. i.) To become weak and likely to fail or collapse.

Totterer (n.) One who totters.

Totterer (n.) Someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fall [syn: staggerer, totterer, reeler].

Totteringly (adv.) In a tottering manner.

Tottery (a.) Trembling or vaccilating, as if about to fall; unsteady; shaking. -- Johnson.

Tottery (a.) Unsteady in gait as from infirmity or old age; "a tottering skeleton of a horse"; "a tottery old man" [syn: tottering, tottery].

Tottled (imp. & p. p.) of Totly.

Tottling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Totly.

Totly (v. i.) To walk in a wavering, unsteady manner; to toddle; to topple.

Tottlish (a.) Trembling or tottering, as if about to fall; unsteady. [Colloq. U. S.]

Totty (a.) Unsteady; dizzy; tottery. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] -- Sir W. Scott.

For yet his noule [head] was totty of the must. -- Spenser.

Toty (a.) Totty. [Obs.]

My head is toty of my swink to-night. -- Chaucer.

Toty (n.) A sailor or fisherman; -- so called in some parts of the Pacific.

Toucan (n.) (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of fruit-eating birds of tropical America belonging to Ramphastos, Pteroglossus, and allied genera of the family Ramphastidae. They have a very large, but light and thin, beak, often nearly as long as the body itself. Most of the species are brilliantly colored with red, yellow, white, and black in striking contrast.

Toucan (n.) (Astronom.) A modern constellation of the southern hemisphere.

Toucan (n.) Brilliantly colored arboreal fruit-eating bird of tropical America having a very large thin-walled beak

Toucanet (n.) (Zool.) A small toucan.

Touched (imp. & p. p.) of Touch.

Touching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Touch.

Touch (v. t.) To come in contact with; to hit or strike lightly against; to extend the hand, foot, or the like, so as to reach or rest on.

Him thus intent Ithuriel with his spear Touched lightly. -- Milton.

Touch (v. t.) To perceive by the sense of feeling.

Nothing but body can be touched or touch. -- Greech.

Touch (v. t.) To come to; to reach; to attain to.

The god, vindictive, doomed them never more Ah, men unblessed! -- to touch their natal shore. -- Pope.

Touch (v. t.) To try; to prove, as with a touchstone. [Obs.]

Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed. -- Shak.

Touch (v. t.) To relate to; to concern; to affect.

The quarrel toucheth none but us alone. -- Shak.

Touch (v. t.) To handle, speak of, or deal with; to treat of.

Storial thing that toucheth gentilesse. -- Chaucer.

Touch (v. t.) To meddle or interfere with; as, I have not touched the books. -- Pope.

Touch (v. t.) To affect the senses or the sensibility of; to move; to melt; to soften; especially, to cause feelings of pity, compassion, sympathy, or gratitude in.

What of sweet before Hath touched my sense, flat seems to this and harsh. -- Milton.

The tender sire was touched with what he said. -- Addison.

Touch (v. t.) To mark or delineate with touches; to add a slight stroke to with the pencil or brush.

The lines, though touched but faintly, are drawn right. -- Pope.

Touch (v. t.) To infect; to affect slightly. -- Bacon.

Touch (v. t.) To make an impression on; to have effect upon.

Its face . . . so hard that a file will not touch it. -- Moxon.

Touch (v. t.) To strike; to manipulate; to play on; as, to touch an instrument of music.

[They] touched their golden harps. -- Milton.

Touch (v. t.) To perform, as a tune; to play.

A person is the royal retinue touched a light and lively air on the flageolet. -- Sir W. Scott.

Touch (v. t.) To influence by impulse; to impel forcibly. " No decree of mine, . . . [to] touch with lightest moment of impulse his free will," -- Milton.

Touch (v. t.) To harm, afflict, or distress.

Let us make a covenant with thee, that thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee. -- Gen. xxvi. 28, 29.

Touch (v. t.) To affect with insanity, especially in a slight degree; to make partially insane; -- rarely used except in the past participle.

She feared his head was a little touched. -- Ld. Lytton.

Touch (v. t.) (Geom.) To be tangent to. See Tangent, a.

Touch (v. t.) To lay a hand upon for curing disease.

Touch (v. t.) To compare with; to be equal to; -- usually with a negative; as, he held that for good cheer nothing could touch an open fire. [Colloq.]

Touch (v. t.) To induce to give or lend; to borrow from; as, to touch one for a loan; hence, to steal from. [Slang]

To touch a sail (Naut.), To bring it so close to the wind that its weather leech shakes.

To touch the wind (Naut.), To keep the ship as near the wind as possible.

To touch up, to repair; To improve by touches or emendation.

Touch (v. i.) To be in contact; to be in a state of junction, so that no space is between; as, two spheres touch only at points. -- Johnson.

Touch (v. i.) To fasten; to take effect; to make impression. [R.]

Strong waters pierce metals, and will touch upon gold, that will not touch upon silver. -- Bacon.

Touch (v. i.) To treat anything in discourse, especially in a slight or casual manner; -- often with on or upon.

If the antiquaries have touched upon it, they Immediately quitted it. -- Addison.

Touch (v. i.) (Naut) To be brought, as a sail, so close to the wind that its weather leech shakes.

To touch and go (Naut.), To touch bottom lightly and without damage, as a vessel in motion.

To touch at, To come or go to, without tarrying; as, the ship touched at Lisbon.

To touch on or To touch upon, (a) to come or go to for a short time. [R.]

I made a little voyage round the lake, and touched on the several towns that lie on its coasts. -- Addison.

To touch on or To touch upon, (b) To discuss briefly, as only a small part of a discourse.

Touch (n.) The act of touching, or the state of being touched; contact.

Their touch affrights me as a serpent's sting. -- Shak.

Touch (n.) (Physiol.) The sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin is recognized; the sense by which the properties of bodies are determined by contact; the tactile sense. See Tactile sense, under Tactile.

The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine. -- Pope.

Note: Pure tactile feelings are necessarily rare, since temperature sensations and muscular sensations are more or less combined with them. The organs of touch are found chiefly in the epidermis of the skin and certain underlying nervous structures.

Touch (n.) Act or power of exciting emotion.

Not alone The death of Fulvia, with more urgent touches, Do strongly speak to us. -- Shak.

Touch (n.) An emotion or affection.

A true, natural, and a sensible touch of mercy. -- Hooker.

Touch (n.) Personal reference or application. [Obs.]

Speech of touch toward others should be sparingly used. -- Bacon.

Touch (n.) A stroke; as, a touch of raillery; a satiric touch; hence, animadversion; censure; reproof.

I never bare any touch of conscience with greater regret. -- Eikon Basilike.

Touch (n.) A single stroke on a drawing or a picture.

Never give the least touch with your pencil till you have well examined your design. -- Dryden.

Touch (n.) Feature; lineament; trait.

Of many faces, eyes, and hearts, To have the touches dearest prized. -- Shak.

Touch (n.) The act of the hand on a musical instrument; bence, in the plural, musical notes.

Soft stillness and the night Become the touches of sweet harmony. -- Shak.

Touch (n.) A small quantity intermixed; a little; a dash.

Eyes La touch of Sir Peter Lely in them. -- Hazlitt.

Madam, I have a touch of your condition. -- Shak.

Touch (n.) A hint; a suggestion; slight notice.

A small touch will put him in mind of them. -- Bacon.

Touch (n.) A slight and brief essay. [Colloq.]

Print my preface in such form as, in the booksellers' phrase, will make a sixpenny touch. -- Swift.

Touch (n.) A touchstone; hence, stone of the sort used for touchstone. [Obs.] " Now do I play the touch." -- Shak.

A neat new monument of touch and alabaster. -- Fuller.

Touch (n.) Hence, examination or trial by some decisive standard; test; proof; tried quality.

Equity, the true touch of all laws. -- Carew.

Friends of noble touch. -- Shak.

Touch (n.) (Mus.) The particular or characteristic mode of action, or the resistance of the keys of an instrument to the fingers; as, a heavy touch, or a light touch; also, the manner of touching, striking, or pressing the keys of a piano; as, a legato touch; a staccato touch.

Touch (n.) (Shipbilding) The broadest part of a plank worked top and but (see Top and but, under Top, n.), or of one worked anchor-stock fashion (that is, tapered from the middle to both ends); also, the angles of the stern timbers at the counters. -- J. Knowles.

Touch (n.) (Football)  That part of the field which is beyond the line of flags on either side. -- Encyc. of Rural Sports.

Touch (n.) A boys' game; tag.

Touch (n.) (Change Ringing) A set of changes less than the total possible on seven bells, that is, less than 5,040.

Touch (n.) An act of borrowing or stealing. [Slang]

Touch (n.) Tallow; -- a plumber's term. [Eng.]

In touch (a) (Football), outside of bounds. -- T. Hughes.

In touch (b) in communication; communicating, once or repeatedly.

To be in touch, (a) to be in contact, communication, or in sympathy.

To be in touch, (b) to be aware of current events.

To keep touch. (a) To be true or punctual to a promise or engagement [Obs.]; hence, to fulfill duly a function.

My mind and senses keep touch and time. -- Sir W. Scott.

To keep touch. (b) To keep in contact; to maintain connection or sympathy; -- with with or of. Also to keep in touch.

Touch and go, A phrase descriptive of a narrow escape.

True as touch (i. e., touchstone), Quite true. [Obs.]

Touchable (a.) Capable of being touched; tangible. -- Touch"a*ble*ness, n.

Touchback (n.) (Football) The act of touching the football down by a player behind his own goal line when it received its last impulse from an opponent; -- distinguished from safety touchdown.

Touch-box (n.) A box containing lighted tinder, formerly carried by soldiers who used matchlocks, to kindle the match.

Touchdown (n.) (Football) The act of touching the football down behind the opponents' goal ; also the score (6 points) resulting from such a play.

Safety touchdown. See under Safety.

Touchhole (n.) The vent of a cannot or other firearm, by which fire is communicateed to the powder of the charge.

Touchily (adv.) In a touchy manner.

Touchily (adv.) In a touchy manner; "he touchily refused all offers to help."

Touchiness (n.) The quality or state of being touchy peevishness; irritability; irascibility.

Touchiness (n.) Feeling easily irritated [syn: testiness, touchiness, tetchiness].

Touching (a.) Affecting; moving; pathetic; as, a touching tale. -- Touch"ing*ly, adv.

Touching (prep.) Concerning; with respect to.

Now, as touching things offered unto idols. -- 1 Cor. viii. 1.

Touching (n.) The sense or act of feeling; touch.

Compare: Impatiens

Impatiens (prop. n.) (Bot.) A genus of plants, several species of which have very beautiful flowers; -- so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force. Called also touch-me-not, jewelweed, and snapweed. Impatiens Balsamina (sometimes called lady'sslipper) is the common garden balsam.

Touch-me-not (n.) (Bot.) See Impatiens.

Touch-me-not (n.) (Bot.) Squirting cucumber. See under Cucumber.

Touch-needle (n.) (Metal.) A small bar of gold and silver, either pure, or alloyed in some known proportion with copper, for trying the purity of articles of gold or silver by comparison of the streaks made by the article and the bar on a touchstone.

Touch-paper (n.) Paper steeped in saltpeter, which burns slowly, and is used as a match for firing gunpowder, and the like.

Touchstone (n.) (Min.) Lydian stone; basanite; -- so called because used to test the purity of gold and silver by the streak which is left upon the stone when it is rubbed by the metal. See Basanite.

Touchstone (n.) Fig.: Any test or criterion by which the qualities of a thing are tried. -- Hooker.

The foregoing doctrine affords us also a touchstone for the trial of spirits. -- South.

Irish touchstone (Min.), Basalt, the stone which composes the Giant's Causeway.

Touchwood (n.) Wood so decayed as to serve for tinder; spunk, or punk.

Touchwood (n.) Dried fungi used as tinder; especially, the Polyporus igniarius.

Touchy (a.) Peevish; irritable; irascible; techy; apt to take fire. [Colloq.]

It may be said of Dryden that he was at no time touchy about personal attacks. -- Saintsbury.

Tough (a.) Having the quality of flexibility without brittleness; yielding to force without breaking; capable of resisting great strain; as, the ligaments of animals are remarkably tough. "Tough roots and stubs. " -- Milton.

Tough (a.) Not easily broken; able to endure hardship; firm; strong; as, tough sinews. -- Cowper.

A body made of brass, the crone demands, . . . Tough to the last, and with no toil to tire. -- Dryden.

The basis of his character was caution combined with tough tenacity of purpose. -- J. A. Symonds.

Tough (a.) Not easily separated; viscous; clammy; tenacious; as, tough phlegm.

Tough (a.) Stiff; rigid; not flexible; stubborn; as, a tough bow.

So tough a frame she could not bend.  -- Dryden.

Tough (a.) Severe; violent; as, a tough storm. [Colloq.] " A tough debate. " -- Fuller.

Tough (a.) Difficult to do, perform, or accomplish; as, a tough job.

Tough (a.) Prone to aggressive or violent behavior; rowdyish; -- of people, or groups; as, a tough neighborhood; a tough character.

To make it tough, To make it a matter of difficulty; to make it a hard matter. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

Tough (n.) A person who is tough [7]; a ruffian; a thug; as, a cluster of neighborhood toughs hanging out on the corner.

Tough-cake (n.) See Tough-pitch (b).

Tough-pitch (n.) (Metal.) (a) The exact state or quality of texture and consistency of well reduced and refined copper.

Tough-pitch (n.) (Metal.) (b) Copper so reduced; -- called also tough-cake.

Toughened (imp. & p. p.) of Toughen.

Toughening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Toughen.

Toughen (v. i. & t.) To grow or make tough, or tougher.

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