Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter T - Page 54

Tort (a.) Stretched tight; taut. [R.]

Yet holds he them with tortest rein. -- Emerson.

Tort (n.) (Law) Any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought [syn: tort, civil wrong].

Torta (n.) a flat heap of moist, crushed silver ore, prepared for the patio process.

Torteaus (n. pl. ) of Torteau.

Torteau (n.) A roundel of a red color.

Torticollis (n.) See Wryneck.

Tortile (a.) Twisted; wreathed; coiled.

Tortility (n.) The quality or state of being tortile, twisted, or wreathed.

Tortilla (n.) An unleavened cake, as of maize flour, baked on a heated iron or stone.

Tortion (n.) Torment; pain.

Tortious (a.) Injurious; wrongful.

Tortious (a.) Imploying tort, or privat injury for which the law gives damages; involing tort.

Tortiously (adv.) In a tortous manner.

Tortive (a.) Twisted; wreathed.

Tortoise (n.) (Zool.) [C] 【動】陸龜;龜,烏龜;行動遲緩的人(或物) Any one of numerous species of reptiles of the order {Testudinata}.

Note: The term is applied especially to the land and fresh-water species, while the marine species are generally called turtles, but the terms tortoise and turtle are used synonymously by many writers. See {Testudinata}, {Terrapin}, and {Turtle}.

Tortoise (n.) (Rom. Antiq.) Same as Testudo, 2.

{Box tortoise}, {Land tortoise}, etc. See under {Box}, {Land}, etc.

{Painted tortoise}. (Zool.) See {Painted turtle}, under {Painted}.

{Soft-shell tortoise}. (Zool.) See {Trionyx}.

{Spotted tortoise}. (Zool.) A small American fresh-water tortoise ({Chelopus guttatus} or {Nanemys guttatus}) having a blackish carapace on which are scattered round yellow spots.

{Tortoise beetle} (Zool.), Any one of numerous species of small tortoise-shaped beetles. Many of them have a brilliant metallic luster. The larvae feed upon the leaves of various plants, and protect themselves beneath a mass of dried excrement held over the back by means of the caudal spines. The golden tortoise beetle ({Cassida aurichalcea}) is found on the morning-glory vine and allied plants.

{Tortoise plant}. (Bot.) See {Elephant's foot}, under {Elephant}.

{Tortoise shell}, The substance of the shell or horny plates of several species of sea turtles, especially of the hawkbill turtle. It is used in inlaying and in the manufacture of various ornamental articles.

{Tortoise-shell butterfly} (Zool.), Any one of several species of handsomely colored butterflies of the genus {Aglais}, as {Aglais Milberti}, and {Aglais urticae}, both of which, in the larva state, feed upon nettles.

{Tortoise-shell turtle} (Zool.), The hawkbill turtle. See {Hawkbill}.

Tortoise (n.) Usually herbivorous land turtles having clawed elephant- like limbs; worldwide in arid area except Australia and Antarctica.

Tortoise (n.) (Heb. tsabh). Ranked among the unclean animals (Lev. 11:29). Land tortoises are common in Syria. The LXX. renders the word by "land crocodile." The word, however, more probably denotes a lizard, called by the modern Arabs _dhabb_.

Tortoise (n.) Having a color like that of a tortoise's shell, black with white and orange spots; -- used mostly to describe cats of that color.

Tortoise (n.) A tortoise-shell cat.

Tortricid (a.) Of or pertaining to Tortix, or the family Tortricidae.

Tortrix (n.) Any one of numerous species of small moths of the family Tortricidae, the larvae of which usually roll up the leaves of plants on which they live; -- also called leaf roller.

Tortrix (n.) A genus of tropical short-tailed snakes, which are not venomous. One species (Tortrix scytalae) is handsomely banded with black, and is sometimes worn alive by the natives of Brazil for a necklace.

Tortulous (a.) Swelled out at intervals like a knotted cord.

Tortuose (a.) Wreathed; twisted; winding.

Tortuoslty (n.) the quality or state of being tortuous.

Tortuous (a.) Bent in different directions; wreathed; twisted; winding; as, a tortuous train; a tortuous train; a tortuous leaf or corolla.

Tortuous (a.) Fig.: Deviating from rectitude; indirect; erroneous; deceitful.

Tortuous (a.) Injurious: tortious.

Tortuous (a.) Oblique; -- applied to the six signs of the zodiac (from Capricorn to Gemini) which ascend most rapidly and obliquely.

Torturable (a.) Capable of being tortured.

Tortured (imp. & p. p.) of Torture.

Torturing. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Torture.

Torture (v. t.) 拷打;拷問 [O] [O2];折磨;使為難 [H] [+with/ by];歪曲;扭曲 To put to torture; to pain extremely; to harass; to vex.

Torture (v. t.) To punish with torture; to put to the rack; as, to torture an accused person. -- Shak.

Torture (v. t.) To wrest from the proper meaning; to distort. -- Jar. Taylor.

Torture (v. t.) To keep on the stretch, as a bow. [Obs.]

The bow tortureth the string. -- Bacon.

Torture (n.) 拷打,酷刑;拷問[U];折磨,痛苦 [C] [U] [+of] [+to-v];歪曲;扭曲 [U] Extreme pain; anguish of body or mind; pang; agony; torment; as, torture of mind. -- Shak.

Ghastly spasm or racking torture. -- Milton.

Torture (n.) Especially, severe pain inflicted judicially, either as punishment for a crime, or for the purpose of extorting a confession from an accused person, as by water or fire, by the boot or thumbkin, or by the rack or wheel.

Torture (n.) The act or process of torturing.

Torture, which had always been deciared illegal, and which had recently been declared illegal even by the servile judges of that age, was inflicted for the last time in England in the month of May, 1640. -- Macaulay.

Torture (n.) Extreme mental distress [syn: anguish, torment, torture].

Torture (n.) Unbearable physical pain [syn: torture, torment].

Torture (n.) Intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned" [syn: agony, torment, torture].

Torture (n.) The act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean [syn: distortion, overrefinement, straining, torture, twisting].

Torture (n.) The deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason; "it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession" [syn: torture, torturing].

Torture (v.) Torment emotionally or mentally [syn: torment, torture, excruciate, rack].

Torture (v.) Subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible" [syn: torture, excruciate, torment].

Torture, () Punishments. A punishment inflicted in some countries on supposed criminals to induce them to confess their crimes, and to reveal their associates.

Torture, () This absurd and tyrannical practice never was in use in the United States; for no man is bound to accuse himself. An attempt to torture a person accused of crime, in order to extort a confession, is an indictable offence. 2 Tyler, 380. Vide Question.

Torture (n.) (C2) [ U ] 拷打;拷問;折磨;虐待 The act of causing great physical or mental pain in order to persuade someone to do something or to give information, or to be cruel to a person or animal.

// Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation.

// He revealed the secret under torture.

Torture (n.) (C1) [ C or U ] (Informal) 折磨,煎熬 A very unpleasant experience.

// The rush-hour traffic was sheer torture as usual.

Torture (v.) [ T ] (C2) 拷打;拷問;折磨;虐待 To cause great physical or mental pain to someone intentionally.

// It is claimed that the officers tortured a man to death in a city police station.

Torture (v.) 使精神上受到折磨;使痛苦;使苦惱 To cause mental pain.

// He tortured himself for years with the thought that he could have stopped the boy from running into the road.

Torturer (n.) 拷問者;拷打者;酷刑逼供者 One who tortures; a tormentor.

Torturingly (adv.) So as to torture.

Torturous (a.) Involving, or pertaining to, torture.

Torturous (a.) 拷問 [拷打] 的;痛苦的 Involving a lot of suffering or difficulty.

// The torturous path to passing the bill.

Torulae (n. pl. ) of Torula.

Torula (n.) A chain of special bacteria. (b) A genus of budding fungi. Same as Saccharomyces. Also used adjectively.

Torulaform (a.) Having the appearance of a torula; in the form of a little chain; as, a torulaform string of micrococci.

Torulose (a.) Same as Torose.

Torulous (a.) Same as Torose.

Tori (n. pl. ) of Torus.

Torus (n.) A lage molding used in the bases of columns. Its profile is semicircular. See Illust. of Molding.

Torus (n.) One of the ventral parapodia of tubicolous annelids. It usually has the form of an oblong thickening or elevation of the integument with rows of uncini or hooks along the center. See Illust. under Tubicolae.

Torus (n.) The receptacle, or part of the flower on which the carpels stand.

Torus (n.) See 3d Tore, 2.

Torved (a.) Stern; grim. See Torvous.

Torvity (a.) Sourness or severity of countenance; sterness.

Torvous (a.) Sour of aspect; of a severe countenance; stern; grim.

Tories (n. pl. ) of Tory.

Tory (n.) A member of the conservative party, as opposed to the progressive party which was formerly called the Whig, and is now called the Liberal, party; an earnest supporter of exsisting royal and ecclesiastical authority.

Tory (n.) One who, in the time of the Revolution, favored submitting tothe claims of Great Britain against the colonies; an adherent tothe crown.

Tory (a.) Of ro pertaining to the Tories.

Toryism (n.) The principles of the Tories.

Toscatter (v. t.) To scatter in pieces; to divide.

Tose (v. t.) To tease, or comb, as wool.

Tosh (a.) Neat; trim.

Toshred (v. t.) To cut into shreads or pieces.

Tossed (imp. & p. p.) of Toss.

Tost () of Toss.

Tossing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Toss.

Toss (v. t.) To throw with the hand; especially, to throw with the palm of the hand upward, or to throw upward; as, to toss a ball.

Toss (v. t.) To lift or throw up with a sudden or violent motion; as, to toss the head.

Toss (v. t.) To cause to rise and fall; as, a ship tossed on the waves in a storm.

Toss (v. t.) To agitate; to make restless.

Toss (v. t.) Hence, to try; to harass.

Toss (v. t.) To keep in play; to tumble over; as, to spend four years in tossing the rules of grammar.

Toss (v. i.) To roll and tumble; to be in violent commotion; to write; to fling.

Toss (v. i.) To be tossed, as a fleet on the ocean.

Toss (n.) A throwing upward, or with a jerk; the act of tossing; as, the toss of a ball.

Toss (n.) A throwing up of the head; a particular manner of raising the head with a jerk.

Tossel (n.) See Tassel.

Tosser (n.) Ohe who tosser.

Tossily (adv.) In a tossy manner.

Tossing (n.) The act of throwing upward; a rising and falling suddenly; a rolling and tumbling.

Tossing (n.) A process which consists in washing ores by violent agitation in water, in order to separate the lighter or earhy particles; -- called also tozing, and treloobing, in Cornwall.

Tossing (n.) A process for refining tin by dropping it through the air while melted.

Tosspot (n.) A toper; one habitually given to strong drink; a drunkard.

Tossy (a.) Tossing the head, as in scorn or pride; hence, proud; contemptuous; scornful; affectedly indifferent; as, a tossy commonplace.

Tost () imp. & p. p. of Toss.

Tosto (a.) Quick; rapid.

Toswink (v. i.) To labor excessively.

Tot (n.) Anything small; -- frequently applied as a term of endearment to a little child.

Tot (n.) A drinking cup of small size, holding about half a pint.

Tot (n.) A foolish fellow.

Tota (n.) The grivet.

Total (a.) Whole; not divided; entire; full; complete; absolute; as, a total departure from the evidence; a total loss.

Total (n.) The whole; the whole sum or amount; as, these sums added make the grand total of five millions.

Totalitarian (a.) (Disapproving) (C2) 極權主義的 Of or being a political system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow people freedom to oppose them.

// A totalitarian regime/ state.

Totality (n.) The quality or state of being total; as, the totality of an eclipse.

Totality (n.) The whole sum; the whole quantity or amount; the entirety; as, the totalityof human knowledge.

Totality (n.) [ U ] (Formal) 全部;整個 The whole of something.

// We need to consider this very serious issue in its totality.

Totalize (v. t.) To make total, or complete; to reduce to completeness.

Totally (adv.) In a total manner; wholly; entirely.

Totalness (n.) The quality or state of being total; entireness; totality.

Toted (imp. & p. p.) of Tote.

Toting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Tote.

Tote (v. t.) To carry or bear; as, to tote a child over a stream; to tote a gun on one's hip; -- a colloquial word originating in the Southern States, and used there esp. by negroes, now common throughout the U. S.

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