Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter P - Page 90
Polycystine (n.) (Zool.) One of the Polycystina.
Polycyttaria (n. pl.) (Zool.) A division of Radiolaria. It includes those having one more central capsules.
Polydactylism (n.) (Anat.) The possession of more that the normal number of digits.
Polydipsia (n.) (Med.) Excessive and constant thirst occasioned by disease.
Polydipsia (n.) Excessive thirst (as in cases of diabetes or kidney dysfunction).
Polyedron (n.) See Polyhedron.
Polyedrous (a.) See Polyhedral.
Polyeidic (a.) (Zool.) Passing through several distinct larval forms; -- having several distinct kinds of young.
Polyeidism (n.) (Zool.) The quality or state of being polyeidic.
Polyembryonate (a.) (Bot.) Consisting of, or having, several embryos; polyembryonic.
Polyembryonic (a.) (Bot.) Polyembryonate.
Polyembryony (n.) (Bot.) The production of two or more embryos in one seed, due either to the existence and fertilization of more than one embryonic sac or to the origination of embryos outside of the embryonic sac.
Polyester (n.) 聚酯纖維 Any of numerous synthetic resins; they are light and strong and weather resistant.
Polyester (n.) A complex ester used for making fibers or resins or plastics or as a plasticizer.
Polyester (n.) Any of a large class of synthetic fabrics.
Polyfoil (n.) (Arch.) Same as Multifoil.
Compare: Multifoil
Multifoil (n.) (Arch.) 【建】多葉飾 An ornamental foliation consisting of more than five divisions or foils. [R.] See Foil.
Multifoil (a.) Having more than five divisions or foils.
Polygala (n.) 遠志屬(學名:Polygala)是遠志科下的一個屬,為草本植物,少數為亞灌木植物。該屬共有約600種,分布於全世界。[1] 屬名Polygala由希臘語polys(多的)和gala(乳)合成,指屬內某些種具有催乳的作用。 A genus of bitter herbs or shrubs having eight stamens and a two-celled ovary (as the Seneca snakeroot, the flowering wintergreen, etc.); milkwort.
Polygala (n.) Type genus of the Polygalaceae: milkwort; senega; snakeroot [syn: Polygala, genus Polygala].
Polygalaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants ({Polygalaceae) of which Polygala is the type.
Polygalic (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, Polygala; specifically, designating an acrid glucoside (called polygalic acid, senegin, etc.), resembling, or possibly identical with, saponin.
Polygamia (n. pl.) (Bot.) A Linnaean class of plants, characterized by having both hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same plant.
Polygamia (n. pl.) (Bot.) A name given by Linnaeus to file orders of plants having syngenesious flowers.
Polygamian (a.) (Bot.) Polygamous.
Polygamist (n.) 一夫多妻論者;一妻多夫論者;一夫多妻者;一妻多夫者 One who practices polygamy, or maintains its lawfulness.
Polygamist (n.) Someone who is married to two or more people at the same time.
Polygamize (v. i.) To practice polygamy; to marry several wives. -- Sylvester. Coleridge.
Polygamous (a.) 一夫多妻的;一妻多夫的 Of or pertaining to polygamy; characterized by, or involving, polygamy; having a plurality of wives; as, polygamous marriages; -- opposed to monogamous.
Polygamous (a.) (Zool.) Pairing with more than one female.
Most deer, cattle, and sheep are polygamous. -- Darwin.
Polygamous (a.) (Bot.) Belonging to the Polygamia; bearing both hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same plant.
Polygamous (a.) Having more than one mate at a time; used of relationships and individuals [ant: monogamous].
Polygamous (a.) Having several forms of gametoecia on the same plant [syn: heteroicous, polyoicous, polygamous].
Polygamy (n.) 一夫多妻(制);一妻多夫(制);【植】雌雄混株 The having of a plurality of wives or husbands at the same time; usually, the marriage of a man to more than one woman, or the practice of having several wives, at the same time; -- opposed to monogamy; as, the nations of the East practiced polygamy. See the Note under Bigamy, and cf. Polyandry.
Polygamy (n.) (Zool.) The state or habit of having more than one mate.
Polygamy (n.) (Bot.) The condition or state of a plant which bears both perfect and unisexual flowers.
Polygamy (n.) Having more than one spouse at a time.
Polygamy, () crim. law. The act of a person who, knowing he has two or more wives, or she has two or more husbands living, marries another. It differs from bigamy. (q.v.) Com. Dig. Justices, S 5, Dict. de Jur. h.t.
Polygamy (n.) A house of atonement, or expiatory chapel, fitted with several stools of repentance, as distinguished from monogamy, which has but one.
Polygastrian (n.) (Zool.) One of the Polygastrica. [Obs.]
Polygastric (a.) (Anat.) 多胃的 Having several bellies; -- applied to muscles which are made up of several bellies separated by short tendons.
Polygastric (a.) (Zool.) Pertaining to the Polygastrica. [Obs.]
Polygastric (n.) (Zool.) One of the Polygastrica.
Polygastrica (n. pl.) (Zool.) The Infusoria. [Obs.] Polygenesis
Polygenesis (n.) Alt. of Polygeny.
Polygeny (n.) (Biol.) 多元發生說 The theory that living organisms originate in cells or embryos of different kinds, instead of coming from a single cell; -- opposed to monogenesis.
Compare: Monogenesis
Monogenesis (n.) 一元發生說;無性生殖 Oneness of origin; esp. (Biol.), development of all beings in the universe from a single cell; -- opposed to polygenesis. Called also monism. -- Dana. -- Haeckel.
Monogenesis (n.) (Biol.) That form of reproduction which requires but one parent, as in reproduction by fission or in the formation of buds, etc., which drop off and form new individuals; asexual reproduction. -- Haeckel.
Monogenesis (n.) (Biol.) The direct development of an embryo, without metamorphosis, into an organism similar to the parent organism; -- opposed to metagenesis. -- E. van Beneden.
Monogenesis (n.) Asexual reproduction by the production and release of spores [syn: monogenesis, sporulation].
Polygenetic (a.) Having many distinct sources; originating at various places or times.
Polygenetic (a.) (Biol.) Of or pertaining to polygenesis; polyphyletic.
Polygenetic mountain range (Geol.), One which is composite, or consists of two or more monogenetic ranges, each having had its own history of development. -- Dana.
Polygenic (a.) (Biol.) Of or relating to polygeny; polygenetic.
Polygenic (a.) Of or relating to an inheritable character that is controlled by several genes at once; of or related to or determined by polygenes.
Polygenism (n.) (Biol.) The doctrine that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair.
Polygenist (n.) (Biol.) One who maintains that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair; -- opposed to monogenist.
Polygenous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, many kinds; as, a polygenous mountain. -- Kirwan.
Polyglot (a.) 會使用數種語言的;用數種語言書寫(或印刷)的 Containing, or made up, of, several languages; as, a polyglot lexicon, Bible.
Polyglot (a.) Versed in, or speaking, many languages.
Polyglot (n.) 精通數國語言的人;數種文字的對照本 One who speaks several languages. [R.] "A polyglot, or good linguist." -- Howell.
Polyglot (n.) A book containing several versions of the same text, or containing the same subject matter in several languages; esp., the Scriptures in several languages.
Enriched by the publication of polyglots. -- Abp. Newcome.
Polyglot (a.) Having a command of or composed in many languages; "a polyglot traveler"; "a polyglot Bible contains versions in different languages."
Polyglot (n.) A person who speaks more than one language [syn: linguist, polyglot].
Polyglotism (n.) 多語能通主義(英文:Polyglotism)一詞是指通曉多門語言的能力以及主張學習多門語言的立場等 Polyglotism or polyglottism [1] Is the ability to master, or the state of having mastered, multiple languages. The word is a synonym of multilingualism, but, in recent usage, polyglot is sometimes used to refer to a person who learns multiple languages as an avocation. [2] [3] The term hyperpolyglot was coined in 2008 by linguist Richard Hudson to describe individuals who speak–to some degree–dozens of languages. [4]
Multilingualism, including multilingual societies as well as individuals who speak more than one language, is common. Individual polyglots or hyperpolyglots speak, study, or use large numbers of languages. In rare cases polyglot savants have mental disabilities but are able to learn many languages.
Polyglotism (n.) (Variants or polyglottism) The use of many languages .
Polyglotism (n.) The ability to speak many languages.
Polyglottous (a.) Speaking many languages; polyglot. [R.] "The polyglottous tribes of America." -- Max M["u]ller.
Polygon (n.) (Geom.) 多邊形;多角形 A plane figure having many angles, and consequently many sides; esp., one whose perimeter consists of more than four sides; any figure having many angles.
Polygon of forces (Mech.), A polygonal figure, the sides of which, taken successively, represent, in length and direction, several forces acting simultaneously upon one point, so that the side necessary to complete the figure represents the resultant of those forces. Cf. Parallelogram of forces, under Parallelogram.
Polygon (n.) 多邊形;多角形 A closed plane figure bounded by straight sides [syn: polygon, polygonal shape].
Polygonaceous (a.) (Bot.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of apetalous plants ({Polygonaceae), of which the knotweeds (species of Polygonum) are the type, and which includes also the docks ({Rumex), the buckwheat, rhubarb, sea grape ({Coccoloba), and several other genera.
Polygonal (a.) 多邊形的;多角形的 Having many angles.
Polygonal numbers, Certain figurate numbers. See under Figurate.
Polygonal (a.) Having many sides or relating to a surface marked by polygons; "polygonal structure."
Polygoneutic (a.) (Zool.) Having two or more broods in a season.
Polygonometry (n.) 導線測量;多角法 The doctrine of polygons; an extension of some of the principles of trigonometry to the case of polygons.
Polygonous (a.) Polygonal.
Compare: Polygonal
Polygonal (a.) 多邊形的;多角形的 Having many angles.
Polygonal numbers, Certain figurate numbers. See under Figurate.
Polygonal (a.) Having many sides or relating to a surface marked by polygons; "polygonal structure."
Polygonum (n.) (Bot.) A genus of plants embracing a large number of species, including bistort, knotweed, smartweed, etc.
Polygonum (n.) Diverse genus of herbs or woody subshrubs of north temperate regions [syn: Polygonum, genus Polygonum].
Polygony (n.) (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Polygonum.
Polygordius (n.) (Zool.) A genus of marine annelids, believed to be an ancient or ancestral type. It is remarkable for its simplicity of structure and want of parapodia. It is the type of the order Archiannelida, or Gymnotoma. See Loeven's larva.
Polygram (n.) 多字母;多字母組;多邊圖形 A figure consisting of many lines. [R.] -- Barlow.
Polygraph (n.) An instrument for multiplying copies of a writing; a manifold writer; a copying machine.
Polygraph (n.) In bibliography, a collection of different works, either by one or several authors. -- Brande & C. Polygraphic
Polygraph (n.) A medical instrument that records several physiological processes simultaneously (e.g., pulse rate and blood pressure and respiration and perspiration).
Polygraph (n.) An instrument for detecting deceptive statements by a subject, by measuring several physiological states of the subject, such as pulse, heartbeat, and sweating. The instrument records these parameters on a strip of paper while the subject is asked questions designed to elicit emotional responses when the subject tries to deceive the interrogator. Also called lie detector
Polygraphic (a.) Alt. of Polygraphical.
Polygraphical (a.) Pertaining to, or employed in, polygraphy; as, a polygraphic instrument.
Polygraphical (a.) Done with a polygraph; as, a polygraphic copy.
Polygraphy (n.) Much writing; writing of many books. [Obs.] -- Fuller.
Polygraphy (n.) The art of writing in various ciphers, and of deciphering the same. [R.]
Polygraphy (n.) The art or practice of using a polygraph.
Polygrooved (a.) Having many grooves; as, a polygrooved rifle or gun (referring to the rifling).
Polygyn (n.) (Bot.) A plant of the order Polygynia.
Polygynia (n. pl.) (Bot.) A Linnaean order of plants having many styles. Polygynian
Polygynian (a.) Alt. of Polygynous.
Polygynous (a.) (Bot.) Having many styles; belonging to the order Polygynia.
Polygynist (n.) One who practices or advocates polygyny. -- H. Spenser.
Polygynist (n.) A man with two or more wives.
Polygyny (n.) The state or practice of having several wives at the same time; marriage to several wives. -- H. Spenser.
Polygyny (n.) Having more than one wife at a time.
Polyhalite (n.) (Min.) A mineral usually occurring in fibrous masses, of a brick-red color, being tinged with iron, and consisting chiefly of the sulphates of lime, magnesia, and soda. Polyhedral
Polyhedral (a.) Alt. of Polyhedrical.
Polyhedrical (a.) (Geom.) 多面的;多面體的 Having many sides, as a solid body.
Polyhedral angle, An angle bounded by three or more plane angles having a common vertex.
Polyhedral angle (n.) The space enclosed by three or more planes that intersect in a vertex.
Polyhedral (a.) Of or relating to or resembling a polyhedron.
Polyhedrons (n. pl. ) of Polyhedron.
Polyhedra (n. pl. ) of Polyhedron.
Polyhedron (n.) (Geom.) 多面體;多角體 A body or solid contained by many sides or planes.
Polyhedron (n.) (Opt.) A polyscope, or multiplying glass.
Polyhedron (n.) A solid figure bounded by plane polygons or faces.
Polyhedrous (a.) Polyhedral.
Polyhistor (n.) One versed in various learning. [R.]
Polyhymnia (n.) (Anc. Myth.) The Muse of lyric poetry.
Polyhymnia (n.) (Greek mythology) The Muse of singing and mime and sacred dance.
Polyiodide (n.) (Chem.) A iodide having more than one atom of iodine in the molecule.
Polylogy (n.) Talkativeness. [R.]
Comppare: Talkative
Talkative (a.) 喜歡說話的;饒舌的,多嘴的 Given to much talking.
Syn: Garrulous; loquacious. See Garrulous. -- Talk"a*tive*ly, adv. -- Talk"a*tive*ness, n.
Talkative (a.) Full of trivial conversation; "kept from her housework by gabby neighbors" [syn: chatty, gabby, garrulous, loquacious, talkative, talky].
Talkative (a.) Unwisely talking too much [syn: bigmouthed, blabbermouthed, blabby, talkative].
Talkative (a.) Friendly and open and willing to talk; "wine made the guest expansive" [syn: expansive, talkative].
Compare: Talkativeness
Talkativeness (n.) 愛說話;饒舌 The quality of being wordy and talkative [syn: garrulity, garrulousness, loquaciousness, loquacity, talkativeness].
Polyloquent (a.) Garrulous; loquacious. [R.]
Polymastism (n.) (Anat.) The condition of having more than two mammae, or breasts.
Polymath (n.) 博學之人 A person of great and varied learning.
Polymath (n.) A person of wide knowledge or learning.
‘A Renaissance polymath.’
Polymathic (a.) 博學的 Pertaining to polymathy; acquainted with many branches of learning.
Polymathist (n.) One versed in many sciences; a person of various learning.
Polymathist (n.) One versed in many sciences; a person of diverse learning.
Polymathy (n.) 博學;博識;通才 The knowledge of many arts and sciences; variety of learning. --Johnson.
Polymeniscous (a.) (Zool.) Having numerous facets; -- said of the compound eyes of insects and crustaceans.
Polymer (n.) (Chem.) 【化】聚合物 Any one of two or more substances related to each other by polymerism; specifically, a substance produced from another substance by chemical polymerization. [Formerly also written polymere.]
Polymer (n.) A naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers.
Polymeric (a.) (Chem.) 【化】聚合的;聚合體的 Having the same percentage composition (that is, having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight), but different molecular weights; -- often used with with; thus, cyanic acid ({CNOH), fulminic acid ({C2N2O2H2}), and cyanuric acid ({C3N3O3H3), are polymeric with each other.
Note: The figures expressing the number of atoms of each element in a number of polymeric substances are respectively multiples and factors of each other, or have some simple common divisor. The relation may be merely a numerical one, as in the example given above, or a chemical one, as in the case of aldehyde paraldehyde, and metaldehyde.
Polymeric (a.) Of or relating to or consisting of a polymer; "a polymeric compound."
Polymerism (n.) (Chem.) 聚合性;[高分子] 聚合現象 The state, quality, or relation of two or more polymeric substances.
Polymerism (n.) (Chem.) The act or process of forming polymers.
Polymerization (n.) (Chem.) 【化】聚合作用 The act or process of changing to a polymeric form; the condition resulting from such change.
Polymerization (n.) A chemical process that combines several monomers to form a polymer or polymeric compound [syn: polymerization, polymerisation].
Polymerize (v. t.) (Chem.) To cause polymerization of; to produce polymers from; to increase the molecular weight of, without changing the atomic proportions; thus, certain acids polymerize aldehyde.
Polymerize (v. i.) (Chem.) 【化】(使)聚合,(使)成同式異量 To change into another substance having the same atomic proportions, but a higher molecular weight; to undergo polymerization; thus, aldehyde polymerizes in forming paraldehyde.
Polymerize (v.) Cause (a compound) to polymerize [syn: polymerize, polymerise].
Polymerize (v.) Undergo polymerization [syn: polymerize, polymerise].
Polymerous (a.) (Bot.) Having many parts or members in each set. -- Gray.
Polymerous (a.) (Chem.) Polymeric. [Obs.]
Polymnia (n.) See Polyhymnia.
Polymnite (n.) (Min.) A stone marked with dendrites and black lines, and so disposed as to represent rivers, marshes, etc.
Polymorph (n.) (Crystallog.) 多形體;同質異像體
A substance capable of crystallizing in several distinct forms; also, any one of these forms. Cf. Allomorph.
Compare: Crystallography
Crystallography (n.). 結晶學The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation.
Crystallography (n.) A discourse or treatise on crystallization.
Polymorph (n.) An organism that can assume more than one adult form as in the castes of ants or termites.