Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 1

A ()  The first letter of the English and of many other alphabets. The capital A of the alphabets of Middle and Western Europe, as also the small letter (a), besides the forms in Italic, black letter, etc., are all descended from the old Latin A, which was borrowed from the Greek Alpha, of the same form; and this was made from the first letter (/) of the Phoenician alphabet, the equivalent of the Hebrew Aleph, and itself from the Egyptian origin. The Aleph was a consonant letter, with a guttural breath sound that was not an element of Greek articulation; and the Greeks took it to represent their vowel Alpha with the a sound, the Phoenician alphabet having no vowel symbols.

A () The name of the sixth tone in the model major scale (that in C), or the first tone of the minor scale, which is named after it the scale in A minor. The second string of the violin is tuned to the A in the treble staff. -- A sharp (A/) is the name of a musical tone intermediate between A and B. -- A flat (A/) is the name of a tone intermediate between A and G.

A () An adjective, commonly called the indefinite article, and signifying one or any, but less emphatically.

A () In each; to or for each; as, "twenty leagues a day", "a hundred pounds a year", "a dollar a yard", etc.

A (prep.) In; on; at; by.

A (prep.) In process of; in the act of; into; to; -- used with verbal substantives in -ing which begin with a consonant. This is a shortened form of the preposition an (which was used before the vowel sound); as in a hunting, a building, a begging.

A () Of. [Obs.] "The name of John a Gaunt." "What time a day is it ?" -- Shak. "It's six a clock." -- B. Jonson.

A () A barbarous corruption of have, of he, and sometimes of it and of they. "So would I a done" "A brushes his hat." -- Shak.

A () An expletive, void of sense, to fill up the meter.

A merry heart goes all the day, Your sad tires in a mile-a. -- Shak.

A- () A, as a prefix to English words, is derived from various sources. (1) It frequently signifies on or in (from an, a forms of AS. on), denoting a state, as in afoot, on foot, abed, amiss, asleep, aground, aloft, away (AS. onweg), and analogically, ablaze, atremble, etc. (2) AS. of off, from, as in adown (AS. ofd/ne off the dun or hill). (3) AS. a- (Goth. us-, ur-, Ger. er-), usually giving an intensive force, and sometimes the sense of away, on, back, as in arise, abide, ago. (4) Old English y- or i- (corrupted from the AS. inseparable particle ge-, cognate with OHG. ga-, gi-, Goth. ga-), which, as a prefix, made no essential addition to the meaning, as in aware. (5) French a (L. ad to), as in abase, achieve. (6) L. a, ab, abs, from, as in avert. (7) Greek insep. prefix / without, or privative, not, as in abyss, atheist; akin to E. un-.

A 1 () A registry mark given by underwriters (as at Lloyd's) to ships in first-class condition. Inferior grades are indicated by A 2 and A 3.

Aam (n.) A Dutch and German measure of liquids, varying in different cities, being at Amsterdam about 41 wine gallons, at Antwerp 36 1/2, at Hamburg 38 1/4.

Aardvark (n.) (Zool.) 【動】土豚,非洲食蟻獸 [C] An edentate mammal, of the genus {Orycteropus} ({Orycteropus afer}), somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of Southern Africa. It is a nocturnal ungulate, burrows in the ground with its powerful claws, and feeds entirely on ants and termites, which it catches with its long, extensile, slimy tongue. It is the sole extant representative of the order {Tubulidentata}. [Spelled also {Aard-vark}.].

Aardvark (n.) Nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata [syn: {aardvark}, {ant bear}, {anteater}, {Orycteropus afer}].

Aardvark (n.) 土豚(學名:Orycteropus afer)又稱蟻熊或土豬,是管齒目土豚科現存的唯一物種,屬土豚屬 [1],是一種孑遺生物。 The aardvark is a medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa. [2] It is the only living species of the order Tubulidentata, [3] [4] although other prehistoric species and genera of Tubulidentata are known. Unlike other insectivores, it has a long pig-like snout, which is used to sniff out food. It roams over most of the southern two-thirds of the African continent, avoiding areas that are mainly rocky. A nocturnal feeder, it subsists on ants and termites, which it will dig out of their hills using its sharp claws and powerful legs. It also digs to create burrows in which to live and rear its young. It receives a "least concern" rating from the IUCN, although its numbers seem to be decreasing.

Aardwolf (n.) 【動】土狼 (南非產的鬣狗) (Zool.) A carnivorous quadruped (Proteles Lalandii), of South Africa, resembling the fox and hyena. See Proteles.

Aardwolf (n.) Striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chiefly on insects [syn: {aardwolf}, {Proteles cristata}].

Aaronic (a.) 祭司的;亞倫 () 的;亞倫後裔的;利未人的;初級教士的...  Alt. of Aaronical

Aaronical (a.) Pertaining to Aaron, the first high priest of the Jews.

Aaron's rod (n.) A rod with one serpent twined around it, thus differing from the caduceus of Mercury, which has two.

Aaron's rod (n.) A plant with a tall flowering stem; esp. the great mullein, or hag-taper, and the golden-rod.

Aaron's rod (n.) 亞倫杖(英語:Aaron's rod)指任何由摩西之兄亞倫所使用的手杖。根據《希伯來聖經·民數記》第17章第1-11節,亞倫的手杖與摩西杖一樣具有神奇的能力,而這能力在出埃及之前的十災時被賦與。它曾被摩西放在約櫃之前,並因此而發芽、開花和結果子。這亞倫杖後來成為了猶太教的特殊聖物。後世人利用名貴的材料仿造,飾之以藍寶石,並在杖上刻有亞倫的名,用以代表利未支派。

Aaron's rod refers to any of the staves carried by Moses's brother, Aaron, in the Torah. The Bible tells how, along with Moses's rod, Aaron's rod was endowed with miraculous power during the Plagues of Egypt that preceded the Exodus. There are two occasions where the Bible tells of the rod's power.

Ab- () A prefix in many words of Latin origin. It signifies from, away , separating, or departure, as in abduct, abstract, abscond. See A-(6).

Ab (n.) The fifth month of the Jewish year according to the ecclesiastical reckoning, the eleventh by the civil computation, coinciding nearly with August.

Abaca (n.) 馬尼麻 The Manila-hemp plant (Musa textilis); also, its fiber. See Manila hemp under Manila.

Compare: Hemp

Hemp (n.) [ U ] 麻類植物(其中有些可以用來製繩或粗布,有些可以用來提取毒品大麻) A family of plants, some of which are used to make rope and strong, rough cloth and others of which are used to produce the drug cannabis.

Abacinate (v. t.) To blind by a red-hot metal plate held before the eyes. [R.]

Abacinate (v.) Blind by holding a red-hot metal plate before someone's eyes; "The prisoners were abacinated by their captors".

Abacination (n.) The act of abacinating. [R.]

Abaciscus (n.) 嵌飾,嵌工用的石 []  One of the tiles or squares of a tessellated pavement; an abaculus.

Abacist (n.) 使用算盤者 One who uses an abacus in casting accounts; a calculator.

Aback (adv.) 向後地,朝後地 Toward the back or rear; backward.

Aback (adv.) 【古】向後;在後;【海】處於頂風位置;猝不及防地 Behind; in the rear.

Aback (adv.) Backward against the mast; -- said of the sails when pressed by the wind.

Aback (n.) An abacus.

Aback (adv.) Be taken aback 大吃一驚;震驚 To be very shocked or surprised.

// I was somewhat taken aback by her honesty.

Abactinal (a.) 無觸角的,無鰭鬚的;(指身體各部分呈放射性對稱狀動物) 離輻的,反口的...  Pertaining to the surface or end opposite to the mouth in a radiate animal; -- opposed to actinal.

Compare: Actinal

Actinal (a.) 【動】(對稱放射形動物) 口的,口部的,口側的;有觸手的 Belonging to the part of a radiate animal from which the tentacles or arms radiate and where the mouth is situated often used as an equivalent of oral. -- Actinally (adv.)

Abaction (n.) [] 盜竊家畜 Stealing cattle on a large scale.

Abactor (n.) 盜竊成群家畜者 One who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds or droves. [Obs.]

Abaculi (n. pl. ) of Abaculus

Abaculus (n.) 鑲嵌用的小石 [玻璃] 磚,嵌塊 A small tile of glass, marble, or other substance, of various colors, used in making ornamental patterns in mosaic pavements.

Abacuses (n. pl. ) of Abacus.

Abaci (n. pl. ) of Abacus.

Abacus (n.) 算盤 A table or tray strewn with sand, anciently used for drawing, calculating, etc. [Obs.]

Abacus (n.) A calculating table or frame; an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires, or counters in grooves, the lowest line representing units, the second line, tens, etc. It is still employed in China.

Abacus (n.) The uppermost member or division of the capital of a column, immediately under the architrave. See Column.

Abacus (n.) A tablet, panel, or compartment in ornamented or mosaic work.

Abacus (n.) A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments, for holding cups, bottles, or the like; a kind of cupboard, buffet, or sideboard.

Abacus (n.) A tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave.

Abacus (n.) A calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves.

Abacus (n.) [ C ] (Counting tool) 算盤 A square or rectangular frame holding an arrangement of small balls on metal rods or wires, used for counting or for doing calculations.

Abada (n.) The rhinoceros.

Abaddon (n.) 地獄;魔鬼 The destroyer, or angel of the bottomless pit; -- the same as Apollyon and Asmodeus.

Abaddon (n.) Hell; the bottomless pit.

Abaft (prep.) 【船】在……後面;在……的近船尾處 Behind; toward the stern from; as, abaft the wheelhouse.

Abaft (adv.) 【船】在船尾;向船尾 Toward the stern; aft; as, to go abaft.

Abaft (adv.) At or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane; "stow the luggage aft"; "ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft"; "the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about" [syn: {aft}, {abaft}, {astern}] [ant: {fore}, {forward}].

Abaisance (n.) Obeisance. [Obs.] -- Jonson.

Compare: Obeisance

Obeisance (n.)  [ C  or  U ]  (Formal) 敬仰;恭敬;鞠躬,敬禮 The  fact  of  obeying  or respecting  someone, or something you do that expresses  this.

// One by one the  noblemen  made  their obeisances  (=  bent  at the  waist)  to  the  queen.

Abaiser (n.) Ivory black or animal charcoal. -- Weale.

Abaist (p. p.) Abashed; confounded; discomfited. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

Abalienate (v. t.) 【律】讓渡(產權等) To transfer the title of from one to another; to alienate.

Abalienate (v. t.) To estrange; to withdraw.

Abalienate (v. t.) To cause alienation of (mind).

Abalienation (n.) 讓渡;精神錯亂狀態;精神紊亂 The act of abalienating; alienation; estrangement.

Abalone (n.) 【動】鮑魚 A univalve mollusk of the genus Haliotis. The shell is lined with mother-of-pearl, and used for ornamental purposes; the sea-ear. Several large species are found on the coast of California, clinging closely to the rocks.

Abalone (n.) Any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior [syn: {abalone}, {ear-shell}].

Aband (v. t.) To abandon. [Obs.]

Enforced the kingdom to aband. -- Spenser.

Aband (v. t.) To banish; to expel. [Obs.] -- Mir. for Mag.

Abandoned (imp. & p. p.) of Abandon.

Abandoning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Abandon.

Abandon (v. t.) 丟棄;拋棄,遺棄;放棄,中止 To cast or drive out; to banish; to expel; to reject. [Obs.]

That he might . . . abandon them from him. -- Udall.

Being all this time abandoned from your bed. -- Shak.

Abandon (v. t.) To give up absolutely; to forsake entirely ; to renounce utterly; to relinquish all connection with or concern on; to desert, as a person to whom one owes allegiance or fidelity; to quit; to surrender.

Hope was overthrown, yet could not be abandoned. -- I. Taylor.

Abandon (v. t.) Reflexively: To give (one's self) up without attempt at self-control; to yield (one's self) unrestrainedly; -- often in a bad sense.

He abandoned himself . . . to his favorite vice. -- Macaulay.

Abandon (v. t.) (Mar. Law) To relinquish all claim to; -- used when an insured person gives up to underwriters all claim to the property covered by a policy, which may remain after loss or damage by a peril insured against.

Abandon (n.) [U] 放縱,放任;狂放 A complete giving up to natural impulses; freedom from artificial constraint; careless freedom or ease.

Abandon (n.) Abandonment; relinquishment. [Obs.]

Abandon (n.) the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry; "she danced with abandon" [syn: {abandon}, {wantonness}, {unconstraint}].

Abandon (n.) A feeling of extreme emotional intensity; "the wildness of his anger" [syn: {wildness}, {abandon}].

Abandon (v.) Forsake, leave behind; "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot".

Abandon (v.) Give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead" [syn: {abandon}, {give up}].

Abandon (v.) Leave behind empty; move out of; "You must vacate your office by tonight" [syn: {vacate}, {empty}, {abandon}].

Abandon (v.) Stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations" [syn: {abandon}, {give up}].

Abandon (v.) Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children" [syn: {abandon}, {forsake}, {desolate}, {desert}].

Abandoned (a.) 被放棄的;被遺棄的;寡廉鮮恥的;恣意放蕩的;無約束的 Forsaken, deserted. "Your abandoned streams." -- Thomson.

Abandoned (a.) Self-abandoned, or given up to vice; extremely wicked, or sinning without restraint; irreclaimably wicked ; as, an abandoned villain.

Syn: Profligate; dissolute; corrupt; vicious; depraved; reprobate; wicked; unprincipled; graceless; vile.

Usage: {Abandoned}, {Profligate}, {Reprobate}. These adjectives agree in expressing the idea of great personal depravity. {Profligate} has reference to open and shameless immoralities, either in private life or political conduct; as, a {profligate} court, a {profligate} ministry. {Abandoned} is stronger, and has reference to the searing of conscience and hardening of heart produced by a man's giving himself wholly up to iniquity; as, a man of {abandoned} character. {Reprobate} describes the condition of one who has become insensible to reproof, and who is morally abandoned and lost beyond hope of recovery.

God gave them over to a reprobate mind. -- Rom. i. 28.

Abandoned (a.) Forsaken by owner or inhabitants ; "weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse" [syn: {abandoned}, {derelict}, {deserted}].

Abandoned (a.) Free from constraint; "an abandoned sadness born of grief" -- Liam O'Flaherty.

Abandoned (a.) 被放棄的,被遺棄的; 熱情洋溢的; 寡廉鮮恥的,恣意放蕩的; 沒有約束的 Left behind, or left without care and protection.

// Shelters are full of abandoned pets.

// The fire started in an abandoned warehouse.

Abandonedly (adv.)  無限制地Unrestrainedly.

Abandonedly (adv.) (In British) In an unrestrained manner.

Abandonee (n.) 【律】受領(或主張有權受領)被遺棄財物者;由保險人委以海損財物全部權利的承保人;被遺棄者,被委付者 One to whom anything is legally abandoned.

Abandoner (n.) 放棄者 One who abandons. -- Beau. & FL.

Abandonment (n.) [U] 放棄;遺棄;放任;狂放 The act of abandoning, or the state of being abandoned; total desertion; relinquishment.

Abandonment (n.) The relinquishment by the insured to the underwriters of what may remain of the property insured after a loss or damage by a peril insured against.

Abandonment (n.) The relinquishment of a right, claim, or privilege, as to mill site, etc.

Abandonment (n.) The voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband, or child; desertion.

Abandonment (n.) Careless freedom or ease; abandon.

Abandonment (n.) The act of giving something up [syn: {abandonment}, {forsaking}, {desertion}].

Abandonment (n.) Withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility; "his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless" [syn: {desertion}, {abandonment}, {defection}].

Abandonment (n.) The voluntary surrender of property (or a right to property) without attempting to reclaim it or give it away.

Abandum (n.) (Law) 沒收物;充公物;扣押物;查禁物;拋棄物 Anything forfeited or confiscated.

Compare: Forfeit

Forfeit (v.)  [ T ] (因違規而)喪失,被沒收 To  lose  the  right  to do or have something because you have broken  a  rule.

// If you  cancel  now, you forfeit  your deposit.

// These  people  have forfeited the  right to  live  in  society.

Forfeit (n.)  [ C ] (因違規而造成的)罰金,喪失物 Something that you have  lost the  right  to do or have because you have  broken  a  rule.

Idiom: Pay a forfeit (尤指在比賽中)受罰 To give up something, especially  in a  game.

Forfeit (a.)  [ After verb ]  (Formal) 被罰的;被沒收的 Taken away from someone as a punishment.

Compare: Confiscate

Confiscate (v.)  [ T ] (通常指作爲懲罰)沒收,把…充公 To take a  possession  away from someone when you have the right  to do so, usually as a punishment  and often for a limited  period, after which it is returned  to the  owner.

// Miss  Edwards confiscated my  phone!

// His  passport  was confiscated by the  police  to  prevent t him from  leaving  the  country.

Abanet (n.) See {Abnet}.

Compare: Abnet

Abnet (n.) [Heb.] The girdle of a Jewish priest or officer.

Compare: Girdle

Girdle (n.)  [ C ] 緊身褡 A  piece  of  underwear  for women,  worn  around the  waist and  bottom, that  stretches  to shape  the  body.

Girdle (n.)  [ C ]  腰帶 A  long  strip  of  cloth  worn tied  around the  waist, especially  in the past.

Girdle (n.) [ C  usually singular ]  (Literary) 環繞物 Something that  surrounds another thing.

Girdle (n.) [ C ]  (Specialized) (Medical) 支持上肢(或骨盆)的環狀骨樣結構  The  ring  of bones  at the  shoulder supporting  the  arms  or at the pelvis  supporting  the  legs.

// The  pectoral/ pelvic/ shoulder  girdle.

Girdle (v.)  [ T ]  (Literary) 環繞 To  surround  something.

// A  garden  girdled by  oak  trees.

Abanga (n.) A West Indian palm; also the fruit of this palm, the seeds of which are used as a remedy for diseases of the chest.

Abannation (n.) Alt. of Abannition.

Abannition (n.) 流放(刑);驅逐(刑) Banishment. [Obs.] -- Bailey.

Compare: Banishment

Banishment (n.) [U] 放逐,流放;驅逐;開除,趕走;清除,排除 The punishment of being sent away from a country or other place.

// Adam and Eve's banishment from the Garden of Eden.

// The total banishment of his daughter from the country.

// (Figurative)  His banishment to the political wilderness.

Banishment (n.)  The action of getting rid of something unwanted.

// The banishment of world hunger.

Abarticulation (n.) 關節脫位;動關節 Articulation, usually that kind of articulation which admits of free motion in the joint; diarthrosis. -- Coxe.

Abarticulation (n.) Dislocation of a joint.

Compare: Dislocation

Dislocation (n.)  [ C  or  U ]  (Specialized)  (Medical) 骨頭錯位,脫臼

An  injury  in which the  ends  of two connected  bones  separate.

// Dislocation of the  ankle/ knee/ wrist.

Dislocationn.)  [ C  or  U ] (Negative effect) 負面影響,混亂,紊亂 A  negative  effect  on how something  works.

// Snow has  caused  serious  dislocation  of/ to  train  services.

Abased (imp. & p. p.) of Abase.

Abasing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Abase.

Abase (v. t.) 降低…的地位,降低…的品格,貶抑 To lower or depress; to throw or cast down; as, to abase the eye. [Archaic] -- Bacon.

Saying so, he abased his lance. -- Shelton.

Abase (v. t.) To cast down or reduce low or lower, as in rank, office, condition in life, or estimation of worthiness; to depress; to humble; to degrade.

Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased. -- Luke xiv. ll.

Syn: To Abase, Debase, Degrade. These words agree in the idea of bringing down from a higher to a lower state. Abase has reference to a bringing down in condition or feelings; as, to abase the proud, to abase one's self before God. Debase has reference to the bringing down of a thing in purity, or making it base.

It is, therefore, always used in a bad sense, as, to debase the coin of the kingdom, to debase the mind by vicious indulgence, to debase one's style by coarse or vulgar expressions. Degrade has reference to a bringing down from some higher grade or from some standard. Thus, a priest is degraded from the clerical office. When used in a moral sense, it denotes a bringing down in character and just estimation; as, degraded by intemperance, a degrading employment, etc. "Art is degraded when it is regarded only as a trade".

Abase (v.) Cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss" [syn: humiliate, mortify, chagrin, humble, abase].

Abased (a.) Lowered; humbled.

Abased (a.) (Her.) Borne lower than usual, as a fess; also, having the ends of the wings turned downward towards the point of the shield.

Abasedly (adv.) Abjectly; downcastly.

Abasedly (adv.) In  an  abased  manner.

Compare: Abject

Abject (a.)  (Formal)  (Extreme) Abject misery, poverty, failure, etc. 極其苦惱(赤貧,極度恐怖等)The  state  of being extremely  unhappy, poor,  unsuccessful, etc.

// They  live  in abject  poverty.

// This  policy  has  turned  out to be an abject  failure.

Abject (a.)  (Formal) (Not proud) 卑躬屈膝的;下賤的;奴性的 Showing  no  pride  or  respect  for yourself.

// An abject  apology.

// He is  almost  abject in his  respect  for his  boss.

Compare: Abjectly

Abjectly (adv.)  悲慘地;卑鄙地 In an  extreme  or  bad  way.

// The  administration  had  failed  abjectly in  its  duty  to  protect  the  country.

// They  performed  abjectly,  losing  all four of  their  matches.

Abjectly (adv.)  In a way that  shows  no  pride  or respect  for yourself.

// "I  let  you down all the  time", he said abjectly.

// He abjectly  pleaded  illness  to  avoid doing the  test.

Compare: Downcast

Downcast (a.)  (Unhappy) (Formal) 垂頭喪氣的,萎靡不振的;傷心絕望的  Sad  and without  hope.

// I  thought  you were  looking  a little downcast this  morning.

Downcast (a.)  (Eyes down) 眼睛向下看的,目光低垂的If someone's  eyes  are downcast, they are  looking down.

Abasement (n.) 貶抑,屈辱,謙卑 The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low; the state of being abased or humbled; humiliation.

Abaser (n.) He who, or that which, abases.

Abashed (imp. & p. p.) of Abash.

Abashing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Abash.

Abash (v. t.) 使羞愧,使臉紅,使窘迫;使不安 To destroy the self-possession of; to confuse or confound, as by exciting suddenly a consciousness of guilt, mistake, or inferiority; to put to shame; to disconcert; to discomfit.

Abashed, the devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is. -- Milton.

He was a man whom no check could abash.  -- Macaulay.

Syn: To confuse; confound; disconcert; shame.

Usage: To {Abash}, Confuse, {Confound}. Abash is a stronger word than confuse, but not so strong as confound. We are abashed when struck either with sudden shame or with a humbling sense of inferiority; as, Peter was abashed by the look of his Master. So a modest youth is abashed in the presence of those who are greatly his superiors. We are confused when, from some unexpected or startling occurrence, we lose clearness of thought and self-possession. Thus, a witness is often confused by a severe cross-examination; a timid person is apt to be confused in entering a room full of strangers. We are confounded when our minds are overwhelmed, as it were, by something wholly unexpected, amazing, dreadful, etc., so that we have nothing to say. Thus, a criminal is usually confounded at the discovery of his guilt.

Satan stood Awhile as mute, confounded what to say. -- Milton.

Abash (v.) Cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious [syn: {embarrass}, {abash}].

Abash (v.) (Used with object) 使羞愧,使臉紅,使窘迫 To destroy the self-confidence, poise, or self-possession of; disconcert; make ashamed or embarrassed.

// To abash someone by sneering.

Abashedly (adv.) 羞愧地;臉紅地;局促不安地 In an abashed manner.

Abashment (n.) 羞愧 The state of being abashed; confusion from shame.

Abashment (n.) Feeling embarrassed due to modesty [syn: {abashment}, {bashfulness}].

Compare: Modesty

Modesty (n.)  [ U ]  (Quiet succes) (Approving) 謙虛,謙遜 The  quality  of not talking  about or not  trying  to make  people  notice  your abilities  and  achievements.

// She does a lot of  work  for  charities, but her modesty  forbids  her from  talking  about it.


In all modesty ( Approving) (用於謙遜地談論自己的優點時)並不是要自誇,毫不誇張地說 Said when you  want  to say something good about yourself, but do not  want  to  seem  to think  you are too important.

// In all modesty, we'd  probably have  lost  the  game  if I hadn't been  playing.

Modesty  (n.)  [ U ] (Clothing/ behavior) (Old-fashioned) (女子的衣著、舉止等)端莊,正派,樸素 T he  quality, in women, of  dressing  or behaving  in a way that is intended  to  avoid  attracting sexual  interest.

Abassi (n.) Alt. of Abassis

Abassis (n.) A silver coin of Persia, worth about twenty cents.

Abatable (a.) 可減少的;可減輕的;可降低的;可減價的;可緩和的 Capable of being abated; as, an abatable writ or nuisance.

Abatable (a.) Capable of being abated.

Abated (imp. & p. p.) of Abate.

Abating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Abate.

Abate (v. t.) 緩和,減弱,減少,廢除 To beat down; to overthrow.

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