Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter S - Page 195
Superinspect (v. t.) To over see; to superintend by inspection.
Superinstitution (n.) One institution upon another, as when A is instituted and admitted to a benefice upon a title, and B instituted and admitted upon the presentation of another.
Superintellectual (a.) Being above intellect.
Superintended (imp. & p. p.) of Superintend.
Superintending (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Superintend.
Superintend (v. t.) To have or exercise the charge and oversight of; to oversee with the power of direction; to take care of with authority; to supervise; as, an officer superintends the building of a ship or the construction of a fort.
Superintendence (n.) 指揮;主管;監督 The act of superintending; care and oversight for the purpose of direction; supervision.
-cies (n. pl. ) of Superintendency.
Superintendency (n.) 管理;監督權 The act of superintending; superintendence.
Superintendent (a.) Overseeing; superintending.
Superintendent (n.) [C] 監督人,監管者;(機關,企業等的)主管,負責人 One who has the oversight and charge of some place, institution, or organization, affairs, etc., with the power of direction; as, the superintendent of an almshouse; the superintendent of public works.
Syn: Inspector; overseer; manager; director; curator; supervisor.
Superintendent (n.) A person who directs and manages an organization [syn: {overseer}, {superintendent}].
Superintendent (n.) A caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector [syn: {superintendent}, {super}].
Superintender (n.) A superintendent. [R.]
Superinvestiture (n.) An outer vestment or garment. [R.] -- Bp. Horne.
Superior (a.) (在職位,地位等方面)較高的,上級的[(+to/ in)];(在數量等方面)較大的,較多的[(+to/ in)];(在品質等方面)較好的,優秀的,上等的 [(+to/ in)] More elevated in place or position; higher; upper; as, the superior limb of the sun; the superior part of an image.
Superior (a.) Higher in rank or office; more exalted in dignity; as, a superior officer; a superior degree of nobility.
Superior (a.) Higher or greater in excellence; surpassing others in the greatness, or value of any quality; greater in quality or degree; as, a man of superior merit; or of superior bravery.
Superior (a.) Beyond the power or influence of; too great or firm to be subdued or affected by; -- with to.
There is not in earth a spectacle more worthy than a great man superior to his sufferings. -- Spectator.
Superior (a.) More comprehensive; as a term in classification; as, a genus is superior to a species.
Superior (a.) (Bot.) Above the ovary; -- said of parts of the flower which, although normally below the ovary, adhere to it, and so appear to originate from its upper part; also of an ovary when the other floral organs are plainly below it in position, and free from it.
Superior (a.) (Bot.) Belonging to the part of an axillary flower which is toward the main stem; posterior.
Superior (a.) (Bot.) Pointing toward the apex of the fruit; ascending; -- said of the radicle.
{Superior conjunction}, {Superior planets}, etc. See {Conjunction}, {Planet}, etc.
{Superior figure}, {Superior letter} (Print.), A figure or letter printed above the line, as a reference to a note or an index of a power, etc; as, in x^{2} + y^{n}, 2 is a superior figure, n a superior letter. Cf. {Inferior figure}, under {Inferior}.
Superior (n.) [C] 上司;長官;長輩 [P1];佔優勢者,優勝者 [(+in)];(大寫)修道院院長 One who is above, or surpasses, another in rank, station, office, age, ability, or merit; one who surpasses in what is desirable; as, Addison has no superior as a writer of pure English.
Superior (n.) (Eccl.) The head of a monastery, convent, abbey, or the like.
Superior (a.) Of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students" [ant: {inferior}].
Superior (a.) Of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler" [ant: {inferior}].
Superior (a.) (Sometimes followed by `to') Not subject to or influenced by; "overcome by a superior opponent"; "trust magnates who felt themselves superior to law."
Superior (a.) Written or printed above and to one side of another character [syn: {superscript}, {superior}] [ant: {adscript}, {inferior}, {subscript}].
Superior (a.) Having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth's orbit; "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets" [ant: {inferior}].
Superior (a.) Having a higher rank; "superior officer" [syn: {ranking(a)}, {superior}, {higher-ranking}].
Superior (a.) (Often followed by `to') Above being affected or influenced by; "he is superior to fear"; "an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades."
Superior (n.) One of greater rank or station or quality [syn: {superior}, {higher-up}, {superordinate}] [ant: {inferior}].
Superior (n.) The head of a religious community.
Superior (n) A combatant who is able to defeat rivals [syn: {victor}, {master}, {superior}].
Superior (n.) The largest freshwater lake in the world; the deepest of the Great Lakes [syn: {Lake Superior}, {Superior}].
Superior (n.) A town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth.
Superior (n.) A character or symbol set or printed or written above and immediately to one side of another character [syn: {superscript}, {superior}] [ant: {inferior}, {subscript}].
Superior (n.). One who has a right to command; one who holds a superior rank; as, a soldier is bound to obey his superior.
Superior (n.) In estates, some are superior to others; an estate entitled to a servitude or easement over another estate, is called the superior or dominant, and the other the inferior or servient estate. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1612.
Superior (n.) Of courts, some are supreme or superior, possessing in general appellate jurisdiction, either by writ of error or by appeal; 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 2527; the others are called inferior courts.
Superioress (n.) A woman who acts as chief in a convent, abbey, or nunnery; a lady superior.
Superiority (n.) [U] [S1] [(+to/ over/ in)] 優越,優勢;上等;優等;上級 The quality, state, or condition of being superior; as, superiority of rank; superiority in merit.
Superiority (n.) The quality of being superior [syn: {superiority}, {high quality}] [ant: {inferiority}, {low quality}].
Superiority (n.) The quality of being at a competitive advantage [syn: {superiority}, {favorable position}, {favourable position}].
Superiority (n.) Displaying a sense of being better than others; "he hated the white man's superiority and condescension".
Superiority (n.) The state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limits [syn: {transcendence}, {transcendency}, {superiority}].
Superiorly (adv.) In a superior position or manner.
Superjacent (a.) 蓋在上面的 Situated immediately above; as, superjacent rocks.
Superjacent (a.) Lying immediately above or on something else [ant: {subjacent}].
Compare: Subjacent
Subjacent (a.) 在下級的;在下方的;當基礎的 Situated below something else.
Superlation (n.) 通貨膨脹 Exaltation of anything beyond truth or propriety. [Obs.] -- B. Jonson.
Compare: Exaltation
Exaltation (n.) [Mass noun] [U] 欣喜;得意洋洋;提拔;晉升;升高;舉起 A feeling or state of extreme happiness.
‘She was in a frenzy of exaltation and terror.’
Exaltation (n.) The action of elevating someone in rank or power.
‘The exaltation of Jesus to the Father's right hand.’
Exaltation (n.) The action of praising someone or something highly.
‘The exaltation of the army as a place for brotherhood.’
Exaltation (n.) (Rare) [Count noun] A flock of larks.
‘What a sound an exaltation of larks must make.’
Superlative (a.) Lifted up to the highest degree; most eminent; surpassing all other; supreme; as, superlative wisdom or prudence; a woman of superlative beauty; the superlative glory of the divine character.
Superlative (a.) Expressing the highest or lowest degree of the quality, manner, etc., denoted by an adjective or an adverb. The superlative degree is formed from the positive by the use of -est, most, or least; as, highest, most pleasant, least bright.
Superlative (n.) That which is highest or most eminent; the utmost degree.
Superlative (n.) The superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs; also, a form or word by which the superlative degree is expressed; as, strongest, wisest, most stormy, least windy, are all superlatives.
Superlative (n.) [ C ] (Specialized) (A2) (形容詞或副詞的)最高級形式 The form of an adjective or adverb that expresses that the thing or person being described has more of the particular quality than anything or anyone else of the same type.
// "Richest" is the superlative of "rich."
// The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.
Superlative (a.) (Best) 品質最優的,最好的,最優秀的 Of the highest quality; the best.
// We went to a superlative restaurant.
Superlative (a.) (Grammar) (Specialized) (Language) (與某一形容詞或副詞的)最高級有關的 Relating to the superlative of an adjective or adverb.
Superlucration (n.) Excessive or extraordinary gain.
Superlunar (a.) Alt. of Superlunary.
Superlunary (a.) Being above the moon; not belonging to this world; -- opposed to sublunary.
Supermajority (n.) A percentage larger than a simple majority; often 67%. Company charters often require a supermajority of shareholders to approve an important proposal, such as a merger or sale. It exceeds the simple majority used for most voting-based decisions, and is often included as an amendment to the charter.
Supermarket (n.) [ C ] (A1) 超級市場,超市 A large shop which sells most types of food and other goods needed in the home.
Supermaterial (a.) Being above, or superior to, matter.
Supermaxilla (n.) The supermaxilla.
Supermaxillary (a.) Supermaxillary.
Supermedial (a.) Above the middle.
Supermodel (n.) A famous and successful fashion model.
Supermundane (a.) Being above the world; -- opposed to inframundane.
Supermundial (a.) Supermundane.
Supernacular (a.) Like supernaculum; first-rate; as, a supernacular wine.
Supernaculum (adv. & n.) A kind of mock Latin term intended to mean, upon the nail; -- used formerly by topers.
Supernaculum (adv. & n.) Good liquor, of which not enough is left to wet one's nail.
Supernal (a.) Being in a higher place or region; locally higher; as, the supernal orbs; supernal regions.
Supernal (a.) Relating or belonging to things above; celestial; heavenly; as, supernal grace.
Supernal (a.) Being in or coming from the heavens or a higher place or region.
Supernal (a.) Lofty; of surpassing excellence. Supernal derives from Latin supernus, "above, upper, top, hence celestial," from super, "over, above."
Supernatant (a.) Swimming above; floating on the surface; as, oil supernatant on water.
Supernatant (n.) The liquid remaining after solids suspended in the liquid have been sedimented by gravity or by centrifugation. Contrasted with the solid sediment, or (in centrifugation) the pellet.
Supernatation (n.) The act of floating on the surface of a fluid.
Supernatural (a.) Being beyond, or exceeding, the power or laws of nature; miraculous.
Supernaturalism (n.) The quality or state of being supernatural; supernaturalness.
Supernaturalism (n.) The doctrine of a divine and supernatural agency in the production of the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in the grace which renews and sanctifies men, -- in opposition to the doctrine which denies the agency of any other than physical or natural causes in the case.
Supernaturalist (n.) One who holds to the principles of supernaturalism.
Supernaturalistic (a.) Of or pertaining to supernaturalism.
Supernaturality (n.) The quality or state of being supernatural.
Supernaturalize (v. t.) To treat or regard as supernatural.
Supernaturally (adv.) In a supernatural manner.
Supernaturalness (n.) The quality or state of being supernatural.
Supernumerary (a.) 多餘的 Exceeding the number stated or prescribed; as, a supernumerary officer in a regiment.
Supernumerary (a.) Exceeding a necessary, usual, or required number or quality; superfluous; as, supernumerary addresses; supernumerary expense. -- Addison.
Supernumeraries (n. pl. ) of Supernumerary.
Supernumerary (n.) 定額以外的人;小配角;臨時僱員 A person or thing beyond the number stated.
Supernumerary (n.) A person or thing beyond what is necessary or usual; especially, a person employed not for regular service, but only to fill the place of another in case of need; specifically, in theaters, a person who is not a regular actor, but is employed to appear in a stage spectacle.
Supernumerary (a.) (Formal) 多餘的 In addition to the number usually needed.
// Supernumerary teeth often are found in the upper jaw just behind the front teeth.
Supernumerary (n.) [ C ] (Formal) 定額以外的人;小配角;臨時僱員 An extra employee, actor, member of a society, etc.
// They're supernumeraries, the people on an opera stage who neither speak nor sing, yet whose presence in the production is crucial.
Superoccipital (a.) Supraoccipital.
Superorder (n.) A group intermediate in importance between an order and a subclass.
Superordination (n.) The ordination of a person to fill a station already occupied; especially, the ordination by an ecclesiastical official, during his lifetime, of his successor.
Superoxide (n.) See Peroxide.
Superparticular (a.) Of or pertaining to a ratio when the excess of the greater term over the less is a unit, as the ratio of 1 to 2, or of 3 to 4.
Superpartient (a.) Of or pertaining to a ratio when the excess of the greater term over the less is more than a unit, as that of 3 to 5, or 7 to 10.
Superphosphate (n.) An acid phosphate.
Superphysical (a.) Above or beyond physics; not explainable by physical laws.
Superplant (n.) A plant growing on another, as the mistletoe; an epiphyte. [Obs.] -- Bacon.
Superplease (v. t.) To please exceedingly. [Obs.] -- B. Jonson.
Superplus (n.) Surplus. [Obs.] -- Goldsmith.
Superplusage (n.) Surplusage. [Obs.] "There yet remained a superplusage." -- Bp. Fell.
Superpolitic (a.) More than politic; above or exceeding policy. -- Milton.
Superponderate (v. t.) To wiegh over and above. [Obs.]
Superposable (a.) Capable of being superposed, as one figure upon another.
Superposable (a.) Coinciding exactly when superimposed; "identical triangles" [syn: identical, superposable].
Superposed (imp. & p. p.) of Superpose.
Superposing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Superpose.
Superpose (v. t.) To lay upon, as one kind of rock on another.
Superpose (v. t.) (Geom.) To lay (a figure) upon another in such a manner that all the parts of the one coincide with the parts of the other; as, to superpose one plane figure on another.
Superpose (v.) Place (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincide.
Superpose (v.) Place on top of; "can you superimpose the two images?" [syn: superimpose, superpose, lay over].
Superposition (n.) The act of superposing, or the state of being superposed; as, the superposition of rocks; the superposition of one plane figure on another, in geometry.
Superposition (n.) (Geology) The deposition of one geological stratum on another.
Superposition (n.) (Geology) The principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest [syn: principle of superposition, superposition principle, superposition].
Superposition (n.) (Geometry) The placement of one object ideally in the position of another one in order to show that the two coincide.
Superposition (n.) The placement of one thing on top of another.
Superpraise (v. t.) To praise to excess.
Superproportion (n.) Overplus or excess of proportion.
Superpurgation (n.) Excessive purgation.
Superreflection (n.) The reflection of a reflected image or sound.
Superregal (a.) More than regal; worthy of one greater than a king.
Superreward (v. t.) To reward to an excessive degree.
Superroyal (a.) Larger than royal; -- said of a particular size of printing and writing paper. See the Note under Paper, n.
Supersacral (a.) Situated over, or on the dorsal side of, the sacrum.
Supersaliency (n.) The act of leaping on anything.
Supersalient (a.) Leaping upon.
Supersalt (n.) An acid salt. See Acid salt (a), under Salt, n.
Supersaturate (v. t.) To add to beyond saturation; as, to supersaturate a solution.
Supersaturation (n.) The operation of supersaturating, or the state of being supersaturated.
Superscribed (imp. & p. p.) of Superscribe.
Superscribing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Superscribe.
Superscribe (v. t.) To write or engrave (a name, address, inscription, or the like) on the top or surface; to write a name, address, or the like, on the outside or cover of (anything); as, to superscribe a letter.
Superscript (n.) Superscription.