Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter S - Page 179
Subangular (a.) 次棱角形的 Slightly angular.
Subapennine (a.) Under, or at the foot of, the Apennine mountains; -- applied, in geology, to a series of Tertiary strata of the older Pliocene period.
Subapical (a.) 位於頂點下的;接近頂點的 Being under the apex; of or pertaining to the part just below the apex.
Subaquaneous (a.) Subaqueous. [Obs.] Subaquatic
Subaquatic (a.) Alt. of Subaqueous.
Subaqueous (a.) 水下用的,水中的;【動】【植】半水生的;半水棲的 Being under water, or beneath the surface of water; adapted for use under water; submarine; as, a subaqueous helmet.
Subaqueous (a.) (Geol.) Formed in or under water; as, subaqueous deposits.
Subaquatic (a.) 水下的;半水生的 Growing or remaining under water; "viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat"; "submerged leaves" [syn: subaqueous, subaquatic, submerged, submersed, underwater].
Subaquatic (a.) Partially aquatic; living or growing partly on land and partly in water; "a marginal subaquatic flora" [syn: semiaquatic, subaquatic].
Subarachnoid (a.) Alt. of Subarachnoidal.
Subarachnoidal (a.) (Anat.) 【解】蛛網膜下的 Situated under the arachnoid membrane.
Subarctic (a.) 亞北極(區)的 Approximately arctic; belonging to a region just without the arctic circle. Subarcuate
Subarctic (a.) Of or relating to latitudes just south of the Arctic Circle.
Subarcuate (a.) Alt. of Subarcuated.
Subarcuated (a.) Having a figure resembling that of a bow; somewhat curved or arched.
Subarration (n.) The ancient custom of betrothing by the bestowal, on the part of the man, of marriage gifts or tokens, as money, rings, or other presents, upon the woman.
Subarytenoid (a.) (Anat.) Situated under the arytenoid cartilage of the larynx.
Subastral (a.) Beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial. -- Bp. Warburton.
Subastringent (a.) Somewhat astringent.
Compare: Astringent
Astringent (a.) 收縮的;收斂性的;澀味的 Drawing together the tissues; binding; contracting; -- opposed to laxative; as, astringent medicines; a butter and astringent taste; astringent fruit.
Astringent (a.) Stern; austere; as, an astringent type of virtue.
Astringent (n.)【醫】收斂劑;止血藥 A medicine or other substance that produces contraction in the soft organic textures, and checks discharges of blood, mucus, etc.
External astringents are called styptics. -- Dunglison.
Astringent (a.) Sour or bitter in taste [syn: acerb, acerbic, astringent].
Astringent (a.) Tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue; "astringent cosmetic lotions" [ant: nonastringent].
Astringent (n.) A drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals [syn: astringent, astringent drug, styptic].
Subatom (n.) (Chem.) 【物】次原子 A hypothetical component of a chemical atom, on the theory that the elements themselves are complex substances; -- called also atomicule.
Subaud (v. t.) To understand or supply in an ellipsis. [R.]
Subaudition (n.) 弦外之音,言外之意 The act of understanding, or supplying, something not expressed; also, that which is so understood or supplied. -- Trench.
Subaxillary (a.) (Anat.) Situated under the axilla, or armpit.
Subaxillary (a.) (Bot.) 葉腋下的; 葉腋下生的 Placed under the axil, or angle formed by the branch of a plant with the stem, or a leaf with the branch.
Subbasal (a.) (Zool.) Near the base.
Sub-base (n.) (Arch.) The lowest member of a base when divided horizontally, or of a baseboard, pedestal, or the like.
Sub-bass (n.) (Mus.) The deepest pedal stop, or the lowest tones of an organ; the fundamental or ground bass. [Written also sub-base.] -- Ayliffe.
Subbeadle (n.) An under beadle.
Subbrachial (a.) Of or pertaining to the subbrachians.
Subbrachiales (n. pl.) (Zool.) A division of soft-finned fishes in which the ventral fins are situated beneath the pectorial fins, or nearly so.
Subbrachian (n.) (Zool.) One of the Subbrachiales.
Subbreed (n.) (Zool.) A race or strain differing in certain characters from the parent breed; an incipient breed.
Subbreed (n.) A distinguishable race or strain within a breed.
Subbronchial (a.) (Anat.) Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the bronchi; as, the subbronchial air sacs of birds.
Subcaliber (a.) Smaller than the caliber of a firearm. [Written also subcalibre.]
Subcaliber projectile, A projectile having a smaller diameter than the caliber of the arm from which it is fired, and to which it is fitted by means of a sabot. -- Knight.
Subcaliber (a.) Smaller than the caliber of a gun.
// A subcaliber projectile.
Subcaliber (a.) Of, relating to, used in, or effected by firing a subcaliber projectile.
Subcarboniferous (a.) (Geol.) Of or pertaining to the lowest division of the Carboniferous formations underlying the proper coal measures. It was a marine formation characterized in general by beds of limestone.
Subcarboniferous (n.) 亞石炭系 The Subcarboniferous period or formation.
Subcarbureted (a.) (Chem.) United with, or containing, carbon in less than the normal proportion. [Written also subcarburetted.] [Obsoles.]
Subcartilaginous (a.) (Anat.) Situated under or beneath a cartilage or cartilages.
Subcartilaginous (a.) (Anat.) Partially cartilaginous.
Subcaudal (a.) (Anat.) Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the tail; as, the subcaudal, or chevron, bones.
Subcelestial (a.) Being beneath the heavens; as, subcelestial glories. -- Barrow.
Subcentral (a.) 位於中心點下的(接近中心點的;;子中心的)Under the center.
Subcentral (a.) Nearly central; not quite central.
Subcentral (a.) Nearly but not quite central.
Subcentral (a.) Located under a center.
Subchanter (n.) (Eccl.) An underchanter; a precentor's deputy in a cathedral; a succentor.
Subcircular (a.) Nearly circular.
Subclass (n.) 【生】亞綱;【數】子集合 One of the natural groups, more important than an order, into which some classes are divided; as, the angiospermous subclass of exogens.
Subclass (n.) (Biology) A taxonomic category below a class and above an order.
Compare: Taxonomic
Taxonomic (a.) 分類的 Pertaining to, or involving, taxonomy, or the laws and principles of classification; classificatory.
Taxonomic (a.) Of or relating to taxonomy; "taxonomic relations"; "a taxonomic designation" [syn: taxonomic, taxonomical, systematic].
Compare: Taxonomy
Taxonomy (n.) 分類法;分類學 That division of the natural sciences which treats of the classification of animals and plants, primarily by consideration of their natural relationships with respect to their structure or genetic origin; the laws or principles of classification; systematics.
Taxonomy (n.) A systematic arrangement of objects or concepts showing the relations between them, especially one including a hierarchical arrangement of types in which categories of objects are classified as subtypes of more abstract categories, starting from one or a small number of top categories, and descending to more specific types through an arbitrary number of levels. An ontology usually contains a taxonomy as one of the important principles of organization.
Taxonomy (n.) A classification of organisms into groups based on similarities of structure or origin etc.
Taxonomy (n.) (Biology) Study of the general principles of scientific classification.
Taxonomy (n.) Practice of classifying plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships.
Class hierarchy
Base class
Derived class
Superclass, () In object-oriented programming, a set of classes related by inheritance. Each class is a "subclass" of another class - its "superclass". The subclass contains all the features of its superclass, but may add new features or redefine existing features. The features of a class are the set of attributes (or "properties") that an object of that class has and the methods that can be invoked on it.
If each class has a just one superclass, this is called single inheritance. The opposite is multiple inheritance, under which a class may have multiple superclasses. Single inheritance gives the class hierarchy a tree structure whereas multiple inheritance gives a directed graph. Typically there is one class at the top of the hierarchy which is the "object" class, the most general class that is an ancestor of all others and which has no superclass.
In computing, as in genealogy, trees grow downwards, which is why subclasses are considered to be "below" their superclasses.
When invoking a method on an object, the method is first looked for in the object's class, then the superclass of that class, and so on up the hierarchy until it is found. Thus a class need only define those methods which are specific to it and it will inherit all other methods from all its superclasses. An object of the subclass can do everything that an object of the superclass can and possible more.
C++ calls the superclass the "base class" and the subclass the "derived class" (not to be confused with a derived type). (2014-09-06)
Subclavian (a.) (Anat.) Situated under the clavicle, or collar bone; as, the subclavian arteries.
Subclavian (a.) Situated beneath the clavicle.
Subcolumnar (a.) (Geol.) Having an imperfect or interrupted columnar structure.
Subcommittee (n.) 小組委員會 An under committee; a part or division of a committee.
Yet by their sequestrators and subcommittees abroad . . those orders were commonly disobeyed. -- Milton.
Subcommittee (n.) 小組委員會 A subset of committee members organized for a specific purpose.
Subcompressed (a.) Not fully compressed; partially or somewhat compressed.
Subconcave (a.) Slightly concave. -- Owen.
Subconformable (a.) Partially conformable.
Subconical (a.) Slightly conical.
Subconjunctival (a.) (Anat.) Situated under the conjunctiva.
Subconscious (a.) 下意識的,潛意識的;意識不清的,意識模糊的 Occurring without the possibility or the fact of an attendant consciousness; -- said of states of the soul.
Subconscious (a.) Partially conscious; feebly conscious.
Subconscious (a.) Just below the level of consciousness.
Subconscious (n.) 下意識心理活動,潛意識心理活動 [the S] Psychic activity just below the level of awareness [syn: subconscious mind, subconscious].
Subconstellation (n.) (Astron.) A subordinate constellation. -- Sir T. Browne.
Subcontract (n.) A contract under, or subordinate to, a previous contract.
Subcontract (n.) 轉包契約;分包契約 A contract assigning to another party some obligations of a prior contract.
Subcontract (v. i.) 分包;轉包;外包 Arranged for contracted work to be done by others [syn: subcontract, farm out, job]. Subcontract.
Subcontract (v.) Work under a subcontract; engage in a subcontract.
Subcontracted (a.) Contracted after a former contract.
Subcontracted (a.) Betrothed for the second time. [Obs.] -- Shak.
Subcontractor (n.) 轉包商;分包者;外包商 One who takes a portion of a contract, as for work, from the principal contractor.
Subcontractor (n.) Someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor.
Subcontrary (a.) 【邏】小反對的 Contrary in an inferior degree.
Subcontrary (a.) (Geom.) Having, or being in, a contrary order; -- said of a section of an oblique cone having a circular base made by a plane not parallel to the base, but so inclined to the axis that the section is a circle; applied also to two similar triangles when so placed as to have a common angle at the vertex, the opposite sides not being parallel. -- Brande & C.
Subcontrary (a.) (Logic) Denoting the relation of opposition between the particular affirmative and particular negative. Of these both may be true and only one can be false.
Subcontraries (n. pl. ) of Subcontrary.
Subcontrary (n.) (Logic) 小反對命題 A subcontrary proposition; a proposition inferior or contrary in a lower degree.
Subcoracoid (a.) (Anat.) Situated under the coracoid process of the scapula; as, the subcoracoid dislocation of the humerus.
Subcordate (a.) Somewhat cordate; somewhat like a heart in shape.
Subcorneous (a.) (Anat.) Situated under a horny part or layer.
Subcorneous (a.) (Anat.) Partially horny.
Subcostal (a.) (Anat. & Zool.) Situated below the costas, or ribs; as, the subcostal muscles.
Note: The subcostal muscles are distinct from, and within, the intercostal.
Subcostal (n.) (Anat.) A subcostal muscle.
Subcostal (n.) (Zool.) One of the principal nervures of the wings of an insect. It is situated next beneath or behind the costal. See Nervure.
Subcostal (a.) (Medical) (Specialized) 肋骨下的 Below the ribs ( = the curved bones in the chest).
// Subcostal arteries.
Compare: Nervure
Nervure (n.) (Bot.) 【植】葉脈 One of the nerves of leaves.
Nervure (n.) (Zool.) 【昆】翅脈 One of the chitinous supports, or veins, in the wings of insects.
Nervure (n.) Any of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other plant organ [syn: vein, nervure].
Nervure (n.) One of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect [syn: vein, nervure].
Subcranial (a.) (Anat.) Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the cranium; facial.
Subcranial (a.) (Anatomy) Of the area beneath the cranium or skull.
Subcrustaceous (a.) Occurring beneath a crust or scab.
// A subcrustaceous cicatrization.
Subcrystalline (a.) 不完全結晶的;結晶不明顯的 Imperfectly crystallized. Subcultrate
Subcultrate (a.) Alt. of Subcultrated.
Subcultrated (a.) (Zool.) Having a form resembling that of a colter, or straight on one side and curved on the other.
Subcutaneous (a.) 皮下的 Situated under the skin; hypodermic. -- Sub`cu*ta"ne*ous*ly, adv.
Subcutaneous operation (Surg.), An operation performed without opening that part of the skin opposite to, or over, the internal section.
Subcutaneous (a.) Relating to or located below the epidermis; "hypodermic needle"; "subcutaneous implant" [syn: hypodermic, subcutaneous].
Subcuticular (a.) (Anat.) Situated under the cuticle, or scarfskin. Subcylindrical
Subcylindrical (a.) Alt. of Subcylindric.
Subcylindric (a.) Imperfectly cylindrical; approximately cylindrical.
Subdeacon (n.) (Eccl.) 【宗】副主祭,副執事 One belonging to an order in the Roman Catholic Church, next interior to the order of deacons; also, a member of a minor order in the Greek Church. Subdeaconry
Subdeacon (n.) A clergyman an order below deacon; one of the Holy Orders in the unreformed western Christian church and the eastern Catholic Churches but now suppressed in the Roman Catholic Church.
Subdeaconry (n.) Alt. of Subdeaconship.
Subdeaconship (n.) (Eccl.) The order or office of subdeacon.
Subdean (n.) 大學的副院長、副教務長、副系主任;(基督教的)副助理監督;(英國國教的)副助理主教 An under dean; the deputy or substitute of a dean. -- Ayliffe.
Subdeanery (n.) Office or rank of subdean.
Subdecanal (a.) Of or pertaining to a subdean or subdeanery.
Subdecuple (a.) Containing one part of ten.
Subdelegate (n.) A subordinate delegate, or one with inferior powers.
Subdelegate (v. t.) To appoint to act as subdelegate, or as a subordinate; to depete.
Subdented (a.) Indented beneath.
Subdepartment (n.) A subordinate department; a bureau. See the Note under Bureau.
Subdeposit (n.) That which is deposited beneath something else.
Subderisorious (a.) Ridiculing with moderation. [R.] -- Dr. H. More.
Subderivative (n.) A word derived from a derivative, and not directly from the root; as, "friendliness" is a subderivative, being derived from "friendly", which is in turn a derivative from "friend."
Subdiaconate (a.) Of or pertaining to a subdeacon, or to the office or rank of a subdeacon.
Subdiaconate (n.) 副執事(或副助祭)職位 The office or rank of a subdeacon.
Subdial (a.) Of or pertaining to the open air; being under the open sky. [R.] -- N. Bacon.
Subdialect (n.) A subordinate dialect.
Subdichotomy (n.) A subordinate, or inferior, division into parts; a subdivision. [R.]
Many subdichatomies of petty schisms. -- Milton.
Subdilated (a.) Partially dilated.
Subdititious (a.) Put secretly in the place of something else; foisted in. [R.]