Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter R - Page 83

Rubber (n.) 橡皮套鞋 [P] An overshoe made of India rubber.

Rubber stamp (n.) 橡皮圖章;陳腔濫調;老一套的話;人云亦云的人;無主見的人 A stamp (usually made of rubber) for imprinting a mark or design by hand [syn: handstamp, rubber stamp].

Rubber stamp (n.) Routine authorization of an action without questions.

Rubbidge (n.) Rubbish.

Rubbing () a. & n. from Rub, v.

Rubbish (n.) 廢話;無聊的想法 Waste or rejected matter; anything worthless; valueless stuff; trash; especially, fragments of building materials or fallen buildings; ruins; debris.

What rubbish and what offal! -- Shak.

He saw the town's one half in rubbish lie. -- Dryden.

Rubbish pulley. See Gin block, under Gin.

Rubbish (a.) 垃圾似的;蹩腳的;無價值的 Of or pertaining to rubbish; of the quality of rubbish; trashy. -- De Quincey.

Rubbish (n.) Worthless material that is to be disposed of [syn: rubbish, trash, scrap].

Rubbish (n.) Nonsensical talk or writing [syn: folderol, rubbish, tripe, trumpery, trash, wish-wash, applesauce, codswallop].

Rubbish (v.) Attack strongly.

Rubbish (n.)  Worthless matter, such as the religions, philosophies, literatures, arts and sciences of the tribes infesting the regions lying due south from Boreaplas.

Rubbish (v. t.) 抨擊;貶低 Attack strongly.

// Teachers in schools have been rubbished for the last ten years.

Rubble (n.) Water-worn or rough broken stones; broken bricks, etc., used in coarse masonry, or to fill up between the facing courses of walls.

Inside [the wall] there was rubble or mortar. -- Jowett (Thucyd.).

Rubble (n.) Rough stone as it comes from the quarry; also, a quarryman's term for the upper fragmentary and decomposed portion of a mass of stone; brash. --Brande & C.

Rubble (n.) (Geol.) A mass or stratum of fragments or rock lying under the alluvium, and derived from the neighboring rock. -- Lyell.

Rubble (n.) pl. The whole of the bran of wheat before it is sorted into pollard, bran, etc. [Prov. Eng.] --Simmonds.

Coursed rubble, Rubble masonry in which courses are formed by leveling off the work at certain heights.

Rubble (n.) The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up [syn: debris, dust, junk, rubble, detritus].

Rubblestone (n.) See Rubble, 1 and 2.

Rubblework (n.) Masonry constructed of unsquared stones that are irregular in size and shape.

Rubbly (a.) Relating to, or containing, rubble.

Rubedinous (a.) Reddish. [R.] -- M. Stuart.

Rubefacient (a.) Making red.

Rubefacient (n.) An external application which produces redness of the skin.

Rubefacient (n.) A medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin.

Rubefaction (n.) The act or process of making red.

Rubelet (n.) A little ruby. -- Herrick.

Rubella (n.) (Med.) An acute but mild viral infection characterized by a dusky red cutaneous eruption resembling that of measles, but attended by only mild respiratory problems or fever; -- called also German measles. The infective virus is called Rubella virus, or Rubivirus. If contracted by a woman during the first several months of pregnancy, rubella may cause serious abnormalities in the fetus.

Rubella (n.) A contagious viral disease that is a milder form of measles lasting three or four days; can be damaging to a fetus during the first trimester [syn: German measles, rubella, three-day measles, epidemic roseola].

Rubelle (n.) A red color used in enameling. -- Weale.

Rubellite (n.) (Min.) A variety of tourmaline varying in color from a pale rose to a deep ruby, and containing lithium.

Rubeola (n.) (Med.) The measles.

Rubeola (n.) (Med.) Rubella.

Rubeola (n.) An acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash; occurs primarily in children [syn: measles, rubeola, morbilli].

Ruberythrinic (a.) (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid extracted from madder root. It is a yellow crystalline substance from which alizarin is obtained.

Rubescence (n.) The quality or state of being rubescent; a reddening; a flush.

Rubescent (a.) Growing or becoming red; tending to redness.

Rubiaceous (a.) (Bot.) Of or pertaining to a very large natural order of plants ({Rubiaceae) named after the madder ({Rubia tinctoria), and including about three hundred and seventy genera and over four thousand species. Among them are the coffee tree, the trees yielding peruvian bark and quinine, the madder, the quaker ladies, and the trees bearing the edible fruits called genipap and Sierre Leone peach, besides many plants noted for the beauty or the fragrance of their blossoms.

Rubiacin (n.) (Chem.) A substance found in madder root, and probably identical with ruberythrinic acid.

Rubian (n.) (Chem.) One of several color-producing glycosides found in madder root.

Rubianic (a.) (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, rubian; specifically, designating an acid called also ruberythrinic acid. [Obs.]

Rubible (n.) A ribble. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

Rubican (a.) [F.] Colored a prevailing red, bay, or black, with flecks of white or gray especially on the flanks; -- said of horses. -- Smart.

Rubicelle (n.) (Min.) A variety of ruby of a yellowish red color, from Brazil.

Rubicon (n.) (Anc. geog.) A small river which separated Italy from Cisalpine Gaul, the province alloted to Julius Caesar.

Note: By leading an army across this river, contrary to the prohibition of the civil government at Rome, Caesar precipitated the civil war which resulted in the death of Pompey and the overthrow of the senate; hence, the phrase to pass the Rubicon or cross the Rubicon signifies to take the decisive step by which one is committed to a hazardous enterprise from which there is no retreat.

Rubicund (a.) Inclining to redness; ruddy; red. "His rubicund face." -- Longfellow.

Rubicundity (n.) The quality or state of being rubicund; ruddiness.

Rubidic (a.) (Chem.) Of or pertaining to rubidium; containing rubidium.

Rubidine (n.) (Chem.) A nitrogenous base homologous with pyridine, obtained from coal tar as an oily liquid, C11H17N; also, any one of the group od metameric compounds of which rubidine is the type.

Rubidium (n.) (Chem.) A rare metallic element of the alkali metal series, atomic number 37. It occurs quite widely, but in small quantities, and always combined. It is isolated as a soft yellowish white metal, analogous to potassium in most of its properties. Symbol Rb. Atomic weight, 85.48.

Rubidium (n.) A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group; burns in air and reacts violently in water; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite [syn: rubidium, Rb, atomic number 37].


Symbol: Rb

Atomic number: 37

Atomic weight: 85.47

Soft silvery metallic element, belongs to group 1 of the periodic table.

Rb-97, the naturally occurring isotope, is radioactive. It is highly reactive, with properties similar to other elements in group 1, like igniting spontaneously in air. Discovered spectroscopically in 1861 by W. Bunsen and G.R. Kirchoff.

Rubific (a.) Making red; as, rubific rays. --Grew.

Rubification (n.) The act of making red. --Howell.

Rubiform (a.) Having the nature or quality of red; as, the rubiform rays of the sun. [R.] -- Sir I. newton.

Rubify (v. t.) To redden. [R.] "Waters rubifying." -- Chaucer. Rubiginose

Rubiginose (a.) Alt. of Rubiginous.

Rubiginous (a.)  (Bot.) Having the appearance or color of iron rust; rusty-looking.

Rubigo (n.) (bot.) Same as Rust, n., 2.

Rubin (n.) A ruby. [Obs.] -- Spenser.

Rubious (a.) Red; ruddy. [Obs.] -- Shak.

Rubiretin (n.) (Chem.) One of the red dye products extracted from madder root, and probably identical with ruberythrinic acid.

Ruble (n.) The unit of monetary value in Russia. It is divided into 100 copecks, and in the gold coin of the realm (as in the five and ten ruble pieces) is worth about 77 cents. The silver ruble is a coin worth about 60 cents.

Rubric (n.) That part of any work in the early manuscripts and typography which was colored red, to distinguish it from other portions. Hence, specifically:

Rubric (n.) A titlepage, or part of it, especially that giving the date and place of printing; also, the initial letters, etc., when printed in red.

Rubric (n.) (Law books) The title of a statute; -- so called as being anciently written in red letters.

Rubric (n.) (Liturgies) The directions and rules for the conduct of service, formerly written or printed in red; hence, also, an ecclesiastical or episcopal injunction; -- usually in the plural.

All the clergy in England solemnly pledge themselves to observe the rubrics.   -- Hook.

Rubric (n.) Hence, that which is established or settled, as by authority; a thing definitely settled or fixed. -- Cowper.

Nay, as a duty, it had no place or rubric in human conceptions before Christianity. -- De Quincey.

Rubric (v. t.) To adorn ith red; to redden; to rubricate. [R.] -- Johnson. Rubric

Rubric (a.) Alt. of Rubrical.

Rubrical (a.) Colored in, or marked with, red; placed in rubrics.

What though my name stood rubric on the walls Or plaistered posts, with claps, in capitals? -- Pope.

Rubrical (a.) Of or pertaining to the rubric or rubrics. "Rubrical eccentricities." -- C. Kingsley.

Rubricate (a.) Marked with red. -- Sp?lmman.

Rubricate (v. t.) To mark or distinguished with red; to arrange as in a rubric; to establish in a settled and unchangeable form. -- Foxe.

A system . . . according to which the thoughts of men were to be classed and rubricated forever after. -- Hare.

Rubricate (v.) Place in the church calendar as a red-letter day honoring a saint; "She was rubricated by the pope".

Rubricate (v.) Furnish with rubrics or regulate by rubrics; "the manuscript is not rubricated".

Rubricate (v.) Decorate (manuscripts) with letters painted red; "In this beautiful book, all the place names are rubricated" [syn: {miniate}, {rubricate}].

Rubricate (v.) Sign with a mark instead of a name.

Rubrician (n.) Alt. of Rubricist.

Rubricist (n.) One skilled in, or tenaciously adhering to, the rubric or rubrics.

Rubricity (n.) Redness. [R.]

Rubstone (n.) A stone for scouring or rubbing; a whetstone; a rub.

Rubus (n.) A genus of rosaceous plants, including the raspberry and blackberry.

Rubies (n. pl. ) of Ruby.

Ruby (n.) A precious stone of a carmine red color, sometimes verging to violet, or intermediate between carmine and hyacinth red. It is a red crystallized variety of corundum.

Ruby (n.) The color of a ruby; carmine red; a red tint.

Ruby (n.) That which has the color of the ruby, as red wine. Hence, a red blain or carbuncle.

Ruby (n.) See Agate, n., 2.

Ruby (n.) Any species of South American humming birds of the genus Clytolaema. The males have a ruby-colored throat or breast.

Ruby (a.) Ruby-colored; red; as, ruby lips.

Rubied (imp. & p. p.) of Ruby.

Rubying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ruby.

Ruby (v. t.) To make red; to redden.

Ruby falls (n.) 紅寶石瀑布位於田納西南邊的大城Chattanooga,距離亞特蘭大約兩小時車程。迷失之海則位在Chattanooga北邊約一小時車程的小鎮Sweetwater。瀑布和湖泊並不稀奇,值錢的是它們位在地下的鐘乳石洞裏面,也算是種地質奇觀吧!


Discover wonder at Ruby Falls, a favorite destination for 89 years and home to the tallest and deepest underground waterfall open to the public in the United States. Descend 26-stories by elevator and explore the scenic cavern path on a guided tour to the breathtaking waterfall - 1,120 feet underground! See ancient geological formations plus learn about the cave's storied history.  Take in panoramic views of the Tennessee Valley and Tennessee River from Lookout Mountain Tower, Blue Heron Overlook and the Village Plaza. 

Extend your visit to include ZIPStream Aerial Adventure, featuring a 40 foor climbing tower and 700 feet of rushing zip lines with amazing views of the Tennessee Valley. 

There is always something new to learn, discover, and experience at Ruby Falls with events and tours throughout the year.

Rubytail (n.) A European gold wasp (Chrysis ignita) which has the under side of the abdomen bright red, and the other parts deep bluish green with a metallic luster. The larva is parasitic in the nests of other wasps and of bees.

Ruby-tailed (a.) Having the tail, or lower part of the body, bright red.

Rubythroat (n.) Any one of numerous species of humming birds belonging to Trochilus, Calypte, Stellula, and allies, in which the male has on the throat a brilliant patch of red feathers having metallic reflections; esp., the common humming bird of the Eastern United States (Trochilus colubris).

Rubywood (n.) red sandalwood. See under Sandalwood.

Rucervine (a.) Of, like, or pertaining to, a deer of the genus Rucervus, which includes the swamp deer of India.

Ruche (n.) A plaited, quilled, or goffered strip of lace, net, ribbon, or other material, -- used in place of collars or cuffs, and as a trimming for women's dresses and bonnets.

Ruche (n.) A pile of arched tiles, used to catch and retain oyster spawn.

Ruching (n.) A ruche, or ruches collectively.

Ruck (n.) A roc.

Rucked (imp. & p. p.) of Ruck.

Rucking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ruck.

Ruck (v. t. & i.) To draw into wrinkles or unsightly folds; to crease; as, to ruck up a carpet.

Ruck (v. t.) A wrinkle or crease in a piece of cloth, or in needlework.

Ruck (v. i.) To cower; to huddle together; to squat; to sit, as a hen on eggs.

Ruck (n.) A heap; a rick.

Ruck (n.) The common sort, whether persons or things; as, the ruck in a horse race.

Ructation (n.) The act of belching wind.

Ruction (n.) An uproar; a quarrel; a noisy outbreak.

Rud (n.) Redness; blush.

Rud (n.) Ruddle; red ocher.

Rud (n.) The rudd.

Rud (v. t.) To make red.

Rudd (n.) A fresh-water European fish of the Carp family (Leuciscus erythrophthalmus). It is about the size and shape of the roach, but it has the dorsal fin farther back, a stouter body, and red irises. Called also redeye, roud, finscale, and shallow. A blue variety is called azurine, or blue roach.

Rudder (n.) A riddle or sieve.

Rudder (n.) The mechanical appliance by means of which a vessel is guided or steered when in motion. It is a broad and flat blade made of wood or iron, with a long shank, and is fastened in an upright position, usually by one edge, to the sternpost of the vessel in such a way that it can be turned from side to side in the water by means of a tiller, wheel, or other attachment.

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