Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter P - Page 24

Pasticcio (n.) A medley; an olio.

Pasticcio (n.) A work of art imitating directly the work of another artist, or of more artists than one.

Pasticcio (n.) A falsified work of art, as a vase or statue made up of parts of original works, with missing parts supplied.

Pastil (n.) Alt. of Pastille.

Pastille (n.) A small cone or mass made of paste of gum, benzoin, cinnamon, and other aromatics, -- used for fumigating or scenting the air of a room.

Pastille (n.) An aromatic or medicated lozenge; a troche.

Pastille (n.) See Pastel, a crayon.

Pastime (n.) That which amuses, and serves to make time pass agreeably; sport; amusement; diversion.

Pastime (v. i.) To sport; to amuse one's self.

Pastor (n.) A shepherd; one who has the care of flocks and herds.

Pastor (n.) A guardian; a keeper; specifically (Eccl.), a minister having the charge of a church and parish.

Pastor (n.) A species of starling (Pastor roseus), native of the plains of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Its head is crested and glossy greenish black, and its back is rosy. It feeds largely upon locusts.

Pastor (n.) [ C ] (尤指基督教新教的)牧師 A religious leader in certain Protestant Churches.

Pastorage (n.) The office, jurisdiction, or duty, of a pastor; pastorate.

Pastoral (a.) Of or pertaining to shepherds; hence, relating to rural life and scenes; as, a pastoral life.

Pastoral (a.) Relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church; as, pastoral duties; a pastoral letter.

Pastoral (n.) A poem describing the life and manners of shepherds; a poem in which the speakers assume the character of shepherds; an idyl; a bucolic.

Pastoral (n.) A cantata relating to rural life; a composition for instruments characterized by simplicity and sweetness; a lyrical composition the subject of which is taken from rural life.

Pastoral (n.) A letter of a pastor to his charge; specifically, a letter addressed by a bishop to his diocese; also (Prot. Epis. Ch.), a letter of the House of Bishops, to be read in each parish.

Pastorale (n.) A composition in a soft, rural style, generally in 6-8 or 12-8 time.

Pastorale (n.) A kind of dance; a kind of figure used in a dance.

Pastorally (adv.) In a pastoral or rural manner.

Pastorally (adv.) In the manner of a pastor.

Pastorate (n.) The office, state, or jurisdiction of a pastor.

Pastorless (a.) Having no pastor.

Pastorling (n.) An insignificant pastor.

Pastorly (a.) Appropriate to a pastor.

Pastorship (n.) Pastorate.

Pastries (n. pl. ) of Pastry.

Pastry (n.) The place where pastry is made. [Obs.] -- Shak.

Pastry (n.) 油酥(或其他配料的)麵糰 [U];酥皮點心(如餡餅,水果派)[C][U] Articles of food made of paste, or having a crust made of paste, as pies, tarts, etc.

Pastry cook, one whose occupation is to make pastry; as, the pastry cook of a hotel.

Pastry (n.) A dough of flour and water and shortening [syn: pastry, pastry dough].

Pastry (n.) Any of various baked foods made of dough or batter.

Pasturable (a.) 可作牧場的 Fit for pasture.

Pasturage (n.) 畜牧;放牧權;牧草;牧場 Grazing ground; grass land used for pasturing; pasture.

Compare: Grazing

Grazing (n.) 放牧;牧場;牧草;graze 的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 Grassland suitable for pasturage.

Pastures and rough grazing.

Compare: Grassland

Grassland (n.) (Also Grasslands) 牧草地;草原 A large open area of country covered with grass, especially one used for grazing.

Rough grassland.

Pasturage (n.) Grass growing for feed; grazing.

Pasturage (n.) The business of feeding or grazing cattle.

Pasturage (n.) Succulent herbaceous vegetation of pasture land [syn: herbage, pasturage].

Pasturage (n.) Bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle [syn: eatage, forage, pasture, pasturage, grass].

Pasture (n.) 牧草地,放牧場 [C] [U];牧草 [U] Food; nourishment. [Obs.]

Toads and frogs his pasture poisonous. -- Spenser.

Pasture (n.) Specifically: Grass growing for the food of cattle; the food of cattle taken by grazing.

Pasture (n.) Grass land for cattle, horses, etc.; pasturage.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. -- Ps. xxiii. 2.

So graze as you find pasture. -- Shak.

Pastured (imp. & p. p.) of Pasture.

Pasturing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pasture.

Pasture (v. t.) (牛,羊)吃(草);放(牛,羊)吃(草) To feed, esp. to feed on growing grass; to supply grass as food for; as, the farmer pastures fifty oxen; the land will pasture forty cows.

Pasture (v. i.) (牛,羊)吃草 [+on] To feed on growing grass; to graze.

Pasture (n.) A field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock [syn: {pasture}, {pastureland}, {grazing land}, {lea}, {ley}].

Pasture (n.) Bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle [syn: {eatage}, {forage}, {pasture}, {pasturage}, {grass}].

Pasture (v.) Let feed in a field or pasture or meadow [syn: {crop}, {graze}, {pasture}].

Pasture (v.) Feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing" [syn: {crop}, {browse}, {graze}, {range}, {pasture}].

Pastureless (a.) Destitute of pasture. -- Milton.

Compare: Destitute

Destitute (a.) 缺乏的,沒有的 [F] [+of];窮困的,貧困的;【廢】被拋棄的;被捨棄的 Without the basic necessities of life.

The charity cares for destitute children.

Destitute (a.) (Destitute of)  [Predicative]  Not having.

Towns destitute of commerce.

Compare: Charity

Charity (n.) (pl. Charities) 慈悲,仁愛,博愛;慈善 [U];施捨;善舉 [U];慈善團體,慈善事業 [C] An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.

The charity provides practical help for homeless people.

Charity (n.) The body of organizations viewed collectively as the object of fundraising or of donations.

The proceeds of the sale will go to charity.

Charity (n.) The voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.

The care of the poor must not be left to private charity.

Charity (n.) Help or money given voluntarily to those in need.

An unemployed teacher living on charity.

Charity (n.) Kindness and tolerance in judging others.

She found it hard to look on her mother with much charity.

Charity (n.) [Archaic]  Love of humankind, typically in a Christian context.

Faith, hope, and charity.

Charity begins at home (ph.) (Proverb) 博愛始於家門,施捨先及親友 One's first responsibility is for the needs of one's own family and friends.

Compare: Responsibility

Responsibility (n.)  (pl.) Responsibilities 責任 [U] [+for];責任感 [U]; 職責,任務;義務,負擔 [C] The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

A true leader takes responsibility for their team and helps them achieve goals.

Responsibility (n.)  The state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.

The group has claimed responsibility for a string of murders

Responsibility (n.)  The opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization.

We would expect individuals lower down the organization to take on more responsibility.

Responsibility (n.) (Often  responsibilities) A thing that one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation.

He will take over the responsibilities of overseas director

Responsibility (n.) (Responsibility to/ to ward) [In singular]  A moral obligation to behave correctly toward or in respect of.

Individuals have a responsibility to control personal behavior.

Pasturer (n.) One who pastures; one who takes cattle to graze. See {Agister}.

Pasty (a.) 漿糊的;麵糊狀的;(臉色)蒼白的;不健康的 Like paste, as in color, softness, stickness. "A pasty complexion." -- G. Eliot.

Pasties (n. pl. ) of Pasty

Pasty (n.) 肉餡餅 [C] A pie consisting usually of meat wholly surrounded with a crust made of a sheet of paste, and often baked without a dish; a meat pie. "If ye pinch me like a pasty." -- Shak.

"Apple pasties." -- Dickens.

A large pasty baked in a pewter platter. -- Sir W. Scott.

Pasty (a.) Resembling paste in color; pallid; "he looked pasty and red-eyed"; "a complexion that had been pastelike was now chalky white" [syn: {pasty}, {pastelike}].

Pasty (a.) Having the sticky properties of an adhesive [syn: {gluey}, {glutinous}, {gummy}, {mucilaginous}, {pasty}, {sticky}, {viscid}, {viscous}].

Pasty (n.) Small meat pie or turnover.

Pasty (n.) (Usually used in the plural) One of a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic dancers and striptease performers.

Cornish pasty (n.)  [ C ]  康沃爾餡餅(以菜、肉爲餡的烘餅) A  piece  of  pastry  baked  with a mixture  of  meat  and  vegetables inside it, usually for one  person to  eat.

Patted (imp. & p. p.) of Pat.

Patting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pat.

Pat (v. t.) 輕拍,撫拍 To strike gently with the fingers or hand; to stroke lightly; to tap; as, to pat a dog.

Gay pats my shoulder, and you vanish quite. -- Pope.

Pat (n.) A light, quik blow or stroke with the fingers or hand; a tap.

Pat (n.) (奶油等的)小塊 [C] [+of] A small mass, as of butter, shaped by pats.

It looked like a tessellated work of pats of butter. -- Dickens.

Pat (a.) Exactly suitable; fit; convenient; timely. "Pat allusion." -- Barrow.

Pat (adv.) In a pat manner.

I foresaw then 't would come in pat hereafter. -- Sterne.

Pat (adv.) Completely or perfectly; "he has the lesson pat"; "had the system down pat."

Pat (a.) Having only superficial plausibility; "glib promises"; "a slick commercial" [syn: glib, pat, slick].

Pat (a.) Exactly suited to the occasion; "a pat reply."

Pat (n.) The sound made by a gentle blow [syn: pat, rap, tap].

Pat (n.) A light touch or stroke [syn: tap, pat, dab].

Pat (v.) Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin [syn: chuck, pat].

Pat (v.) (v. i.) 輕拍 Hit lightly; "pat him on the shoulder" [syn: dab, pat].

PAT, () Performance Acceleration Technique (Intel, MCH)

PAT, () Port and Address Translation (IOS, Cisco, LAN, IP)

PAT, () Program Association Table (DVB)

PAT, () Personalized Array Translator.

PAT, () Port Address Translation.


Pataca (n.) The Spanish dollar; -- called also patacoon.

Patache (n.) A tender to a fleet, formerly used for conveying men, orders, or treasure.

Patacoon (n.) See Pataca.

Patagia (n. pl. ) of Patagium.

Patagium (n.) In bats, an expansion of the integument uniting the fore limb with the body and extending between the elongated fingers to form the wing; in birds, the similar fold of integument uniting the fore limb with the body.

Patagium (n.) One of a pair of small vesicular organs situated at the bases of the anterior wings of lepidopterous insects. See Illust. of Butterfly.

Patagonian (a.) Of or pertaining to Patagonia.

Patagonian (n.) A native of Patagonia.

Patamar (n.) A vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon.

Patas (n.) A West African long-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ruber); the red monkey.

Patavinity (n.) The use of local or provincial words, as in the peculiar style or diction of Livy, the Roman historian; -- so called from Patavium, now Padua, the place of Livy's nativity.

Patch (n.) [C] 補釘,補片;貼片;(顏色等與周圍不同的)斑駁,斑點;(護傷用的)膏藥;裹傷布;(保護病傷眼睛用的)眼罩;小塊土地;【主英】期間,一段時間;【英】警察巡邏區;管轄區 A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, esp. upon an old garment to cover a hole.

Patch (n.) A small piece of anything used to repair a breach; as, a patch on a kettle, a roof, etc.

Patch (n.) A small piece of black silk stuck on the face, or neck, to hide a defect, or to heighten beauty.

Patch (n.) A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore.

Patch (n.) Fig.: Anything regarded as a patch; a small piece of ground; a tract; a plot; as, scattered patches of trees or growing corn.

Patch (n.) A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting.

Patch (n.) A paltry fellow; a rogue; a ninny; a fool.

Patched (imp. & p. p.) of Patch.

Patching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Patch.

Patch (v. t.) 補綴,修補;暫時解決(分歧,爭端等);拼湊,匆匆製成 To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like; as, to patch a coat.

Patch (v. t.) To mend with pieces; to repair with pieces festened on; to repair clumsily; as, to patch the roof of a house.

Patch (v. t.) To adorn, as the face, with a patch or patches.

Patch (v. t.) To make of pieces or patches; to repair as with patches; to arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner; -- generally with up; as, to patch up a truce.

Patcher (n.) One who patches or botches.

Patchery (n.) Botchery; covering of defects; bungling; hypocrisy.

Patchingly (adv.) Knavishly; deceitfully.

Compare: Knavishly

Knavishly (adv.) In a knavish manner; dishonestly; fraudulently. -- Holland.

Knavishly (adv.) Mischievously; waggishly; roguishly. "Knavishly witty." -- Gayton.

Knavishly (adv.) In an artful manner; "he craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced"; "had ever circumstances conspired so cunningly?" [syn: craftily, cunningly, foxily, knavishly, slyly, trickily, artfully].

Compare: Knavish

Knavish (a.) 無賴的;狡詐的 Like or characteristic of a knave [3]; given to knavery; trickish; fraudulent; dishonest; villainous; as, a knavish fellow, or a knavish trick. "Knavish politicians." -- Macaulay.

Knavish (a.) Mischievous; roguish; waggish; rascally.

Cupid is knavish lad, Thus to make poor females mad. -- Shak.

Compare: Deceitfully

Deceitfully (adv.) 欺騙地;虛偽地 With intent to deceive.

Deceitfully (adv.) In a corrupt and deceitful manner; "he acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend" [syn: dishonestly, venally, deceitfully] [ant: aboveboard, honestly].

Patchouli (n.) Alt. of Patchouly.

Patchouly (n.) 薄荷屬的植物 A mintlike plant (Pogostemon Patchouli) of the East Indies, yielding an essential oil from which a highly valued perfume is made.

Patchouly (n.) The perfume made from this plant.

Patchwork (n.) Work composed of pieces sewed together, esp. pieces of various colors and figures; hence, anything put together of incongruous or ill-adapted parts; something irregularly clumsily composed; a thing putched up.

Patchy (a.) Full of, or covered with, patches; abounding in patches.

Compare: Patt'e

Patt'e, Pattee (a.) (Her.) Narrow at the inner, and very broad at the other, end, or having its arms of that shape; -- said of a cross. See Illust. (8) of Cross. [Written also pat['e], patee.]

Pate (a.) (Her.) See Patte.

Pat'e (n.) A pie. See Patty.

Pate (n.) (Fort.) A kind of platform with a parapet, usually of an oval form, and generally erected in marshy grounds to cover a gate of a fortified place. [R.]

Pate (n.) 【口】頭;腦袋;智力 The head of a person; the top, or crown, of the head. [Now generally used in contempt or ridicule.]

His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate. -- Ps. vii. 16.

Fat paunches have lean pate. -- Shak.

Pate (n.) The skin of a calf's head.

Pated (a.) Having a pate; -- used only in composition; as, long-pated; shallow-pated.

Patee (n.) See Pattee.

Patefaction (n.) The act of opening, disclosing, or manifesting; open declaration.

Patela (n.) A large flat-bottomed trading boat peculiar to the river Ganges; -- called also puteli.

Patellae (n. pl. ) of Patella.

Patella (n.) A small dish, pan, or vase.

Patella (n.) The kneepan; the cap of the knee.

Patella (n.) A genus of marine gastropods, including many species of limpets. The shell has the form of a flattened cone. The common European limpet (Patella vulgata) is largely used for food.

Patella (n.) A kind of apothecium in lichens, which is orbicular, flat, and sessile, and has a special rim not a part of the thallus.

Patellar (a.) Of or pertaining to the patella, or kneepan.

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