Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter P - Page 136
Protactic (a.) Giving a previous narrative or explanation, as of the plot or personages of a play; introductory.
Protagon (n.) (Physiol. Chem.) A nitrogenous phosphorized principle found in brain tissue. By decomposition it yields neurine, fatty acids, and other bodies.
Protagonist (n.) 主演;主角;主唱者;主要人物;倡導者 One who takes the leading part in a drama; hence, one who takes lead in some great scene, enterprise, conflict, or the like.
Shakespeare, the protagonist on the great of modern poetry. -- De Quincey.
Protagonist (n.) A person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library" [syn: supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend].
Protagonist (n.) The principal character in a work of fiction [syn: protagonist, agonist].
Protamin (n.) (Physiol. Chem.) An amorphous nitrogenous substance found in the spermatic fluid of salmon. It is soluble in water, which an alkaline reaction, and unites with acids and metallic bases.
Protandric (a.) (Zool.) Having male sexual organs while young, and female organs later in life. -- Pro*tan"trism, n.
Protandrous (a.) (Bot.) Proterandrous.
Compare: Proterandrous
Proterandrous (a.) (Bot.) Having the stamens come to maturity before the pistil; -- opposed to proterogynous.
Protandry (n.) [U] 雄性先熟 (Biology) The condition in which an organism begins life as a male and then changes into a female.
Protandry (n.) [U] (Botany) The condition of flowers whose male parts mature before the female ones.
Protandry (n.) [U] (Ecology) The emergence of males before females from dormancy, or more rapid development of male brood leading to their appearance earlier in a season.
Protandry (n.) [U] (Ethology) The arrival of males before females at a mating site.
Compare: Dichogamy
Dichogamy (n.) [U] 【植】雄雌蕊異時成熟;雌雄異熟 (Biology) The condition in which an organism changes sex during its lifetime.
Compare: Protogyny
Protogyny (n.) [U] (Biology) 雌蕊先熟;雌性先熟 The condition in which an organism begins life as a female and then changes into a male.
Protogyny (n.) [U] (Botany) The condition of flowers whose female parts mature before the male ones.
Protogyny (n.) [U] (Ecology) The emergence of females before males from dormancy, or more rapid development of female brood leading to their appearance earlier in a season.
Protogyny (n.) [U] (Ethology) The arrival of females before males at a mating site.
Compare: Protandry
Protandry (n.) [U] (Biology) The condition in which an organism begins life as a male and then changes into a female.
Protandry (n.) (Botany) The condition of flowers whose male parts mature before the female ones.
Protandry (n.) (Ecology) The emergence of males before females from dormancy, or more rapid development of male brood leading to their appearance earlier in a season.
Protandry (n.) (Ethology) The arrival of males before females at a mating site.
Protasis (n.) A proposition; a maxim. -- Johnson.
Protasis (n.) (Gram.) The introductory or subordinate member of a sentence, generally of a conditional sentence; -- opposed to apodosis. See Apodosis.
Protasis (n.) The first part of a drama, of a poem, or the like; the introduction; opposed to epitasis. -- B. Jonson.
Protatic (a.) Of or pertaining to the protasis of an ancient play; introductory.
Proteaceous (a.) (Bot.) Of or pertaining to the Proteaceae, an order of apetalous evergreen shrubs, mostly natives of the Cape of Good Hope or of Australia.
Protean (a.) 千變萬化的;變化不定的;一人演幾個角色的 Of or pertaining to Proteus; characteristic of Proteus. " Protean transformations." -- Cudworth.
Protean (a.) Exceedingly variable; readily assuming different shapes or forms; as, an amoeba is a protean animalcule.
Protean (a.) Taking on different forms; "eyes...of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same".
Proteanly (adv.) In a protean manner. ; with assumption of different shapes. -- Cudworth.
Protected (imp. & p. p.) of Protect.
Protecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Protect.
Protect (v. t.) To cover or shield from danger or injury; to defend; to guard; to preserve in safety; as, a father protects his children.
Protectingly (adv.) By way of protection; in a protective manner.
Protection (n.) The act of protecting, or the state of being protected; preservation from loss, injury, or annoyance; defense; shelter; as, the weak need protection.
Protection (n.) That which protects or preserves from injury; a defense; a shield; a refuge.
Protection (n.) A writing that protects or secures from molestation or arrest; a pass; a safe-conduct; a passport.
Protection (n.) A theory, or a policy, of protecting the producers in a country from foreign competition in the home market by the imposition of such discriminating duties on goods of foreign production as will restrict or prevent their importation; -- opposed to free trade.
Protectionism (n.) The doctrine or policy of protectionists. See Protection, 4.
Protectionist (n.) One who favors protection. See Protection, 4.
Protective (a.) Affording protection; sheltering; defensive.
Protectiveness (n.) The quality or state of being protective.
Protector (n.) One who, or that which, defends or shields from injury, evil, oppression, etc.; a defender; a guardian; a patron.
Protector (n.) One having the care of the kingdom during the king's minority; a regent.
Protector (n.) A cardinal, from one of the more considerable Roman Catholic nations, who looks after the interests of his people at Rome; also, a cardinal who has the same relation to a college, religious order, etc.
Protectoral (a.) Of or pertaining to a protector; protectorial; as, protectoral power.
Protectorate (n.) Government by a protector; -- applied especially to the government of England by Oliver Cromwell.
Protectorate (n.) The authority assumed by a superior power over an inferior or a dependent one, whereby the former protects the latter from invasion and shares in the management of its affairs.
Protectorial (a.) Same as Protectoral.
Protectorless (a.) Having no protector; unprotected.
Protectorship (n.) The office of a protector or regent; protectorate.
Protectress (n.) Alt. of Protectrix.
Protectrix (n.) A woman who protects.
Protege (n. f.) Alt. of Protegee.
Protegee (n. f.) One under the care and protection of another.
Proteid (n.) One of a class of amorphous nitrogenous principles, containing, as a rule, a small amount of sulphur; an albuminoid, as blood fibrin, casein of milk, etc. Proteids are present in nearly all animal fluids and make up the greater part of animal tissues and organs. They are also important constituents of vegetable tissues. See 2d Note under Food.
Proteidea (n. pl.) An order of aquatic amphibians having prominent external gills and four legs. It includes Proteus and Menobranchus (Necturus). Called also Proteoidea, and Proteida.
Proteiform (a.) Changeable in form; resembling a Proteus, or an amoeba.
Protein (n.) 蛋白質,朊 [C] [U] A body now known as alkali albumin, but originally considered to be the basis of all albuminous substances, whence its name.
Compae: Albuminous
Albuminous (a.) 含白蛋白的;【植】有胚乳的Consisting of, resembling, or containing albumen.
Protein (n.) (Physiol. Chem.) In chemical analysis, the total nitrogenous material in vegetable or animal substances, obtained by multiplying the total nitrogen found by a factor, usually 6.25, assuming most proteids to contain approximately 16 per cent of nitrogen.
Proteid (n.) (Physiol. Chem.) {protein"> An older, imprecise term replaced by {protein. 【罕】蛋白質
Note: Proteid was defined in the 1913 Webster as "One of a class of amorphous nitrogenous principles, containing, as a rule, a small amount of sulphur; an albuminoid, as blood fibrin, casein of milk, etc. Proteids are present in nearly all animal fluids and make up the greater part of animal tissues and organs. They are also important constituents of vegetable tissues. See 2d Note under Food." -- Pro"te*id, a.
Syn: protein.
Defensive proteid (Physiol. Chem.), 防禦蛋白質 One of a class of proteid substances, present in some animal tissues and fluids, that make the body immune to certain infectious diseases by destroying or rendering inactive the toxic products of bacterial growth; -- this is an older term replaced by more precise modern immunological concepts such as antibody and immunoglobulin. [Archaic]
Protein (n.) (Physiol. Chem.) Any polymer of an amino acid joined by peptide (amide) bonds. Most natural proteins have alpha-amino acids as the monomeric constituents. All classical enzymes are composed of protein, and control most of the biochemical transformations carrie dout in living cells. They may be soluble, as casein, albumins, and other globular proteins, or insoluble (e. g. "structural proteins"), as collagen or keratin. "albumin", an older term for protein, is now used primarily to refer to certain specific soluble globular proteins found in eggs or blood serum, e.g. bovine serum albumin, the main soluble protein in teh serum of cattle, used as an enzymatically inert protein in biochemical research.
Note: In the 1913 dictionary, protein was defined as: "A body now known as alkali albumin, but originally considered to be the basis of all albuminous substances, whence its name."
Protein crystal. (Bot.) See Crystalloid, n., 2.
Compare: Macromolecule
Macromolecule (n.) (Chem., Biochem.) 【化】大分子 A very large molecule, especially a polymer having from hundreds to many thousands of atoms, such as DNA, RNA, protein, polysaccharide, polyethylene, polycarbonate, etc.
Protein (n.) Any of a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells; consist of polymers of amino acids; essential in the diet of animals for growth and for repair of tissues; can be obtained from meat and eggs and milk and legumes; "a diet high in protein".
Proteinaceous (a.) Of or related to protein; albuminous; proteid.
Proteinous (a.) Proteinaceuos.
Proteles (n.) A South Africa genus of Carnivora, allied to the hyenas, but smaller and having weaker jaws and teeth. It includes the aard-wolf.
Protended (imp. & p. p.) of Protend.
Protending (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Protend.
Protend (v. t.) To hold out; to stretch forth.
Protense (n.) Extension.
Protension (n.) A drawing out; extension.
Protensive (a.) Drawn out; extended.
Proteolysis (n.) The digestion or dissolving of proteid matter by proteolytic ferments.
Proteolytic (a.) Converting proteid or albuminous matter into soluble and diffusible products, as peptones.
Proterandrous (a.) Having the stamens come to maturity before the pistil; -- opposed to proterogynous.
Proterandry (n.) The condition of being proterandrous.
Proteranthous (a.) Having flowers appearing before the leaves; -- said of certain plants.
Proteroglypha (n. pl.) A suborder of serpents including those that have permanently erect grooved poison fangs, with ordinary teeth behind them in the jaws. It includes the cobras, the asps, and the sea snakes. Called also Proteroglyphia.
Proterogynous (a.) Having the pistil come to maturity before the stamens; protogynous; -- opposed to proterandrous.
Proterosaurus (n.) An extinct genus of reptiles of the Permian period. Called also Protosaurus.
Protervity (n.) Peevishness; petulance.
Protested (imp. & p. p.) of Protest.
Protesting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Protest.
Protest (v. i.) (v. t.) 反對,抗議,斷言,主張,拒付 To affirm in a public or formal manner; to bear witness; to declare solemnly; to avow.
He protest that his measures are pacific. -- Landor.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. -- Shak.
Protest (v. i.) To make a solemn declaration (often a written one) expressive of opposition; -- with against; as, he protest against your votes. -- Denham.
The conscience has power . . . to protest againts the exorbitancies of the passions. -- Shak.
Syn: To affirm; asseverate; assert; aver; attest; testify; declare; profess. See Affirm.
Protest (v. t.) To make a solemn declaration or affirmation of; to proclaim; to display; as, to protest one's loyalty.
I will protest your cowardice. -- Shak.
Protest (v. t.) To call as a witness in affirming or denying, or to prove an affirmation; to appeal to.
Fiercely [they] opposed My journey strange, with clamorous uproar Protesting fate supreme. -- Milton.
To protest a bill or To protest a note (Law), To make a solemn written declaration, in due form, on behalf of the holder, against all parties liable for any loss or damage to be sustained by the nonacceptance or the nonpayment of the bill or note, as the case may be. This should be made by a notary public, whose seal it is the usual practice to affix. -- Kent. -- Story.
Protest (n.) 主張,斷言,抗議,反對,抗議書 A solemn declaration of opinion, commonly a formal objection against some act; especially, a formal and solemn declaration, in writing, of dissent from the proceedings of a legislative body; as, the protest of lords in Parliament.
Protest (n.) (Law) A solemn declaration in writing, in due form, made by a notary public, usually under his notarial seal, on behalf of the holder of a bill or note, protesting against all parties liable for any loss or damage by the nonacceptance or nonpayment of the bill, or by the nonpayment of the note, as the case may be.
Protest (n.) (Law) A declaration made by the master of a vessel before a notary, consul, or other authorized officer, upon his arrival in port after a disaster, stating the particulars of it, and showing that any damage or loss sustained was not owing to the fault of the vessel, her officers or crew, but to the perils of the sea, etc., ads the case may be, and protesting against them.
Protest (n.) (Law) A declaration made by a party, before or while paying a tax, duty, or the like, demanded of him, which he deems illegal, denying the justice of the demand, and asserting his rights and claims, in order to show that the payment was not voluntary.
Protest (n.) A formal and solemn declaration of objection; "they finished the game under protest to the league president"; "the senator rose to register his protest"; "the many protestations did not stay the execution" [syn: {protest}, {protestation}].
Protest (n.) The act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent [syn: {protest}, {objection}, {dissent}].
Protest (n.) The act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval; "he shouted his protests at the umpire"; "a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall."
Protest (v.) Utter words of protest.
Protest (v.) Express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country" [syn: {protest}, {resist}, {dissent}].
Protest (v.) Affirm or avow formally or solemnly; "The suspect protested his innocence."
Protest, () mar. law. A writing, attested by a justice of the peace or a consul, drawn by the master of a vessel, stating the severity of a voyage by which a ship has suffered, and showing it was not owing to the neglect or misconduct of the master. Vide Marsh. Ins. 715, 716. See 1 Wash. C. R. 145; Id. 238; Id. 408, n.; 1 Pet. C. R. 119; 1 Dall. 6; Id. 10; Id. 317; 2 Dall. 195; 3 Watts & Serg. 144; 3 Binn. 228, n.; 1 Yeates, 261.
Protest, () legislation. A declaration made by one or more members of a legislative body that they do not agree with some act or resolution of the body; it is usual to add the reasons which the protestants have for such a dissent.
Protest, () contracts. A notarial act, made for want of payment of a promissory note, or for want of acceptance or payment of a bill of exchange, by a notary public, in which it is declared that all parties to such instruments will be held responsible to the holder for all damages, exchanges, reexchanges, &c.
Protest, () There are two kinds of protest, namely, protest for non-acceptance, and protest for non-payment. When a protest is made and notice of the non-payment or non-acceptance given to the parties in proper time, they will be held responsible. 3 Kent, Com. 63; Chit. on Bills, 278; 3 Pardes. n. 418 to 441; Merl. Repert. h.t.; COID. Dig. Merchant, F 8, 9, 10; Bac. Ab. Merchant, &c. M 7.
Protest, () There is also a species of protest, common in England, which is called protest for better security. It may be made when a merchant who has accepted a bill becomes insolvent, or is publicly reported to have failed in his credit, or absents himself from change, before the bill he has accepted becomes due, or when the holder has any just reason to suppose it will not be paid; and on demand the acceptor refuses to give it. Notice of such protest must, as in other cases, be sent by the first post. 1 Ld. Raym. 745; Mar. 27.
Protest, () In making the protest, three things are to be done: the noting; demanding acceptance or payment or, as above, better security and drawing up the protest. 1. The noting, (q.v.) is unknown to the law as distinguished from the protest. 2. The demand, (q.v.) which must be made by a person having authority to receive the money. 3. The drawing up of the protest, which is a mere matter of form. Vide Acceptance; Bills of Exchange.
Protestancy (n.) Protestantism.
Protestant (n.) One who protests; -- originally applied to those who adhered to Luther, and protested against, or made a solemn declaration of dissent from, a decree of the Emperor Charles V. and the Diet of Spires, in 1529, against the Reformers, and appealed to a general council; -- now used in a popular sense to designate any Christian who does not belong to the Roman Catholic or the Greek Church.
Protestant (a.) Making a protest; protesting.
Protestant (a.) Of or pertaining to the faith and practice of those Christians who reject the authority of the Roman Catholic Church; as, Protestant writers.
Protestant (n.) [ C ] 新教徒 A member of the parts of the Christian Church that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century.
// Protestants and Catholics attend the same schools here.
// He was a supporter of the Protestant church.
Protestant (a.) 新教的,和新教有關的 Of or relating to these parts of the Christian Church. - Protestantism (n.) [ U ]
// A Protestant minister.
The Protestant work ethic新教的工作倫理 The belief that work is valuable as an activity, as well as for what it produces.
Protestantical (a.) Protestant.
Protestantism (n.) 新教;新教教義;新教教會The quality or state of being protestant, especially against the Roman Catholic Church; the principles or religion of the Protestants.
Protestantly (adv.) Like a Protestant; in conformity with Protestantism.
Protestation (n.) 主張,斷言,明言 The act of making a protest; a public avowal; a solemn declaration, especially of dissent.
Protestation (n.) Formerly, a declaration in common-law pleading, by which the party interposes an oblique allegation or denial of some fact, protesting that it does or does not exist, and at the same time avoiding a direct affirmation or denial.
Protestator (n.) One who makes protestation; a protester.
Protester (n.) 抗議者;反對者;拒絕者;斷言者 One who protests; one who utters a solemn declaration. -- Shak.
Protester (n.) (Law) One who protests a bill of exchange, or note.
Protester (n.) A person who dissents from some established policy [syn: {dissenter}, {dissident}, {protester}, {objector}, {contestant}].
Protester (n.) Someone who participates in a public display of group feeling [syn: {demonstrator}, {protester}].
Protester (n.) [ C ] (Also protestor) 抗議者;抗議人士 Someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc..
Protestingly (adv.) 抗議地不;服地 By way of protesting.
Proteus (n.) 海神,容易變形態之物,容易變身姿的人 A sea god in the service of Neptune who assumed different shapes at will. Hence, one who easily changes his appearance or principles.
Proteus (n.) A genus of aquatic eel-shaped amphibians found in caves in Austria. They have permanent external gills as well as lungs. The eyes are small and the legs are weak.
Proteus (n.) A changeable protozoan; an amoeba.
Prothalamion (n.) Alt. of Prothalamium
Prothalamium (n.) A song in celebration of a marriage.
Prothallia (n. pl. ) of Prothallium.
Prothallium (n.) Same as Prothallus.
Prothalli (n. pl. ) of Prothallus.
Prothallus (n.) The minute primary growth from the spore of ferns and other Pteridophyta, which bears the true sexual organs; the oophoric generation of ferns, etc.
Prothesis (n.) A credence table; -- so called by the Eastern or Greek Church.
Prothesis (n.) See Prosthesis.
Prothetic (a.) Of or pertaining to prothesis; as, a prothetic apparatus.
-ries (n. pl. ) of Protonotary.
Prothonotary (n.) Alt. of Protonotary.
Protonotary (n.) A chief notary or clerk. " My private prothonotary." -- Herrick.
Protonotary (n.) Formerly, a chief clerk in the Court of King's Bench and in the Court of Common Pleas, now superseded by the master. [Eng.] -- Wharton. Burrill.