Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter N - Page 18
Nitrifier (n.) (Chem.) 氮化物;硝化劑 An agent employed in nitrification.
Nitrified (imp. & p. p.) of Nitrify.
Nitrifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nitrify.
Nitrify (v. t.) (Chem.) 【化】使與氮化合;硝化 To combine or impregnate with nitrogen; to convert, by oxidation, into nitrous or nitric acid; to subject to, or produce by, nitrification.
Nitrify (v.) Convert into nitric acid, nitrous acid, or nitrate, especially with the action of nitrobacteria.
Compare: Nitrobacteria
Nitrobacteria (n.) 硝化細菌 Soil bacteria that convert nitrites to nitrates.
Syn: nitric bacteria.
Nitrobacteria (n.) Soil bacteria that convert nitrites to nitrates [syn: nitric bacteria, nitrobacteria].
Nitrify (v.) Treat with nitrogen or a nitrogen compound [syn: nitrify, nitrogenize, nitrogenise].
Nitrify (v.) Treat (soil) with nitrates [ant: denitrify].
Nitrile (n.) (Chem.) 【化】亞硝酸鹽 Any one of a series of compounds bearing the cyanide radical ({-CN); particularly, one of those cyanides of alcohol radicals which, by boiling with acids or alkalies, produce a carboxyl acid, with the elimination of the nitrogen as ammonia.
Note: The nitriles are named with reference to the acids produced by their decomposition, thus, hydrocyanic acid is formic nitrile, methyl cyanide is acetonitrile (also acetic nitrile), and ethyl cyanide is propionitrile (from propionic acid).
Nitrile (n.) Any of a class of organic compounds containing the cyano radical -- CN [syn: nitrile, nitril, cyanide].
Nitrite (n.) (Chem.) A salt of nitrous acid ; a compound bearing the -- NO2 radical.
Amyl nitrite, A yellow oily volatile liquid, used in medicine as a depressant and a vaso-dilator. Its inhalation produces an instantaneous flushing of the face.
Nitrite (n.) The radical -NO2 or any compound containing it (such as a salt or ester of nitrous acid).
Nitro (n.) [By shortening of nitroglycerin.] Nitroglycerin.
Nitro- () A combining form or an adjective denoting the presence of niter.
Nitro- () (Chem.) A combining form (used also adjectively) designating certain compounds of nitrogen or of its acids, as nitrohydrochloric, nitrocalcite; also, designating the group or radical NO2, or its compounds, as nitrobenzene. ({C6H5.NO2).
Nitro group, The radical NO2; -- called also nitroxyl.
Nitro, WV -- U.S. city in West Virginia
Population (2000): 6824
Housing Units (2000): 3217
Land area (2000): 3.746938 sq. miles (9.704524 sq. km)
Water area (2000): 0.331375 sq. miles (0.858257 sq. km)
Total area (2000): 4.078313 sq. miles (10.562781 sq. km)
FIPS code: 59068
Located within: West Virginia (WV), FIPS 54
Location: 38.415281 N, 81.831249 W
ZIP Codes (1990): 25143
Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
Nitro, WV
Nitrobenzene (n.) (Chem.) 硝基苯 A yellow aromatic liquid ({C6H5.NO2), produced by the action of nitric acid on benzene, and called from its odor imitation oil of bitter almonds, or essence of mirbane. It is used in perfumery, and is manufactured in large quantities in the preparation of aniline. Fornerly called also {nitrobenzol}. Nitrobenzol
Nitrobenzene (n.) A poisonous oily water-soluble liquid used as a solvent and in the manufacture of aniline.
Nitrobenzol (n.) Alt. of Nitrobenzole.
Nitrobenzole (n.) See Nitrobenzene.
Nitrocalcite (n.) (Min.) Nitrate of calcium, a substance having a grayish white color, occuring in efforescences on old walls, and in limestone caves, especially where there exists decaying animal matter.
Nitrocalcite (n.) The mineral form of calcium nitrate.
Nitrocarbol (n.) (Chem.) See Nitromethane.
Compare: Nitromethane
Nitromethane (n.) (Chem.) 硝基甲烷 A nitro derivative of methane ({CH3.NO2), obtained as a mobile liquid; -- called also nitrocarbol. It has been used as a rocket fuel and as a gasoline additive to add power to the fuel, especially in racing cars.
Nitrocellulose (n.) (Chem.) See Gun cotton, under Gun.
Nitrocellulose (n.) 【化】硝化纖維素,硝棉 A nitric acid ester; used in lacquers and explosives [syn: cellulose nitrate, nitrocellulose, guncotton, nitrocotton].
Compare: Nitrocotton
Nitrocotton (n.) 硝化棉 A nitric acid ester; used in lacquers and explosives [syn: cellulose nitrate, nitrocellulose, guncotton, nitrocotton].
Nitro-chloroform (n.) (Chem.) Same as Chlorpicrin.
Compare: Chlorpicrin
Chlorpicrin (n.) (Chem.) 嘔吐性毒氣液體 A heavy, colorless liquid, CCl3.NO2, of a strong pungent odor, obtained by subjecting picric acid to the action of chlorine. [Written also chloropikrin.]
Nitroform (n.) (Chem.) A nitro derivative of methane, analogous to chloroform, obtained as a colorless oily or crystalline substance, CH.(NO2)3, quite explosive, and having well-defined acid properties.
Nitrogelatin (n.) An explosive consisting of gun cotton and camphor dissolved in nitroglycerin. [Written also nitrogelatine.]
Nitrogen (n.) (Chem.) A colorless nonmetallic element of atomic number 7, tasteless and odorless, comprising four fifths of the atmosphere by volume in the form of molecular nitrogen ({N2). It is chemically very inert in the free state, and as such is incapable of supporting life (hence the name azote still used by French chemists); but it forms many important compounds, such as ammonia, nitric acid, the cyanides, etc, and is a constituent of all organized living tissues, animal or vegetable. Symbol N. Atomic weight 14.007. It was formerly regarded as a permanent noncondensible gas, but was liquefied in 1877 by Cailletet of Paris, and Pictet of Geneva, and boils at -195.8 [deg] C at atmospheric pressure. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant to store delicate materials, such as bacteria, cells, and other biological materials.
Nitrogen (n.) A common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues [syn: nitrogen, N, atomic number 7].
Symbol: N
Atomic number: 7
Atomic weight: 14.0067
Colourless, gaseous element which belongs to group 15 of the periodic table. Constitutes ~78% of the atmosphere and is an essential part of the ecosystem. Nitrogen for industrial purposes is acquired by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Chemically inactive, reactive generally only at high temperatures or in electrical discharges. It was discovered in 1772 by D. Rutherford.
Nitrogen (n.) [ U ] (Symbol N) 氮(氣) A chemical element that is a gas with no colour or taste, forms most of the earth's atmosphere, and is a part of all living things.
Nitrogenized (imp. & p. p.) of Nitrogenize.
Nitrogenizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nitrogenize.
Nitrogenize (v. t.) (Chem.) To combine, or impregnate, with nitrogen or its compounds.
Nitrogenize (v.) Treat with nitrogen or a nitrogen compound [syn: nitrify, nitrogenize, nitrogenise].
Nitrogenous (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, nitrogen; as, a nitrogenous principle; nitrogenous compounds.
Nitrogenous foods. See 2d Note under Food, n., 1. Nitroglycerin
Nitrogenous (a.) Of or relating to or containing nitrogen [syn: nitrogenous, nitrogen-bearing].
Nitroglycerin (n.) (Chem.) 【化】硝化甘油 A liquid appearing like a heavy oil, colorless or yellowish, and consisting of a mixture of several glycerin salts of nitric acid, and hence more properly called glycerin nitrate. It is made by the action of nitric acid on glycerin in the presence of sulphuric acid. It is extremely unstable and terribly explosive. A very dilute solution is used in medicine as a neurotic under the name of glonion. [Written also nitroglycerine.]
Note: A great number of explosive compounds have been produced by mixing nitroglycerin with different substances; as, dynamite, or giant powder, nitroglycerin mixed with siliceous earth; lithofracteur, nitroglycerin with gunpowder, or with sawdust and nitrate of sodium or barium; Colonia powder, gunpowder with nitroglycerin; dualin, nitroglycerin with sawdust, or with sawdust and nitrate of potassium and some other substances; lignose, wood fiber and nitroglycerin.
Nitroglycerin (n.) A heavy yellow poisonous oily explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol; used in making explosives and medically as a vasodilator (trade names Nitrospan and Nitrostat) [syn: nitroglycerin, nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin, glyceryl trinitrate, Nitrospan, Nitrostat].
Nitrohydrochloric (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitric and hydrochloric acids.
Nitrohydrochloric acid, 硝基鹽酸 A mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, usually in the proportion of one part of the former to three of the latter, and remarkable for its solvent action on gold and platinum; -- called also aqua regia, and nitromuriatic acid.
Compare: Aqua regia
Aqua regia (ph.) (Chem.)【化】王水 [L., royal water], A very corrosive fuming yellow liquid consisting of nitric and hydrochloric acids. It has the power of dissolving gold, the "royal" metal.
Aqua regia (n.) A yellow fuming corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid that dissolves metals (including gold) [syn: aqua regia, nitrohydrochloric acid].
Nitrol (n.) (Chem.) 【化】 硝腦; 硝基亞硝基烴 Any one of a series of hydrocarbons containing the nitro and the nitroso or isonitroso group united to the same carbon atom.
Nitroleum (n.) (Chem.) Nitroglycerin.
Nitrolic (a.) (Chem.) Of, derived from, or designating, a nitrol; as, a nitrolic acid.
Nitromagnesite (n.) (Chem.) Nitrate of magnesium, a saline efflorescence closely resembling nitrate of calcium.
Nitrometer (n.) (Chem.) An apparatus for determining the amount of nitrogen or some of its compounds in any substance subjected to analysis; an azotometer.
Nitromethane (n.) (Chem.) A nitro derivative of methane obtained as a mobile liquid; -- called also nitrocarbol. It has been used as a rocket fuel and as a gasoline additive to add power to the fuel, especially in racing cars.
Nitromuriatic (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or composed of, nitric acid and muriatic acid; nitrohydrochloric. See Nitrohydrochloric.
Nitrophnol (n.) (Chem.) Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of phenol. They are yellow oily or crystalline substances and have well-defined acid properties, as picric acid.
Nitroprussic (a.) (Chem.) Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, a complex acid called nitroprussic acid, obtained indirectly by the action of nitric acid on potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate), as a red crystalline unstable substance. It forms salts called nitroprussides, which give a rich purple color with alkaline subphides.
Nitroprusside (n.) See Nitroprussic.
Nitroquinol (n.) (Chem.) A hypothetical nitro derivative of quinol or hydroquinone, not known in the free state, but forming a well defined series of derivatives.
Nitrosaccharin (n.) (Chem.) An explosive nitro derivative of certain sugars, analogous to nitroglycerin, gun cotton, etc.
Nitrosalicylic (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a nitro derivative of salicylic acid, called also anilic acid.
Nitrose (a.) (Chem.) See Nitrous.
Nitroso- () (? or ? ). (Chem.) A prefix (also used adjectively) designating the group or radical NO, called the nitroso group, or its compounds.
Nitrosyl (n.) (Chem.) The radical NO, called also the nitroso group. The term is sometimes loosely used to designate certain nitro compounds; as, nitrosyl sulphuric acid. Used also adjectively.
Nitrosylic (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitrosyl; as, nitrosylic acid.
Nitrous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, niter; of the quality of niter, or resembling it.
Nitrous (a.) (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of those compounds in which nitrogen has a relatively lower valence as contrasted with nitric compounds.
Nitrous acid (Chem.), A hypothetical acid of nitrogen HNO2, not known in the free state, but forming a well known series of salts, viz., the nitrites.
Nitrous oxide. See Laughing gas.
Nitroxyl (n.) (Chem.) The group NO2, usually called the nitro group.
Nitrum (n.) (Old Chem.) Niter.
Nitrum flammans [L., flaming niter] (Old Chem.), Ammonium nitrate; -- probably so called because it deflagrates when suddenly heated.
Nitry (a.) (Chem.) Nitrous. [Obs.]
Nitryl (n.) (Chem.) A name sometimes given to the nitro group or radical.
Nitter (n.) (Zool.) The horselouse; an insect that deposits nits on horses.
Nittily (adv.) Lousily. [Obs.] -- Hayward.
Nittings (n. pl.) (Mining) The refuse of good ore. -- Raymond.
Nitty (a.) Full of nits. -- B. Jonson.
Nitty (a.) Shining; elegant; spruce. [Obs.] "O sweet, nitty youth." -- Marston.
Nival (a.) Abounding with snow; snowy. [Obs.] -- Johnson.
Niveous (a.) Snowy; resembling snow; partaking of the qualities of snow. -- Sir T. Browne.
Nivose (n.) The fourth month of the French republican calendar [1792-1806]. It commenced December 21, and ended January 19. See VendEmiaire.
Nix (n.; fem. Nixe.) (Teut. Myth.) One of a class of water spirits, commonly described as of a mischievous disposition.
The treacherous nixes who entice men to a watery death. -- Tylor.
Nix (v.) [ T ] (US informal) 停止;禁止;拒絕 To stop, prevent, or refuse to accept something.
// The film studio nixed her plans to make a sequel.
Nix (n.) [ U ], (adv.) (US informal) 那一切努力都白費了 Nothing or no.
// All that effort for nix.
// I suppose mom will say nix to us going to the movies.
Nixie (n.) See Nix.
Nizam (n.) The title of the native sovereigns of Hyderabad, in India, since 1719.
No (a.) Not any; not one; none.
No (adv.) Nay; not; not at all; not in any respect or degree; -- a word expressing negation, denial, or refusal. Before or after another negative, no is emphatic.
Noes (n. pl. ) of No.
No (n.) A refusal by use of the wordd no; a denial.
No (n.) A negative vote; one who votes in the negative; as, to call for the ayes and noes; the noes have it.
Noachian (a.) Of or pertaining to the patriarch Noah, or to his time.
Noah (n.) A patriarch of Biblical history, in the time of the Deluge.
Nob (n.) The head.
Nob (n.) A person in a superior position in life; a nobleman.
Nobbily (adv.) In a nobby manner.
Nobbler (n.) A dram of spirits.
Nobby (a.) 貴族似的,時髦的,華麗的 Stylish; modish; elegant; showy; aristocratic; fashionable.
Nobiliary (a.) Of or pertaining to the nobility.
Nobiliary (n.) A history of noble families.
Nobilify (v. t.) To make noble; to nobiliate.
Nobilitate (v. t.) To make noble; to ennoble; to exalt.
Nobilitation (n.) The act of making noble.
Nobility (n.) [U] 貴族(階層)[the S] [G];高貴,崇高,高尚 The quality or state of being noble; superiority of mind or of character; commanding excellence; eminence.
Though she hated Amphialus, yet the nobility of her courage prevailed over it. -- Sir P. Sidney.
They thought it great their sovereign to control, And named their pride nobility of soul. -- Dryden.
Nobility (n.) The state of being of high rank or noble birth; patrician dignity; antiquity of family; distinction by rank, station, or title, whether inherited or conferred.
I fell on the same argument of preferring virtue to nobility of blood and titles, in the story of Sigismunda. -- Dryden.
Nobility (n.) Those who are noble; the collictive body of nobles or titled persons in a stste; the aristocratic and patrician class; the peerage; as, the English nobility.
Nobility (n.) A privileged class holding hereditary titles [syn: {nobility}, {aristocracy}].
Nobility (n.) The quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct [syn: {nobility}, {nobleness}, {magnanimousness}, {grandeur}].
Nobility (n.) The state of being of noble birth [syn: {nobility}, {noblesse}].
Nobility (n.) (Moral) [ U ] 高尚,偉大,崇高 Honesty, courage, and kindness.
// Nobility of spirit/ purpose.
Nobility (n.) (High rank)
The nobility [ S, + sing/ pl. verb ] (總稱)貴族 The people of the highest social rank in a society, considered as a group.
// Members of the nobility.
Noble (a.) 高貴的,高尚的,貴族的,輝煌的 Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.; above whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable; magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; a noble heart.
Noble (a.) Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble edifice.
Noble (a.) Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title; highborn; as, noble blood; a noble personage.
Noble (n.) 貴族 A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer.
Noble (n.) An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s. 8 d. sterling, or about $1.61.
Noble (n.) A European fish; the lyrie.
Noble (v. t.) To make noble; to ennoble.
Noblemen (n. pl. ) of Nobleman.
Nobleman (n.) 貴族 One of the nobility; a noble; a peer; one who enjoys rank above a commoner, either by virtue of birth, by office, or by patent.
Nobleman (n.) [ C ] (Plural - men) 貴族(成員) A member of the nobility (= the highest social rank in a society).
Noble-minded (a.) Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous.
Nobleness (n.) The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobility; grandeur; stateliness.
His purposes are full honesty, nobleness, and integrity. -- Jer. Taylor. Nobless
Nobleness (n.) 高貴,崇高,高尚 [U] The quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct [syn: nobility, nobleness, magnanimousness, grandeur].
Nobless (n.) Alt. of Noblesse.
Noblesse (n.) 【法】 貴族;高貴 Dignity; greatness; noble birth or condition. [Obs.] -- Chaucer. -- Spenser. -- B. Jonson.
Noblesse (n.) The nobility; persons of noble rank collectively, including males and females. -- Dryden.
Noblesse (n.) The state of being of noble birth [syn: nobility, noblesse].
Noblesse (n.) Members of the nobility (especially of the French nobility).
Noblewomen (n. pl. ) of Noblewoman.
Noblewoman (n.) A female of noble rank; a peeress.
Noblewoman (n.) A woman of the peerage in Britain [syn: Lady, noblewoman, peeress] [ant: Lord, noble, nobleman].
Nobley (n.) The body of nobles; the nobility. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Nobley (n.) Noble birth; nobility; dignity. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Nobly (adv.) Of noble extraction; as, nobly born or descended.
Nobly (adv.) In a noble manner; with greatness of soul; heroically; with magnanimity; as, a deed nobly done.
Nobly (adv.) Splendidly; magnificently.
Syn: Illustriously; honorably; magnanimously; heroically; worthly; eminently; grandly.
Nobly (adv.) In a noble manner; "she has behaved nobly."
Nobodies (n. pl. ) of Nobody.