Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter M - Page 67

Monoclinal (a.) (Geol.) 【地】單斜的 Having one oblique inclination; -- applied to strata that dip in only one direction from the axis of elevation.

Monoclinal (a.)  Of a geological structure in which all strata are inclined in the same direction.

Monocline (n.) (Geol.) 【地】單斜褶皺A monoclinal fold.

Monocline (n.) A geological formation in which all strata are inclined in the same direction.

Monoclinic (a.) (Crystallog.) (結晶)單斜(晶體)的 Having one oblique intersection; -- said of that system of crystallization in which the vertical axis is inclined to one, but at right angles to the other, lateral axis. See Crystallization.

Monoclinic (a.) Having three unequal crystal axes with one oblique intersection; "monoclinic system" [ant: anorthic, triclinic].

Monoclinous (a.) (Bot.) 【植】雌雄(蕊)同花的 Hermaphrodite, or having both stamens and pistils in every flower.

Monoclinous (a.) Having pistils and stamens in the same flower [ant: diclinous].

Monocondyla (n. pl.) (Zool.) A group of vertebrates, including the birds and reptiles, or those that have only one occipital condyle; the Sauropsida.

Compare: Sauropsida

Sauropsida (n.) 蜥型類 In some especially former classifications:  A group of vertebrates comprising the reptiles and birds.

Compare : Ichthyopsida, Mammalia.

Monocotyl (n.) (Bot.) Any monocotyledonous plant.

Monocotyle (a.) (Bot.) Monocotyledonous.

Monocotyledon (n.) (Bot.) A plant with only one cotyledon, or seed lobe ; a member of the Monocotyledonae.

Note: The plural, monocotyledons, is used as the name of a large class of plants (the Monocotyledones, or Monocotyledonae), and is generally understood to be equivalent to the term endogens. Monocotyledonae

Monocotyledon (n.) A monocotyledonous flowering plant; the stem grows by deposits on its inside [syn: monocot, monocotyledon, liliopsid, endogen].

Monocotyledon (n.) [ C ] (Specialized) 單子葉植物(有花,種子內部只有一片子葉,葉子通常狹長,有平行的葉脈,如水仙、草和小麥等穀物) A type of plant that produces flowers and has only one cotyledon (= leaf part inside the seed). Monocotyledons include daffodils and grasses.

Monocotyledonous (a.) (Bot.) Having only one cotyledon, seed lobe, or seminal leaf. -- Lindley.

Monocotyledonous (a.) Of a flowering plant) having a single cotyledon in the seed as in grasses and lilies [ant: dicotyledonous].

Monocotyledonous (a.)單子葉植物的 Belonging or pertaining to the monocotyledons.

Monocracy (n.) 獨裁政治 Government by a single person; undivided rule. -- Sydney Smith.

Monocracy (n.) A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.) [syn: dictatorship, absolutism, authoritarianism, Caesarism, despotism, monocracy, one-man rule, shogunate, Stalinism, totalitarianism, tyranny].

Monocrat (n.) 獨裁者 One who governs alone.

Monocrat (n.) A monarch who governs alone; an absolute governor.

Monocrotic (a.) (Physiol.) 獨裁的;四孢單性的 Of, pertaining to, or showing, monocrotism; as, a monocrotic pulse; a pulse of the monocrotic type.

Monocrotism (n.) (Physiol.) 單脈搏現象 That condition of the pulse in which the pulse curve or sphygmogram shows but a single crest, the dicrotic elevation entirely disappearing.

Monocular (a.) Having only one eye; with one eye only; as, monocular vision.

Monocular (a.) Adapted to be used with only one eye at a time; as, a monocular microscope.

Monocule (n.) (Zool.) A small crustacean with one median eye.

Monoculous (a.) Monocular. -- Glanvill.

Monocystic (a.) (Zool.) Of or pertaining to a division ({Monocystidea) of Gregarinida, in which the body consists of one sac.

Monodactylous (a.) (Zool.) Having but one finger or claw. Monodelph

Monodelph (n.) Alt. of Monodelphian.

Monodelphian (n.) (Zool.) One of the Monodelphia.

Monodelphia (n. pl.) (Zool.) The group that includes all ordinary or placental mammals; the Placentalia. See Mammalia. Monodelphic

Monodelphic (a.) (Zool.) Alt. of Monodelphous

Monodelphous (a.) (Zool.) Of or pertaining to the Monodelphia. Monodic

Monodic (a.) Alt. of Monodical.

Monodical (a.) Belonging to a monody.

Monodical (a.) (Mus.) For one voice; monophonic.

Monodical (a.) (Mus.) Homophonic; -- applied to music in which the melody is confined to one part, instead of being shared by all the parts as in the style called polyphonic.

Monodic (a.) Having a single vocal part [syn: monodic, monodical].

Monodimetric (a.) (Crystallog.) Dimetric.

Monodist (n.) A writer of a monody. Monodrama

Monodrama (n.) Alt. of Monodrame.

Monodrame (n.) A drama acted, or intended to be acted, by a single person.

Monodramatic (a.) Pertaining to a monodrama.

Monodies (n. pl. ) of Monody.

Monody (n.) A species of poem of a mournful character, in which a single mourner expresses lamentation; a song for one voice.

Monodynamic (a.) Possessing but one capacity or power. "Monodynamic men." -- De Quincey.

Monodynamism (n.) The theory that the various forms of activity in nature are manifestations of the same force. -- G. H. Lewes.

Note: A philosophical form of the grand unified theory?

Monoecia (n. pl.) (Bot.) A Linnaean class of plants, whose stamens and pistils are in distinct flowers in the same plant.

Monoecian (a.) (Bot.) Of or pertaining to the Monoecia; monoecious.

Monoecian (n.) One of the Monoecia.

Monoecian (n.) (Zool.) A monoecious animal, as certain mollusks.

Monoecious (a.) (Biol.) Having the sexes united in one individual, as when male and female flowers grow upon the same individual plant; hermaphrodite; -- opposed to dioecious.

Monoecious (a.) Having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant or animal [syn: monoecious, monecious, monoicous] [ant: dioecian, dioecious].

Monoecism (n.) (Biol.) The state or condition of being monoecious.

Monogam (n.) (Bot.) One of the Monogamia.

Monogamia (n. pl.) (Bot.) A Linnaean order of plants, having solitary flowers with united anthers, as in the genus Lobelia. Monogamian

Monogamian (a.) Alt. of Monogamic.

Monogamic (a.) Pertaining to, or involving, monogamy.

Monogamic (a.) (Bot.) Of or pertaining to the Monogamia; having a simple flower with united anthers.

Monogamist (n.) One who practices or upholds monogamy. -- Goldsmith.

Monogamist (n.) Someone who practices monogamy (one spouse at a time) [syn: monogamist, monogynist].

Monogamous (a.) Upholding, or practicing, monogamy.

Monogamous (a.) (Bot.) Same as Monogamian.

Monogamous (a.) (Zool.) Mating with but one of the opposite sex; -- said of birds and mammals.

Monogamous (a.) (Used of relationships and of individuals) having one mate; "monogamous marriage"; "monogamous for life" [ant: polygamous].

Monogamy (n.) Single marriage; marriage with but one person, husband or wife, at the same time; -- opposed to polygamy. Also, one marriage only during life; -- opposed to deuterogamy.

Monogamy (n.) (Zool.) State of being paired with a single mate.

Monogamy (n.) Having only one spouse at a time [syn: monogamy, monogamousness].

Monogamy. () A marriage contracted between one man and one woman, in exclusion of all the rest of mankind; it is used in opposition to bigamy and polygamy. (q.v.) Wolff, Dr. de la Nat. Sec. 857. The state of having only one husband or one wife at one time.

Monogastric (a.) Having but a single stomach.

Monogenesis (n.) Oneness of origin; esp. (Biol.), development of all beings in the universe from a single cell; -- opposed to polygenesis. Called also monism. -- Dana. -- Haeckel.

Monogenesis (n.) (Biol.) That form of reproduction which requires but one parent, as in reproduction by fission or in the formation of buds, etc., which drop off and form new individuals; asexual reproduction. -- Haeckel.

Monogenesis (n.) (Biol.) The direct development of an embryo, without metamorphosis, into an organism similar to the parent organism; -- opposed to metagenesis. -- E. van Beneden.

Monogenesis (n.) Asexual reproduction by the production and release of spores [syn: monogenesis, sporulation].

Monogenetic (a.) (Geol.) One in genesis; resulting from one process of formation; -- used of a mountain range. -- Dana.

Monogenetic (a.) (Biol.) Relating to, or involving, monogenesis; as, the monogenetic school of physiologists, who admit but one cell as the source of all beings.

Monogenic (a.) (Biol.) Of or pertaining to monogenesis.

Monogenic (a.) (Zool.) Producing only one kind of germs, or young; developing only in one way.

Monogenic (a.) Of or relating to an inheritable character that is controlled by a single pair of genes.

Monogenism (n.) (Anthropol.) The theory or doctrine that the human races have a common origin, or constitute a single species.

Monogenist (n.) (Anthropol.) One who maintains that the human races are all of one species; -- opposed to polygenist.

Monogenistic (a.) Monogenic.

Monogenous (a.) (Biol.) Of or pertaining to monogenesis; as, monogenous, or asexual, reproduction.

Monogeny (n.) Monogenesis.

Monogeny (n.) (Anthropol.) The doctrine that the members of the human race have all a common origin.

Monogoneutic (a.) (Zool.) Having but one brood in a season.

Monogram (n.) A character or cipher composed of two or more letters interwoven or combined so as to represent a name, or a part of it (usually the initials). Monograms are often used on seals, ornamental pins, rings, buttons, and by painters, engravers, etc., to distinguish their works. Monogram.

Note: The monogram above, combining the letters of the name Karolvs, was used by Charlemagne.

Monogram (n.) A picture in lines; a sketch. [R.]

Monogram (n.) An arbitrary sign for a word. [R.]

Monogram (v. t.) To inscribe or ornament with a monogram.

Compare: XP

XP, () [Belongs here in appearance only.] The first two letters of the Greek word XRISTOS, Christ; -- an abbreviation used with the letters separate or, oftener, in a monogram, often inclosed in a circle, as a symbol or emblem of Christ. It use as an emblem was introduced by Constantine the Great, whence it is known as the Constantinian symbol, or Monogram. See Labarum.

Monogram (n.) A graphic symbol consisting of 2 or more letters combined (usually your initials); printed on stationery or embroidered on clothing.

Monogram. () A character or cipher composed of one or more letters interwoven, being an abbreviation of a name.

Monogram. () A signature made by a monogram would perhaps be binding, provided it could be proved to have been made and intended as a signature. 1 Denio, R. 471. And there seems to be no reason why such a signature should not be as binding as one which is altogether illegible. See Initial; Mark; Signature.

Monogrammal (a.) See Monogrammic.

Monogrammatic (a.) Monogrammic.

Monogrammic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a monogram.

Monogrammous (a.) Monogrammic.

Monograph (n.) 專題論文,專著,專刊 A written account or description of a single thing, or class of things; a special treatise on a particular subject of limited range.

Monograph (n.) A detailed and documented treatise on a particular subject.

Monograph (n.) A treatise on a particular subject, as a biographical study or study of the works of one artist.

Monograph (n.) A highly detailed and thoroughly documented study or paper written about a limited area of a subject or field of inquiry: scholarly monographs on medieval pigments.

Monograph (n.) An account of a single thing or class of things, as of a species of organism.

Monograph (v. t.) 寫專題論文 To write a monograph about.

Monographer (n.) A writer of a monograph. Monographic

Monographic (a.) Alt. of Monographical.

Monographical (a.) Of or pertaining to a monograph, or to a monography; as, a monographic writing; a monographic picture. -- Mon`o*graph"ic*al*ly, adv.

Monographist (n.) One who writes a monograph.

Monographous (a.) Monographic. [Obs.]

Monography (n.) Representation by lines without color; an outline drawing.

Monography (n.) A monograph. [Obs.]

Monogyn (n.) (Bot.) One of the Monogynia.

Monogynia (n. pl.) (Bot.) A Linnaean order of plants, including those which have only one style or stigma.

Monogynian (a.) (Bot.) Pertaining to the Monogynia; monogynous.

Monogynian (n.) One of the Monogynia.

Monogynous (a.) (Bot.) Of or pertaining to Monogynia; having only one style or stigma.

Monogynous (a.) Having one head or chief wife at a time (along with concubines) [syn: monogynous, monogynic].

Monogyny (n.) Marriage with the one woman only.

Monogyny (n.) (Bot.) The state or condition of being monogynous.

Monogyny (n.) Having only one wife at a time.

Monohemerous (a.) (Med.) Lasting but one day.

Monoicous (a.) (Bot.) Monoecious.

Monoicous (a.) Having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant or animal [syn: monoecious, monecious, monoicous] [ant: dioecian, dioecious].

Monolatry (n.) Worship of a single deity.

Monolingual (a.) 僅用一種語言的,僅懂一種語言的 Using or knowing only one language; as, monolingual speakers; a monolingual dictionary. Opposite of {multilingual}.

Monolingual (a.) Using or knowing only one language; "monolingual speakers"; "a monolingual dictionary" [ant: multilingual].

Monolingual (n.) A person who knows only one language.

Monolith (n.) 獨塊體 A single stone, especially one of large size, shaped into a pillar, statue, or monument.

Monolith (n.) A single great stone (often in the form of a column or obelisk).    

Monolithal (a.) Monolithic.

Monolithic (a.) Of or pertaining to a monolith; consisting of a single stone.

Monolithic (a.) Imposing in size or bulk or solidity; "massive oak doors"; "Moore's massive sculptures"; "the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture"; "a monumental scale" [syn: massive, monolithic, monumental].

Monolithic (a.) Characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity; "a monolithic society"; "a monolithic worldwide movement".

Monologist (n.) One who soliloquizes; esp., one who monopolizes conversation in company. -- De Quincey.

Monologist (n.) An entertainer who performs alone.

Monologue (n.) A speech uttered by a person alone; soliloquy; also, talk or discourse in company, in the strain of a soliloquy; as, an account in monologue. -- Dryden.

Monologue (n.) A dramatic composition for a single performer.

Monologue (n.) Speech you make to yourself [syn: soliloquy, monologue].

Monologue (n.) A long utterance by one person (especially one that prevents others from participating in the conversation).

Monologue (n.) A (usually long) dramatic speech by a single actor.

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