Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter M - Page 19
Marmoset (n.) (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small South American monkeys of the genera Hapale and Midas, family Hapalidae. They have long soft fur, and a hairy, nonprehensile tail. They are often kept as pets. Called also squirrel monkey.
Marmoset (n.) Small soft-furred South American and Central American monkey with claws instead of nails.
Marmot (n.) (Zool.) Any rodent of the genus Marmota (formerly Arctomys) of the subfamily Sciurinae. The common European marmot ({Marmota marmotta) is about the size of a rabbit, and inhabits the higher regions of the Alps and Pyrenees. The bobac is another European species. The common American species ({Marmota monax) is the woodchuck (also called groundhog), but the name marmot is usually used only for the western variety.
Marmot (n.) Any one of several species of ground squirrels or gophers of the genus Spermophilus; also, the prairie dog.
Marmot squirrel (Zool.), A ground squirrel or spermophile.
Prairie marmot. See Prairie dog.
Marmot (n.) Stocky coarse-furred burrowing rodent with a short bushy tail found throughout the northern hemisphere; hibernates in winter.
Marmottes oil () A fine oil obtained from the kernel of Prunus brigantiaca. It is used instead of olive or almond oil. -- De Colange.
Marmozet (n.) See Marmoset.
Marone (n.) See Maroon, the color.
Maronites (n. pl. ) of Maronite.
Maronite (n.) (Eccl. Hist.) One of a body of nominal Christians, who speak the Arabic language, and reside on Mount Lebanon and in different parts of Syria. They take their name from one Maron of the 6th century.
Maroon (n.) In the West Indies and Guiana, a fugitive slave, or a free negro, living in the mountains.
Marooned (imp. & p. p.) of Maroon.
Marooning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Maroon.
Maroon (v. t.) To put (a person) ashore on a desolate island or coast and leave him to his fate.
Marooning party, A social excursion party that sojourns several days on the shore or in some retired place; a prolonged picnic. [Southern U. S.] -- Bartlett. [Southern U. S.] -- Bartlett.
Maroon (a.) Having the color called maroon. See 4th Maroon.
Maroon lake, Lake prepared from madder, and distinguished for its transparency and the depth and durability of its color.
Maroon (n.) A brownish or dull red of any description, esp. of a scarlet cast rather than approaching crimson or purple.
Maroon (n.) An explosive shell. See Marron, 3.
Marron (n.) A large chestnut. [Obs.] -- Holland.
Marron (n.) A chestnut color; maroon.
Marron (n.) (Pyrotechny & Mil.) A paper or pasteboard box or shell, wound about with strong twine, filled with an explosive, and ignited with a fuse, -- used to make a noise like a cannon. [Written also maroon.]
Maroon (a.) Of dark brownish to purplish red [syn: maroon, brownish-red].
Maroon (n.) A person who is stranded (as on an island); "when the tide came in I was a maroon out there."
Maroon (n.) A dark purplish-red to dark brownish-red color.
Maroon (n.) An exploding firework used as a warning signal.
Maroon (v.) Leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue; "the travellers were marooned" [syn: maroon, strand].
Maroon (v.) Leave stranded on a desert island without resources; "The mutinous sailors were marooned on an island."
Marplot (n.) One who, by his officious interference, mars or frustrates a design or plot.
Marque (n.) (Law) A license to pass the limits of a jurisdiction, or boundary of a country, for the purpose of making reprisals.
Letters of marque, Letters of marque and reprisal, a license or extraordinary commission granted by a government to a private person to fit out a privateer or armed ship to cruise at sea and make prize of the enemy's ships and merchandise. The ship so commissioned is sometimes called a letter of marque.
Marque (n.) A name given to a product or service [syn: trade name, brand name, brand, marque].
Marquee (n.) 【英】大天幕;【美】(入口處的)華蓋;遮篷 A large field tent; esp., one adapted to the use of an officer of high rank. [Written also markee.]
Marquee (n.) Large and often sumptuous tent [syn: {pavilion}, {marquee}].
Marquee (n.) Permanent canopy over an entrance of a hotel etc. [syn: {marquee}, {marquise}].
Marquess (n.) A marquis.
Lady marquess, A marchioness. [Obs.] -- Shak. marqueterie
Marquess (n.) Nobleman (in various countries) ranking above a count [syn: marquis, marquess].
Marquess (n.) A British peer ranking below a duke and above an earl.
Marquetry (n.) Inlaid work; work inlaid with pieces of wood, shells, ivory, and the like, of several colors , fitted together to form a design or picture that is then used to ornament furniture.
Marquetry (n.) Inlaid veneers are fitted together to form a design or picture that is then used to ornament furniture [syn: marquetry, marqueterie].
Marquis (n.) A nobleman in England, France, and Germany, of a rank next below that of duke. Originally, the marquis was an officer whose duty was to guard the marches or frontiers of the kingdom. The office has ceased, and the name is now a mere title conferred by patent.
Marquis (n.) Humorist who wrote about the imaginary life of cockroaches (1878-1937) [syn: Marquis, Don Marquis, Donald Robert Perry Marquis].
Marquis (n.) Nobleman (in various countries) ranking above a count [syn: marquis, marquess].
Marquisate (n.) The seigniory, dignity, or lordship of a marquis; the territory governed by a marquis.
Marquisdom (n.) A marquisate. [Obs.] "Nobles of the marquisdom of Saluce." -- Holinshed.
Marquise (n.) The wife of a marquis; a marchioness.
Marquise (n.) A noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess [syn: marchioness, marquise].
Marquise (n.) Permanent canopy over an entrance of a hotel etc. [syn: marquee, marquise].
Marquisship (n.) A marquisate.
Compare: Marquisate
Marquisate (n.) 侯爵地位(或身分);侯爵領地 The seigniory, dignity, or lordship of a marquis; the territory governed by a marquis.
Marram (n.) (Bot.) A coarse grass found on sandy beaches ({Ammophila arundinacea). See Beach grass, under Beach.
Marrer (n.) One who mars or injures.
Marriable (a.) Marriageable. [R.] -- Coleridge.
Marriage (n.) The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony.
Marriage is honorable in all. -- Heb. xiii. 4.
Marriage (n.) The marriage vow or contract. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Marriage (n.) A feast made on the occasion of a marriage.
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a marriage for his son. -- Matt. xxii. 2.
Marriage (n.) Any intimate or close union.
Marriage (n.) In pinochle, b['e]zique, and similar games at cards, the combination of a king and queen of the same suit. If of the trump suit, it is called a royal marriage.
Marriage brokage. (a) The business of bringing about marriages.
Marriage brokage. (b) The payment made or demanded for the procurement of a marriage.
Marriage favors, Knots of white ribbons, or bunches of white flowers, worn at weddings.
Marriage settlement (Law), A settlement of property in view, and in consideration, of marriage.
Syn: Matrimony; wedlock; wedding; nuptials.
Usage: Marriage, Matrimony, Wedlock. Marriage is properly the act which unites the two parties, and matrimony the state into which they enter. Marriage is, however, often used for the state as well as the act. Wedlock is the old Anglo-Saxon term for matrimony.
Marriage (n.) The state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union" [syn: marriage, matrimony, union, spousal relationship, wedlock].
Marriage (n.) Two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love" [syn: marriage, married couple, man and wife].
Marriage (n.) The act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel" [syn: marriage, wedding, marriage ceremony].
Marriage (n.) A close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas."
Marriage, () Was instituted in Paradise when man was in innocence (Gen. 2:18-24). Here we have its original charter, which was confirmed by our Lord, as the basis on which all regulations are to be framed (Matt. 19:4, 5). It is evident that monogamy was the original law of marriage (Matt. 19:5; 1 Cor. 6:16). This law was violated in after times, when corrupt usages began to be introduced (Gen. 4:19; 6:2). We meet with the prevalence of polygamy and concubinage in the patriarchal age (Gen. 16:1-4; 22:21-24; 28:8, 9; 29:23-30, etc.). Polygamy was acknowledged in the Mosaic law and made the basis of legislation, and continued to be practised all down through the period of Jewish histroy to the Captivity, after which there is no instance of it on record.
It seems to have been the practice from the beginning for fathers to select wives for their sons (Gen. 24:3; 38:6).
Sometimes also proposals were initiated by the father of the maiden (Ex. 2:21). The brothers of the maiden were also sometimes consulted (Gen. 24:51; 34:11), but her own consent was not required. The young man was bound to give a price to the father of the maiden (31:15; 34:12; Ex. 22:16, 17; 1 Sam. 18:23, 25; Ruth 4:10; Hos. 3:2) On these patriarchal customs the Mosaic law made no change.
In the pre-Mosaic times, when the proposals were accepted and the marriage price given, the bridegroom could come at once and take away his bride to his own house (Gen. 24:63-67). But in general the marriage was celebrated by a feast in the house of the bride's parents, to which all friends were invited (29:22, 27); and on the day of the marriage the bride, concealed under a thick veil, was conducted to her future husband's home.
Our Lord corrected many false notions then existing on the subject of marriage (Matt. 22:23-30), and placed it as a divine institution on the highest grounds. The apostles state clearly and enforce the nuptial duties of husband and wife (Eph. 5:22-33; Col. 3:18, 19; 1 Pet. 3:1-7). Marriage is said to be "honourable" (Heb. 13:4), and the prohibition of it is noted as one of the marks of degenerate times (1 Tim. 4:3).
The marriage relation is used to represent the union between God and his people (Isa. 54:5; Jer. 3:1-14; Hos. 2:9, 20). In the New Testament the same figure is employed in representing the love of Christ to his saints (Eph. 5:25-27). The Church of the redeemed is the "Bride, the Lamb's wife" (Rev. 19:7-9).
Marriage, () A contract made in due form of law, by which a free man and a free woman reciprocally engage to live with each other during their joint lives, in the union which ought to exist between husband and wife. By the terms freeman and freewoman in this definition are meant, not only that they are free and not slaves, but also that they are clear of all bars to a lawful marriage. Dig. 23, 2, 1; Ayl. Parer. 359; Stair, Inst. tit. 4, s. 1; Shelford on Mar. and Div. c. 1, s. 1.
Marriage, () To make a valid marriage, the parties must be willing to contract, Able to contract, and have actually contracted.
Marriage, () They must be willing to contract. Those persons, therefore, who have no legal capacity in point of intellect, to make a contract, cannot legally marry, as idiots, lunatics, and infant; males under the age of fourteen, and females under the age of twelve, and when minors over those ages marry, they must have the consent of their parents or guardians.
Marriage, () There is no will when the person is mistaken in the party whom he intended to marry; as, if Peter intending to marry Maria, through error or mistake of person, in fact marries Eliza; but an error in the fortune, as if a man marries a woman whom he believes to be rich, and he finds her to be poor; or in the quality, as if he marry a woman whom he took to be chaste, and whom he finds of an opposite character, this does not invalidate the marriage, because in these cases the error is only of some quality or accident, and not in the person. Poynt. on Marr. and Div. ch. 9.
Marriage, () When the marriage is obtained by force or fraud, it is clear that there is no consent; it is, therefore, void ab initio, and may be treated as null by every court in which its validity may incidentally be called in question. 2 Kent, Com. 66; Shelf. on Marr. and Div. 199; 2 Hagg. Cons. R. 246; 5 Paige, 43.
Marriage, () Generally, all persons who are of sound mind, and have arrived to years of maturity, are able to contract marriage. To this general rule, however, there are many exceptions, among which the following may be enumerated.
Marriage, () The previous marriage of the party to another person who is still living.
Marriage, () Consanguinity, or affinity between the parties within the prohibited degree. It seems that persons in the descending or ascending line, however remote from each other, cannot lawfully marry; such marriages are against nature; but when we come to consider collaterals, it is not so easy to fix the forbidden degrees, by clear and established principles. Vaugh. 206; S. C. 2 Vent. 9. In several of the United States, marriages within the limited degrees are made void by statute. 2 Kent, Com. 79; Vide Poynt. on Marr. and Div. ch. 7.
Marriage, () Impotency, (q.v.) which must have existed at the time of the marriage, and be incurable. 2 Phillim. Rep. 10; 2 Hagg. Rep. 832.
Marriage, () Adultery. By statutory provision in Pennsylvania, when a person is convicted of adultery with another person, or is divorced from her husband, or his wife, he or she cannot afterwards marry the partner of his or her guilt. This provision is copied from the civil law. Poth. Contr. de Mariage, part 3, c. 3, art. 7. And the same provision exists in the French code civil, art. 298. See 1 Toull. n. 555.
Marriage, () The parties must not only be willing and able, but must have actually contracted in due form of law.
Marriage, () The common law requires no particular ceremony to the valid celebration of marriage. The consent of the parties is all that is necessary, and as marriage is said to be a contract jure gentium, that consent is all that is needful by natural or public law. If the contract be made per verba de presenti, or if made per verba de futuro, and followed by consummation, it amounts to a valid marriage, and which the parties cannot dissolve, if otherwise competent; it is not necessary that a clergyman should be present to give validity to the marriage; the consent of the parties may be declared before a magistrate, or simply before witnesses; or subsequently confessed or acknowledged, or the marriage may even be inferred from continual cohabitation, and reputation as husband and wife, except in cases of civil actions for adultery, or public prosecutions for bigamy. 1 Silk. 119; 4 Burr. 2057; Dougl. 171; Burr. Settl. Cas. 509; 1 Dow, 148; 2 Dow, 482; 4 John. 2; 18 John. R. 346; 6 Binn, 405; 1 Penn. R. 452; 2 Watts, R. 9. But a promise to marry at a future time, cannot, by any process of law, be converted into a marriage, though the breach of such promise will be the foundation of an action for damages.
Marriage, () In some of the states, statutory regulations have been made on this subject. In Maine and Massachusetts, the marriage must be made in the presence, and with the assent of a magistrate, or a stated or ordained minister of the gospel. 7 Mass. Rep. 48; 2 Greenl. Rep. 102. The statute of Connecticut on this subject, requires the marriage to be celebrated by a clergyman or magistrate, and requires the previous publication of the intention of marriage, and the consent of parents; it inflicts a penalty on those who disobey its regulations. The marriage, however, would probably be considered valid, although the regulations of the statutes had not been observed. Reeve's Dom. Rel. 196, 200, 290. The rule in Pennsylvania is, that the marriage is valid, although the directions of the statute have not been observed. 2 Watts, Rep. 9; 1 How. S. C. R. 219. The same rule probably obtains in New Jersey; 2 Halsted, 138; New Hampshire; 2 N. H. Rep. 268; and Kentucky. 3 Marsh. R. 370. In Louisiana, a license must be obtained from the parish judge of the parish in which at least one of the parties is domiciliated, and the marriage must be celebrated before a priest or minister of a religious sect, or an authorized justice of the peace; it must be celebrated in the presence of three witnesses of full age, and an act must be made of the celebration, signed by the person who celebrated the marriage, by the parties and the witnesses. Code, art. 101 to 107. The 89th article of the Code declares, that such marriages only are recognized by law, as are contracted and solemnized according to the rules which it prescribes. But the Code does not declare null a marriage not preceded by a license, and not evidenced by an act signed by a certain number of witnesses and the parties, nor does it make such an act exclusive evidence of the marriage. The laws relating to forms and ceremonies are directory to those who are authorized to celebrate marriage. 6 L. R. 470.
Marriage, () A marriage made in a foreign country, if good there, would, in general, be held good in this country, unless when it would work injustice, or be contra bonos mores, or be repugnant to the settled principles and policy of our laws. Story, Confl. of Laws, Sec. 87; Shelf. on M. & D. 140; 1 Bland. 188; 2 Bland. 485; 3 John. Ch. R. 190; 8 Ala. R. 48.
Marriage, () Marriage is a contract intended in its origin to endure till the death of one of the contracting parties. It is dissolved by death or divorce.
Marriage, () In some cases, as in prosecutions for bigamy, by the common law, an actual marriage must be proved in order to convict the accused. See 6 Conn. R. 446. This rule is much qualified. See Bigamy.
Marriage, () But for many purposes it may be proved by circumstances; for example, cohabitation; acknowledgment by the parties themselves that they were married; their reception as such by their friends and relations; their correspondence, on being casually separated, addressing each other as man and wife; 2 Bl. R. 899; declaring, deliberately, that the marriage took place in a foreign country; 2 Moo. & R. 503; describing their children, in parish registers of baptism, as their legitimate offspring; 2 Str. 1073; 8 Ves. 417; or when the parties pass for husband and wife by common reputation. 1 Bl. R. 639; S. C. 4 Burr. 2057; Dougl. 174; Cowp. 594; 3 Swans. R. 400; 8 S. & R. 159; 2 Hayw. R. 3; 1 Taylor, R. 121; 1 H. & McH. 152; 2 N. & McC. 114; 5 Day, R. 290; 4 R. & M. 507; 9 Mass. R. 414; 4 John. 52; 18 John. 346. After their death, the presumption is generally conclusive. Cowp. 591; 6 T. R. 330.
Marriage, () The civil effects of marriage are the following: 1. It confirms all matrimonial agreements between the parties.
Marriage, () It vests in the husband all the personal property of the wife, that which is in possession absolutely, and choses in action, upon the condition that he shall reduce them to possession; it also vests in the husband right to manage the real estate of the wife, and enjoy the profits arising from it during their joint lives, and after her death, an estate by the curtesy when a child has been born. It vests in the wife after the husband's death, an estate in dower in the husband's lands, and a right to a certain part of his personal estate, when he dies intestate. In some states, the wife now retains her separate property by statute.
Marriage, () It creates the civil affinity which each contracts towards the relations of the other.
Marriage, () It gives the husband marital authority over the person of his wife.
Marriage, () The wife acquires thereby the name of her husband, as they are considered as but one, of which he is the head: erunt duo in carne una.
Marriage, () In general, the wife follows the condition of her husband.
Marriage, () The wife, on her marriage, loses her domicil and gains that of her husband.
Marriage, () One of the effects of marriage is to give paternal power over the issue.
Marriage, () The children acquire the domicil of their father.
Marriage, () It gives to the children who are the fruits of the marriage,
the rights of kindred not only with the father and mother, but all their kin.
Marriage, () It makes all the issue legitimate. Vide, generally, 1 Bl. Com. 433; 15 Vin. Ab. 252; Bac. Ab. h.t.; Com. Dig. Baron and Feme, B; Id. Appx. b. t.; 2 Sell. Pr. 194; Ayl. Parergon, 359; 1 Bro. Civ. Law, 94; Rutherf. Inst. 162; 2 Supp. to Ves. jr. 334; Roper on Husband & Wife; Poynter on Marriage and Divorce; Merl. Repert. h.t.; Pothier, Traite du Contrat de Marriage; Toullier, h.t.; Chit. Pract. Index, h.t.; Dane's Ab. Index, h.t., Burge on the Confl. of Laws, Index, h.t.; Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t.
Marriage, PROMISE OF. A promise of marriage is a contract entered into between a man and woman that they will marry each other.
Marriage, () When the promise is made between persons competent to contract matrimony, an action lies for a breach of it. Vide Promise of Marriage.
Marriage, (n.) The state or condition of a community consisting of amaster, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.
Marriageability (n.) The quality or state of being marriageable.
Marriageability (n.) Eligibility for marriage.
Marriageable (a.) Fit for, or capable of, marriage; of an age at which marriage is allowable. -- Mar"riage*a*ble*ness, n.
Marriageable (a.) Of girls or women who are eligible to marry [syn: marriageable, nubile].
Married (a.) Being in the state of matrimony; wedded; as, a married man or woman; -- of one person.
Marrried (a.) Of or pertaining to marriage; connubial; as, the married state ; one's married name.
Marrried (a.) Wedded to each other; as, a married couple; John and Joan are no longer married; -- of two people.
Marrried (a.) Hence: [fig.] Joined to form one object; united.
Marrier (n.) One who marries.
Marron (a.) A large chestnut. [Obs.] -- Holland.
Marron (a.) A chestnut color; maroon.
Marron (a.) (Pyrotechny & Mil.) A paper or pasteboard box or shell, wound about with strong twine, filled with an explosive, and ignited with a fuse, -- used to make a noise like a cannon. [Written also maroon.]
Marroon (n. & a.) Same as 1st Maroon.
Marrot (n.) (Zool.) The razor-billed auk. See Auk.
Marrot (n.) (Zool.) The common guillemot.
Marrot (n.) (Zool.) The puffin. [Prov. Eng.] [Written also marrott, and morrot.]
Marrow (n.) (Anat.) The tissue which fills the cavities of most bones; the medulla. In the larger cavities it is commonly very fatty, but in the smaller cavities it is much less fatty, and red or reddish in color.
Marrow (n.) The essence; the best part.
It takes from our achievements . . . The pith and marrow of our attribute. -- Shak.
Marrow (n.) One of a pair; a match; a companion; an intimate associate. [Scot.]
Chopping and changing I can not commend, With thief or his marrow, for fear of ill end. -- Tusser.
Marrow squash (Bot.), A name given to several varieties of squash, esp. to the Boston marrow, an ovoid fruit, pointed at both ends, and with reddish yellow flesh, and to the vegetable marrow, a variety of an ovoid form, and having a soft texture and fine grain resembling marrow.
Spinal marrow. (Anat.) See Spinal cord, under Spinal.
Marrowed (imp. & p. p.) of Marrow.
Marrowing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Marrow.
Marrow (v. t.) To fill with, or as with, marrow of fat; to glut.
Marrowbone (n.) A bone containing marrow; pl. ludicrously, knee bones or knees; as, to get down on one's marrowbones, i. e., to kneel.
Marrowfat (n.) A rich but late variety of pea.
Compare: Rounceval
Rounceval (n.) A giant; anything large; a kind of pea called also marrowfat. [Obs.]
Marrowish (a.) Of the nature of, or like, marrow.
Marrowless (a.) Destitute of marrow.
Marrowy (a.) Full of marrow; pithy.
Marrubium (n.) [L.] (Bot.) A genus of bitter aromatic plants, sometimes used in medicine; hoarhound.
Married (imp. & p. p.) of Marry.
Marrying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Marry.
Marry (v. t.) To unite in wedlock or matrimony; to perform the ceremony of joining, as a man and a woman, for life; to constitute (a man and a woman) husband and wife according to the laws or customs of the place.
Tell him that he shall marry the couple himself. -- Gay.
Marry (v. t.) To join according to law, (a man) to a woman as his wife, or (a woman) to a man as her husband. See the Note to def. 4.
A woman who had been married to her twenty-fifth husband, and being now a widow, was prohibited to marry. -- Evelyn.
Marry (v. t.) To dispose of in wedlock; to give away as wife.
Maecenas took the liberty to tell him [Augustus] that he must either marry his daughter [Julia] to Agrippa, or take away his life. -- Bacon.
Marry (v. t.) To take for husband or wife. See the Note below.
Note: We say, a man is married to or marries a woman; or, a woman is married to or marries a man. Both of these uses are equally well authorized; but given in marriage is said only of the woman.
They got him [the Duke of Monmouth] . . . to declare in writing, that the last king [Charles II.] told him he was never married to his mother. -- Bp. Lloyd.
Marry (v. t.) Figuratively, to unite in the closest and most endearing relation.
Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you. -- Jer. iii. 14.
To marry ropes. (Naut.) (a) To place two ropes along side of each other so that they may be grasped and hauled on at the same time.
To marry ropes. (Naut.) (b) To join two ropes end to end so that both will pass through a block. -- Ham. Nav. Encyc.
Marry (v. i.) To enter into the conjugal or connubial state; to take a husband or a wife.
I will, therefore, that the younger women marry. -- 1 Tim. v. 14.
Marrying man, A man disposed to marry. [Colloq.]
Marry (interj.) Indeed ! in truth ! -- a term of asseveration said to have been derived from the practice of swearing by the Virgin Mary. [Obs.] -- Shak.
Mars (n.) (Rom. Myth.) The god of war and husbandry.
Mars (n.) (Astron.) One of the planets of the solar system, the fourth in order from the sun, or the next beyond the earth, having a diameter of about 4,200 miles, a period of 687 days, and a mean distance of 141,000,000 miles. It is conspicuous for the redness of its light.
Mars (n.) (Alchemy) The metallic element iron, the symbol of which [male] was the same as that of the planet Mars. [Archaic] -- Chaucer.
Mars brown, A bright, somewhat yellowish, brown.
Marsala (n.) A kind of wine exported from Marsala in Sicily.
Marsdenia (n.) (Bot.) A genus of plants of the Milkweed family, mostly woody climbers with fragrant flowers, several species of which furnish valuable fiber, and one species ({Marsdenia tinctoria) affords indigo. Marseillais
Marseillais (a. f.) Alt. of Marseillaise.
Marseillaise (a. f.) Of or pertaining to Marseilles, in France, or to its inhabitants.
Marseillaise hymn, or The Marseillaise, The national anthem of France, popularly so called. It was composed in 1792, by Rouget de l'Isle, an officer then stationed at Strasburg. In Paris it was sung for the first time by the band of men who came from Marseilles to aid in the revolution of August 10, 1792; whence the name. Marseillais
Marseillais (n. f.) Alt. of Marseillaise.
Marseillaise (n. f.) A native or inhabitant of Marseilles.
Marseilles (n.) A general term for certain kinds of fabrics, which are formed of two series of threads interlacing each other, thus forming double cloth, quilted in the loom; -- so named because first made in Marseilles, France.
Marsh (n.) A tract of soft wet land, commonly covered partially or wholly with water; a fen; a swamp; a morass. [Written also marish.]
Marsh asphodel (Bot.), A plant ({Nartheeium ossifragum"> Marsh asphodel (Bot.), a plant ({Nartheeium ossifragum)
with linear equitant leaves, and a raceme of small white flowers; -- called also bog asphodel.
Marsh cinquefoil (Bot.), A plant ({Potentilla palustris"> Marsh cinquefoil (Bot.), a plant ({Potentilla palustris) having purple flowers, and found growing in marshy places; marsh five-finger.
Marsh elder. (Bot.) (a) The guelder-rose or cranberry tree ({Viburnum Opulus).
Marsh elder. (Bot.) (b) In the United States, a composite shrub growing in salt marshes ({Iva frutescens).
Marsh five-finger. (Bot.) See Marsh cinquefoil (above).
Marsh gas. (Chem.) See under Gas.
Marsh grass (Bot.), A genus ({Spartina"> Marsh grass (Bot.), a genus ({Spartina) of coarse grasses growing in marshes; -- called also cord grass. The tall Spartina cynosuroides is not good for hay unless cut very young. The low Spartina juncea is a common component of salt hay.
Marsh harrier (Zool.), A European hawk or harrier ({Circus aeruginosus); -- called also marsh hawk, moor hawk, moor buzzard, puttock.
Marsh hawk. (Zool.) (a) A hawk or harrier ({Circus cyaneus), native of both America and Europe. The adults are bluish slate above, with a white rump. Called also hen harrier, and mouse hawk.
Marsh hawk. (Zool.) (b) The marsh harrier.
Marsh hen (Zool.), A rail; esp., Rallus elegans of fresh-water marshes, and Rallus longirostris of salt-water marshes.
Marsh mallow (Bot.), A plant of the genus Althaea (Althaea officinalis) common in marshes near the seashore, and whose root is much used in medicine as a demulcent.
Marsh marigold. (Bot.) See in the Vocabulary.
Marsh pennywort (Bot.), Any plant of the umbelliferous genus Hydrocotyle; low herbs with roundish leaves, growing in wet places; -- called also water pennywort.
Marsh quail (Zool.), The meadow lark.
Marsh rosemary (Bot.), A plant of the genus Statice ({Statice Limonium), common in salt marshes. Its root is powerfully astringent, and is sometimes used in medicine. Called also sea lavender.
Marsh samphire (Bot.), A plant ({Salicornia herbacea"> Marsh samphire (Bot.), a plant ({Salicornia herbacea) found along seacoasts. See Glasswort.
Marsh St. John's-wort (Bot.), An American herb ({Elodes Virginica) with small opposite leaves and flesh-colored flowers.
Marsh tea. (Bot.). Same as Labrador tea.
Marsh trefoil. (Bot.) Same as Buckbean.
Marsh wren (Zool.), Any species of small American wrens of the genus Cistothorus, and allied genera. They chiefly inhabit salt marshes.
Marsh (n.) Low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water; "thousands of acres of marshland"; "the fens of eastern England" [syn: marsh, marshland, fen, fenland].
Marsh (n.) United States painter (1898-1954) [syn: Marsh, Reginald Marsh].
Marsh (n.) New Zealand writer of detective stories (1899-1982) [syn: Marsh, Ngaio Marsh].
Marshal (n.) Originally, an officer who had the care of horses; a groom. [Obs.]
Marshal (n.) An officer of high rank, charged with the arrangement of ceremonies, the conduct of operations, or the like ; as, specifically:
Marshal (n.) One who goes before a prince to declare his coming and provide entertainment; a harbinger; a pursuivant.
Marshal (n.) One who regulates rank and order at a feast or any other assembly, directs the order of procession, and the like.
Marshal (n.) The chief officer of arms, whose duty it was, in ancient times, to regulate combats in the lists.
Marshal (n.) (France) The highest military officer.
Marshal (n.) (Am. Law) A ministerial officer, appointed for each judicial district of the United States, to execute the process of the courts of the United States, and perform various duties, similar to those of a sheriff. The name is also sometimes applied to certain police officers of a city.
Earl marshal of England, The eighth officer of state; an honorary title, and personal, until made hereditary in th family of the Duke of Norfolk. During a vacancy in the office of high constable, the earl marshal has jurisdiction in the court of chivalry. -- Brande & C.
Earl marshal of Scotland, An officer who had command of the cavalry under the constable. This office was held by the family of Keith, but forfeited by rebellion in 1715.
Knight marshal, or Marshal of the King's house, Formerly, in England, the marshal of the king's house, who was
authorized to hear and determine all pleas of the Crown, to punish faults committed within the verge, etc. His court was called the Court of Marshalsea.
Marshal of the Queen's Bench, Formerly the title of the officer who had the custody of the Queen's bench prison in Southwark. -- Mozley & W.
Marshaled (imp. & p. p.) of Marshal.
Marshalled () of Marshal.
Marshaling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Marshal.
Marshalling () of Marshal.
Marshal (v. t.) To dispose in order; to arrange in a suitable manner; as, to marshal troops or an army.
And marshaling the heroes of his name As, in their order, next to light they came. -- Dryden.
Marshal (v. t.) To direct, guide, or lead.
Thou marshalest me the way that I was going. -- Shak.
Marshal (v. t.) (Her.) To dispose in due order, as the different quarterings on an escutcheon, or the different crests when several belong to an achievement.
Marshaler (n.) [Written also marshaller.] One who marshals.
Marshaling (n.) The act of arranging in due order.
Marshaling (n.) (Her.) The arrangement of an escutcheon to exhibit the alliances of the owner.
Marshaling of assets (Law), The arranging or ranking of assets in due order of administration.
Marshalsea (n.) The court or seat of a marshal; hence, the prison in Southwark, belonging to the marshal of the king's household. [Eng.]
Court of Marshalsea, A court formerly held before the steward and marshal of the king's house to administer justice between the king's domestic servants. -- Blackstone.
Marshalship (n.) The office of a marshal. Marshbanker
Marshbanker (n.) Alt. of Marsebanker.
Marsebanker (n.) (Zool.) The menhaden.
Marshiness (n.) The state or condition of being marshy.
Marsh marigold () (Bot.) A perennial plant of the genus Caltha (C. palustris), growing in wet places and bearing bright yellow flowers. In the United States it is used as a pot herb under the name of cowslip. See Cowslip.
Marshy (a.) Resembling a marsh; wet; boggy; fenny.