Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter L - Page 23

Lemuridous (a.) Alt. of Lemurine

Lemurine (a.) (Zool.) Lemuroid.

Lemuroid (a.) Like or pertaining to the lemurs or the Lemuroidea.

Lemuroid (n.) One of the Lemuroidea.

Lemuroidea (n. pl.) (Zool.) 狐猴亞目 A suborder of primates, including the lemurs, the aye-aye, and allied species. [Written also Lemuroida.]

Lemuroidea (n.) Lemuridae; Lorisidae; Daubentoniidae; Indriidae; used in some classifications instead of Prosimii; in others considered a subdivision of Prosimii [syn: Lemuroidea, suborder Lemuroidea].

Lena (n.) A procuress. -- J. Webster.

Lena (n.) A Russian river in Siberia; flows northward into the Laptev Sea [syn: Lena, Lena River].

Compare: Siberia

Siberia (n.) (Proper noun) 西伯利亞 A vast region of Russia, extending from the Urals to the Pacific and from the Arctic coast to the northern borders of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China. Noted for the severity of its winters, it was traditionally used as a place of exile; it is now a major source of minerals and hydroelectric power.

Siberia (n.) (Proper noun) (As noun)  An extremely cold, barren, or inhospitable place.

In baseball games I could count on being sent out to the Siberia known as right field.

Lent (imp. & p. p.) of Lend

Lending (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lend

Lend (v. t.) (v. t.) 把……借給 [O1];貸(款); 提供;給予;增添 [O1] [+to] (v. i.) 貸款 To allow the custody and use of, on condition of the return of the same; to grant the temporary use of; as, to lend a book; -- opposed to {borrow}.

Give me that ring. I'll lend it thee, my dear, but have no power To give it from me. -- Shak.

Lend (v. t.) To allow the possession and use of, on condition of the return of an equivalent in kind; as, to lend money or some article of food.

Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase. -- Levit. xxv. 37.

Lend (v. t.) To afford; to grant or furnish in general; as, to lend assistance; to lend one's name or influence.

Cato, lend me for a while thy patience. -- Addison.

Mountain lines and distant horizons lend space and largeness to his compositions. -- J. A. Symonds.

Lend (v. t.) To let for hire or compensation; as, to lend a horse or gig.

Note: This use of the word is rare in the United States, except with reference to money.

{To lend a hand}, To give assistance; to help. [Colloq.]

{To lend one's ears} or {To lend an ear}, To give attention.

Lend (v.) Bestow a quality on; "Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company"; "The music added a lot to the play"; "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings"; "This adds a light note to the program" [syn: {lend}, {impart}, {bestow}, {contribute}, {add}, {bring}].

Lend (v.) Give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money" [syn: {lend}, {loan}] [ant: {borrow}].

Lend (v.) Have certain characteristics of qualities for something; be open or vulnerable to; "This story would lend itself well to serialization on television"; "The current system lends itself to great abuse".

Lendable (a.) Such as can be lent.

Lender (n.) One who lends.

Lendes (n. pl.) See Lends.

Lending (n.) The act of one who lends.

Lending (n.) That which is lent or furnished.

Lends (n. pl.) Loins.

Lene (v. t.) To lend; to grant; to permit.

Lene (a.) Smooth; as, the lene breathing.

Lene (a.) Applied to certain mute consonants, as p, k, and t (or Gr. /, /, /).

Lene (n.) The smooth breathing (spiritus lenis).

Lene (n.) Any one of the lene consonants, as p, k, or t (or Gr. /, /, /).

Lenger (a.) Alt. of Lengest

Lengest (a.) Longer; longest; -- obsolete compar. and superl. of long.

Length (n.) (距離,尺寸的)長度 [U] [C];(時間的)長短,期間 [U] [C] The longest, or longer, dimension of any object, in distinction from breadth or width; extent of anything from end to end; the longest line which can be drawn through a body, parallel to its sides; as, the length of a church, or of a ship; the length of a rope or line.

Length (n.) A portion of space or of time considered as measured by its length; -- often in the plural.

Length (n.) The quality or state of being long, in space or time; extent; duration; as, some sea birds are remarkable for the length of their wings; he was tired by the length of the sermon, and the length of his walk.

Length (n.) A single piece or subdivision of a series, or of a number of long pieces which may be connected together; as, a length of pipe; a length of fence.

Length (n.) Detail or amplification; unfolding; continuance as, to pursue a subject to a great length.

Length (n.) Distance.

Length (v. t.) To lengthen.

Length (n.) The linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place; "the length of the table was 5 feet".

Length (n.) Continuance in time; "the ceremony was of short duration"; "he complained about the length of time required" [syn: duration, length].

Length (n.) The property of being the extent of something from beginning to end; "the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words".

Length (n.) Size of the gap between two places; "the distance from New York to Chicago"; "he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points" [syn: distance, length].

Length (n.) A section of something that is long and narrow; "a length of timber"; "a length of tubing".

Lengthened (imp. & p. p.) of Lengthen

Lengthening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lengthen

Lengthen (v. t.) To extent in length; to make longer in extent or duration; as, to lengthen a line or a road; to lengthen life; -- sometimes followed by out.

Lengthen (v. i.) To become longer.

Lengthful (a.) Long.

Lengthily (adv.) In a lengthy manner; at great length or extent.

Lengthiness (n.) The state or quality of being lengthy; prolixity.

Lengthways (adv.) Alt. of Lengthwise

Lengthwise (adv.) In the direction of the length; in a longitudinal direction.

Lengthy (a.) 長的;冗長的;囉唆的 Having length; rather long or too long; prolix; not brief; -- said chiefly of discourses, writings, and the like. "Lengthy periods." --Washington. "Some lengthy additions." --Byron. "These would be details too lengthy." --Jefferson. "To cut short lengthy explanations." --Trench. Lenience

Lengthy (a.) Relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter struggle"; "protracted negotiations" [syn: {drawn-out}, {extended}, {lengthy}, {prolonged}, {protracted}].

Lenience (n.) Alt. of Leniency

Leniency (n.) 寬大;仁慈 The quality or state of being lenient; lenity; clemency.

Leniency (n.) Mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant [syn: {lenience}, {leniency}, {mildness}, {lenity}].

Leniency (n.) A disposition to yield to the wishes of someone; "too much indulgence spoils a child" [syn: {indulgence}, {lenience}, {leniency}].

Leniency (n.) Lightening a penalty or excusing from a chore by judges or parents or teachers [syn: {lenience}, {leniency}].

Lenient (a.) 寬大的;仁慈的;溫和的;【古】緩解疼痛的 Relaxing; emollient; softening; assuasive; -- sometimes followed by of. "Lenient of grief." -- Milton.

Oils relax the fibers, are lenient, balsamic. -- Arbuthnot.

Time, that on all things lays his lenient hand. -- Pope.

Compare: Balsamic

Balsamic (a.) (植物的)香膠或香脂的;含有香膠或香脂的 Of the nature of or yielding balsam.

Balsamic resins.

Balsamic (a.) Relating to balsamic vinegar.

A balsamic dressing on the side.

Compare: Vinegar

Vinegar (n.) [Mass noun] [U] A sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling.

 Vinegar (n.) [Mass noun] Sourness or peevishness of behaviour, character, or speech.

Her aggrieved tone held a touch of vinegar.

Lenient (a.) Mild; clement; merciful; not rigorous or severe; as, a lenient disposition; a lenient judge or sentence.

Lenient (n.) (Med.) A lenitive; an emollient.

Lenient (a.) Tolerant or lenient; "indulgent parents risk spoiling their children"; "too soft on the children"; "they are soft on crime" [syn: {indulgent}, {lenient}, {soft}].

Lenient (a.) Not strict; "an easy teacher"; "easy standards"; "lenient rules"; "an easy penalty".

Lenient (a.) Characterized by tolerance and mercy.

Leniently (adv.) In a lenient manner.

Lenify (v. t.) To assuage; to soften; to mitigate; to alleviate.

Leniment (n.) An assuasive.

Lenitive (a.) 緩和的;鎮痛的 Having the quality of softening or mitigating, as pain or acrimony; assuasive; emollient.

Lenitive (n.) (Med.) 緩和(鎮痛)劑;止痛藥 A medicine or application that has the quality of easing pain or protecting from the action of irritants.

Lenitive (n.) (Med.) A mild purgative; a laxative.

Lenitive (n.) That which softens or mitigates; that which tends to allay passion, excitement, or pain; a palliative.

There is one sweet lenitive at least for evils, which Nature holds out; so I took it kindly at her hands, and fell asleep. -- Sterne.

Lenitive (a.) Moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear [syn: alleviative, alleviatory, lenitive, mitigative, mitigatory, palliative].

Lenitive (n.) Remedy that eases pain and discomfort.

Lenitiveness (n.) The quality of being lenitive.

Lenitude (n.) The quality or habit of being lenient; lenity.

Lenity (n.) The state or quality of being lenient; mildness of temper or disposition; gentleness of treatment; softness; tenderness; clemency; -- opposed to severity and rigor.

Lenni-Lenape (n. pl.) A general name for a group of Algonquin tribes which formerly occupied the coast region of North America from Connecticut to Virginia. They included the Mohicans, Delawares, Shawnees, and several other tribes.

Leno (n.) A light open cotton fabric used for window curtains.

Lenocinant (a.) Given to lewdness.

Lenses (n. pl. ) of Lens

Lens (n.) A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite regular surfaces, either both curved, or one curved and the other plane, and commonly used, either singly or combined, in optical instruments, for changing the direction of rays of light, and thus magnifying objects, or otherwise modifying vision. In practice, the curved surfaces are usually spherical, though rarely cylindrical, or of some other figure.

Lent () imp. & p. p. of {Lend}.

Lent (n.) (Eccl.) (基督教)四旬齋,大齋期(指復活節前的四十天) A fast of forty days, beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing till Easter, observed by some Christian churches as commemorative of the fast of our Savior.

{Lent lily} (Bot.), The daffodil; -- so named from its blossoming in spring.

Compare: Daffodil

Daffodil (n.) (pl. - s)【植】黃水仙;黃水仙花 [C];淡黃色 [U] A bulbous European plant which typically bears bright yellow flowers with a long trumpet-shaped centre (corona).

Genus Narcissus, family Liliaceae (or Amaryllidaceae): several species, in particular the common Narcissus pseudonarcissus and its varieties. See also lent lily, narcissus.

Compare: Bulbous

Bulbous (a.) (有)球根的;球根狀的 Fat, round, or bulging.

A bulbous nose.

Bulbous (a.) (Of a plant) 由球根生長的 Growing from a bulb.

The bulbous buttercup.

Lent (a.) Slow; mild; gentle; as, lenter heats. [Obs.] -- B. Jonson.

Lent (a.) (Mus.) See {Lento}.

Lent (n.) A period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday [syn: {Lent}, {Lententide}].

Lent (n.) 四旬期 Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon word  lencten, which means "spring." The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry.

Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God, often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of themselves for others.

Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter" and the reverent spirit of Lent is tempered with joyful anticipation of the Resurrection.

Lentamente (adv.) Slowly; in slow time.

Lentando (a.) Slackening; retarding. Same as Rallentando.

Lenten (n.) Lent. [Obs.] -- Piers Plowman.

Lenten (a.)  四旬期的;不豐盛的;簡單的 Of or pertaining to the fast called Lent; used in, or suitable to, Lent; as, the Lenten season.

She quenched her fury at the flood, And with a Lenten salad cooled her blood. -- Dryden.

Lenten (a.) Spare; meager; plain; somber; unostentatious; not abundant or showy. "Lenten entertainment." " Lenten answer." -- Shak. " Lenten suit." -- Beau. & Fl.

Lenten color, Black or violet. -- F. G. Lee.

Lenten (a.) Of or relating to or suitable for Lent; "lenten food".

Lententide (n.) The season of Lenten or Lent.

Lententide (n.) A period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday [syn: Lent, Lententide].

Lenticel (n.) (Bot.) One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or branch of a plant, from which the underlying tissues may protrude or roots may issue, either in the air, or more commonly when the stem or branch is covered with water or earth.

Lenticel (n.) (Bot.) A small, lens-shaped gland on the under side of some leaves.

Lenticel (n.) One of many raised pores on the stems of woody plants that allow the interchange of gas between the atmosphere and the interior tissue.

Lenticellate (a.) (Bot.) Producing lenticels; dotted with lenticels.

Lenticelle (n.) (Bot.) Lenticel.

Lenticulas (n. pl. ) of Lenticula

Lenticulae (n. pl. ) of Lenticula

Lenticula (n.) (Med.) A kind of eruption upon the skin; lentigo; freckle.

Lenticula (n.) (Opt.) A lens of small size.

Lenticula (n.) (Bot.) A lenticel.

Lenticular (a.) Resembling a lentil in size or form; having the form of a double-convex lens.

Lenticular (a.) Convex on both sides; shaped like a lentil [syn: {biconvex}, {convexo-convex}, {lenticular}, {lentiform}].

Lenticularly (adv.) In the manner of a lens; with a curve.

Lentiform (a.) Lenticular.

Lentiginose (a.) (Bot.) Bearing numerous dots resembling freckles.

Lentiginose (a.) Relating to or covered with or resembling freckles [syn: freckled, lentiginous, lentiginose].

Lentiginous (a.) Of or pertaining to lentigo; freckly; scurfy; furfuraceous.

Lentiginous (a.) Relating to or covered with or resembling freckles [syn: freckled, lentiginous, lentiginose].

Lentigo (n.) (Med.) A freckly eruption on the skin; freckles.

Lentigo (n.) A small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on the skin [syn: freckle, lentigo].

Lentil (n.) A leguminous plant of the genus Ervum (Ervum Lens), of small size, common in the fields in Europe. Also, its seed, which is used for food on the continent.

Note: The lentil of the Scriptures probably included several other vetchlike plants.

Lentil shell (Zool.), A small bivalve shell of the genus Ervillia, family Tellinid[ae].

Lentil (n.) Round flat seed of the lentil plant used for food.

Lentil (n.) The fruit or seed of a lentil plant.

Lentil (n.) Widely cultivated Eurasian annual herb grown for its edible flattened seeds that are cooked like peas and also ground into meal and for its leafy stalks that are used as fodder [syn: lentil, lentil plant, Lens culinaris].

Lentiscus (n.) Alt. of Lentisk

Lentisk (n.) (Bot.) A tree; the mastic. See Mastic.

Lentitude (a.) Slowness; sluggishness. [Obs.]

Lento (a. & adv.) [It.] (Mus.) Slow; in slow time; slowly; -- rarely written lente.

Lento (adv.) In music; "Play this lento, please" [syn: lento, slowly].

Lento (a.) (Of tempo) Slow.

Lentoid (a.) Having the form of a lens; lens-shaped.

Lentor (a.) Tenacity; viscidity, as of fluids.

Lentor (a.) Slowness; delay; sluggishness. -- Arbuthnot.

Lentous (a.) Viscid; viscous; tenacious.

Spawn of a lentous and transparent body. -- Sir T. Browne. L'envoi
L'envoi (n.) Alt. of L'envoy

L'envoy (n.) One or more detached verses at the end of a literary composition, serving to convey the moral, or to address the poem to a particular person; -- orig. employed in old French poetry. -- Shak.

L'envoy (n.) A conclusion; a result. -- Massinger.

Leo (n.) (Astron.) The Lion, the fifth sign of the zodiac, marked thus [[Leo]] in almanacs.

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