Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter H - Page 60
Hymen (n.) (h-)【古】【詩】婚姻;婚禮之歌 Marriage; union as if by marriage.
Hymen of element and race. -- Emerson.
Hymen (n.) (Greek mythology) The god of marriage.
Hymen (n.) A fold of tissue that partly covers the entrance to the vagina of a virgin [syn: hymen, maidenhead, virginal membrane].
Hymeneal (n.) Alt. of Hymenean.
Hymenean (n.) Of or pertaining to marriage; as, hymeneal rites. -- Pope. Hymeneal
Hymeneal (n.) Alt. of Hymenean.
Hymenean (n.) A marriage song. -- Milton.
Hymenia (n. pl.) of Hymenium.
Hymeniums (n. pl.) of Hymenium.
Hymenium (n.) (Bot.) The spore-bearing surface of certain fungi, as that on the gills of a mushroom.
Hymenium (n.) Spore-bearing layer of cells in certain fungi containing asci or basidia.
Hymenogeny (n.) The production of artificial membranes by contact of two fluids, as albumin and fat, by which the globules of the latter are surrounded by a thin film of the former.
Hymenomycetes (n. pl.) (Bot.) One of the great divisions of fungi, containing those species in which the hymenium is completely exposed. -- M. J. Berkley.
Hymenomycetes (n.) Used in some classifications; usually coextensive with order Agaricales: mushrooms; toadstools; agarics; bracket fungi [syn: Hymenomycetes, class Hymenomycetes].
Hymenophore (n.) (Bot.) That part of a fungus which is covered with the hymenium.
Hymenopter (n.) (Zool.) One of the Hymenoptera.
Hymenopter (n.) Insects having two pairs of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging or piercing [syn: hymenopterous insect, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, hymenopter].
Hymenoptera (n. pl.) (Zool.) An extensive order of insects, including the bees, ants, ichneumons, sawflies, etc.
Note: They have four membranous wings, with few reticulations, and usually with a thickened, dark spot on the front edge of the anterior wings. In most of the species, the tongue, or lingua, is converted into an organ for sucking honey, or other liquid food, and the mandibles are adapted for biting or cutting. In one large division ({Aculeata), including the bees, wasps, and ants, the females and workers usually have a sting, which is only a modified ovipositor. Hymenopteral
Hymenoptera (n.) An order of insects including: bees; wasps; ants; ichneumons; sawflies; gall wasps; etc. [syn: Hymenoptera, order Hymenoptera].
Hymenopteral (a.) Alt. of Hymenopterous.
Hymenopterous (a.) (Zool.) Like, or characteristic of, the Hymenoptera; pertaining to the Hymenoptera.
Hymenopterous (a.) Of or relating to insects of the order Hymenoptera.
Hymenopteran (n.) (Zool.) One of the Hymenoptera.
Hymenopteran (n.) Insects having two pairs of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging or piercing [syn: hymenopterous insect, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, hymenopter].
Hymn (n.) An ode or song of praise or adoration; especially, a religious ode, a sacred lyric; a song of praise or thankgiving intended to be used in religious service; as, the Homeric hymns; Watts' hymns.
Admonishing one another in psalms and hymns. -- Col. iii. 16.
Where angels first should practice hymns, and string Their tuneful harps. -- Dryden.
Hymn book, A book containing a collection of hymns, as for use in churches; a hymnal.
Hymned (imp. & p. p.) of Hymn.
Hymning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Hymn.
Hymn (v. t.) To praise in song; to worship or extol by singing hymns; to sing.
To hymn the bright of the Lord. -- Keble.
Their praise is hymned by loftier harps than mine. -- Byron.
Hymn (v. i.) To sing in praise or adoration. -- Milton.
Hymn (n.) A song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation) [syn: hymn, anthem].
Hymn (v.) Sing a hymn.
Hymn (v.) Praise by singing a hymn; "They hymned their love of God."
Hymn, () Occurs only Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16. The verb to "sing an hymn" occurs Matt. 26:30 and Mark 14:26. The same Greek word is rendered to "sing praises" Acts 16:25 (R.V., "sing hymns") and Heb. 2:12. The "hymn" which our Lord sang with his disciples at the last Supper is generally supposed to have been the latter part of the Hallel, comprehending Ps. 113-118. It was thus a name given to a number of psalms taken together and forming a devotional exercise.
The noun hymn is used only with reference to the services of the Greeks, and was distinguished from the psalm. The Greek tunes required Greek hymns. Our information regarding the hymnology of the early Christians is very limited.
Hymnal (n.) A collection of hymns; a hymn book.
Hymnal (n.) A songbook containing a collection of hymns [syn: hymnal, hymnbook, hymnary].
Hymnic (a.) Relating to hymns, or sacred lyrics. -- Donne.
Hymning (a.) Praising with hymns; singing. "The hymning choir." -- G. West.
Hymning (n.) The singing of hymns. -- Milton.
Hymnist (n.) A writer of hymns.
Hymnody (n.) Hymns, considered collectively; hymnology.
Hymnographer (n.) One who writes on the subject of hymns.
Hymnographer (n.) A writer or composed of hymns.
Hymnography (n.) The art or act of composing hymns.
Hymnologist (n.) A composer or compiler of hymns; one versed in hymnology.
Hymnology (n.) The hymns or sacred lyrics composed by authors of a particular country or period; as, the hymnology of the eighteenth century; also, the collective body of hymns used by any particular church or religious body; as, the Anglican hymnology.
Hymnology (n.) A knowledge of hymns; a treatise on hymns.
Hympne (n.) A hymn.
Hyndreste (a.) See Hinderest.
Hyne (n.) A servant. See Hine.
Hyo- () A prexif used in anatomy, and generally denoting connection with the hyoid bone or arch; as, hyoglossal, hyomandibular, hyomental, etc.
Hyoganoidei (n. pl.) (Zool.) A division of ganoid fishes, including the gar pikes and bowfins. -- Hy`o*ga"noid, a.
Hyoglossal (a.) (Anat.) Pertaining to or connecting the tongue and hyodean arch; as, the hyoglossal membrane.
Hyoglossal (a.) (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the hyoglossus muscle.
Hyoglossus (n.) (Anat.) A flat muscle on either side of the tongue, connecting it with the hyoid bone.
Hyoid (n.) The hyoid bone. Hyoideal
Hyoideal, Hyoidean (a.) Same as Hyoid, a.
Hyoid (a.) 【解】舌骨的 Having the form of an arch, or of the Greek letter upsilon [[Upsilon]].
Hyoid (a.) (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the bony or cartilaginous arch which supports the tongue. Sometimes applied to the tongue itself.
Hyoid arch (Anat.), The arch of cartilaginous or bony segments, which connects the base of the tongue with either side of the skull.
Hyoid bone (Anat.), The bone in the base of the tongue, the middle part of the hyoid arch.
Hyoid (a.) Of or relating to the hyoid bone.
Hyoid (n.) A U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles [syn: hyoid, hyoid bone, os hyoideum].
Hyoideal (a.) Alt. of Hyoidean
Hyoidean (a.) Same as Hyoid, a.
Hyomandibular (a.) Pertaining both to the hyoidean arch and the mandible or lower jaw; as, the hyomandibular bone or cartilage, a segment of the hyoid arch which connects the lower jaw with the skull in fishes.
Hyomandibular (n.) The hyomandibular bone or cartilage.
Hyomandibular (a.) Of or derived from the hyoid arch and mandible.
Specifically : Being or relating to the dorsal segment of the hyoid arch.
Hyomandibular (n.) A bone or cartilage derived from the dorsal hyoid arch that is part of the articulating mechanism of the lower jaw in fishes and forms the columella or stapes of the ear of higher vertebrates.
Hyomental (a.) (Anat.) Between the hyoid bone and the lower jaw, pertaining to them; suprahyoid; submaxillary; as, the hyomental region of the front of the neck.
Hyomental (a.) Of or relating to the hyoid bone and chin.
Hyopastron (n.) The second lateral plate in the plastron of turtles; -- called also hyosternum.
Hyoplastron (n.) (pl. Hyoplastrons or hyoplastra) (Anatomy) 舌腹甲 The second lateral plate in the plastron of turtles.
Compare: Hyosternum
Hyosternum (n.) (pl. Hyosterna) Hyoplastron.
Hyoscine (n.) An alkaloid found with hyoscyamine (with which it is also isomeric) in henbane, and extracted as a white, amorphous, semisolid substance.
Hyoscyamine (n.) An alkaloid found in henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), and regarded as its active principle. It is also found with other alkaloids in the thorn apple and deadly nightshade. It is extracted as a white crystalline substance, with a sharp, offensive taste. Hyoscyamine is isomeric with atropine, is very poisonous, and is used as a medicine for neuralgia, like belladonna. Called also hyoscyamia, duboisine, etc.
Hyoscyamus (n.) A genus of poisonous plants of the Nightshade family; henbane.
Hyoscyamus (n.) The leaves of the black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), used in neuralgic and pectorial troubles.
Hyosternal (a.) Between the hyoid bone and the sternum, or pertaining to them; infrahyoid; as, the hyosternal region of the neck.
Hyosternal (a.) Pertaining to the hyosternum of turtles.
Hyosternum (n.) See Hyoplastron.
Hyostylic (a.) Having the mandible suspended by the hyomandibular, or upper part of the hyoid arch, as in fishes, instead of directly articulated with the skull as in mammals; -- said of the skull.
Hyp (n.) An abbreviation of hypochonaria; -- usually in plural.
Hyp (v. t.) To make melancholy.
Hypaethral (a.) Alt. of Hypethral.
Hypethral (a.) Exposed to the air; wanting a roof; -- applied to a building or part of a building.
Hypallage (n.) A figure consisting of a transference of attributes from their proper subjects to other. Thus Virgil says, "dare classibus austros," to give the winds to the fleets, instead of dare classibus austris, to give the fleets to the winds.
Hypanthia (n. pl.) of Hypanthium.
Hypanthiums (n. pl.) of Hypanthium.
Hypanthium (n.) (Bot.) A fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the Calycanthus, the rose hip, and the pear.
Hypanthium (n.) The cuplike or ringlike or tubular structure of a flower which bears the sepals and stamens and calyx (as in Rosaceae) [syn: hypanthium, floral cup, calyx tube].
Hypapophyles (n. pl.) of Hypapophysis.
Hypapophysis (n.) (Anat.) A process, or other element, of a vertebra developed from the ventral side of the centrum, as haemal spines, and chevron bones. -- Hy`pa*po*phys"i*al, a.
Hyparterial (a.) (Anat.) Situated below an artery; applied esp. to the branches of the bronchi given off below the point where the pulmonary artery crosses the bronchus.
Hypaspist (n.) (Gr. Antiq.) A shield-bearer or armor-bearer. -- Mitford.
Hypaxial (a.) (Anat.) Beneath the axis of the skeleton; subvertebral; hyposkeletal.
Hyper- () A prefix signifying over, above; as, hyperphysical, hyperthyrion; also, above measure, abnormally great, excessive; as, hyperaemia, hyperbola, hypercritical, hypersecretion.
Hyper- () (Chem.) A prefix equivalent to super- or per- ; as hyperoxide, or peroxide. [Obs.] See Per-.
Hyper (a.) (Informal) 亢奮的 Too excited and energetic.
// I don't let him have sweet fizzy drinks because they tend to make him hyper.
See also Hyperactive
Hyperactive (a.) 好動亢奮的;過度活躍的 Someone who is hyperactive has more energy than is normal, gets excited easily, and cannot stay still or think about work.
// Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.
Hyper- (Prefix) 超出,過度 Having too much of a quality.
Hyperactive (a.) 【醫】活動過度的;超級活躍的 Exhibiting hyperactivity.
Hyperactive (a.) More active than normal; "a hyperactive child" [syn: {hyperactive}, {overactive}].
Hyperactivity (n.) An unusually high level of activity; -- used especially with respect to children who move around frequently and do not sit still very long, most noticeably in school. It is sometimes associated with attention deficit disorder.
Hyperactivity (n.) A condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement.
Hyperactivity (n.) 活動過度;極度活躍 Hyperactivity means having increased movement, impulsive actions, and a shorter attention span, and being easily distracted.
Hypercritical (a.) Over critical; unreasonably or unjustly critical; carping; captious. "Hypercritical readers." -- Swift.
Hypercritical (a.) Excessively nice or exact. -- Evelyn.
Hypercritical (a.) Inclined to judge too severely; "hypercritical of colloquial speech"; "the overcritical teacher can discourage originality" [syn: hypercritical, overcritical].
Hypersensitive (a.) Having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor); "allergic children"; "hypersensitive to pollen" [syn: allergic, hypersensitive, hypersensitized, hypersensitised, sensitized, sensitised, supersensitive, supersensitized, supersensitised]
Hyperaemia (n.) (Med.) A superabundance or congestion of blood in an organ or part of the body.
Active hyper[ae]mia, congestion due to increased flow of blood to a part.
Passive hyper[ae]mia, interchange due to obstruction in the return of blood from a part. -- Hy`per*[ae]"mic, a.
Hyperaemia (n.) Increased blood in an organ or other body part [syn: hyperemia, hyperaemia].
Hyperaesthesia (n.) (Med. & Physiol.) A state of exalted or morbidly increased sensibility of the body, or of a part of it. -- Hy`per*[ae]s*thet"ic, a.
Hyperapophyses (n. pl.) of Hyperapophysis.
Hyperapophysis (n.) (Anat.) A lateral and backward-projecting process on the dorsal side of a vertebra. -- Hy`per*ap`o*phys"i*al, a.
Hyperaspist (n.) One who holds a shield over another; hence, a defender. [Obs.] -- Chillingworth.
Hyperbatic (a.) Of or pertaining to an hyperbaton; transposed; inverted.
Hyperbaton (n.) (Gram.) A figurative construction, changing or inverting the natural order of words or clauses; as, "echoed the hills" for "the hills echoed."
With a violent hyperbaton to transpose the text. -- Milton.
Hyperbaton (n.) Reversal of normal word order (as in `cheese I love').
Hyperbola (n.) (Geom.) A curve formed by a section of a cone, when the cutting plane makes a greater angle with the base than the side of the cone makes. It is a plane curve such that the difference of the distances from any point of it to two fixed points, called foci, is equal to a given distance. See Focus. If the cutting plane be produced so as to cut the opposite cone, another curve will be formed, which is also an hyperbola. Both curves are regarded as branches of the same hyperbola. See Illust. of Conic section, and Focus.
Hyperbola (n.) An open curve formed by a plane that cuts the base of a right circular cone.
Hyperbole (n.) (Rhet.) 修辭的誇張法;誇張的語句;誇張法 A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect.
Our common forms of compliment are almost all of them extravagant hyperboles. -- Blair.
Somebody has said of the boldest figure in rhetoric, the hyperbole, that it lies without deceiving. -- Macaulay. Hyperbolic
Hyperbole (n.) Extravagant exaggeration [syn: {hyperbole}, {exaggeration}].
Hyperbolic (a.) Alt. of Hyperbolical.
Hyperbolical (a.) (Math.) 雙曲線的 Belonging to the hyperbola; having the nature of the hyperbola.
Hyperbolical (a.) (Rhet.) 誇張的 Relating to, containing, or of the nature of, hyperbole; exaggerating or diminishing beyond the fact; exceeding the truth; as, an hyperbolical expression. "This hyperbolical epitaph." -- Fuller.
{Hyperbolic functions} (Math.), Certain functions which have relations to the hyperbola corresponding to those which sines, cosines, tangents, etc., have to the circle; and hence, called {hyperbolic sines}, {hyperbolic cosines}, etc.
{Hyperbolic logarithm}. See {Logarithm}.
{Hyperbolic spiral} (Math.), A spiral curve, the law of which is, that the distance from the pole to the generating point varies inversely as the angle swept over by the radius vector.
Hyperbolic (a.) Enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness; "a hyperbolic style" [syn: {hyperbolic}, {inflated}].
Hyperbolic (a.) Of or relating to a hyperbola; "hyperbolic functions."
Hyperbolically (adv.) (Math.) In the form of an hyperbola.
Hyperbolically (adv.) (Rhet.) With exaggeration; in a manner to express more or less than the truth. -- Sir W. Raleigh.
Hyperbolically (adv.) In an exaggerated manner [syn: {hyperbolically}, {exaggeratedly}].
Hyperboliform (a.) Having the form, or nearly the form, of an hyperbola.
Hyperbolism (n.) The use of hyperbole. -- Jefferson.
Hyperbolist (n.) One who uses hyperboles.
Hyperbolized (imp. & p. p.) of Hyperbolize.
Hyperbolizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Hyperbolize.
Hyperbolize (v. i.) To speak or write with exaggeration. -- Bp. Montagu.
Hyperbolize (v. t.) To state or represent hyperbolically. -- Fotherby.
Hyperbolize (v.) To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery" [syn: {overstate}, {exaggerate}, {overdraw}, {hyperbolize}, {hyperbolise}, {magnify}, {amplify}] [ant: {downplay}, {minimise}, {minimize}, {understate}].
Hyperboloid (n.) (Geom.) A surface of the second order, which is cut by certain planes in hyperbolas; also, the solid, bounded in part by such a surface.
{Hyperboloid of revolution}, An hyperboloid described by an hyperbola revolving about one of its axes. The surface has two separate sheets when the axis of revolution is the transverse axis, but only one when the axis of revolution is the conjugate axis of the hyperbola.
Hyperboloid (a.) (Geom.) Having some property that belongs to an hyperboloid or hyperbola.
Hyperboloid (n.) A quadric surface generated by rotating a hyperbola around its main axis.
Hyperborean (n.) (Greek Myth.) One of the people who lived beyond the North wind, in a land of perpetual sunshine.
Hyperborean (n.) An inhabitant of the most northern regions.
Hyperborean (a.) (Greek Myth.) Of or pertaining to the region beyond the North wind, or to its inhabitants.
Hyperborean (a.) Northern; belonging to, or inhabiting, a region in very far north; most northern; hence, very cold; fright, as, a hyperborean coast or atmosphere.
The hyperborean or frozen sea. -- C. Butler (1633).
Hyperborean (n.) (Greek mythology) One of a people that the ancient Greeks believed lived in a warm and sunny land north of the source of the north wind.