Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter H - Page 42

Homiletic (a.) Alt. of Homiletical.

Homiletical (a.) Of or pertaining to familiar intercourse; social; affable; conversable; companionable. [R.]

His virtues active, chiefly, and homiletical, not those lazy, sullen ones of the cloister. -- Atterbury.

Homiletical (a.) Of or pertaining to homiletics; hortatory.

Homiletic (a.) Of the nature of a homily or sermon [syn: homiletic, homiletical].

Homiletic (a.) Of or relating to homiletics; "homiletic speech" [syn: homiletic, homiletical].

Homiletics (n.) (用作單數)講道術,說教術 The art of preaching; that branch of theology which treats of homilies or sermons, and the best method of preparing and delivering them.

Homiletics (n.) The branch of theology that deals with sermons and homilies.

Homiletics (n.) The art of preaching.

Homiletics (n.) The science of adapting sermons to the spiritual needs, capacities and conditions of the congregation.

So skilled the parson was in homiletics That all his normal purges and emetics To medicine the spirit were compounded With a most just discrimination founded Upon a rigorous examination Of tongue and pulse and heart and respiration. Then, having diagnosed each one's condition, His scriptural specifics this physician Administered -- his pills so efficacious And pukes of disposition so vivacious That souls afflicted with ten kinds of Adam Were convalescent ere they knew they had 'em. But Slander's tongue -- itself all coated -- uttered Her bilious mind and scandalously muttered That in the case of patients having money The pills were sugar and the pukes were honey. _Biography of Bishop Potter_

Homilist (n.) 講道者 One who prepares homilies; one who preaches to a congregation.

Homilite (n.) (Min.) 矽硼鈣鐵礦 A borosilicate of iron and lime, near datolite in form and composition.

Compare: Borosilicate

Borosilicate (n.) (Chem.) 硼矽酸鹽;矽酸硼 A double salt of boric and silicic acids, as in the natural minerals tourmaline, datolite, etc.

Borosilicate (n.) A salt of boric and silicic acids.

Homilies (n. pl. ) of Homily.

Homily (n.) 說教;訓誡;布道 A discourse or sermon read or pronounced to an audience; a serious discourse. -- Shak.

Homily (n.) A serious or tedious exhortation in private on some moral point, or on the conduct of life.

As I have heard my father Deal out in his long homilies. -- Byron.

Book of Homilies. A collection of authorized, printed sermons, to be read by ministers in churches, esp. one issued in the time of Edward VI., and a second, issued in the reign of Elizabeth; -- both books being certified to contain a "godly and wholesome doctrine."

Homily (n.) A sermon on a moral or religious topic [syn: homily, preachment].

Homily (n.) - Homilies (n. pl.) A usually short talk on a religious or moral topic.

Homily (n.) Advice that is often not wanted.

Homily (n.) A usually short sermon.

Homily (n.) A lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme.

Homily (n.) An inspirational catchphrase; also :  Platitude.

Homing (a.) Home-returning; -- used specifically of carrier pigeons.

Homing pigeon, Any pigeon trained to return home from a distance. Also called carrier pigeon. Most are bred from the domestic pigeon Columba livia. Homing pigeons are used for sending back messages or for flying races. By carrying the birds away and releasing them at gradually increasing distances from home, they may be trained to return with more or less certainty and promptness from distances up to four or five hundred miles. The birds typically do not stop on their way home, and may average as much as 60 miles per hour on their return trip. If the distance is increased much beyond 400 miles, the birds are unable to cover it without stopping for a prolonged rest, and their return becomes doubtful. The record for returnig from a distance is close to 1,200 miles. Homing pigeons are not bred for fancy points or special colors, but for strength, speed, endurance, and intelligence or homing instinct. Although used since ancient times, homing pigeons have been largely displaced for practical purposes by radio and electronic communications, but they are still used in some special situations at the end of the 20th century. They were used in military operations as recently as in World War II. hominian

Homing (a.) Orienting or directing homeward or to a destination; "the homing instinct"; "a homing beacon."

Hominy (n.) Maize hulled and broken, and prepared for food by being boiled in water. [U.S.] [Written also homony.]

Hominy (n.) Hulled corn with the bran and germ removed.

Hominy, OK -- U.S. city in Oklahoma

Population (2000): 2584

Housing Units (2000): 1208

Land area (2000): 1.980150 sq. miles (5.128565 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 0.001258 sq. miles (0.003258 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 1.981408 sq. miles (5.131823 sq. km)

FIPS code: 35850

Located within: Oklahoma (OK), FIPS 40

Location: 36.417141 N, 96.393423 W

ZIP Codes (1990): 74035

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Hominy, OK


Homish (a.) Like a home or a home circle.

Quiet, cheerful, homish hospital life. -- E. E. Hale.

Hommock (n.) A small eminence of a conical form, of land or of ice; a knoll; a hillock. See Hummock. -- Bartram.

Hommocky (a.) Filled with hommocks; piled in the form of hommocks; -- said of ice.

Homo- () A combining form from Gr. "omo`s, one and the same, common, joint.

HOMO. () This Latin word, in its most enlarged sense, includes both man and  woman. 2 Inst. 45. Vide Man.

Homocategoric (a.) (Biol.) Belonging to the same category of individuality; -- a morphological term applied to organisms so related.

Homocentric (a.) Having the same center.

Homocentric (a.) Having a common center; "concentric rings" [syn: concentric, concentrical, homocentric] [ant: eccentric, nonconcentric].

Homocercal (a.) (Zool.) Having the tail nearly or quite symmetrical, the vertebral column terminating near its base; -- opposed to heterocercal.

Homocercal (a.) Possessing a symmetrical tail that extends beyond the end of the vertebral column (as in most bony fishes) [ant: heterocercal].

Homocercy (n.) (Zool.) The possession of a homocercal tail.

Homocerebrin (n.) (Physiol. Chem.) A body similar to, or identical with, cerebrin.

Homochromous (a.) (Bot.) Having all the florets in the same flower head of the same color.

Homodemic (a.) (Biol.) A morphological term signifying development, in the case of multicellular organisms, from the same unit deme or unit of the inferior orders of individuality.

Homodermic (a.) (Biol.) Relating to homodermy; originating from the same germ layer.

Homodermy (n.) (Biol.) Homology of the germinal layers.

Homodont (a.) (Anat.) Having all the teeth similar in front, as in the porpoises; -- opposed to heterodont. Homodromal

Homodromal (a.) Alt. of Homodromous.

Homodromous (a.) (Bot.) Running in the same direction; -- said of stems twining round a support, or of the spiral succession of leaves on stems and their branches.

Homodromous (a.) (Mech.) Moving in the same direction; -- said of a lever or pulley in which the resistance and the actuating force are both on the same side of the fulcrum or axis.

Homodynamic (a.) Homodynamous. -- Quain.

Homodynamous (a.) (Biol.) Pertaining to, or involving, homodynamy; as, successive or homodynamous parts in plants and animals.

Homodynamy (n.) (Biol.) The homology of metameres. See Metamere. -- Gegenbaur.

Homoeomeria (n.) The state or quality of being homogeneous in elements or first principles; likeness or identity of parts. Homoeomeric

Homoeomeric (a.) Alt. of Homoeomerical.

Homoeomerical (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, sameness of parts; receiving or advocating the doctrine of homogeneity of elements or first principles.

Homoeomerous (a.) (Anat.) Having the main artery of the leg parallel with the sciatic nerve; -- said of certain birds.

Homoeomery (n.) Same as Homoeomeria. [Obs.] -- Cudworth.

Homoeomorphism (n.) A near similarity of crystalline forms between unlike chemical compounds. See Isomorphism.

Homoeomorphous (a.) Manifesting homoeomorphism. Homoeopathist; Homoeopathic

Homoeopathic (n.) Alt. of Homoeopathy.

Homoeopathist (n.) Alt. of Homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy (n.) Same as Homeopathic, Homeopathist, Homeopathy.

Homoeothermal (a.) See Homoiothermal.

Homoeozoic (a.) (Zool.) Pertaining to, or including, similar forms or kinds of life; as, homoeozoic belts on the earth's surface. -- E. Forbes.

Homogamous (a.) (Bot.) Having all the flowers alike; -- said of such composite plants as Eupatorium, and the thistels.

Homogamy (n.) (Bot.) The condition of being homogamous.

Homogangliate (a.) (Zool.) Having the ganglia of the nervous system symmetrically arranged, as in certain invertebrates; -- opposed to heterogangliate.

Homogene (a.) Homogeneous. [Obs.] -- B. Jonson.

Homogeneal (a.) Homogeneous.

Homogenealness (n.) Homogeneousness.

Homogeneity (n.) Same as Homogeneousness.

Homogeneity (n.) The quality of being similar or comparable in kind or nature; "there is a remarkable homogeneity between the two companies" [syn: homogeneity, homogeneousness] [ant: heterogeneity, heterogeneousness].

Homogeneity (n.) The quality of being of uniform throughout in composition or structure.

Homogeneous (a.) 同種的;同質的;【數】同次的 Of the same kind of nature; consisting of similar parts, or of elements of the like nature; -- opposed to heterogeneous; as, homogeneous particles, elements, or principles; homogeneous bodies.

Homogeneous (a.) (Alg.) Possessing the same number of factors of a given kind; as, a homogeneous polynomial.

Homogeneous (a.) All of the same or similar kind or nature; "a close-knit homogeneous group" [syn: {homogeneous}, {homogenous}] [ant: {heterogeneous}, {heterogenous}].

Homogeneous, Homogenous, () (Or "homogenous") Of uniform nature, similar in kind.

Homogeneous, Homogenous, () In the context of distributed systems, middleware makes heterogeneous systems appear as a homogeneous entity.  For example see: interoperable network.

Constrast Heterogeneous.

Homogeneous, Homogenous, () (Of a polynomial) containing terms of the same degree with respect to all the variables, as in x^2 + 2xy + y^2.

Homogeneous, Homogenous, () (Of a function) Containing a set of variables such that when each is multiplied by a constant, this constant can be eliminated without altering the value of the function, as in cos x/y + x/y.

Homogeneous, Homogenous, () (Of an equation) Containing a homogeneous function made equal to 0.


Homogeneousness (n.) Sameness 9kind or nature; uniformity of structure or material.

Homogeneousness (n.) The quality of being similar or comparable in kind or nature; "there is a remarkable homogeneity between the two companies" [syn: homogeneity, homogeneousness] [ant: heterogeneity, heterogeneousness].

Homogenesis (n.) (Biol.) That method of reproduction in which the successive generations are alike, the offspring, either animal or plant, running through the same cycle of existence as the parent; gamogenesis; -- opposed to heterogenesis.

Homogenetic (a.) (Biol.) Homogenous; -- applied to that class of homologies which arise from similarity of structure, and which are taken as evidences of common ancestry.

Homogenous (a.) (Biol.) 【生】同質的 Having a resemblance in structure, due to descent from a common progenitor with subsequent modification; homogenetic; -- applied both to animals and plants. See {Homoplastic}.

Homogenous (a.) All of the same or similar kind or nature; "a close-knit homogeneous group" [syn: {homogeneous}, {homogenous}] [ant: {heterogeneous}, {heterogenous}].

Homogeny (n.) Joint nature. [Obs.] -- Bacon.

Homogeny (n.) (Biol.) The correspondence of common descent; -- a term used to supersede homology by Lankester, who also used homoplasy to denote any superinduced correspondence of position and structure in parts embryonically distinct (other writers using the term homoplasmy). Thus, there is homogeny between the fore limb of a mammal and the wing of a bird; but the right and left ventricles of the heart in both are only in homoplasy with each other, these having arisen independently since the divergence of both groups from a univentricular ancestor.

Homogeny (n.) (Biology) Similarity because of common evolution.

Homogonous (a.) (Bot.) Having all the flowers of a plant alike in respect to the stamens and pistils.

Homogony (n.) (Bot.) The condition of having homogonous flowers.

Homograph (n.) (Philol.) 同形異義字 One of two or more words identical in orthography, but having different derivations and meanings; as, fair, n., a market, and fair, a., beautiful.

Homograph (n.) Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning (e.g. fair).

Homographic (a.) Employing a single and separate character to represent each sound; -- said of certain methods of spelling words.

Homographic (a.) (Geom.) Possessing the property of homography.

Homography (n.) That method of spelling in which every sound is represented by a single character, which indicates that sound and no other.

Homography (n.) (Geom.) A relation between two figures, such that to any point of the one corresponds one and but one point in the other, and vise versa. Thus, a tangent line rolling on a circle cuts two fixed tangents of the circle in two sets of points that are homographic.

Homoioptoton (n.) (Rhet.) A figure in which the several parts of a sentence end with the same case, or inflection generally.

Homoiothermal (a.) (Physiol.) Maintaining a uniform temperature; haematothermal; homothermic; -- applied to warm-bodied animals, because they maintain a nearly uniform temperature in spite of the great variations in the surrounding air; in distinct from the cold-blooded (poikilothermal) animals, whose body temperature follows the variations in temperature of the surrounding medium.

Syn: homeothermal, homeothermic, homothermal, homothermic, homoiothermic. homoiothermism

Homoiousian (n.) (Eccl. Hist.) One of the semi-Arians of the 4th century, who held that the Son was of like, but not the same, essence or substance with the Father; -- opposed to homoousian.

Homoiousian (a.) Of or pertaining to Homoiousians, or their belief.

Homologated (imp. & p. p.) of Homologate.

Homologating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Homologate.

Homologate (v. t.) (Civ. Law) To approve; to allow; to confirm; as, the court homologates a proceeding. -- Wheaton.

Homologation (n.) (Civ. & Scots Law) Confirmation or ratification (as of something otherwise null and void), by a court or a grantor.

Homologation, () civil law. Approbation, confirmation by a court of justice, a judgment which orders the execution of some act; as, the approbation of an award, and ordering execution on the same. Merl. Repert. h.t.; Civil Code of Louis. Index, h.t.; Dig. 4, 8; 7 Toull. n. 224. To homologate, is to say the like, similiter dicere. 9 Mart. L. R. 324.

Homological (a.) Pertaining to homology; having a structural affinity proceeding from, or base upon, that kind of relation termed homology. -- Ho`mo*log"ic*al*ly, adv.

Homological (a.) Similar in evolutionary origin but not in function [syn: homologic, homological].

Homologinic (a.) (Chem.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, homology; as, homologinic qualities, or differences.

Homologize (v. t.) (Biol.) To determine the homologies or structural relations of.

Homologize (v.) Be homologous; "A person's arms homologize with a quadruped's forelimbs."

Homologize (v.) Make homologous [syn: homologize, homologise].

Homologon (n.) See Homologue.

Homologoumena (n. pl.) Those books of the New Testament which were acknowledged as canonical by the early church; -- distinguished from antilegomena.

Homologous (a.) 同源的;同型,同屬例;相應的;一致的 Having the same relative position, proportion, value, or structure. Especially:

Homologous (a.) (Geom.) Corresponding in relative position and proportion.

In similar polygons, the corresponding sides, angles, diagonals, etc., are homologous. -- Davies & Peck (Math. Dict.).

Homologous (a.) (Alg.) Having the same relative proportion or value, as the two antecedents or the two consequents of a proportion.

Homologous (a.) (Chem.) Characterized by homology; belonging to the same type or series; corresponding in composition and properties. See Homology, 3.

Homologous (a.) (Biol.) Being of the same typical structure; having like relations to a fundamental type to structure; as, those bones in the hand of man and the fore foot of a horse are homologous that correspond in their structural relations, that is, in their relations to the type structure of the fore limb in vertebrates.

Homologous stimulus. (Physiol.) See under Stimulus.

Homologous (a.) Having the same evolutionary origin but not necessarily the same function; "the wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous" [ant: analogous, heterologic, heterological, heterologous].

Homologous (a.) Corresponding or similar in position or structure or function or characteristics; especially derived from an organism of the same species; "a homologous tissue graft" [ant: autologous, heterologous].

Homolographic (a.) Preserving the mutual relations of parts, especially as to size and form; maintaining relative proportion.

Homologue (n.) That which is homologous to something else; as, the corresponding sides, etc., of similar polygons are the homologues of each other; the members or terms of an homologous series in chemistry are the homologues of each other; one of the bones in the hand of man is the homologue of that in the paddle of a whale.

Homology (n.) 相似;異體同形;【化】同系;【生】同源 The quality of being homologous; correspondence; relation; as, the homologyof similar polygons.

Homology (n.) Correspondence or relation in type of structure in contradistinction to similarity of function; as, the relation in structure between the leg and arm of a man; or that between the arm of a man, the fore leg of a horse, the wing of a bird, and the fin of a fish, all these organs being modifications of one type of structure.

Homology (n.) The correspondence or resemblance of substances belonging to the same type or series; a similarity of composition varying by a small, regular difference, and usually attended by a regular variation in physical properties; as, there is an homology between methane, CH4, ethane, C2H6, propane, C3H8, etc., all members of the paraffin series. In an extended sense, the term is applied to the relation between chemical elements of the same group; as, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are said to be in homology with each other. Cf. Heterology.

Homomallous (a.) Uniformly bending or curving to one side; -- said of leaves which grow on several sides of a stem.

Homomorphic (a.) Alt. of Homomorphous.

Homomorphous (a.) Characterized by homomorphism.

Homomorphism (n.) (Biol.) Same as Homomorphy.

Homomorphism (n.) (Bot.) 【生】同形;【數】同態;【植】具有一種完全花 The possession, in one species of plants, of only one kind of flowers; -- opposed to heteromorphism, dimorphism, and trimorphism.

Homomorphism (n.) (Zool.) The possession of but one kind of larvae or young, as in most insects.

Homomorphism (n.) Similarity of form [syn: homomorphism, homomorphy].

Homomorphism, () A map f between groups A and B is a homomorphism of A into B if

f(a1 * a2) = f(a1) * f(a2)  for all a1, a2 in A.

Where the *s are the respective group operations.


Homomorphy (n.) (Biol.) Similarity of form; resemblance in external characters, while widely different in fundamental structure; resemblance in geometric ground form. See Homophyly, Promorphology.

Homomorphy (n.) Similarity of form [syn: homomorphism, homomorphy].

Homonomous (a.) (Biol.) Of or pertaining to homonomy.

Homonomy (n.) (Biol.) The homology of parts arranged on transverse axes. -- Haeckel.

Homonym (n.) A word having the same sound as another, but differing from it in meaning; as the noun bear and the verb bear. [Written also homonyme.]

Homonym (n.) Two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.

Homonymous (a.) Having the same name or designation; standing in the same relation; -- opposed to heteronymous.

Homonymous (a.) Having the same name or designation, but different meaning or relation; hence, equivocal; ambiguous.

Homonymous (a.)  Of or related to or being homonyms [syn: homonymic, homonymous].

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