Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter H - Page 28
Here (pron.) Her; hers. See {Her}. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Here (adv.) In this place; in the place where the speaker is; -- opposed to {there}.
He is not here, for he is risen. -- Matt. xxviii. 6.
Here (adv.) In the present life or state.
Happy here, and more happy hereafter. -- Bacon.
Here (adv.) To or into this place; hither. [Colloq.] See {Thither}.
Here comes Virgil. -- B. Jonson.
Thou led'st me here. -- Byron.
Here (adv.) At this point of time, or of an argument; now.
The prisoner here made violent efforts to rise. -- Warren.
Note: Here, in the last sense, is sometimes used before a verb without subject; as, Here goes, for Now (something or somebody) goes; -- especially occurring thus in drinking healths. "Here's [a health] to thee, Dick." -- Cowley.
{Here and there}, In one place and another; in a dispersed manner; irregularly. "Footsteps here and there." -- Longfellow.
{It is neither, here nor there}, It is neither in this place nor in that, neither in one place nor in another; hence,it is to no purpose, irrelevant, nonsense. --Shak. Herea-bout
Here (adv.) In or at this place; where the speaker or writer is; "I work here"; "turn here"; "radio waves received here on Earth" [ant: {at that place}, {in that location}, {there}].
Here (adv.) In this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail; "what do we have here?"; "here I must disagree".
Here (adv.) To this place (especially toward the speaker); "come here, please" [syn: {here}, {hither}] [ant: {there}, {thither}].
Here (adv.) At this time; now; "we'll adjourn here for lunch and discuss the remaining issues this afternoon".
Here (a.) Being here now; "is everyone here?"
Here (n.) The present location; this place; "where do we go from here?" [ant: {there}].
Here (n.) Queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno [syn: {Hera}, {Here}].
Herea-bout (adv.) Alt. of Hereabouts.
Hereabouts (adv.) About this place; in this vicinity.
Hereabouts (adv.) Concerning this.
Hereafter (adv.) In time to come; in some future time or state.
Hereafter (n.) A future existence or state.
Hereafterward (adv.) Hereafter.
Here-at (adv.) At, or by reason of, this; as, he was offended hereat.
Hereby (adv.) By means of this.
Hereby (adv.) Close by; very near.
Hereditability (n.) State of being hereditable.
Hereditable (a.) Capable of being inherited. See Inheritable.
Hereditable (a.) Qualified to inherit; capable of inheriting.
Hereditably (adv.) By inheritance.
Hereditament (n.) 【律】可繼承之財產;世襲財產 Any species of property that may be inherited; lands, tenements, anything corporeal or incorporeal, real, personal, or mixed, that may descend to an heir.
Hereditament (n.) Any property (real or personal or mixed) that can be inherited.
Hereditarily (adv.) 世襲地;遺傳地 By inheritance; in an hereditary manner.
Hereditary (a.) 世襲的,傳代的;遺傳的 Descended, or capable of descending, from an ancestor to an heir at law; received or passing by inheritance, or that must pass by inheritance; as, an hereditary estate or crown.
Hereditary (a.) Transmitted, or capable of being transmitted, as a constitutional quality or condition from a parent to a child; as, hereditary pride, bravery, disease.
Hereditary (a.) Occurring among members of a family usually by heredity; "an inherited disease"; "familial traits"; "genetically transmitted features" [syn: {familial}, {genetic}, {hereditary}, {inherited}, {transmitted}, {transmissible}].
Hereditary (a.) Inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition" [syn: {ancestral}, {hereditary}, {patrimonial}, {transmissible}].
Heredity (n.) 遺傳,形質遺傳 Hereditary transmission of the physical and psychical qualities of parents to their offspring; the biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants. See {Pangenesis}.
Heredity (n.) The biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next.
Heredity (n.) The total of inherited attributes [syn: {heredity}, {genetic endowment}].
Hereford (n.) One of a breed of cattle originating in Herefordshire, England. The Herefords are good working animals, and their beef-producing quality is excellent.
Herehence (adv.) From hence.
Herein (adv.) In this.
Hereinafter (adv.) 在下 In the following part of this (writing, document, speech, and the like).
Hereinafter (adv.) In a subsequent part of this document or statement or matter etc.; "the landlord demises unto the tenant the premises hereinafter called the demised premises"; "the terms specified hereunder" [syn: hereinafter, hereafter, hereunder].
Hereinbefore (adv.) 在上文中 In the preceding part of this (writing, document, book, etc.).
Hereinbefore (adv.) In the preceding part of the current text.
Hereinto (adv.) 在這件事裡;在這種情況下;在這種地方;此中 Into this. -- Hooker. Heremit
Heremit (n.) Alt. of Heremite.
Heremite (n.) A hermit.
Heremitical (a.) Of or pertaining to a hermit; solitary; secluded from society.
Heren (a.) Made of hair.
Hereof (adv.) Of this; concerning this; from this; hence.
Hereon (adv.) On or upon this; hereupon.
Hereout (adv.) Out of this.
Heresiarch (n.) A leader in heresy; the chief of a sect of heretics.
Heresiarchy (n.) A chief or great heresy.
Heresiographer (n.) One who writes on heresies.
Heresiography (n.) A treatise on heresy.
Heresies (n. pl. ) of Heresy.
Heresy (n.) [C] [U] 異教;異端邪說 An opinion held in opposition to the established or commonly received doctrine, and tending to promote a division or party, as in politics, literature, philosophy, etc.; -- usually, but not necessarily, said in reproach.
Heresy (n.) Religious opinion opposed to the authorized doctrinal standards of any particular church, especially when tending to promote schism or separation; lack of orthodox or sound belief; rejection of, or erroneous belief in regard to, some fundamental religious doctrine or truth; heterodoxy.
Heresy (n.) An against Christianity, consisting in a denial of some essential doctrine, which denial is publicly avowed, and obstinately maintained.
Heresy (n.) Any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position [syn: {unorthodoxy}, {heterodoxy}, {heresy}] [ant: {orthodoxy}].
Heresy (n.) A belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion [syn: {heresy}, {unorthodoxy}].
Heretic (n.) [C] 異教徒;持異端邪說者 One who holds to a heresy; one who believes some doctrine contrary to the established faith or prevailing religion.
A man that is an heretic, after the first and second admonition, reject. -- Titus iii. 10.
Heretic (n.) (R. C. Ch.) One who having made a profession of Christian belief, deliberately and pertinaciously refuses to believe one or more of the articles of faith "determined by the authority of the universal church." -- Addis & Arnold.
Syn: {Heretic}, {Schismatic}, {Sectarian}.
Usage: A heretic is one whose errors are doctrinal, and usually of a malignant character, tending to subvert the true faith. A schismatic is one who creates a schism, or division in the church, on points of faith, discipline, practice, etc., usually for the sake of personal aggrandizement. A sectarian is one who originates or is an ardent adherent and advocate of a sect, or distinct organization, which separates from the main body of believers.
Heretic (n.) A person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church [syn: {heretic}, {misbeliever}, {religious outcast}].
Heretic (n.) A person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion).
Heretical (a.) 異教的;異端的 Containing heresy; of the nature of, or characterized by, heresy.
Heretical (a.) Characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards [syn: {dissident}, {heretical}, {heterodox}].
Heretically (adv.) 離經叛道地 In an heretical manner.
Hereticate (v. t.) To decide to be heresy or a heretic; to denounce as a heretic or heretical.
Heretification (n.) The act of hereticating or pronouncing heretical.
Hereto (adv.) To this; hereunto.
Heretoch (n.) Alt. of Heretog.
Heretog (n.) The leader or commander of an army; also, a marshal.
Heretofore (adv.) Up to this time; hitherto; before; in time past.
Hereunto (adv.) Unto this; up to this time; hereto.
Hereupon (adv.) On this; hereon.
Herewith (adv.) With this.
Herie (v. t.) To praise; to worship.
Heriot (n.) Formerly, a payment or tribute of arms or military accouterments, or the best beast, or chattel, due to the lord on the death of a tenant; in modern use, a customary tribute of goods or chattels to the lord of the fee, paid on the decease of a tenant.
Heriotable (a.) Subject to the payment of a heriot.
Herisson (n.) A beam or bar armed with iron spikes, and turning on a pivot; -- used to block up a passage.
Heritability (n.) The state of being heritable.
Heritable (a.) Capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance; inheritable.
Heritable (a.) Capable of inheriting or receiving by inheritance.
Heritage (a.) That which is inherited, or passes from heir to heir; inheritance.
Heritage (a.) A possession; the Israelites, as God's chosen people; also, a flock under pastoral charge.
Heritance (n.) Heritage; inheritance.
Heritor (n.) A proprietor or landholder in a parish.
Herl (n.) Same as Harl, 2.
Herling (n.) Alt. of Hirling.
Hirling (n.) The young of the sea trout.
Hermae (n. pl. ) of Herma.
Herma (n.) See Hermes, 2.
Hermaphrodeity (n.) Hermaphrodism.
Hermaphrodism (n.) See Hermaphroditism.
Hermaphrodite (n.) An individual which has the attributes of both male and female, or which unites in itself the two sexes; an animal or plant having the parts of generation of both sexes, as when a flower contains both the stamens and pistil within the same calyx, or on the same receptacle. In some cases reproduction may take place without the union of the distinct individuals. In the animal kingdom true hermaphrodites are found only among the invertebrates. See Illust. in Appendix, under Helminths.
Hermaphrodite (a.) Including, or being of, both sexes; as, an hermaphrodite animal or flower.
Hermaphroditic (a.) Alt. of Hermaphroditical.
Hermaphroditical (a.) Partaking of the characteristics of both sexes; characterized by hermaphroditism.
Hermaphroditism (n.) The union of the two sexes in the same individual, or the combination of some of their characteristics or organs in one individual.
Hermeneutic (a.) Alt. of Hermeneutical.
Hermeneutical (a.) Unfolding the signification; of or pertaining to interpretation; exegetical; explanatory; as, hermeneutic theology, or the art of expounding the Scriptures; a hermeneutic phrase.
Hermeneutically (adv.) According to the principles of interpretation; as, a verse of Scripture was examined hermeneutically.
Hermeneutics (n.) The science of interpretation and explanation; exegesis; esp., that branch of theology which defines the laws whereby the meaning of the Scriptures is to be ascertained.
Hermes (n.) See Mercury.
Hermes (n.) Originally, a boundary stone dedicated to Hermes as the god of boundaries, and therefore bearing in some cases a head, or head and shoulders, placed upon a quadrangular pillar whose height is that of the body belonging to the head, sometimes having feet or other parts of the body sculptured upon it. These figures, though often representing Hermes, were used for other divinities, and even, in later times, for portraits of human beings. Called also herma. See Terminal statue, under Terminal.
Hermetic (a.) Alt. of Hermetical.
Hermetical (a.) Of, pertaining to, or taught by, Hermes Trismegistus; as, hermetic philosophy. Hence: Alchemical; chemic.
Hermetical (a.) Of or pertaining to the system which explains the causes of diseases and the operations of medicine on the principles of the hermetic philosophy, and which made much use, as a remedy, of an alkali and an acid; as, hermetic medicine.
Hermetical (a.) Made perfectly close or air-tight by fusion, so that no gas or spirit can enter or escape; as, an hermetic seal. See Note under Hermetically.
Hermetically (adv.) In an hermetical manner; chemically.
Hermetically (adv.) By fusion, so as to form an air-tight closure.
Hermit (n.) A person who retires from society and lives in solitude; a recluse; an anchoret; especially, one who so lives from religious motives.
Hermit (n.) A beadsman; one bound to pray for another.
Hermitage (n.) 隱士住處;僻靜住所 [C] The habitation of a hermit; a secluded residence.
Some forlorn and naked hermitage, Remote from all the pleasures of the world. -- Shak.
Hermitage (n.) [F. Vin de l'Hermitage.] A celebrated French wine, both white and red, of the Department of Dr[^o]me.
Hermitage (n.) The abode of a hermit.
Hermitage (n.) The habitation of a hermit or group of hermits.
Hermitage (n.) A monastery or abbey.
Hermitage (n.) A secluded residence; a retreat; a hideaway.
Hermitage (n.) (Capitalized) A palace in
Hermitary (n.) A cell annexed to an abbey, for the use of a hermit.
Hermitess (n.) A female hermit.
Hermitical (a.) Pertaining to, or suited for, a hermit.
Hermodactyl (n.) A heart-shaped bulbous root, about the size of a finger, brought from Turkey, formerly used as a cathartic.