Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter D - Page 88

Doodle (n.) A trifler; a simple fellow.

Doodle (n.) An aimless drawing [syn: scribble, scrabble, doodle].

Doodle (v.) Make a doodle; draw aimlessly.

Doodlesack (n.) The Scotch bagpipe. [Prov. Eng.]

Doole (n.) Sorrow; dole. [Obs.] -- Spenser.

Doolies (n. pl. ) of Dooly.

Dooly (n.) A kind of litter suspended from men's shoulders, for carrying persons or things; a palanquin. [Written also doolee and doolie.] [East Indies]

Having provided doolies, or little bamboo chairs slung on four men's shoulders, in which I put my papers and boxes, we next morning commenced the ascent. -- J. D. Hooker.

Dooly -- U.S. County in Georgia

Population (2000): 11525

Housing Units (2000): 4499

Land area (2000): 392.878703 sq. miles (1017.551127 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 4.188904 sq. miles (10.849212 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 397.067607 sq. miles (1028.400339 sq. km)

Located within: Georgia (GA), FIPS 13

Location: 32.160150 N, 83.793948 W



Dooly, GA

Dooly County

Dooly County, GA

DOOM (n.)  <Games> A simulated 3D moster-hunting action game for {IBM PCs}, created and published by id Software.  The original press release was dated January 1993.  A cut-down shareware version v1.0 was released on 10 December 1993 and again with some bug-fixes, as v1.4 in June 1994.

DOOM is similar to Wolfenstein 3d (id Software, Apogee) but has better texture mapping; walls can be at any angle, of any thickness and have windows; lighting can fade into the distance or come from point sources; floors and ceilings can be of any height; many surfaces are animated; up to four players can play over a network or two by serial link; it has a high frame rate (comparable to TV on a 486/ 33); DOOM isn't just a collection of connected closed rooms like Wolfenstein but sounds can travel anywhere and alert monsters of your approach.

Doom (n.) [U] PS1] 厄運,毀滅,死亡;【宗】末日審判,世界末日 Judgment; judicial sentence; penal decree; condemnation.

The first dooms of London provide especially the recovery of cattle belonging to the citizens. -- J. R. Green.

Now against himself he sounds this doom. -- Shak.

Doom (n.) That to which one is doomed or sentenced; destiny or fate, esp. unhappy destiny; penalty.

Ere Hector meets his doom. -- Pope.

And homely household task shall be her doom. -- Dryden.

Doom (n.) Ruin; death.

This is the day of doom for Bassianus. -- Shak.

Doom (n.) Discriminating opinion or judgment; discrimination; discernment; decision. [Obs.]

And there he learned of things and haps to come, To give foreknowledge true, and certain doom. -- Fairfax.

Syn: Sentence; condemnation; decree; fate; destiny; lot; ruin; destruction.

Doomed (imp. & p. p.) of Doom.

Dooming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Doom.

Doom (v. t.) 注定,命定 [H] [+to] [O2];判定,判決[+to] To judge; to estimate or determine as a judge. [Obs.] -- Milton.

Doom (v. t.) To pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn; to consign by a decree or sentence; to sentence; as, a criminal doomed to chains or death.

Absolves the just, and dooms the guilty souls. -- Dryden.

Doom (v. t.) To ordain as penalty; hence, to mulct or fine.

Have I tongue to doom my brother's death? -- Shak.

Doom (v. t.) To assess a tax upon, by estimate or at discretion. [New England] -- J. Pickering.

Doom (v. t.) To destine; to fix irrevocably the destiny or fate of; to appoint, as by decree or by fate.

A man of genius . . . doomed to struggle with difficulties. -- Macaulay.

Doom (n.) An unpleasant or disastrous destiny; "everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it"; "that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world" [syn: {doom}, {doomsday}, {day of reckoning}, {end of the world}].

Doom (v.) Decree or designate beforehand; "She was destined to become a great pianist" [syn: {destine}, {fate}, {doom}, {designate}].

Doom (v.) Pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law; "He was condemned to ten years in prison" [syn: {sentence}, {condemn}, {doom}].

Doom (v.) Make certain of the failure or destruction of; "This decision will doom me to lose my position."

DOOM (Acronyms) Decentralised Object Orientated Machine.

Doom (n.) This word formerly signified a judgment. T. L.

Doomage (n.) A penalty or fine for neglect. [Local, New England]

Doomage (n.) (- pl. - s) An assessing on default.

Doomed (a.) 命中注定的;天數已盡的;注定失敗的 [+to]Doom 的動詞過去式、過去分詞 Marked for certain death; "the black spot told the old sailor he was doomed."

Doomed (a.) In danger of the eternal punishment of Hell; "poor damned souls" [syn: {cursed}, {damned}, {doomed}, {unredeemed}, {unsaved}].

Doomed (a.) Marked by or promising bad fortune; "their business venture was doomed from the start"; "an ill-fated business venture"; "an ill-starred romance"; "the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons" -- W.H.Prescott [syn: {doomed}, {ill-fated}, {ill- omened}, {ill-starred}, {unlucky}].

Doomed (a.) (Usually followed by `to') Determined by tragic fate; "doomed to unhappiness"; "fated to be the scene of Kennedy's assassination" [syn: {doomed}, {fated}].

Doomed (n.) People who are destined to die soon; "the agony of the doomed was in his voice" [syn: {doomed}, {lost}].

Doomful (a.) Full of condemnation or destructive power. [R.] "That doomful deluge." -- Drayton.

Doom palm (Bot.) A species of palm tree ({Hyphaene Thebaica), highly valued for the fibrous pulp of its fruit, which has the flavor of gingerbread, and is largely eaten in Egypt and Abyssinia. [Written also doum palm.]

Doomsday (n.) A day of sentence or condemnation; day of death. "My body's doomsday." -- Shak.

Doomsday (n.) The day of the final judgment.

I could not tell till doomsday. -- Chaucer.

Doomsday Book. See Domesday Book.

Doomsday (n.) (New Testament) Day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives [syn: Judgment Day, Judgement Day, Day of Judgment, Day of Judgement, Doomsday, Last Judgment, Last Judgement, Last Day, eschaton, day of reckoning, doomsday, crack of doom, end of the world].

Doomsday (n.) An unpleasant or disastrous destiny; "everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it"; "that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world" [syn: doom, doomsday, day of reckoning, end of the world].

Doomsman (n.) A judge; an umpire. [Obs.] -- Hampole.

Doomster (n.) Same as Dempster. [Scot.]

Door (n.) An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way.

To the same end, men several paths may tread, As many doors into one temple lead. -- Denham.

Door (n.) The frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges, by which an entrance way into a house or apartment is closed and opened.

At last he came unto an iron door That fast was locked. -- Spenser.

Door (n.) Passage; means of approach or access.

I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved. -- John x. 9.

Door (n.) An entrance way, but taken in the sense of the house or apartment to which it leads.

Martin's office is now the second door in the street. -- Arbuthnot.

Blank door, Blind door, etc. (Arch.) See under Blank, Blind, etc.

In doors, or Within doors, within the house.

Next door to, Near to; bordering on.

A riot unpunished is but next door to a tumult. -- L'Estrange.

Out of doors, or Without doors, and, [colloquially], Out doors, out of the house; in open air; abroad; away; lost.

His imaginary title of fatherhood is out of doors. -- Locke.

To lay (a fault, misfortune, etc.) at one's door, To charge one with a fault; to blame for.

To lie at one's door, To be imputable or chargeable to.

If I have failed, the fault lies wholly at my door. -- Dryden.

Note: Door is used in an adjectival construction or as the first part of a compound (with or without the hyphen), as, door frame, doorbell or door bell, door knob or doorknob, door latch or doorlatch, door jamb, door handle, door mat, door panel.

Door (n.) A swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left."

Door (n.) The entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or    leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway" [syn: doorway, door, room access, threshold].

Door (n.) Anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success."

Door (n.) A structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road); "the office next door"; "they live two doors up the street from us."

Door (n.) A room that is entered via a door; "his office is the third door down the hall on the left."

Doorcase (n.) The surrounding frame into which a door shuts.

Doorcase (n.) The frame that supports a door [syn: doorframe, doorcase].

Doorcheek (n.) The jamb or sidepiece of a door. -- Ex. xii. 22 (Douay version).

Compare: Kali

Kali (prop. n.) (Hind. Myth.) The black, destroying goddess; -- called also Doorga, Anna Purna. 

Doorga (n.) (Myth.) A Hindoo divinity, the consort of Siva, represented with ten arms. [Written also Durga.] -- Malcom.

Dooring (n.) The frame of a door. -- Milton.

Doorkeeper (n.) One who guards the entrance of a house or apartment; a porter; a janitor.

Doorkeeper (n.) An official stationed at the entrance of a courtroom or legislative chamber [syn: usher, doorkeeper].

Doorkeeper (n.) The lowest of the minor Holy Orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church [syn: doorkeeper, ostiary, ostiarius].

Doorkeeper (n.) Someone who guards an entrance [syn: doorkeeper, doorman, door guard, hall porter, porter, gatekeeper, ostiary].

Door-keeper, () This word is used in Ps. 84:10 (R.V. marg., "stand at the threshold of," etc.), but there it signifies properly "sitting at the threshold in the house of God." The psalmist means that he would rather stand at the door of God's house and merely look in, than dwell in houses where iniquity prevailed.

Persons were appointed to keep the street door leading into the interior of the house (John 18:16, 17; Acts 12:13).

Sometimes females held this post.

Doorless (a.) Without a door.

Doornail (n.) The nail or knob on which in ancient doors the knocker struck; -- hence the old saying, "As dead as a doornail."

Doorplane (n.) A plane on a door, giving the name, and sometimes the employment, of the occupant.

Doorpost (n.) The jamb or sidepiece of a doorway.

Doorpost (n.) A jamb for a door [syn: doorjamb, doorpost].

Doorsill (n.) The sill or threshold of a door.

Doorsill (n.) The sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway [syn: doorsill, doorstep, threshold].

Doorstead (n.) Entrance or place of a door. [Obs. or Local] -- Bp. Warburton.

Doorstep (n.) The stone or plank forming a step before an outer door.

Doorstep (n.) The sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway [syn: doorsill, doorstep, threshold].

Doorstone (n.) The stone forming a threshold.

Doorstop (n.) (Carp.) The block or strip of wood or similar material which stops, at the right place, the shutting of a door; any object used to stop open doors from moving.

Doorstop (n.) A stop that keeps open doors from moving [syn: doorstop, doorstopper].

Doorstop (n.) Used to describe equipment that is non-functional and halfway expected to remain so, especially obsolete equipment kept around for political reasons or ostensibly as a backup. Compare boat anchor.

Doorstop, () Used to describe equipment that is non-functional and halfway expected to remain so, especially obsolete equipment kept around for political reasons or ostensibly as a backup.  "When we get another Wyse-50 in here, that ADM 3 will turn into a doorstop."

Compare: boat anchor.

[{Jargon File]

Doorway (n.) The passage of a door; entrance way into a house or a room.

Doorway (n.) The entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway" [syn: doorway, door, room access, threshold].

Doorway (n.) [ C ] (C2) 出入口,門口 The space in a wall where a door opens, or a covered area just outside a door.

Dooryard (n.) A yard in front of a house or around the door of a house.

Dooryard (n.) A yard outside the front or rear door of a house.

Dop (n.) Alt. of Doop.

Doop (n.) A little copper cup in which a diamond is held while being cut.

Dop (v. i.) To dip. [Obs.] -- Walton.

Dop (n.) A dip; a low courtesy. [Obs.] -- B. Jonson.

DOP, () Directory Operational binding management Protocol.

Doppelgänger (n.) 幽靈;面貌酷似的人 Someone who looks like someone else.

Doppelgänger (n.) A ghost that looks like a living person.

Doppelgänger (n.) A ghostly counterpart of a living person.

Doppelgänger (n.) a :  double 2a b :  alter ego b c :  a person who has the same name as another.

Compare: Counterpart

Counterpart (n.) [C] 極相像的人(或物);互為補充的人(或物);對應的人(或物),配對物。 A part corresponding to another part; anything which answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile.

In same things the laws of Normandy agreed with the laws of England, so that they seem to be, as it were, copies or counterparts one of another. -- Sir M. Hale.

Counterpart (n.) (Law) One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a duplicate.

Counterpart (n.) A person who closely resembles another.

Counterpart (n.) A thing may be applied to another thing so as to fit perfectly, as a seal to its impression; hence, a thing which is adapted to another thing, or which supplements it; that which serves to complete or complement anything; hence, a person or thing having qualities lacking in another; an opposite.

O counterpart

Of our soft sex, well are you made our lords. -- Dryden.

Counterpart (n.) A person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another [syn: counterpart, opposite number, vis-a-vis].

Counterpart (n.) A duplicate copy [syn: counterpart, similitude, twin].

Counterpart, () contracts. Formerly each party to an indenture executed a separate deed; that part which was executed by the grantor was called the original, and the rest the counterparts. It is now usual for all the parties to execute every part, and this makes them all originals. 2 Bl. Com. 296.

Counterpart, () In granting lots subject to a ground rent reserved to the grantor, both parties execute the deeds, of which there are two copies; although both are original, one of them is sometimes called the counterpart. Vide 12 Vin. Ab. 104; Dane's Ab. Index, h.t.; 7 Com. Dig. 443; Merl. Repert. mots Double Ecrit.

Dopper (n.) An Anabaptist or Baptist. [Contemptuous] -- B. Jonson.

Dopplerite (n.) (Min.) A brownish black native hydrocarbon occurring in elastic or jellylike masses.

Doquet (n.) A warrant. See Docket.

Dor (n.) (Zool.) A large European scaraboid beetle ({Geotrupes stercorarius), which makes a droning noise while flying. The name is also applied to allied American species, as the June bug. Called also dorr, dorbeetle, or dorrbeetle, dorbug, dorrfly, and buzzard clock.

Dor (n.) A trick, joke, or deception. -- Beau. & Fl.

To give one the dor, To make a fool of him. [Archaic] -- P. Fletcher.

Dor (v. t.) To make a fool of; to deceive. [Obs.] [Written also dorr.] -- B. Jonson.

Dor, () Dwelling, the Dora of the Romans, an ancient royal city of the Canaanites (Josh. 11:1, 2; 12:23). It was the most southern settlement of the Phoenicians on the coast of Syria. The original inhabitants seem never to have been expelled, although they were made tributary by David. It was one of Solomon's commissariat districts (Judg. 1:27; 1 Kings 4:11). It has been identified with Tantura (so named from the supposed resemblance of its tower to a tantur, i.e., "a horn"). This tower fell in 1895, and nothing remains but debris and foundation walls, the remains of an old Crusading fortress. It is about 8 miles north of Caesarea, "a sad and sickly hamlet of wretched huts on a naked sea-beach."

Dor, () Generation, habitation.

Dorado (n.) (Astron.) A southern constellation, within which is the south pole of the ecliptic; -- called also sometimes Xiphias, or the Swordfish.

Dorado (n.) (Zool.) A large, oceanic fish of the genus Coryphaena.

Dorado (n.) A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor; contains most of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Dorado -- U.S. Municipio in Puerto Rico

Population (2000): 34017

Housing Units (2000): 13067

Land area (2000): 23.328554 sq. miles (60.420674 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 30.497867 sq. miles (78.989110 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 53.826421 sq. miles (139.409784 sq. km)

Located within: Puerto Rico (PR), FIPS 72

Location: 18.442798 N, 66.276894 W



Dorado, PR

Dorado Municipio

Dorado Municipio, PR

Dorbeetle (n.) (Zool.) See 1st Dor.

Compare: John

John (n.) [See Johannes.] A proper name of a man.
John-apple, A sort of apple ripe about St. John's Day. Same
as Apple-john.

John Bull, An ideal personification of the typical characteristics of an Englishman, or of the English people.

John Bullism, English character. -- W. Irving.

John Doe (Law), The name formerly given to the fictitious plaintiff in an action of ejectment. -- Mozley & W.

John Doree, John Dory. (Zool.) An oval, compressed, European food fish ({Zeus faber). Its color is yellow and olive, with golden, silvery, and blue reflections. It has a round dark spot on each side. Called also dory, doree, and St. Peter's fish.

Doree (n.) (Zool.) A European marine fish (Zeus faber), of a yellow color. See Illust. of John Doree.

Note: The popular name in England is John Doree, or Dory, well known to be a corruption of F. jaune-dor['e]e, i. e., golden-yellow. See 1st Dory.

Doretree (n.) A doorpost. [Obs.] "As dead as a doretree." -- Piers Plowman.

Compare: Goatsucker

Goatsucker (n.) (Zool.) One of several species of insectivorous birds, belonging to Caprimulgus and allied genera, esp. the European species ({Caprimulgus Europ[ae]us); -- so called from the mistaken notion that it sucks goats. The European species is also goat-milker, goat owl, goat chaffer, fern owl, night hawk, nightjar, night churr, churr-owl, gnat hawk, and dorhawk.

Dorhawk (n.) (Zool.) The European goatsucker; -- so called because it eats the dor beetle. See Goatsucker. [Written also dorrhawk.] -- Booth.

Dorian (a.) Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks of Doris; Doric; as, a Dorian fashion.

Dorian (a.) (Mus.) Same as Doric, 3. "Dorian mood." -- Milton.

Dorian mode (Mus.), The first of the authentic church modes or tones, from D to D, resembling our D minor scale, but with the B natural. -- Grove.

Dorian (n.) A native or inhabitant of Doris in Greece.

Dorian (a.) Of or relating to the ancient Greek inhabitants of Doris, to their Doric dialect of Greek, or to their culture.

Dorian (n.) A member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks.

Dorian (n.) The ancient Greek inhabitants of Doris who entered Greece from the north about 1100 BC.

Doric (n.) The Doric dialect.

Doric (a.) Pertaining to Doris, in ancient Greece, or to the Dorians; as, the Doric dialect.

Doric (a.) (Arch.) Belonging to, or resembling, the oldest and simplest of the three orders of architecture used by the Greeks, but ranked as second of the five orders adopted by the Romans. See Abacus, Capital, Order.

Note: This order is distinguished, according to the treatment of details, as Grecian Doric, or Roman Doric.

Doric (a.) (Mus.) Of or relating to one of the ancient Greek musical modes or keys. Its character was adapted both to religions occasions and to war.

Doric (a.) Of or pertaining to the Doric style of architecture.

Doric (n.) The dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Doris [syn: Doric, Doric dialect].

Doricism (n.) A Doric phrase or idiom.

Doris (n.) (Zool.) A genus of nudibranchiate mollusks having a wreath of branchiae on the back.

Doris (n.) (Greek mythology) Wife of Nereus and mother of the Nereids

Doris (n.) A small region of ancient Greece where the Doric dialect was spoken.

Dorism (n.) A Doric phrase or idiom.

Dorking fowl () (Zool.) One of a breed of large-bodied domestic fowls, having five toes, or the hind toe double. There are several strains, as the white, gray, and silver-gray. They are highly esteemed for the table.

Dormancy (n.) The state of being dormant; quiescence; abeyance.

Dormancy (n.) The state of being dormant; quiescence; abeyance.

It is by lying dormant a long time, or being . . . very rarely exercised, that arbitrary power steals upon a people. -- Burke.

Dormancy (n.) (Her.) In a sleeping posture; as, a lion dormant; -- distinguished from couchant.

Dormant partner (Com.), A partner who takes no share in the active business of a company or partnership, but is entitled to a share of the profits, and subject to a share in losses; -- called also sleeping partner or silent partner.

Dormant window (Arch.), A dormer window. See Dormer.

Table dormant, a stationary table. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

Dormancy (n.) A state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction; "the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy" [syn: dormancy, quiescence, quiescency].

Dormancy (n.) Quiet and inactive restfulness [syn: quiescence, quiescency, dormancy, sleeping].

Dormant (n.) (Arch.) A large beam in the roof of a house upon which portions of the other timbers rest or " sleep." -- Arch. Pub. Soc. -- Called also dormant tree, dorman tree, dormond, and dormer. -- Halliwell. Dormer

Dormant (a.) Sleeping; as, a dormant animal; hence, not in action or exercise; quiescent; at rest; in abeyance; not disclosed, asserted, or insisted on; as, dormant passions; dormant claims or titles.

Dormant (a.) In a sleeping posture; as, a lion dormant; -- distinguished from couchant.

Dormant (a.) In a condition of biological rest or suspended animation; "dormant buds"; "a hibernating bear"; "torpid frogs" [syn: dormant, hibernating(a), torpid].
(a.) (Of e.g. volcanos) Not erupting and not extinct ; "a dormant volcano" [syn: dormant, inactive] [ant: active].

Dormant (a.) Lying with head on paws as if sleeping [syn: dormant(ip), sleeping].

Dormant (a.) Inactive but capable of becoming active; "her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened" [syn: abeyant, dormant].

Dormant, () Dormiente [Adjective].

Dormer (n.) Alt. of Dormer window.

Dormer window (n.) (Arch.) A window pierced in a roof, and so set as to be vertical while the roof slopes away from it. Also, the gablet, or houselike structure, in which it is contained.

Dormer window (n.) The window in a gabled extension built to accommodate a window.

Dormer window (n.) A gabled extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical window [syn: dormer, dormer window].

Dormitive (a.) Causing sleep; as, the dormitive properties of opium. -- Clarke.

Dormitive (n.) (Med.) A medicine to promote sleep; a soporific; an opiate.

Dormitories (n. pl. ) of Dormitory.

Dormitory (n.) A sleeping room, or a building containing a series of sleeping rooms; a sleeping apartment capable of containing many beds; esp., one connected with a college or boarding school. -- Thackeray.

Dormitory (n.) A burial place. [Obs.] -- Ayliffe.

My sister was interred in a very honorable manner in our dormitory, joining to the parish church. -- Evelyn.

Dormitory (n.) A college or university building containing living quarters for students [syn: dormitory, dorm, residence hall, hall, student residence].

Dormitory (n.) A large sleeping room containing several beds [syn: dormitory, dormitory room, dorm room].

Dormice (n. pl. ) of Dormouse.

Dormouse (n.) (Zool.) A small European rodent of the genus Myoxus, of several species. They live in trees and feed on nuts, acorns, etc.; -- so called because they are usually torpid in winter.

Dormouse (n.) Small furry-tailed squirrel-like Old World rodent that becomes torpid in cold weather.

Dorn (n.) (Zool.) A British ray; the thornback. Dornick

Dornick (n.) Alt. of Dornock.

Dornock (n.) A coarse sort of damask, originally made at Tournay (in Flemish, Doornick), Belgium, and used for hangings, carpets, etc. Also, a stout figured linen manufactured in Scotland. [Formerly written also darnex, dornic, dorneck, etc.] -- Halliwell. -- Jamieson.

Note: Ure says that dornock, a kind of stout figured linen, derives its name from a town in Scotland where it was first manufactured for tablecloths.

Dorp (n.) A hamlet. "A mean fishing dorp." -- Howell.

Dorr (n.) The dorbeetle; also, a drone or an idler. See 1st Dor. -- Robynson (More's Utopia).

Dorr (v. t.) To deceive. [Obs.] See Dor, v. t.

Dorr (v. t.) To deafen with noise. [Obs.] -- Halliwell.

Dorrfly (n.) (Zool.) See 1st Dor.

Compare: Dorhawk

Dorhawk (n.) (Zool.) The European goatsucker; -- so called because it eats the dor beetle. See Goatsucker. [Written also dorrhawk.] -- Booth.

Dorrhawk (n.) (Zool.) See Dorhawk.

Dorsad (adv.) (Anat.) Toward the dorsum or back; on the dorsal side; dorsally.

Compare: Neural

Neural (a.) (Anat. & Zool.) Relating to the nerves or nervous system; taining to, situated in the region of, or on the side with, the neural, or cerebro-spinal, axis; -- opposed to hemal. As applied to vertebrates, neural is the same as dorsal; as applied to invertebrates it is usually the same as ventral. Cf. Hemal.

Neural arch (Anat.), The cartilaginous or bony arch on the dorsal side of the centrum of the vertebra in a segment of the spinal skeleton, usually inclosing a segment of the spinal cord.

Neural (a.) Of or relating to the nervous system; "nervous disease"; "neural disorder" [syn: nervous, neural].

Neural (a.) Of or relating to neurons; "neural network" [syn: neural, neuronal, neuronic].

Compare: Posterior

Posterior (a.) Later in time; hence, later in the order of proceeding or moving; coming after; -- opposed to prior.

Hesiod was posterior to Homer. -- Broome.

Posterior (a.) Situated behind; hinder; -- opposed to anterior.

Posterior (a.) (Anat.) At or toward the caudal extremity; caudal; -- in human anatomy often used for dorsal.

Posterior (a.) (Bot.) On the side next the axis of inflorescence; -- said of an axillary flower. -- Gray.

Posterior (a.) Located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure [ant: anterior].

Posterior (a.) Coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior  argument"; "the mood posterior to" [syn: later(a), ulterior, posterior].

Posterior (n.) The fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?" [syn: buttocks, nates, arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament, hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny, ass].

Posterior (n.) A tooth situated at the back of the mouth [syn: back tooth, posterior].

Dorsal (n.) (Fine Arts) A hanging, usually of rich stuff, at the back of a throne, or of an altar, or in any similar position.

Dorsal (a.) (Anat.) Pertaining to, or situated near, the back, or dorsum, of an animal or of one of its parts; notal; tergal; neural; as, the dorsal fin of a fish; the dorsal artery of the tongue; -- opposed to ventral.

Dorsal (a.) (Bot.) Pertaining to the surface naturally inferior, as of a leaf.

Dorsal (a.) (Bot.) Pertaining to the surface naturally superior, as of a creeping hepatic moss.

Dorsal vessel (Zool.), A central pulsating blood vessel along the back of insects, acting as a heart.

Dorsal (a.) Belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals" [ant: ventral].

Dorsal (a.) Facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem" [syn: abaxial, dorsal] [ant: adaxial, ventral].

Dorsale (n.) Same as Dorsal, n.

Dorsally (adv.) (Anat.) On, or toward, the dorsum, or back; on the dorsal side of; dorsad.

Dorsally (adv.) In a dorsal location or direction.

Dorse (n.) Same as dorsal, n. [Obs.]

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