Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter B - Page 8

Ballyhoo (v. t.) [imp. & p. p. ballyhooed; p. pr. & vb. n. ballyhooing.] (v. t.)【口】大吹大擂地宣揚 (v. i.)【口】大吹大擂 To advertize or publicize noisily or blatantly.

Ballyhoo (n.) (pl. -s) [U] 大吹大擂,大肆宣傳;喧鬧;叫喊 Noisy or blatant advertizing or publicity.

Ballyhoo (n.) Blatant or sensational promotion [syn: ballyhoo, hoopla, hype, plug].

Ballyhoo (v.) Advertize noisily or blatantly

Balm (n.) (Bot.) 芳香性樹脂,香油 [U];鎮痛軟膏 [U] [C];安慰(物),慰藉(物)[U] [C] An aromatic plant of the genus Melissa.

Balm (n.) The resinous and aromatic exudation of certain trees or shrubs. -- Dryden.

Balm (n.) Any fragrant ointment. -- Shak.

Balm (n.) Anything that heals or that mitigates pain. "Balm for each ill." -- Mrs. Hemans.

Balm cricket (Zool.), The European cicada. -- Tennyson.

Compare: Cricket

Cricket (n.) [C] 蟋蟀;一按即發出唧唧聲的金屬小玩具(或信號器);擱腳木矮凳 An insect related to the grasshoppers but with shorter legs. The male produces a characteristic musical chirping sound.

Family Gryllidae: many genera and species, including the field cricket and the house cricket

Cricket (n.) Used in names of insects of related families, e.g. bush cricket, mole cricket.

Cricket (n.) [Mass noun] An open-air game played on a large grass field with ball, bats, and two wickets, between teams of eleven players, the object of the game being to score more runs than the opposition.

A game of cricket.

[As modifier ]A cricket bat.

Cricket is played mainly in Britain and in territories formerly under British rule, such as Australia, South Africa, the West Indies, New Zealand, and the Indian subcontinent. The full game with two innings per side can last several days; shorter single-innings matches are usual at amateur level and have become popular at professional level since the 1960s


A cricket score [Informal]  (In sports other than cricket) an unusually high score.

England looked set to run up a cricket score when they went four tries ahead.

Not cricket [Informal]  Something contrary to traditional standards of fairness or rectitude.

An appeal by the Crown against too lenient a sentence is simply not cricket.

Balm of Gilead (Bot.), 【植】密兒拉樹;香脂(採自密兒拉樹的樹脂,具有芳香性) A small evergreen African and Asiatic tree of the terebinthine family ({Balsamodendron Gileadense). Its leaves yield, when bruised, a strong aromatic scent; and from this tree is obtained the balm of Gilead of the shops, or balsam of Mecca. This has a yellowish or greenish color, a warm, bitterish, aromatic taste, and a fragrant smell. It is valued as an unguent and cosmetic by the Turks. The fragrant herb Dracocephalum Canariense is familiarly called balm of Gilead, and so are the American trees, Populus balsamifera, variety candicans (balsam poplar), and Abies balsamea (balsam fir).

Balm of Gilead (n.) 【植】麥加樟樹(亞洲和非洲產的橄欖科沒藥屬的一種小型常綠樹;;葉子研碎時發出芳香);麥加止痛香膏(= balsam of Mecca) (由此提取精油樹脂,再煉製芳香軟膏);(= balsam fir) ;由此提取的芳香樹脂;膠楊 (= balsam poplar) ;止痛之物;慰藉 (cf. Jer. 8: 22)  Medium-sized fir of northeastern North America; leaves smell of balsam when crushed; much used for pulpwood and Christmas trees [syn: balsam fir, balm of Gilead, Canada balsam, Abies balsamea].

Balm of Gilead (n.) A fragrant oleoresin.

Balm of Gilead (n.) Small evergreen tree of Africa and Asia; leaves have a strong aromatic odor when bruised [syn: balm of gilead, Commiphora meccanensis].

Compare: Commiphora

Commiphora (n.) 沒藥屬Commiphora)是一種顯花植物的一屬,包括樹木和灌木共有約185種,多為有防護器官或多刺。原產於非洲阿拉伯半島印度次大陸

The genus of the myrrhs,  Commiphora, is the most species-rich  genus  of  flowering plants  in the  frankincense  and  myrrh  family,  Burseraceae. The genus contains approximately 190 species of  shrubs  and  trees, which are distributed throughout the (sub-) tropical regions of  Africa, the western Indian Ocean islands, the  Arabian Peninsula,  India, and  Vietnam. [1] [2]  The genus is drought-tolerant and common throughout the  xerophytic  scrub,  seasonally dry tropical forests, and  woodlands  of these regions.

The common name  myrrh  refers to several species of the genus, from which aromatic resins are derived for various fragrance and medicinal uses by humans.

Balm (v. t.) 安撫,安慰; 止痛; 在…上搽香油 To anoint with balm, or with anything medicinal. Hence: To soothe; to mitigate. [Archaic] -- Shak.

Compare: Anoint

Anoint (v.) [With object] (v. t.) 用油或軟膏等)塗;擦 [+with];(宗教儀式上)抹油使神聖化 Smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

High priests were anointed with oil.

Bodies were anointed after death for burial.

Anoint (v.) [With object] (Anoint something with) Smear or rub something with (any other substance).

Kuna Indians anoint the tips of their arrows with poison.

Anoint (v.) [With object] Ceremonially confer divine or holy office upon (a priest or monarch) by smearing or rubbing with oil.

[With object and complement] Samuel anointed him king.

Anoint (v.) [With object] Nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position.

He was anointed as the organizational candidate of the party.


Anointing of the Sick (In the Roman Catholic Church) The sacramental anointing of the ill or infirm with blessed oil; unction.

God's (or the Lord's) anointed A monarch ruling by divine right.

The ceremonial reminded the king's subjects that he was God's anointed.

Balm (n.) Any of various aromatic resinous substances used for healing and soothing.

Balm (n.) Semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation [syn: ointment, unction, unguent, balm, salve].

Balmify (v. t.) To render balmy. [Obs.] -- Cheyne.

Balmily (adv.) In a balmy manner. -- Coleridge.

Balmily (adv.) In a mildly insane manner; "the old lady is beginning to behave quite dottily" [syn: daftly, dottily, balmily, nuttily, wackily].

Balmoral (n.) 蘇格蘭無邊圓形平頂帽;一種有帶的鞋;一種厚毛呢襯裙;襯裙的毛料 A long woolen petticoat, worn immediately under the dress.

Balmoral (n.) A kind of stout walking shoe, laced in front.

A man who uses his balmorals to tread on your toes. -- George Eliot.

Balmoral (n.) A sturdy laced walking shoe.

Balmoral (n.) A brimless dark blue Scottish cap with a flat top and a plume on one side [syn: Balmoral, bluebonnet].

Balmy (a.)  溫和的,柔和的;宜人的;芬芳的,芳香的;鎮痛的;撫慰的 Having the qualities of balm; odoriferous; aromatic; assuaging; soothing; refreshing; mild; as, balmy weather. "The balmy breeze." -- Tickell.

Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep! -- Young.

Balmy (a.) Producing balm. "The balmy tree." -- Pope.

Balmy (a.) Highly eccentric or crazy. [Informal]

Syn: batty.

Syn: Fragrant; sweet-scented; odorous; spicy; refreshing; soothing.

Balmy (a.) Informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy" [syn: {balmy}, {barmy}, {bats}, {batty}, {bonkers}, {buggy}, {cracked}, {crackers}, {daft}, {dotty}, {fruity}, {haywire}, {kooky}, {kookie}, {loco}, {loony}, {loopy}, {nuts}, {nutty}, {round the bend}, {around the bend}, {wacky}, {whacky}].

Balmy (a.) Mild and pleasant; "balmy days and nights"; "the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth"; "a soft breeze" [syn: {balmy}, {mild}, {soft}].

Balneal (a.) 關於洗澡的 Of or pertaining to a bath. -- Howell.

Balneary (n.) 浴室 A bathing room. -- Sir T. Browne.

Balneation (n.) 浴療 The act of bathing. [R.]

Balneatory (a.) Belonging to a bath. [Obs.]

Balneatory (a.)  (Not  comparable) (Obsolete)  Pertaining to a  bath.

Balneography (n.) (pl. Balneographies) [] 沐浴論 A description of  therapeutic baths.

Compare: Therapeutic

Therapeutic (a.) 治療的;治療學的;有療效的;有益於健康的 Relating to the healing of disease.

Diagnostic and therapeutic facilities.

Therapeutic (a.) Administered or applied for reasons of health.

A therapeutic shampoo.

Therapeutic (a.) Having a good effect on the body or mind; contributing to a sense of well-being.

A therapeutic silence.

Therapeutic (n.) (Therapeutics)(用作單或複)【醫】治療學,療法 The branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and the action of remedial agents.

Therapeutic (n.) A treatment, therapy, or drug.

Current therapeutics for asthma.

Balneology (n.) A treatise on baths; the science of bathing.

Balneotherapy (n.) The treatment of disease by baths.

Compare: Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy (n.) [Mass noun]【醫】水治療法  The use of exercises in a pool as part of treatment for conditions such as arthritis.

[As modifier] A hydrotherapy pool.

Hydrotherapy (n.) Another term for  hydropathy.

Compare: Hydropathy

Hydropathy (n.) [Mass noun] 【醫】水療法 The treatment of illness through the use of water, either internally or through external means such as steam baths (not now a part of orthodox medicine).

Compare with  Hydrotherapy.

Balotade (n.) See Ballotade.

Compare: Ballotade

Ballotade (n.) (Man.) A leap of a horse, as between two pillars, or upon a straight line, so that when his four feet are in the air, he shows only the shoes of his hind feet, without jerking out.

Ballotade (n.) A bouncing step or leap; (Dressage) a kind of leap in which a horse bends all four legs without kicking out the hind ones.

Ballotade (n.) (Dressage) A movement similar to a croupade except that the horse draws in its hind legs so that the iron of the shoes is visible.

Compare: Croupade

Croupade (n.) (Dressage) A movement in which a horse jumps up from a pesade with all four legs drawn up under it and lands on four legs in the same place.

Compare: Pesade

Pesade (n.) (Dressage)  (馬術)人立 A movement in which the horse raises its forequarters high and balances on deeply bent hind legs in a stationary position.

Compare: Dressage

Dressage (n.) [Mass noun] 花式騎術訓練;騎術動作 The art of riding and training a horse in a manner that develops obedience, flexibility, and balance.

She was learning dressage on a black mare.

[As modifier] Britain 's top dressage rider.

Balsa (n.) (Naut.) (美洲熱帶產的)一種輕質木材;輕木製成的筏 A raft or float, used principally on the Pacific coast of South America.

Compare: Raft

Raft (n.) 木排,木筏;筏子;(救生用)橡皮艇;(海水浴場等的)浮臺 A flat buoyant structure of timber or other materials fastened together, used as a boat or floating platform.

Raft (n.) A small inflatable rubber or plastic boat, especially one for use in emergencies.

Raft (n.) A floating mass of fallen trees, vegetation, ice, or other material.

Raft (n.) A dense flock of swimming birds or mammals.

Great rafts of cormorants, often 5,000 strong.

Raft (n.) A layer of reinforced concrete forming the foundation of a building.

Raft (v. t.) 用筏子運送,筏流(木材); 乘筏子渡(河);把……紮成筏子 (v.) [No object, with adverbial of direction]  Travel on or as if on a raft.

I have rafted along the Rio Grande.

Raft (v. t.) [With object and adverbial of direction]  Transport on or as if on a raft.

The stores were rafted ashore.

Raft (v. t.) (Of an ice floe) Be driven on top of or underneath another floe.

Raft (v. t.) [With object]  Bring or fasten together (a number of boats or other objects) side by side.

We rafted the boats together off the shores of Murchison Island.

Balsa (n.) Strong lightweight wood of the balsa tree used especially for floats [syn: balsa, balsa wood].

Balsa (n.) Forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood; used for making floats and rafts and in crafts [syn: balsa, Ochroma lagopus].

Balsam (n.) (含有安息香酸或肉桂酸的)香脂 [U] [C];產香脂的樹(如膠樅)[C];(治療用的)香膏 [U] [C] A resin containing more or less of an essential or volatile oil.

Note: The balsams are aromatic resinous substances, flowing spontaneously or by incision from certain plants. A great variety of substances pass under this name, but the term is now usually restricted to resins which, in addition to a volatile oil, contain benzoic and cinnamic acid. Among the true balsams are the balm of Gilead, and the balsams of copaiba, Peru, and Tolu. There are also many pharmaceutical preparations and resinous substances, possessed of a balsamic smell, to which the name balsam has been given.

Balsam (n.) (Bot.) A species of tree ({Abies balsamea).

Balsam (n.) (Bot.) An annual garden plant ({Impatiens balsamina) with beautiful flowers; balsamine.

Balsam (n.) Anything that heals, soothes, or restores.

Was not the people's blessing a balsam to thy blood? -- Tennyson.

Balsam apple (Bot.), An East Indian plant ({Momordica balsamina), of the gourd family, with red or orange-yellow cucumber-shaped fruit of the size of a walnut, used as a vulnerary, and in liniments and poultices.

Balsam fir (Bot.), The American coniferous tree, Abies balsamea, from which the useful Canada balsam is derived.

Balsam of copaiba. See Copaiba.

Balsam of Mecca, Balm of Gilead.

Balsam of Peru, A reddish brown, syrupy balsam, obtained from a Central American tree ({Myroxylon Pereir[ae] and used as a stomachic and expectorant, and in the treatment of ulcers, etc. It was long supposed to be a product of Peru.

Balsam of Tolu, A reddish or yellowish brown semisolid or solid balsam, obtained from a South American tree ({Myroxylon toluiferum). It is highly fragrant, and is used as a stomachic and expectorant.

Balsam tree, Any tree from which balsam is obtained, esp. the Abies balsamea.

Canada balsam, Balsam of fir, Canada turpentine, a yellowish, viscid liquid, which, by time and exposure, becomes a transparent solid mass. It is obtained from the balm of Gilead (or balsam) fir ({Abies balsamea) by breaking the vesicles upon the trunk and branches. See Balm.

Balsam (v. t.) To treat or anoint with balsam; to relieve, as with balsam; to render balsamic.

Balsam (n.) Any seed plant yielding balsam.

Balsam (n.) Any of various fragrant oleoresins used in medicines and Perfumes.

Balsam (n.) An ointment containing a fragrant resin.

Balsamation (n.) The act of imparting balsamic properties.

Compare: Balsamic

Balsamic (a.) (植物的)香膠或香脂的;含有香膠或香脂的 Of the nature of or yielding balsam.

Balsamic resins.

Balsamic (a.) Relating to balsamic vinegar.

Balsamation (n.) The act of imparting balsamic properties.

Balsamation (n.) The art or process of embalming. Balsamic

Balsamic (a.) Alt. of Balsamical

Balsamical (a.) (植物的)香膠或香脂的;含有香膠或香脂的 Having the qualities of balsam; containing, or resembling, balsam; soft; mitigative; soothing; restorative.

Balsamiferous (a.)  生香液的;生香油的 Producing balsam.

Balsamine (n.) (Bot.) 鳳仙花 The {Impatiens balsamina}, or garden balsam.

Balsamous (a.) Having the quality of balsam; containing balsam.

Balter (v. t.) To stick together.

Baltic (a.) 波羅的海的 Of or pertaining to the sea which separates Norway and Sweden from Jutland, Denmark, and Germany; situated on the Baltic Sea. Baltimore bird

Compare: Jutland

Jutland (n.) (Proper noun) 日德蘭半島(大部分為丹麥本土) A peninsula of northwestern Europe, forming the mainland of Denmark together with the north German state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Baltic (a.) Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baltic

States or their peoples or languages.

Baltic (a.) Of or near or on the Baltic Sea; "The Baltic republics".

Baltic (n.) A sea in northern Europe; stronghold of the Russian navy [syn: Baltic, Baltic Sea].

Baltic (n.) A branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many

archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto- Indo European [syn: Baltic, Baltic language].

Baltic, OH -- U.S. village in Ohio

Population (2000): 743

Housing Units (2000): 286

Land area (2000): 0.833917 sq. miles (2.159836 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 0.833917 sq. miles (2.159836 sq. km)

FIPS code: 03744

Located within: Ohio (OH), FIPS 39

Location: 40.443367 N, 81.702656 W

ZIP Codes (1990): 43804

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Baltic, OH


Baltic, SD -- U.S. city in South Dakota

Population (2000):    811

Housing Units (2000): 311

Land area (2000): 0.704349 sq. miles (1.824255 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 0.704349 sq. miles (1.824255 sq. km)

FIPS code: 03380

Located within: South Dakota (SD), FIPS 46

Location: 43.762331 N, 96.737707 W

ZIP Codes (1990): 57003

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Baltic, SD


Compare: Phaeton

Phaeton (n.) 二頭四輪輕型馬車;【美】敞篷旅遊車 A four-wheeled carriage (with or without a top), open, or having no side pieces, in front of the seat. It is drawn by one or two horses.

Phaeton (n.) See Pha["e]thon.

Phaeton (n.) (Zool.) 〔美國〕火焰斑紋黑蝴蝶 A handsome American butterfly ({Euphydryas Pha["e]ton syn. Melit[ae]a Pha["e]ton). The upper side of the wings is black, with orange-red spots and marginal crescents, and several rows of cream-colored spots; -- called also Baltimore.

Baltimore (n.) 巴爾的摩港市(美國馬里蘭州) The largest city in Maryland; a major seaport and industrial center.

Baltimore -- U.S. County in Maryland

Population (2000): 754292

Housing Units (2000): 313734

Land area (2000): 598.586826 sq. miles (1550.332696 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 83.440658 sq. miles (216.110304 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 682.027484 sq. miles (1766.443000 sq. km)

Located within: Maryland (MD), FIPS 24

Location: 39.372206 N, 76.612627 W



Baltimore, MD

Baltimore County

Baltimore County, MD

Baltimore -- U.S. city in Maryland

Population (2000): 651154

Housing Units (2000): 300477

Land area (2000): 80.804406 sq. miles (209.282442 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 11.273710 sq. miles (29.198774 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 92.078116 sq. miles (238.481216 sq. km)

Located within: Maryland (MD), FIPS 24

Location: 39.307956 N, 76.617016 W



Baltimore, MD

Baltimore city

Baltimore city, MD

Baltimore, OH -- U.S. village in Ohio

Population (2000): 2881

Housing Units (2000): 1212

Land area (2000): 1.781946 sq. miles (4.615218 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 1.781946 sq. miles (4.615218 sq. km)

FIPS code:  03758

Located within: Ohio (OH), FIPS 39

Location: 39.846319 N, 82.607503 W

ZIP Codes (1990): 43105

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Baltimore, OH


Baltimore, MD -- U.S. city in Maryland

Population (2000): 651154

Housing Units (2000): 300477

Land area (2000): 80.804406 sq. miles (209.282442 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 11.273710 sq. miles (29.198774 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 92.078116 sq. miles (238.481216 sq. km)

FIPS code: 04000

Located within: Maryland (MD), FIPS 24

Location: 39.307956 N, 76.617016 W

ZIP Codes (1990): 21201 21202 21205 21206 21209 21210

21211 21212 21213 21214 21215 21216

21217 21218 21223 21224 21229 21230

21231 21239 21240

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Baltimore, MD


Baltimore bird (n.) Alt. of Baltimore oriole

Baltimore oriole (n.) 橙腹擬黃鸝 ( Icterus galbula ) 是屬於擬黃鸝科的一種棲息於北美洲東部的候鳥。因為雄性橙腹擬黃鸝的羽毛顏色與第二代巴爾的摩男爵塞西爾·卡爾弗特紋章相似,所以又名巴爾的摩黃鸝 [2] 橙腹擬黃鸝也是馬里蘭州州鳥。它也是巴爾的摩金鶯棒球隊的吉祥物。 A common American bird (Icterus galbula), named after Lord Baltimore, because its colors (black and orange red) are like those of his coat of arms; -- called also golden robin.

Baluster (n.) A small column or pilaster, used as a support to the rail of an open parapet, to guard the side of a staircase, or the front of a gallery. See Balustrade.

Balustered (a.) Having balusters.

Balustrade (n.) A row of balusters topped by a rail, serving as an open parapet, as along the edge of a balcony, terrace, bridge, staircase, or the eaves of a building.

Bam (n.) An imposition; a cheat; a hoax.

Bam (v. t.) To cheat; to wheedle.

Bambino (n.) A child or baby; esp., a representation in art of the infant Christ wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Bambino (n.) Babe Ruth.

Bambocciade (n.) A representation of a grotesque scene from common or rustic life.

Bamboo (n.) 竹,竹子 [C] [U];竹材 [U] A plant of the family of grasses, and genus Bambusa, growing in tropical countries.

Note: The most useful species is Bambusa arundinacea, which has a woody, hollow, round, straight, jointed stem, and grows to the height of forty feet and upward. The flowers grow in large panicles, from the joints of the stalk, placed three in a parcel, close to their receptacles. Old stalks grow to five or six inches in diameter, and are so hard and durable as to be used for building, and for all sorts of furniture, for water pipes, and for poles to support palanquins. The smaller stalks are used for walking sticks, flutes, etc.

Bamboo (v. t.) To flog with the bamboo.

Compare: Flog

Flog (v. t.) (v.) [With object] 鞭打,鞭策; 迫使 Beat (someone) with a whip or stick as a punishment.

The men had been flogged and branded on the forehead.

Flog (v. t.) [Informal]  Promote or talk about (something) repetitively or at excessive length.

The issue has been flogged to death already.

Flog (v. t.) [British ] [Informal ] Sell or offer for sale.

He made a fortune flogging beads to hippies.

Flog (v. t.) [British] [ Informal] [N o object, with adverbial of direction ] Make one's way with strenuous effort.

By 10 pm we had flogged up the slopes to Grey Crag.

Flog (n.) [British]  [Informal ] An arduous climb or struggle.

A long flog up the mountainside.

Compare: Arduous

Arduous (a.) 艱鉅的;費力的;困難的;努力的;使勁的;陡峭的,難攀登的 Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

An arduous journey.

Compare: Strenuous

Strenuous (a.)  費勁的,費力的;奮發的;強烈的,激烈的;緊張的;艱苦的;繁重的 Requiring or using great effort or exertion.

The government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching profession.

Compare: Exertion

Exertion (n.) [Mass noun] 努力;費力 [U] [C];(能力、權力等的)運用;行使 [U] Physical or mental effort.

She was panting with the exertion.

[Count noun ]A well-earned rest after their exertions.

Exertion (n.) The application of a force, influence, or quality.

The exertion of authority.

Bamboo (n.) The hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles.

Bamboo (n.) Woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems; mature canes used for construction and furniture.

Bamboozled (imp. & p. p.) of Bamboozle

Bamboozling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bamboozle

Bamboozle (v. t.) 欺騙,哄騙;使迷惑 To deceive by trickery; to cajole by confusing the senses; to hoax; to mystify; to humbug. [Colloq.] --Addison.

What oriental tomfoolery is bamboozling you? -- J. H. Newman.

Compare: Trickery

Trickery (n.) [Mass noun] 欺騙;奸計 The practice of deception.

The dealer resorted to trickery.

Bamboozle (v.) Conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end; "He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well" [syn: bamboozle, snow, hoodwink, pull the wool over someone's eyes, lead by the nose, play false].

Bamboozler (n.) 詐騙犯;騙子 A swindler; one who deceives by trickery. [Colloq.] -- Arbuthnot.

Compare: Swindler

Swindler (n.) 詐騙犯;騙子 A person who uses deception to deprive someone of money or possessions.

He used his charm to become a small-time swindler.

Ban (n.) A kind of fine muslin, made in the East Indies from the fiber of the banana leaf stalks.

Ban (v. t.) To curse; to invoke evil upon. -- Sir W. Scott.

Ban (v. t.) To forbid; to interdict. -- Byron.

Compare: Interdict

Interdict (v. t.)  禁止;制止;封鎖;阻斷

Interdict (n.) An authoritative prohibition.

Interdict (n.) (Scottish  Law)  A court order forbidding an act; a negative injunction.

Interdict (n.) (In the Roman Catholic Church) A sentence debarring a person or place from ecclesiastical functions and privileges.

A papal interdict.

Interdict (v. t.) (v.) [With object] (North American) 禁止;制止;封鎖;阻斷 Prohibit or forbid (something).

Society will never interdict sex.

Interdict (v. t.) (v.) [With object] (Interdict someone from) Prohibit someone from (doing something).

I have not been interdicted from consuming alcoholic beverages.

Interdict (v. t.) (v.) [With object] (North American)  Intercept and prevent the movement of (a prohibited commodity or person).

Army efforts to interdict enemy supply shipments

Interdict (v. t.) (v.) [With object] (Military)  Impede (an enemy force), especially by bombing lines of communication or supply.

Interdict (n.) [ C ] (Specialized) (Law) (法庭發出的)強制令;禁令 An official instruction from a law court telling someone that they are not allowed to do something.

Interdict (n.) [ C ] (Specialized) (Religion) (羅馬天主教發出的)禁止令 An instruction from the Roman Catholic Church telling someone they are not allowed to take part in official Church activities.

Ban (n.) 禁止;禁令 [C] [+on/ against];褫奪公權的判決(或公告)[C] A public proclamation or edict; a public order or notice, mandatory or prohibitory; a summons by public proclamation.

Ban (n.) (Feudal & Mil.) A calling together of the king's (esp. the French king's) vassals for military service; also, the body of vassals thus assembled or summoned. In present usage, in France and Prussia, the most effective part of the population liable to military duty and not in the standing army.

Ban (n.) (n. pl.) Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in church. See Banns (the common spelling in this sense).

Ban (n.) An interdiction, prohibition, or proscription. "Under ban to touch." -- Milton.

Ban (n.) A curse or anathema. "Hecate's ban." -- Shak.

Ban (n.) A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban; as, a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.

Ban of the empire (German Hist.), An imperial interdict by which political rights and privileges, as those of a prince, city, or district, were taken away.

Banned (imp. & p. p.) of Ban

Banning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ban

Ban (v. i.) To curse; to swear. [Obs.] -- Spenser.

Ban (n.) An ancient title of the warden of the eastern marches of Hungary; now, a title of the viceroy of Croatia and Slavonia.

Ban (n.) A decree that prohibits something [syn: prohibition, ban, proscription].

Ban (n.) 100 bani equal 1 leu in Moldova.

Ban (n.) 100 bani equal 1 leu in Romania.

Ban (n.) 禁止;禁令 [C] [+on/ against];褫奪公權的判決(或公告)[C] An official prohibition or edict against something [syn: ban, banning, forbiddance, forbidding].

Ban (n.) A bachelor's degree in nursing [syn: Bachelor of Arts in Nursing, BAN]

Ban (v.) (v. t.) 禁止,取締;【古】詛咒,將……逐出教門 Forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper) [syn: ban, censor].

Ban (v.) Prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; "Smoking is banned in this building".

Ban (v.) Ban from a place of residence, as for punishment [syn: banish, ban].

Ban (v.) Expel from a community or group [syn: banish, ban, ostracize, ostracise, shun, cast out, blackball].

Banal (a.) 平庸的;陳腐的 Commonplace; trivial; hackneyed; trite.

Compare: Commonplace

Commonplace (a.) 平淡無味的;平凡的,普通的;陳腐的 Not unusual; ordinary.

Unemployment was commonplace in his trade.

Commonplace (a.)  Not interesting or original; trite.

The usual commonplace remarks.

Commonplace (n.) [C] 司空見慣的事;老生常談;陳詞濫調;【古】備忘紮記A usual or ordinary thing.

Bombing has become almost a commonplace of public life there.

Commonplace (n.) A trite saying or topic; a platitude.

It is a commonplace to talk of the young being alienated.

Commonplace (n.) A notable passage in a work copied into a commonplace book.

Banal (a.) Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'" [syn: banal, commonplace, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stock(a), threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn].

Banalities (n. pl. ) of Banality.

Banality (n.) Something commonplace, hackneyed, or trivial; the commonplace, in speech.

Banana (n.) A perennial herbaceous plant of almost treelike size (Musa sapientum); also, its edible fruit. See Musa.

Banat (n.) The territory governed by a ban.

Banc (n.) Alt. of Bank

Bancus (n.) Alt. of Bank

Bank (n.) A bench; a high seat, or seat of distinction or judgment; a tribunal or court.

Banco (n.) A bank, especially that of Venice.

Note: This term is used in some parts of Europe to indicate bank money, as distinguished from the current money, when this last has become depreciated.

Compare: Bank money

Bank money (n.) 銀行票據 Money, or equivalents to money such as credits, held by a bank; (also) money of account which has a value established and retained by a central bank, but which differs from the value of the equivalent currency.

Compare: Current money

Current money (n.) 通用貨幣 What is  Current money?

The currency of the country : whatever is intended to and does actually circulate as currency; every species of coin or currency. Miller v. McKinney. 5 Lea (Tenn.) 90. In this phrase the adjective current is not synonymous with convertible. It is employed to describe money which passes from hand to hand, from person to person, and circulates through the community, and is generally received. Money is current which is received as money in the common business transactions, and is the common medium in barter and trade. Stalworth v. Blum, 41 Ala. 321.

Compare: Depreciate

Depreciate (v. i.) 降價,跌價;貶值 [+in] [No object ] Diminish in value over a period of time.

The latest cars will depreciate heavily in the first year.

Depreciate (v. t.) (v.) [With object] 降低……的價值(或價格);使貶值;輕視,貶低 Reduce the recorded value in a company's books of (an asset) each year over a predetermined period.

Depreciate (v. t.) (v.) [With object]  Disparage or belittle (something).

She was already depreciating her own aesthetic taste.

BANCO. () A commercial term, adopted from the Italian, used to distinguish bank  money from the common currency; as $1000.

Band (n.) [C] 帶,細繩;箍;橡皮圈,鬆緊帶;【機】傳送帶,傳動帶 A fillet, strap, or any narrow ligament with which a thing is encircled, or fastened, or by which a number of things are tied, bound together, or confined; a fetter.  Every one's bands were loosed. -- Acts xvi. 26.

Band (n.) (Arch.) A continuous tablet, stripe, or series of ornaments, as of carved foliage, of color, or of brickwork, etc.

Band (n.) (Arch.) In Gothic architecture, the molding, or suite of moldings, which encircles the pillars and small shafts.

Band (n.) That which serves as the means of union or connection between persons; a tie.

Band (n.) A linen collar or ruff worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Band (n.) (pl.) Two strips of linen hanging from the neck in front as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dress.

Band (n.) A narrow strip of cloth or other material on any article of dress, to bind, strengthen, ornament, or complete it.

Band (n.) A company of persons united in any common design, especially a body of armed men.

Troops of horsemen with his bands of foot. -- Shak.

Band (n.) A number of musicians who play together upon portable musical instruments, especially those making a loud sound, as certain wind instruments (trumpets, clarinets, etc.), and drums, or cymbals.

Band (n.) (Bot.) A space between elevated lines or ribs, as of the fruits of umbelliferous plants.

Band (n.) (Zool.) A stripe, streak, or other mark transverse to the axis of the body.

Band (n.) (Mech.) A belt or strap.

Band (n.) A bond [Obs.] "Thy oath and band." -- Shak.

Band (n.) Pledge; security. [Obs.] -- Spenser.

Band saw, A saw in the form of an endless steel belt, with teeth on one edge, running over wheels.

Big band, A band that is the size of an orchestra, usually playing mostly jazz or swing music. The big band typically features both ensemble and solo playing, sometimes has a lead singer, and is often located in a night club where the patrons may dance to its music. The big bands were popular from the late 1920's to the 1940's. Contrasted with combo, which has fewer players.

Banded (imp. & p. p.) of Band.

Banding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Band.

Band (v. t.) To bandy; to drive away. [Obs.]

Band () imp. of Bind. [Obs.] -- Spenser.

Band (v. t.) 用帶捆;為……裝箍;用條紋裝飾;給……鑲邊 To bind or tie with a band.

Band (v. t.) To mark with a band.

Band (v. t.) To unite in a troop, company, or confederacy. "Banded against his throne." -- Milton.

Banded architrave, Banded pier, Banded shaft, etc. (Arch.), an architrave, pier, shaft, etc., of which the regular profile is interrupted by blocks or projections crossing it at right angles.

Band (v. i.) To confederate for some common purpose; to unite; to conspire together.

Certain of the Jews banded together. --Acts xxiii. 12.

Band (n.) An unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot" [syn: set, circle, band, lot].

Band (n.) Instrumentalists not including string players

Band (n.) A stripe or stripes of contrasting color; "chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands"; "the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps" [syn: band, banding, stria, striation].

Band (n.) An adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material [syn: band, banding, stripe].

Band (n.) A group of musicians playing popular music for dancing [syn: dance band, band, dance orchestra].

Band (n.) A range of frequencies between two limits.

Band (n.) A thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body).

Band (n.) A cord-like tissue connecting two larger parts of an anatomical structure [syn: isthmus, band].

Band (n.) Jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger; "she had rings on every finger"; "he noted that she wore a wedding band" [syn: ring, band].

Band (n.) A driving belt in machinery.

Band (n.) A thin flat strip or loop of flexible material that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or as a decoration.

Band (n.) A strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration) [syn: band, ring].

Band (n.) A restraint put around something to hold it together.

Band (v.) Bind or tie together, as with a band.

Band (v.) Attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns" [syn: ring, band].

Bandage (n.) 繃帶 [C] A fillet or strip of woven material, used in dressing and binding up wounds, etc.

Bandage (n.) Something resembling a bandage; that which is bound over or round something to cover, strengthen, or compress it; a ligature.

Zeal too had a place among the rest, with a bandage over her eyes. -- Addison.

Bandaged (imp. & p. p.) of Bandage

Bandaging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bandage

Bandage (v. t.) 用繃帶包紮 [+up] To bind, dress, or cover, with a bandage; as, to bandage the eyes. band-aid Band-Aid.

Bandage (n.) A piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body [syn: bandage, patch].

Bandage (v.) Wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose [syn: bind, bandage].

Bandage (v.) Dress by covering or binding; "The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle"; "bandage an incision".

Bandala (n.) 蕉麻;多年生草本植物。莖、葉與芭蕉相似,花黃色,葉柄內有纖維,可制纜索、結漁網,或供紡織和造紙用。產在熱帶或亞熱帶,也叫馬尼拉麻 A fabric made in Manilla from the older leaf sheaths of the abaca ({Musa textilis). Bandanna.

Bandanna (n.) Alt. of Bandana.

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