Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter B - Page 39

Bewildering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bewilder.

Bewilder (v. t.) 使迷惑;使糊塗;難住;使迷路 To lead into perplexity or confusion, as for want of a plain path; to perplex with mazes; or in general, to perplex or confuse greatly.

Lost and bewildered in the fruitless search. -- Addison.

Syn: To perplex; puzzle; entangle; confuse; confound; mystify; embarrass; lead astray.

Bewilder (v.) Be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me-- I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me" [syn: {perplex}, {vex}, {stick}, {get}, {puzzle}, {mystify}, {baffle}, {beat}, {pose}, {bewilder}, {flummox}, {stupefy}, {nonplus}, {gravel}, {amaze}, {dumbfound}].

Bewilder (v.) Cause to be confused emotionally [syn: {bewilder}, {bemuse}, {discombobulate}, {throw}].

Bewildered (a.) 困惑的;bewilder 的動詞過去式、過去分詞 Greatly perplexed; as, a bewildered mind.

Bewildered (a.) Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; "obviously bemused by his questions"; "bewildered and confused"; "a cloudy and confounded philosopher"; "just a mixed-up kid"; "she felt lost on the first day of school" [syn: baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, confused, lost, mazed, mixed-up, at sea].

Bewildered (a.) 困惑的 Very confused and not sure what to do.

// She looked bewildered.

Bewilderedness (n.) 迷惑;昏亂 [U];混亂,雜亂 [S] The state of being bewildered; bewilderment. [R.]

Bewildering (a.) 令人困惑的;令人不知所措的 Causing bewilderment or great perplexity; as, bewildering difficulties. -- Be*wil"der*ing*ly, adv.

Bewilderingly (adv.) 使迷惑地;使昏亂地 In a bewildering and confusing manner; "her situation was bewilderingly unclear" [syn: {bewilderingly}, {confusingly}].

Bewilderment (n.) 迷惑;昏亂 [U];混亂,雜亂 [S] The state of being bewildered.

Bewilderment (n.) A bewildering tangle or confusion.

He . . . soon lost all traces of it amid bewilderment of tree trunks and underbrush. -- Hawthorne.

Bewilderment (n.) Confusion resulting from failure to understand [syn: bewilderment, obfuscation, puzzlement, befuddlement, mystification, bafflement, bemusement].

Bewilderment (n.) 困惑,迷亂;混亂 The state of being bewildered.

// He stared at me in bewilderment.

Bewilderment (n.) A bewildering tangle or confusion.

Bewinter (v. t.) To make wintry. [Obs.]

Compare: Wintry

Wintry (a.) (Wintrier,  wintriest) 冬天的;冬天似的;寒冷的,風雪交加的;冷淡的;冷漠的 Characteristic of winter, especially in feeling or looking very cold and bleak.

A wintry landscape.

Compare: Bleak

Bleak (a.) (Of an area of land) 荒涼的;無遮蔽的,遭受風吹雨打的;寒冷刺骨的,陰冷的;淒涼的,陰暗的,無希望的 Lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.

A bleak and barren moor.

Bleak (a.) (Of a building or room) Charmless and inhospitable; dreary.

He looked round the bleak little room in despair.

Bleak (a.) (Of the weather) Cold and miserable.

A bleak midwinter's day.

Bleak (a.) (Of a situation) Not hopeful or encouraging; unlikely to have a favourable outcome.

He paints a bleak picture of a company that has lost its way.

The future looks bleak.

Bleak (a.) (Of a person's expression) Cold and forbidding.

His mouth was set and his eyes were bleak.

Bleak (n.) 歐鮊魚,銀鯉  A small silvery shoaling fish of the carp family, found in Eurasian rivers.

Genera Alburnus and Chalcalburnus, family Cyprinidae: several species, in particular A. alburnus

Bewit (n.) (= bewet) 在養鷹術中用來將鈴拴在鷹腿上的皮滑圈 A double slip of leather by which bells are fastened to a hawk's legs.

Bewitched (imp. & p. p.) of Bewitch

Bewitching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bewitch

Bewitch (v. t.) 施魔術於,蠱惑;使陶醉;使銷魂 To gain an ascendency over by charms or incantations; to affect (esp. to injure) by witchcraft or sorcery.

See how I am bewitched; behold, mine arm Is like a blasted sapling withered up. -- Shak.

Bewitch (v. t.) To charm; to fascinate; to please to such a degree as to take away the power of resistance; to enchant.

The charms of poetry our souls bewitch. -- Dryden.

Syn: To enchant; captivate; charm; entrance.

Bewitch (v.) Attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts" [syn: {capture}, {enamour}, {trance}, {catch}, {becharm}, {enamor}, {captivate}, {beguile}, {charm}, {fascinate}, {bewitch}, {entrance}, {enchant}].

Bewitch (v.) Attract strongly, as if with a magnet; "She magnetized the audience with her tricks" [syn: {magnetize}, {mesmerize}, {mesmerise}, {magnetise}, {bewitch}, {spellbind}].

Bewitch (v.) Cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something [syn: {hex}, {bewitch}, {glamour}, {witch}, {enchant}, {jinx}].

Bewitchedness (n.) 施妖術;迷惑;妖言惑眾 The state of being bewitched.

Bewitcher (n.) 蠱惑,使著迷One who bewitches.

Bewitchery (n.) 魔力,妖術,迷惑力 The power of bewitching or fascinating; bewitchment; charm; fascination.

Bewitching (a.) 迷人的;令人陶醉的;使銷魂的;bewitch 的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 Having power to bewitch or fascinate; enchanting; captivating; charming. -- {Be*witch"ing*ly}, adv. -- Be*witch"ing*ness, n.

Bewitching (a.) Capturing interest as if by a spell; "bewitching smile"; "Roosevelt was a captivating speaker"; "enchanting music"; "an enthralling book"; "antique papers of entrancing design"; "a fascinating woman" [syn: {bewitching}, {captivating}, {enchanting}, {enthralling}, {entrancing}, {fascinating}].

Bewitchment (n.) 蠱惑;誘惑;魔力;魅力 The act of bewitching, or the state of being bewitched. -- Tylor.

Bewitchment (n.) The power of bewitching or charming. -- Shak.

Bewitchment (n.) A magical spell [syn: {enchantment}, {bewitchment}].

Bewondered (imp. & p. p.) of Bewonder

Bewonder (v. t.) To fill with wonder. [Obs.]

Bewonder (v. t.) To wonder at; to admire. [Obs.]

Bewrapped (imp. & p. p.) of Bewrap

Bewrap (v. t.) To wrap up; to cover. -- Fairfax.

Bewray (v. t.) To soil. See Beray.

Bewrayed (imp. & p. p.) of Bewray.

Bewraying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bewray.

Bewray (v. t.) 【罕】洩露 To expose; to reveal; to disclose; to betray. [Obs. or Archaic]

The murder being once done, he is in less fear, and in more hope that the deed shall not be bewrayed or known. -- Robynson (More's Utopia. )

Thy speech bewrayeth thee. -- Matt. xxvi. 73.

Bewray (v.) Reveal unintentionally; "Her smile betrayed her true feelings" [syn: betray, bewray].

Bewray (v.) To reveal or disclose; an old English word equivalent to "betray" (Prov. 27:16; 29:24, R.V., "uttereth;" Isa. 16:3; Matt. 26:73).

Bewrayer (n.) One who, or that which, bewrays; a revealer.

Compare: Revealer

Revealer (n.)  (pl. - s) 展示者;【宗】啟示者 A person or thing that reveals.

Compare: Reveal

Reveal  (v.) [With object] (v. t.) 展現,顯露出;揭示,揭露;暴露;洩露 [+to/ as] [+that] [O2] [O8];【宗】(上帝)啟示,默示 Make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.

Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie's whereabouts.

[With clause] He revealed that he had received death threats.

Reveal  (v.) [With object] Cause or allow (something) to be seen.

The clouds were breaking up to reveal a clear blue sky.

Reveal  (v.) [With object] Make (something) known to humans by divine or supernatural means.

The truth revealed at the Incarnation.

Reveal (n.) 揭示,揭露;暴露;洩露 [U] [C] (In a film or television programme) A final revelation of information that has previously been kept from the characters or viewers.

The big reveal at the end of the movie answers all questions.

Reveal (n.) Either side surface of an aperture in a wall for a door or window.

Either side surface of an aperture in a wall for a door or window.

Bewrayment (n.) Betrayal.

Compare: Betrayal

Betrayal (n.) (pl. - s) 背叛;密告;洩密;引誘 The act of  betraying  someone or something or the fact of being betrayed :  violation of a person's trust or confidence, of a moral standard, etc.

Compare: Betray

Betray (v.) [With object] (v. t.) 背叛;出賣;對……不忠 [+to];洩漏,透露;(無意中)暴露,顯示 [+to] [+wh-] Expose (one's country, a group, or a person) To danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.

A double agent who betrayed some 400 British and French agents to the Germans.

Betray (v.) [With object] Treacherously reveal (information).

Many of those employed by diplomats betrayed secrets.

Betray (v.) [With object] Be gravely disloyal to.

The men who have betrayed British people's trust.

Betray (v.) [With object] Unintentionally reveal; be evidence of.

She drew a deep breath that betrayed her indignation.

Compare: Treacherously

Treacherously  (adv.) 背叛地;靠不住地 See  Treacherous.

Compare: Treacherous

Treacherous (a.)  背叛的;不忠的;奸詐的;不牢靠的;危險的;變化莫測的 Guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.

A treacherous Gestapo agent.

Memory is particularly treacherous.

Treacherous (a.) (Of ground, water, conditions, etc.) Presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers.

A holidaymaker was swept away by treacherous currents.

Bewreck (v. t.) To wreck. [Obs.]

Bewreke (v. t.) To wreak; to avenge. [Obs.] -- Ld. Berners.

Bewrought (a.) Embroidered. [Obs.] -- B. Jonson.

Bey (n.) (土耳其語)對地位高的人的尊稱(如先生、閣下);州長,在土耳其對于要人的尊稱;土侯的稱號 A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominions; also, in some places, a prince or nobleman; a beg; as, the bey of Tunis.

Bey (n.) (Formerly) A title of respect for a man in Turkey or Egypt; "He introduced me to Ahmet Bey."

Bey (n.) The governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire.

Beylic (n.) The territory ruled by a bey.

Beyond (prep.) On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than.

Beyond (prep.) At a place or time not yet reached; before.

Beyond (prep.) Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength.

Beyond (prep.) In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind.

Beyond (adv.) Further away; at a distance; yonder.

Bezant (n.) A gold coin of Byzantium or Constantinople, varying in weight and value, usually (those current in England) between a sovereign and a half sovereign. There were also white or silver bezants.

Bezant (n.) A circle in or, i. e., gold, representing the gold coin called bezant.

Bezant (n.) A decoration of a flat surface, as of a band or belt, representing circular disks lapping one upon another.

Bez-antler (n.) The second branch of a stag's horn.

Bezel (n.) The rim which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object, as the crystal of a watch, in the cavity in which it is set.

Bezique (n.) A game at cards in which various combinations of cards in the hand, when declared, score points.

Bezoar (n.) 腸胃結石(山羊、羚羊等腹中的結石,古時用作解毒劑) A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals (as the wild goat, the gazelle, and the Peruvian llama) formerly regarded as an unfailing antidote for poison, and a certain remedy for eruptive, pestilential, or putrid diseases. Hence: Any antidote or panacea.

Note: Two kinds were particularly esteemed, the Bezoar orientale of India, and the Bezoar occidentale of Peru.

Bezoar antelope. See Antelope.

Bezoar+goat+(Zool.),+The+wild+goat+({Capra+[ae]gagrus">Bezoar goat (Zool.), the wild goat ({Capra [ae]gagrus).

Bezoar mineral, An old preparation of oxide of antimony. -- Ure.

Bezoardic (a.) Pertaining to, or compounded with, bezoar.

Bezoardic (n.) A medicine containing bezoar.

Bezoartic (a.) Alt. of Bezoartical.

Bezoartical (a.) Having the qualities of an antidote, or of bezoar; healing.

Bezonian (n.) A low fellow or scoundrel; a beggar.

Bezzie (a.) Used to describe a person's closest friend.

Bezzie (n.) [ C ] (Also Bezzie mate); (Bestie) (UK informal) 最好的朋友;閨蜜 Someone's best friend.

// Don't tell anyone, not even your bezzie.

// Suddenly they were bezzie mates.

Bezzie (Also Bessie, Bezzy)

Bezzie (a.) (Is a British informal word) Denoting a person's best or closest friend.

Bezzie (n.) (Is a British informal word) Denoting a person's best or closest friend.

Bezzie (n.) [ C ] (Also bezzie mate,) (bestie) (UK informal) Someone's best friend.

// Don't tell anyone, not even your bezzie.

// Suddenly they were bezzie mates.

Bezzie (Also Bessie, Bezzy) (a.) (British informal) Denoting a person's best or closest friend.

// We're practically bezzie mates.

// Fiona's my bezzy pal.

Bezzie (Also Bessie, Bezzy) (n.) (British informal) A person's best or closest friend.

// She and Nadine used to be bezzies and even shared a flat.

// Find out how well you know your Bessie.

Bezzled (imp. & p. p.) of Bezzle.

Bezzling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bezzle.

Bezzle (v. t.) To plunder; to waste in riot. [Obs.]

Bezzle (v. i.) To drink to excess; to revel. [Obs.]

Bhang (n.) 印度大麻;大麻製的麻醉劑 An astringent and narcotic drug made from the dried leaves and seed capsules of wild hemp (Cannabis Indica), and chewed or smoked in the East as a means of intoxication. See Hasheesh. Bheesty

Bhang (n.) A preparation of the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant; much used in India.

Bhunder (n.) An Indian monkey (Macacus Rhesus), protected by the Hindoos as sacred. See Rhesus.

Bi- () In most branches of science bi- in composition denotes two, twice, or doubly; as, bidentate, two-toothed; biternate, doubly ternate, etc.

Bi- () In the composition of chemical names bi- denotes two atoms, parts, or equivalents of that constituent to the name of which it is prefixed, to one of the other component, or that such constituent is present in double the ordinary proportion; as, bichromate, bisulphide. Be- and di- are often used interchangeably.

Biacid (a.) Having two hydrogen atoms which can be replaced by negative atoms or radicals to form salts; -- said of bases. See Diacid.

Biacuminate (a.) Having points in two directions.

Biangular (a.) Having two angles or corners.

Biangulate (a.) Alt. of Biangulated.

Biangulated (a.) Biangular.

Biangulous (a.) Biangular.

Biannual (a.) [ Before noun ] 一年兩次的,一年兩度的;半年一次的 Happening twice a year.

// The committee has just published its biannual report.

Compare: Annual

Annual (a.) [Before noun] (B1) 一年一度的;每年的 Happening  once  every  year.

// An annual  event/ visit/ holiday.

Companies  publish  annual  reports  to  inform  the  public  about the  previous year's  activities.

Annual (a.) (B1) 一年的 Relating  to a  period  of one year.

// Annual  income/ salary/ profit.

Annual (n.) [C] [Book] 年刊,年報;(尤指)兒童年冊 A  book  or  magazine  published once  a  year,  especially  for children, with the same  title and  style  but different  contents.

Annual (n.) [C] [Book] [US] (學校或其他機構出版的)年刊,年鑒 A  yearbook.

Annual (n.) [C] (Plant) 一年生植物 A  plant  that  grows,  produces seeds, and  dies  within one  year.

Compare: Biennial

Biennial (a.) 兩年一次的 Happening  once  every two years.

Biantheriferous (a.) Having two anthers.

Biarticulate (a.) Having, or consisting of, tow joints.

Bias (a.) 斜的;斜紋的 Inclined to one side; swelled on one side. [Obs.] -- Shak.

Bias (a.) Cut slanting or diagonally, as cloth.

Bias (adv.) 偏斜地,傾斜地; 對角地 In a slanting manner; crosswise; obliquely; diagonally; as, to cut cloth bias.

Bias (v. t.) To incline to one side; to give a particular direction to; to influence; to prejudice; to prepossess.

Me it had not biased in the one direction, nor should it have biased any just critic in the counter direction. -- De Quincey.

Biases (n. pl. ) of Bias.

Bias (n.) [C] [U] 偏見,成見;偏心;傾向,趨勢;偏愛;斜線,斜紋 A weight on the side of the ball used in the game of bowls, or a tendency imparted to the ball, which turns it from a straight line.

Being ignorant that there is a concealed bias within the spheroid, which will . . . swerve away. -- Sir W. Scott.

Bias (n.) A leaning of the mind; propensity or prepossession toward an object or view, not leaving the mind indifferent; bent; inclination.

Strong love is a bias upon the thoughts. -- South.

Morality influences men's lives, and gives a bias to all their actions. -- Locke.

Bias (n.) A wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out of a garment (as the waist of a dress) to diminish its circumference.

Bias (n.) A slant; a diagonal; as, to cut cloth on the bias.

Syn: Prepossession; prejudice; partiality; inclination. See Bent.

Bias (a.) Slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric; "a bias fold".

Bias (n.) A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation [syn: bias, prejudice, preconception].

Bias (n.) A line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric [syn: diagonal, bias].

Bias (v.) Influence in an unfair way; "you are biasing my choice by telling me yours".

Bias (v.) Cause to be biased [syn: bias, predetermine].

BIAS. () A particular influential power which sways the judgment; the inclination or propensity of the mind towards a particular object.

BIAS. () Justice requires that the judge should have no bias for or against any individual; and that his mind should be perfectly free to act as the law requires.

BIAS. () There is, however, one kind of bias which the courts suffer to influence them in their judgments it is a bias favorable to a class of cases, or persons, as distinguished from an individual case or person. A few examples will explain this. A bias is felt on account of convenience. 1 Ves. sen. 13, 14; 3 Atk. 524. It is also felt in favor of the heir at law, as when there is an heir on one side and a mere volunteer on the other. Willes, R. 570 1 W. Bl. 256; Amb. R. 645; 1 Ball & B. 309 1 Wils. R. 310 3 Atk. 747 Id. 222. On the other hand, the court leans against double portions for children; M'Clell. R. 356; 13 Price, R. 599 against double provisions, and double satisfactions; 3 Atk. R. 421 and against forfeitures. 3 T. R. 172. Vide, generally, 1 Burr. 419 1 Bos. & Pull. 614; 3 Bos. & Pull. 456 Ves. jr. 648 Jacob, Rep. 115; 1 Turn. & R. 350.

Biased (imp. & p. p.) of Bias.

Biased (a.) 存有偏見的;偏見的 Favoring one person or side over another; "a biased account of the trial"; "a decision that was partial to the defendant" [syn: {biased}, {colored}, {coloured}, {one-sided}, {slanted}].

Biased (a.) Exhibiting or characterized by bias (see 1bias).

Biased (a.) Tending to yield one outcome more frequently than others in a statistical experiment.

// A biased coin.

Biased (a.) Having an expected value different from the quantity or parameter estimated.

// A biased estimate.

Biasing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bias.

Biathlete (n.) A competitor in a biathlon.

Biathlon (n.) [ C ] 冬季兩項(即滑雪射擊,冬奧會項目之一) A sports competition that combines skiing and shooting a rifle (= gun).

Compare : Decathlon, Heptathlon, Pentathlon.

// Biathlon is one of the most challenging sports in the Winter Olympics.

Compare: Decathlon

Decathlon (n.) [C] 男子十項全能(比賽) A  competition  in which an  athlete  competes  in ten  sports  events.

Compare: Heptathlon

Heptathlon (n.) [C] 女子七項全能運動A  competition  in which  athletes compete  in  seven  sports events.

Compare: Pentathlon

Pentathlon (n.) [C] 現代五項運動,五項全能運動A  sports  event  in which  athletes compete  in five different  sports.

// The pentathlon consists of  running swimming,  riding,  shooting, and  fencing.

Biauriculate (a.) Having two auricles, as the heart of mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Biauriculate (a.) Having two earlike projections at its base, as a leaf.

Biaxal (a.) Alt. of Biaxial.

Biaxial (a.) Having two axes; as, biaxial polarization.

Bib (n.) A small piece of cloth worn by children over the breast, to protect the clothes.

Bib (n.) An arctic fish (Gadus luscus), allied to the cod; -- called also pout and whiting pout.

Bib (n.) A bibcock.

Bib (v. t.) Alt. of Bibbe.

Bibbe (v. t.) To drink; to tipple.

Bib (v. i.) To drink; to sip; to tipple.

Bibacious (a.) Addicted to drinking.

Bibacity (n.) The practice or habit of drinking too much; tippling.

Bibasic (a.) Having to hydrogen atoms which can be replaced by positive or basic atoms or radicals to form salts; -- said of acids. See Dibasic.

Bibb (n.) A bibcock. See Bib, n., 3.

Bibber (n.) One given to drinking alcoholic beverages too freely; a tippler; -- chiefly used in composition; as, winebibber.

Bibble-babble (n.) Idle talk; babble.

Bibbs (n. pl.) Pieces of timber bolted to certain parts of a mast to support the trestletrees.

Bibcock (n.) A cock or faucet having a bent down nozzle.

Bibirine (n.) See Bebeerine.

Bibitory (a.) Of or pertaining to drinking or tippling.

Bible (n.) A book. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

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