Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 98
Assault (v. t.) 攻擊;襲擊;譴責,抨擊;【律】對……施暴To attack with moral means, or with a view of producing moral effects; to attack by words, arguments, or unfriendly measures; to assail; as, to assault a reputation or an administration.
Before the gates, the cries of babes newborn, . . . Assault his ears. -- Dryden.
Note: In the latter sense, assail is more common.
Syn: To attack; assail; invade; encounter; storm; charge. See {Attack}.
Assault (n.) 攻擊,襲擊;譴責,抨擊 [C] [U] [(+on/ against)];【律】侵犯人身 [U] ;【律】施暴,強姦 [U] Close fighting during the culmination of a military attack.
Assault (n.) A threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped.
Assault (n.) Thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946.
Assault (n.) The crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will [syn: {rape}, {violation}, {assault}, {ravishment}].
Assault (v. i.) 動武 Attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly" [syn: {assail}, {assault}, {set on}, {attack}].
Assault (v.) Force (someone) to have sex against their will; "The woman was raped on her way home at night" [syn: {rape}, {ravish}, {violate}, {assault}, {dishonor}, {dishonour}, {outrage}].
Assault (v.) Attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker" [syn: {attack}, {round}, {assail}, {lash out}, {snipe}, {assault}].
Assault (n.), Crim. law. An assault is any unlawful attempt or offer with force or violence to do a corporal hurt to another, whether from malice or wantonness; for example, by striking at him or even holding up the fist at him in a threatening or insulting manner, or with other circumstances as denote at the time. an intention, coupled with a present ability, of actual violence against his person, as by pointing a weapon at him when he is within reach of it. 6 Rogers Rec: 9. When the injury is actually inflicted, it amounts to a battery. (q.v.)
Assault (n.) Assaults are either simple or aggravated. 1. A simple assault is one Where there is no intention to do any other injury. This is punished at common law by fine and imprisonment. 2. An aggravated assault is one that has in addition to the bare intention to commit it, another object which is also criminal; for example, if a man should fire a pistol at another and miss him, the former would be guilty of an assault with intent to murder; so an assault with intent to rob a man, or with intent to spoil his clothes, and the like, are aggravated assaults, and they are more severely punished than simple assaults. General references, 1 East, P. C. 406; Bull. N. P. 15; Hawk. P. B. b. 1, c. 62, s. 12; 1 Russ. Cr. 604; 2 Camp. Rep. 650 1 Wheeler's Cr. C. 364; 6 Rogers' Rec. 9; 1 Serg. & Rawle, 347 Bac. Ab. h.t.; Roscoe. Cr. Ev. 210.
Assault (v.) [With object] Make a physical attack on.
‘He pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer.’
‘She was sexually assaulted as a child.’
Assault (v.) [With object] Carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position).
‘They left their strong position to assault the hill.’
Assault (v.) [With object] Bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant.
‘Thunder assaulted the ears.’
Assault (n.) A physical attack.
‘His imprisonment for an assault on the film director.’
‘A sexual assault.’
Assault (n.) (Law) An act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done.
‘He admitted an assault and two thefts.’
[Mass noun] ‘He appeared in court charged with assault.’
Assault (n.) A military attack or raid on an enemy position.
‘Troops began an assault on the city.’
Assault (n.) A strong verbal attack.
‘An articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.’
Assault (n.) A concerted attempt to do something demanding.
‘A winter assault on Mt Everest.’
Assault (n.) (C2) [ C or U ] 毆打;襲擊,攻擊 A violent attack.
// He was charged with sexual assault.
// (UK) The number of indecent assaults has increased alarmingly over the past year.
// An assault on a police officer.
// They launched an assault on the capital yesterday.
Assault (n.) [ C ] 攻關,攻堅;硬仗 A determined or serious attempt to do something difficult.
// Women's groups have demanded a nationwide assault on sexism in the workplace.
// She died heroically during an assault on the world's second-highest mountain.
Assault and battery [ U ] (Specialized) 暴力毆打 A threat to injure someone followed by a violent attack on them.
Compare: Battery
Battery (n.) 電池;蓄電池 [C];砲臺;排砲;(艦艇上的)砲組;砲兵連 [C];層架式雞籠 [C];一套;一系列;一批;一群 [C] [(+of)];【律】毆打 [U];(棒球隊的)投手和捕手 [C] A container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power.
‘A camera battery’
[As modifier ]‘Battery power.’
Battery (n.) A fortified emplacement for heavy guns.
‘Anti-aircraft missile batteries.’
‘A mobile battery of 105 mm guns.’
Battery (n.) An artillery subunit of guns, men, and vehicles.
Battery (n.) A set of similar units of equipment, typically when connected together.
‘A battery of equipment to monitor blood pressure.’
Battery (n.) An extensive series, sequence, or range of things.
‘Children are given a battery of tests’
Battery (n.) [British ] [Usually as modifier] A series of small cages for the intensive rearing of farm animals, especially calves and poultry.
‘Battery farming.’
‘Battery hens.’
Battery (n.) [Law] [Mass noun] The infliction of unlawful personal violence on another person, even where the contact does no physical harm.
‘Any act which puts a person in immediate and reasonable fear of battery.’
See also Assault and battery
[Count noun] ‘Most batteries involve an assault.’
Battery (n.) (The battery) [Bseball] The pitcher and the catcher.
Assault (v.) [ T ] (C2) 毆打;襲擊,攻擊 To attack someone violently.
// A woman and a man have been convicted of assaulting a police officer.
// He had attempted to sexually assault the woman.
Assaultable (a.) 可攻擊的 Capable of being assaulted.
Assaulter (n.) 攻擊者;毆打者 One who assaults, or violently attacks; an assailant.
Assaulter (n.) Someone who attacks [syn: {attacker}, {aggressor}, {assailant}, {assaulter}].
Assaulter (n.) See Assault.
Assaultive (a.) 好攻擊的 Making an assault.
Syn: attacking (prenominal).
Compare: Prenominal
Prenominal (a.) 置於名詞之前的 Relating to or serving as a pronoun.
‘A pronominal form.’
Compare: Pronoun
Pronoun (n.) 【文】代名詞 [C] A word that can function as a noun phrase used by itself and that refers either to the participants in the discourse (e.g. I, you) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g. she, it, this).
See also Personal pronoun; Impersonal pronoun.
Assaultive (a.) Disposed to attack [syn: {assaultive}, {attacking(a)}].
Assaultive (a.) Tending or likely to commit an assault.
‘They found that assaultive men had abusive parents.’
Assaultive (a.) Aggressive or forcefully assertive.
‘His loud, assaultive playing style can leave you cowering.’
Assay (n.) 試金;分析試驗;化驗 [C];化驗報告,分析報告 Trial; attempt; essay. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
I am withal persuaded that it may prove much more easy in the assay than it now seems at distance. -- Milton.
Assay (n.) Examination and determination; test; as, an assay of bread or wine. [Obs.]
This can not be, by no assay of reason. -- Shak.
Assay (n.) Trial by danger or by affliction; adventure; risk; hardship; state of being tried. [Obs.]
Through many hard assays which did betide. -- Spenser.
Assay (n.) Tested purity or value. [Obs.]
With gold and pearl of rich assay. -- Spenser.
Assay (n.) (Metallurgy) The act or process of ascertaining the proportion of a particular metal in an ore or alloy; especially, the determination of the proportion of gold or silver in bullion or coin.
Assay (n.) The alloy or metal to be assayed. -- Ure.
Usage: {Assay} and {essay} are radically the same word; but modern usage has appropriated {assay} chiefly to experiments in metallurgy, and {essay} to intellectual and bodily efforts. See {Essay}.
Note: Assay is used adjectively or as the first part of a compound; as, assay balance, assay furnace.
{Assay master}, An officer who assays or tests gold or silver coin or bullion.
{Assay ton}, A weight of 29,1662/3 grams.
Assayed (imp. & p. p.) of Assay.
Assaying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assay.
Assay (v. t.) 【冶】檢驗(礦石、金屬等);【化】【藥】化驗,測定 To try; to attempt; to apply. [Obs. or Archaic]
To-night let us assay our plot. -- Shak.
Soft words to his fierce passion she assayed. -- Milton.
Assay (v. t.) To affect. [Obs.]
When the heart is ill assayed. -- Spenser.
Assay (v. t.) To try tasting, as food or drink. [Obs.]
Assay (v. t.) To subject, as an ore, alloy, or other metallic compound, to chemical or metallurgical examination, in order to determine the amount of a particular metal contained in it, or to ascertain its composition.
Assay (v. i.) 經檢驗證明內含成分 To attempt, try, or endeavor. [Archaic. In this sense essay is now commonly used.]
She thrice assayed to speak. -- Dryden.
Assay (n.) An appraisal of the state of affairs; "they made an assay of the contents"; "a check on its dependability under stress" [syn: {assay}, {check}].
Assay (n.) A substance that is undergoing an analysis of its components.
Assay (n.) A written report of the results of an analysis of the composition of some substance.
Assay (n.) A quantitative or qualitative test of a substance (especially an ore or a drug) to determine its components; frequently used to test for the presence or concentration of infectious agents or antibodies etc..
Assay (v.) Analyze (chemical substances).
Assay (v.) Make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world" [syn: {try}, {seek}, {attempt}, {essay}, {assay}].
Assay (n.) A chemical examination of metals, by which the quantity of valuable or precious metal contained in any mineral or metallic mixture is ascertained. 2. By the acts of Congress of March 3, 1823, 3 Story's L. U. S. 1924; of June 25, 1834, 4 Shars. cont. Story's L. U. S. 2373; and of June 28, 1834, Id. 2377, it is made the duty of the secretary of the treasury to cause assays to be made at the mint of the United States, of certain coins made current by the said acts, and to make report of the result thereof to congress.
Assay (v.) [ T ] (Specialized) 鑒定,化驗,分析(化學物質的純度) To perform an examination on a chemical in order to test how pure it is.
Assayable (a.) That may be assayed.
Assayable (a.) Capable of being assayed.
Assayer (n.) 試金者;嘗試者;試驗者;分析專家 [C] One who assays. Specifically: One who examines metallic ores or compounds, for the purpose of determining the amount of any particular metal in the same, especially of gold or silver.
Assayer (n.) An analyst who assays (performs chemical tests on) metals.
Assaying (n.) 試金;Assay的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 The act or process of testing, esp. of analyzing or examining metals and ores, to determine the proportion of pure metal.
Asse (n.) (Zool.) A small foxlike animal ({Vulpes cama}) of South Africa, valued for its fur.
Compare: Vulpes chama
Vulpes chama (n.) 南非狐(學名:Vulpes chama):頭體長45-61釐米,肩高28-33釐米;體重3.6-5千克;有一條長約30-40釐米的濃密尾巴,幾乎是頭部和身體長度的一半。體態輕盈,行動敏捷。體毛為黃褐色,耳、腿和臉的一部分為黑色。牙齒較小。體側和下體淺黃色,腹部發白。尾巴的尖端黑色。雌性比雄性小約5%。
The Cape fox (Vulpes chama), also called the asse, cama fox or the silver-backed fox, is a small fox, native to southern Africa.
It has black or silver gray fur with flanks and underside in light yellow. The tip of its tail is always black.
The Cape fox tends to be 45 to 61 cm (17.5 to 24 in) long, not including a 30 to 40 cm (12 to 15.5 in) tail. It is 28 to 33 cm (11 to 13 in) tall at the shoulder, and usually weighs from 3.6 to 5 kg (7.9 to 11.0 lb).
Assecuration (n.) 保證;確實;必然 Assurance; certainty. [Obs.]
Assecure (v. t.) 使確信,使信服;說服 [(+of)] [O5] [O2] To make sure or safe; to assure. [Obs.] -- Hooker.
Assecution (n.) 獲得 An obtaining or acquiring. [Obs.] -- Ayliffe.
Assegai (n.) Same as Assagai.
Compare: Assagai
Assagai (n.) (南非部落所用的)長矛,標槍;【植】山茱萸樹 A slender, iron-tipped, hardwood spear used chiefly by southern African peoples.
Assagai (n.) A South African tree of the dogwood family, which yields hard timber.
Curtisia dentata, family Cornaceae
Assagai (v.) [With object] 用長矛(或標槍)刺殺 Wound or kill with an assegai.
‘He was a very brave man but he was eventually assegaied.’
Assemblage (n.) 裝配;集合在一起的人(或物)[C] [G];聚集,集會 [C] [U] The act of assembling, or the state of being assembled; association.
In sweet assemblage every blooming grace. -- Fenton.
Assemblage (n.) A collection of individuals, or of individuals, or of particular things; as, a political assemblage; an assemblage of ideas.
Syn: Company; group; collection; concourse; gathering; meeting; convention.
Usage: {Assemblage}, {Assembly}. An assembly consists only of persons; an assemblage may be composed of things as well as persons, as, an assemblage of incoherent objects. Nor is every assemblage of persons an assembly; since the latter term denotes a body who have met, and are acting, in concert for some common end, such as to hear, to deliberate, to unite in music, dancing, etc. An assemblage of skaters on a lake, or of horse jockeys at a race course, is not an assembly, but might be turned into one by collecting into a body with a view to discuss and decide as to some object of common interest.
Compare: Incoherent
Incoherent (a.) 無條理的;不一貫的 ( Of spoken or written language) Expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear.
‘He screamed some incoherent threat.’
Incoherent (a.) (Of a person) Unable to speak intelligibly.
‘He was incoherent with sentiment.’
Incoherent (a.) Not logical or internally consistent.
‘The film is ideologically incoherent.’
Compare: Internally
Internally (adv.) 內部地;內在地;國內地 With reference to the inner surface or structure of something; inside.
‘Ammunition is mounted internally in the fuselage.’
Internally (adv.) On the inside of the body.
‘He was bleeding internally from an ulcer.’
Internally (adv.) Used to indicate that something occurs or comes from within an organization, country, etc.
‘The job was advertised internally.’
‘The party is deeply divided internally.’
Internally (adv.) Used to indicate that something is experienced in one's mind rather than being expressed.
‘His voice always made me cringe internally.’
‘She sighed internally.’
Internally (adv.) [Computing] Using the main memory rather than a disk or tape drive.
‘The data is stored internally.’
Incoherent (a.) (Physics) (Of waves) 無條理的;不一貫的 Having no definite or stable phase relationship.
Assemblage (n.) A group of persons together in one place [syn: {gathering}, {assemblage}].
Assemblage (n.) A system of components assembled together for a particular purpose [syn: {hookup}, {assemblage}].
Assemblage (n.) The social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly" [syn: {assembly}, {assemblage}, {gathering}] [ant: {disassembly}, {dismantlement}, {dismantling}].
Assemblage (n.) Several things grouped together or considered as a whole [syn: {collection}, {aggregation}, {accumulation}, {assemblage}].
Assemblance (n.) Resemblance; likeness; appearance. [Obs.]
Care I for the . . . stature, bulk, and big assemblance of a man? Give me the spirit. -- Shak.
Assemblance (n.) An assembling; assemblage. [Obs.]
To weete [know] the cause of their assemblance. -- Spenser.
Assemblance (n.) (In British ) (Obsolete) The action or process of gathering or congregating.
Compare: Congregate
Congregate (v.) [No object] (v. i.) 聚集,集合 (v. t.) 使聚集,使集合 Gather into a crowd or mass.
‘Some 4,000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point.’
Assemblance (n.) (pl. - s) (Archaic) Semblance; Appearance.
Compare: Semblance
Semblance (n.) [Mass noun] [U] [S] 外貌,外觀;類似,酷似 The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
‘She tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order.’
Semblance (n.) [Mass noun] (Archaic) Resemblance; similarity.
‘It bears some semblance to the thing I have in mind.’
Assembled (imp. & p. p.) of Assemble.
Assembling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assemble.
Assemble (v. t.) 集合,召集,聚集;收集;配裝,裝 To collect into one place or body; to bring or call together; to convene; to congregate.
Thither he assembled all his train. -- Milton.
All the men of Israel assembled themselves. -- 1 Kings viii. 2.
Assemble (v. t.) To collect and put together the parts of; as, to assemble a bicycle, watch, gun, or other manufactured article.
Assemble (v. i.) 集合,聚集,集會 To meet or come together, as a number of individuals; to convene; to congregate.
The Parliament assembled in November. -- W. Massey.
Assemble (v. i.) To liken; to compare. [Obs.]
Bribes may be assembled to pitch. -- Latimer.
Assemble (v.) Create by putting components or members together; "She pieced a quilt"; "He tacked together some verses"; "They set up a committee" [syn: {assemble}, {piece}, {put together}, {set up}, {tack}, {tack together}] [ant: {break apart}, {break up}, {disassemble}, {dismantle}, {take apart}].
Assemble (v.) Collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room" [syn: {meet}, {gather}, {assemble}, {forgather}, {foregather}].
Assemble (v.) Get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members" [syn: {assemble}, {gather}, {get together}].
Assembler (n.) A program which converts assembly language into machine code. (1996-03-25)
Assembler (n.) [C] 裝配工;裝配器;【電腦】組合程式;組合語言 One who assembles a number of individuals; also, one of a number assembled.
Assembler (n.) (Computers) A computer program that takes as input a set of instructions written in assembly language, and produces a corresponding executable computer program in machine language.
Assembler (n.) (Computers) same as {assembly language}. [informal].
Assembly language (n.) (Computers) 組合語言 An artificial computer language with mnemonic codes representing the basic machine-language instructions of a computer, which can be interpreted by an assembler to produce a computer program in machine language. Also informally referred to as {assembler}.
Note: Writing a program in assembly language is very much simpler than writing the machine instructions in binary code, and the use of such a language greatly increases the efficiency of the process of writing computer programs. See also {programming language}, {FORTRAN}, {BASIC}.
Assembler (n.) A program to convert assembly language into machine language [syn: {assembler}, {assembly program}].
Assemblies (n. pl. ) of Assembly.
Assembly (n.) A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for social entertainment.
Assembly (n.) 與會者;(為了特定目的)聚集在一起的人 [C] [G];集會;集合 [U] A collection of inanimate objects.
Assembly (n.) (Mil.) A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.
Note: In some of the United States, the legislature, or the popular branch of it, is called the Assembly, or the General Assembly. In the Presbyterian Church, the General Assembly is the highest ecclesiastical tribunal, composed of ministers and ruling elders delegated from each presbytery; as, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, or of Scotland.
{Assembly room}, A room in which persons assemble, especially for dancing.
{Unlawful assembly} (Law), A meeting of three or more persons on a common plan, in such a way as to cause a reasonable apprehension that they will disturb the peace tumultuously.
{Westminster Assembly}, A convocation, consisting chiefly of divines, which, by act of Parliament, assembled July 1, 1643, and remained in session some years. It framed the "Confession of Faith," the "Larger Catechism," and the "Shorter Catechism," which are still received as authority by Presbyterians, and are substantially accepted by Congregationalists.
Syn: See {Assemblage}.
Assembly (n.) A group of machine parts that fit together to form a self- contained unit.
Assembly (n.) The act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery) [syn: {fabrication}, {assembly}] [ant: {disassembly}, {dismantlement}, {dismantling}].
Assembly (n.) A public facility to meet for open discussion [syn: {forum}, {assembly}, {meeting place}].
Assembly (n.) A group of persons who are gathered together for a common purpose.
Assembly (n.) A unit consisting of components that have been fitted together.
Assembly (n.) The social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly" [syn: {assembly}, {assemblage}, {gathering}] [ant: {disassembly}, {dismantlement}, {dismantling}].
Assembly (n.) The union of a number of persons in the same place. There are several kinds of assemblies.
Assembly (n.) Political assemblies, or those authorized by the constitution and laws; for example, the general assembly, which includes the senate and house of representatives; the meeting of the electors of the president and vice- president of the United States, may also be called an assembly.
Assembly (n.) Popular assemblies are those where the people meet to deliberate upon their rights; these are guaranteed by the constitution. Const. U. S. Amend. art. 1 Const. of Penn. art. 9, s. 20.
Assembly (n.) Unlawful assemblies. An unlawful assembly is the meeting of three or more persons to do an unlawful act, although they may not carry their purpose into execution. It differs from a riot or rout, (q.v.) because in each of the latter cases there is some act done besides the simple meeting.
Assembly (n.) (Meeting) (C2) [ C ] (尤指為特定目的而經常)聚集在一起的人,(所有)與會者;集合,聚集 A group of people, especially one that meets regularly for a particular purpose, such as government, or, more generally, the process of coming together, or the state of being together.
// The United Nations General Assembly.
// She has been tipped as a future member of the Welsh Assembly.
Assembly (US) (美國某些州的)州眾議院 One of the two parts of the government that makes laws in many US States.
// The New York Assembly.
// The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.
Compare: Legislative assembly
Legislative assembly (n.) [ C usually singular ] (US usually assembly) (美國和澳大利亞的部分州、加拿大多數省份及其他一些國家的)立法機構的下院 One of the two parts of the organization that makes laws in some American and Australian states, most Canadian provinces and some countries.
Assembly (n.) (Meeting) [ C or U ] (多個班級參加的)集體活動,集會 A meeting in a school of several classes, usually at the beginning of the school day, to give information or to say prayers together.
// All pupils are expected to attend school assembly.
// There's a religious assembly every morning.
Assembly (n.) (Joining) (C2) [ U ] 組裝;裝配 The process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure.
Assembly (n.) (Joining) [ C ] (Specialized) (Engineering) 組合體;組成 The structure produced by this process.
// The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine assembly.
Assemblymen (n. pl. ) of Assemblyman.
Assemblyman (n.) 議員;裝配工 A member of an assembly, especially of the lower branch of a state legislature.
Assented (imp. & p. p.) of Assent.
Assenting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assent.
Assent (n.) 同意,贊成 [U] The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent; agreement; acquiescence.
Faith is the assent to any proposition, on the credit of the proposer. -- Locke.
The assent, if not the approbation, of the prince. -- Prescott.
Too many people read this ribaldry with assent and admiration. -- Macaulay.
{Royal assent}, In England, the assent of the sovereign to a bill which has passed both houses of Parliament, after which it becomes law.
Syn: Concurrence; acquiescence; approval; accord.
Usage: {Assent}, {Consent}. Assent is an act of the understanding, consent of the will or feelings. We assent to the views of others when our minds come to the same conclusion with theirs as to what is true, right, or admissible. We consent when there is such a concurrence of our will with their desires and wishes that we decide to comply with their requests. The king of England gives his assent, not his consent, to acts of Parliament, because, in theory at least, he is not governed by personal feelings or choice, but by a deliberate, judgment as to the common good. We also use assent in cases where a proposal is made which involves but little interest or feeling. A lady may assent to a gentleman's opening the window; but if he offers himself in marriage, he must wait for her consent.
Assent (v. t.) 同意,贊成 [U] To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement, acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.
Who informed the governor . . . And the Jews also assented, saying that these things were so. -- Acts xxiv. 9.
The princess assented to all that was suggested. -- Macaulay.
Syn: To yield; agree; acquiesce; concede; concur.
Assent (n.) Agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly" [syn: {assent}, {acquiescence}]
Assent (v.) To agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore" [syn: {assent}, {accede}, {acquiesce}] [ant: {dissent}].
Assent (n.), Contracts. An agreement to something that has been done before.
Assent (n.) It is either express, where it is openly declared; or implied, where it is presumed by law. For instance, when a conveyance is made to a man, his assent to it is presumed, for the following reasons; cause there is a strong intendment of law, that it is for a person's benefit to take, and no man can be supposed to be unwilling to do that which is for his advantage. 2. Because it would seem incongruous and absurd, that when a conveyance is completely executed on the part of the grantor, the estate should continue in him. 3. Because it is contrary to the policy of law to permit the freehold to remain in suspense and uncertainty. 2 Ventr. 201; 3 Mod. 296A 3 Lev. 284; Show. P. C. 150; 3 Barn. & Alders. 31; 1 Binn. R. 502; 2 Hayw. 234; 12 Mass IR. 461 4 Day, 395; 5 S. & R. 523 20 John. R. 184; 14 S. & R. 296 15 Wend. R. 656; 4 Halst. R. 161; 6 Verm. R. 411.
Assent (n.) When a devise draws after it no charge or risk of loss, and is, therefore, a mere bounty, the assent of the devisee to, take it will be presumed. 17 Mass. 73, 4. A dissent properly expressed would prevent the title from passing from the grantor unto the grantee. 1 2 Mass. R. 46 1. See 3 Munf. R. 345; 4 Munf. R. 332, pl. 9 5 Serg. & Rawle, 523; 8 Watts, R. 9, 11 20 Johns. R. 184. The rule requiring an express dissent, does not apply, however, when the grantee is bound to pay a consideration for the thing granted. 1 Wash. C. C. Rep. 70.
Assent (n.) When an offer to do a thing has been made, it is not binding on the party making it, until the assent of the other party has been given and such assent must be to the same subject-matter, in the same sense. 1 Summ. 218. When such assent is given, before the offer is withdrawn, the contract is complete. 6 Wend. 103. See 5 Wend. 523; 5 Greenl. R. 419; 3 Mass. 1; 8 S. R. 243; 12 John. 190; 19 John. 205; 4 Call, R. 379 1 Fairf. 185; and Offer.
Assent (n.) In general, when an assignment is made to one for the benefit of creditors the assent of the assignees will be presumed. 1 Binn. 502, 518; 6 W. & S. 339; 8 Leigh, R. 272, 281. But see 24 Wend. 280.
Aassent (n.) [Mass noun] The expression of approval or agreement.
‘A loud murmur of assent.’
‘He nodded assent.’
Aassent (n.) (Official) Agreement or sanction.
‘The act was given the Royal Assent.’
Assent (v.) [No object] (Often Assent to) Express approval or agreement.
‘The Prime Minister assented to the change.’
[With direct speech] ‘‘Guest house, then,’ Frank assented cheerfully.’
Compare: Acquiesce
Acquiesce (v.) [No object] 默認;默許;默從 [(+in)] Accept something reluctantly but without protest.
‘Sara acquiesced in his decision.’
Compare: Reluctantly
Reluctantly (adv.) 不情願地;勉強地 In an unwilling and hesitant way.
‘He reluctantly agrees to do his duty.’
Compare: Hesitant
Hesitant (a.) 遲疑的;躊躇的Tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.
‘Clients are hesitant about buying.’
‘Her slow, hesitant way of speaking.’
Compare: Tentative
Tentative (a.) 試驗性的,嘗試的;暫時性的 Not certain or fixed; provisional.
‘A tentative conclusion.’
Tentative (a.) 躊躇的,猶豫的 Done without confidence; hesitant.
‘He eventually tried a few tentative steps round his hospital room.’
Assentation (n.) 盲從;附和;迎合 Insincere, flattering, or obsequious assent; hypocritical or pretended concurrence.
Abject flattery and indiscriminate assentation degrade as much as indiscriminate contradiction and noisy debate disgust. -- Ld. Chesterfield.
Assentator (n.) 阿諛者,奉承者 [C] An obsequious; a flatterer. [R.]
Assentator (In British) (n.) A person who agrees or acquiesces in a compliant or fawning manner.
Assentatory (a.) 阿諛的,諂媚的,奉承的 [(+to/ towards)] 【古】順從的,孝順的 Flattering; obsequious. [Obs.] -- {As*sent"a*to*ri*ly}, adv. [Obs.]
Assenter (n.) One who assents.
Assenter (n.) A person who assents.
Assenter (Also A ssentor) (n.) [C] 同意者,贊成者 See A ssent.
Assent (n.) [Mass noun] The expression of approval or agreement.
‘A loud murmur of assent.’
‘He nodded assent.’
Assent (n.) [Mass noun] Official agreement or sanction.
‘The act was given the Royal Assent.’
Assent (v.) [No object] (Often Assent to) Express approval or agreement.
‘The Prime Minister assented to the change.’
[With direct speech] ‘‘Guest house, then,’ Frank assented cheerfully.’
Assentient (a.) 同意的 Assenting.
Assentient (a.) Expressing agreement or consent; "an assenting nod."
Assenting (a.) 同意的 Giving or implying assent.
Assentive (a.) Giving assent; of the nature of assent; complying. -- {As*sent"ive*ness}, n.
Assentment (n.) 同意 Assent; agreement. [Obs.]
Asserted (imp. & p. p.) of Assert.
Asserting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assert.
Assert (v. t.) 斷言,聲稱 [+that] [O2];維護,堅持;主張擁有;顯示;確立 To affirm; to declare with assurance, or plainly and strongly; to state positively; to aver; to asseverate.
Nothing is more shameful . . . than to assert anything to be done without a cause. -- Ray.
Assert (v. t.) To maintain; to defend. [Obs. or Archaic]
That . . . I may assert Eternal Providence, And justify the ways of God to men. -- Milton.
I will assert it from the scandal. -- Jer. Taylor.
Assert (v. t.) To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures; to vindicate a claim or title to; as, to assert our rights and liberties.
{To assert one's self}, To claim or vindicate one's rights or position; to demand recognition.
Syn: To affirm; aver; asseverate; maintain; protest; pronounce; declare; vindicate.
Usage: To {Assert}, {Affirm}, {Maintain}, {Vindicate}. To assert is to fasten to one's self, and hence to claim. It is, therefore, adversative in its nature. We assert our rights and privileges, or the cause of tree institutions, as against opposition or denial. To affirm is to declare as true. We assert boldly; we affirm positively. To maintain is to uphold, and insist upon with earnestness, whatever we have once asserted; as, to maintain one's cause, to maintain an argument, to maintain the ground we have taken. To vindicate is to use language and measures of the strongest kind, in defense of ourselves and those for whom we act. We maintain our assertions by adducing proofs, facts, or arguments; we are ready to vindicate our rights or interests by the utmost exertion of our powers.
Assert (v.) State categorically [syn: {assert}, {asseverate}, {maintain}].
Assert (v.) To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent" [syn: {affirm}, {verify}, {assert}, {avow}, {aver}, {swan}, {swear}].
Assert (v.) Insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!" [syn: {assert}, {put forward}].
Assert (v.) Assert to be true; "The letter asserts a free society" [syn: {insist}, {assert}].
ASSERT (Acronyms) ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic (ADEPT, mil., USA).
Assert (v.) [Reporting verb] State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.
[With clause] ‘The company asserts that the cuts will not affect development.’
[With object] ‘He asserted his innocence.’
Assert (v.) [With object] Cause others to recognize (one's authority or a right) by confident and forceful behaviour.
‘The good librarian is able to assert authority when required.’
Assert (v.) (Assert oneself) Behave or speak in a confident and forceful manner.
‘It was time to assert himself.’
Assertable (a.) Capable of being affirmed or asserted.
Syn: affirmable.
Assertable (a.) Capable of being affirmed or asserted; "a quality affirmable of every member of the family" [syn: affirmable, assertable].
Compare: Affirmable
Affirmable (a.) Capable of being affirmed, asserted, or declared; -- followed by of; as, an attribute affirmable of every just man.
Affirmable (a.) Capable of being affirmed or asserted; "a quality affirmable of every member of the family" [syn: affirmable, assertable].
Asserter (n.) One who asserts; one who avers pr maintains; an assertor.
The inflexible asserter of the rights of the church. -- Milman.
Asserter (n.) Someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence" [syn: {asserter}, {declarer}, {affirmer}, {asseverator}, {avower}].
Assertion, () <Programming> An expression which, if false, indicates an error. Assertions are used for debugging by catching can't happen errors.
Assertion, () <Programming> In logic programming, a new fact or rule added to the database by the program at run time. This is an extralogical or impure feature of logic programming languages. (1997-06-30)
Assertion (n.) (pl. Assertions) 斷言,言明 [C] [+(that)];(權利等的)主張,維護;(意見等的)堅持 [U] The act of asserting, or that which is asserted; positive declaration or averment; affirmation; statement asserted; position advanced.
There is a difference between assertion and demonstration. -- Macaulay.
Assertion (n.) Maintenance; vindication; as, the assertion of one's rights or prerogatives.
Assertion (n.) A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary) [syn: {assertion}, {averment}, {asseveration}].
Assertion (n.) The act of affirming or asserting or stating something [syn: {affirmation}, {assertion}, {statement}].
Assertion, () An expression which, if false, indicates an error. Assertions are used for debugging by catching can't happen errors.
Assertion, () In logic programming, a new fact or rule added to the database by the program at run time. This is an extralogical or impure feature of logic programming languages.
Assertion (n.) [ C + that ] 斷言;明確肯定 A statement that you strongly believe is true.
// I certainly don't agree with his assertion that men are better drivers than women.
Assertive (a.) 斷定的,過分自信的 Positive; affirming confidently; affirmative; peremptory.
Assertive (a.) Aggressively self-assured; "an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue"; "pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act" [syn: {assertive}, {self- asserting}, {self-assertive}] [ant: {unassertive}].
Assertor (n.) 斷言者;主張者;堅持者 [C] One who asserts or avers; one who maintains or vindicates a claim or a right; an affirmer, supporter, or vindicator; a defender; an asserter.
The assertors of liberty said not a word. -- Macaulay.
Faithful assertor of thy country's cause. -- Prior.
Assertorial (a.) Asserting that a thing is; -- opposed to problematical and apodeictical.
Assertory (a.) Affirming; maintaining.
Assessed (imp. & p. p.) of Assess.
Assessing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assess.
Assess (v. t.) (為徵稅)估定(財產)的價值 [(+at)];確定(稅、罰款、賠償金等)的金額;對(某人、財產等)徵稅;處(某人)以罰金;命(某人)支付某種費用 [(+on/ upon)] To value; to make a valuation or official estimate of for the purpose of taxation.
Assess (v. t.) To apportion a sum to be paid by (a person, a community, or an estate), in the nature of a tax, fine, etc.; to impose a tax upon (a person, an estate, or an income) according to a rate or apportionment.
Assess (v. t.) To determine and impose a tax or fine upon (a person, community, estate, or income); to tax; as, the club assessed each member twenty-five cents.
Assess (v. t.) To fix or determine the rate or amount of.
This sum is assessed and raised upon individuals by commissioners in the act. -- Blackstone.
Assess (v.) Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk" [syn: {measure}, {evaluate}, {valuate}, {assess}, {appraise}, {value}].
Assess (v.) Charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine.
Assess (v.) Set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine) [syn: {tax}, {assess}].
Assess (v.) Estimate the value of (property) for taxation; "Our house hasn't been assessed in years."
Assess (v.) [With object] Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
‘The committee must assess the relative importance of the issues.’
[With clause] ‘It is difficult to assess whether this is a new trend.’
Assess (v.) Calculate or estimate the price or value of.
‘The damage was assessed at £5 billion.’
Assess (v.) Set the value of a tax, fine, etc., for (a person or property) at a specified level.
‘All empty properties will be assessed at 50 per cent.’
Assessable (a.) 可估價的;可評價的;可徵稅的;可徵收的 Liable to be assessed or taxed; as, assessable property.
Assessable (a.) Capable of being assessed especially for the purpose of taxation.
Assessable (a.) Capable of being considered carefully; "the assessable qualities of art."
Assessable (a.) See Assess.
Assessee (n.) One who is assessed.
Assessee (n.) 財產價值(或收入金額)已被估定之人 A person (or property) that is assessed.
Assessee (n.) [ C ] A person or group that is being assessed (= judged), especially in order to decide how much tax they must pay.
// The form must be filled out by every assessee on a yearly basis.
Assession (n.) A sitting beside or near.
Assessment (n.) (為徵稅對財產所作的)估價 [U];被估定的金額 [C] ;評價;估計 [C] The act of assessing; the act of determining an amount to be paid; as, an assessment of damages, or of taxes; an assessment of the members of a club.
Assessment (n.) A valuation of property or profits of business, for the purpose of taxation; such valuation and an adjudging of the proper sum to be levied on the property; as, an assessment of property or an assessment on property.
Note: An assessment is a valuation made by authorized persons according to their discretion, as opposed to a sum certain or determined by law. It is a valuation of the property of those who are to pay the tax, for the purpose of fixing the proportion which each man shall pay. -- Blackstone. Burrill.
Assessment (n.) The specific sum levied or assessed.
Assessment (n.) An apportionment of a subscription for stock into successive installments; also, one of these installments (in England termed a "call"). [U. S.]
Assessment (n.) The classification of someone or something with respect to its worth [syn: {appraisal}, {assessment}].
Assessment (n.) An amount determined as payable; "the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership."
Assessment (n.) The market value set on assets.
Assessment (n.) The act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants" [syn: {judgment}, {judgement}, {assessment}].
Assessment (n.). The making out a list of property, and fixing its valuation or appraisement; it is also applied to making out a list of persons, and appraising their several occupations, chiefly with a view of taxing the said persons and their property.
Assessor (n.) 財產估價人;估稅員;陪審法官;助理行政官;鑑定器 One appointed or elected to assist a judge or magistrate with his special knowledge of the subject to be decided; as legal assessors, nautical assessors.
Assessor (n.) One who sits by another, as next in dignity, or as an assistant and adviser; an associate in office.
Whence to his Son, The assessor of his throne, he thus began. -- Milton.
With his ignorance, his inclinations, and his fancy, as his assessors in judgment. -- I. Taylor.
Assessor (n.) One appointed to assess persons or property for the purpose of taxation. -- Bouvier.
Assessor (n.) An official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it [syn: {tax assessor}, {assessor}].
Assessorial (a.) 估價員的;評定人的 Of or pertaining to an assessor, or to a court of assessors. -- Coxe.
Assessorship (n.) The office or function of an assessor.
Assessorship (n.) (pl. -s) The position of assessor.
ASSET () Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology.
Asset (n.) [C] 財產,資產 [P1];(一項)財物,有價值的物品 Any article or separable part of one's assets.
Asset (n.) A useful or valuable quality [syn: {asset}, {plus}] [ant: {liability}].
Assets (n. pl.) Property of a deceased person, subject by law to the payment of his debts and legacies; -- called assets because sufficient to render the executor or administrator liable to the creditors and legatees, so far as such goods or estate may extend.
Assets (n. pl.) Effects of an insolvent debtor or bankrupt, applicable to the payment of debts.
Assets (n. pl.) The entire property of all sorts, belonging to a person, a corporation, or an estate; as, the assets of a merchant or a trading association; -- opposed to liabilities.
Assever (v. t.) See Asseverate.
Asseverated (imp. & p. p.) of Asseverate.
Asseverating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Asseverate.
Asseverate (v. t.) 鄭重聲明;斷言;堅持說 To affirm or aver positively, or with solemnity.
Syn: To affirm; aver; protest; declare. See {Affirm}.
Asseverate (v.) State categorically [syn: {assert}, {asseverate}, {maintain}].
Asseveration (n.) 誓言,斷言;鄭重聲明 The act of asseverating, or that which is asseverated; positive affirmation or assertion; solemn declaration.
Another abuse of the tongue I might add, -- vehement asseverations upon slight and trivial occasions. -- Ray.
Asseveration (n.) A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary) [syn: {assertion}, {averment}, {asseveration}].
Asseveration (n.). The proof which a man gives of the truth of what be says, by appealing to his conscience as a witness. It differs from an oath in this, that by the latter he appeals to God as a witness of the truth of what he says, and invokes him as the avenger of falsehood and perfidy, to punish him if he speak not the truth. Vide Affirmation; Oath; and Merl. Quest. de Droit, mot Serment.
Asseverative (a.) 確言的;斷言的;鄭重聲明的 Characterized by asseveration; asserting positively.
Asseveratory (a.) 確言的;斷言的;鄭重聲明的 Asseverative.
Assibilate (v. t.) 齒音化;變為齒音 To make sibilant; to change to a sibilant. -- J. Peile.
Compare: Sibilant
Sibilant (a.) 絲絲作響的;【語】發絲音的Making or characterized by a hissing sound.
‘His sibilant whisper.’
Sibilant (a.) (Phonetics) (Of a speech sound) Sounded with a hissing effect, for example s, sh.
Sibilant (n.) (Phonetics) 絲絲音;【語】發絲音輔音 A sibilant speech sound.
Assibilate (v.) Insert a sibilant sound before or after (another sound).
Assibilate (v.) Change into a sibilant; "In the syllable /si/, the /s/ sibilates in Japanese."
Assibilation (n.) 絲擦音化;齒音化 Change of a non-sibilant letter to a sibilant, as of -tion to -shun, duke to ditch.
Assibilation (n.) The development of a consonant phoneme into a sibilant.
Assibilation (n.) Pronunciation with a sibilant (hissing or whistling) sound [syn: {sibilation}, {assibilation}].
Assidean (n.) One of a body of devoted Jews who opposed the Hellenistic Jews, and supported the Asmoneans.
Assidean (n.) (Judaism.) A member of a sect, characterized by its religious zeal and piety, that flourished in the 2nd century b.c. during the time of the Maccabees and vigorously resisted the Hellenization of Jewish culture and religion.
Assident (a.) Usually attending a disease, but not always; as, assident signs, or symptoms.
Assident (a.) (Medicine) Of a symptom, generally, but not always, accompanying a disease; indicative of the presence of a disease but not a necessary occurrence in conjunction with that disease.
Assiduate (a.) Unremitting; assiduous. [Obs.] "Assiduate labor." -- Fabyan.
Compare: Unremitting
Unremitting (a.) 不間斷的;不懈的 Never relaxing or slackening; incessant.
‘Unremitting drizzle.’
Compare: Assiduous
Assiduous (a.) 勤勉的;照顧周到的;殷勤的 Showing great care and perseverance.
‘She was assiduous in pointing out every feature.’
Assiduities (n. pl. ) of Assiduity.
Assiduity (n.) 勤勉;刻苦;關心;掛慮;照料;一絲不苟的作風 Constant or close application or attention, particularly to some business or enterprise; diligence.
I have, with much pains and assiduity, qualified myself for a nomenclator. -- Addison.