Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 51

Ambassadorial (a.) Of or pertaining to an ambassador. -- H. Walpole.

Ambassadorial (a.) Of or relating to or characteristic of ambassadors.

Ambassadorship (n.) The state, office, or functions of an ambassador.

Ambassadorship (n.) The post of ambassador.

Ambassadress (n.) A female ambassador; also, the wife of an ambassador. -- Prescott.

Ambassadress (n.) A woman ambassador.

Ambassage (n.) Same as Embassage. [Obs. or R.] -- Luke xiv. 32.

Ambassy (n.) See Embassy, the usual spelling. -- Helps.

Amber (n.) [U] 琥珀;琥珀色;黃色;黃褐色 A yellowish translucent resin resembling copal, found as a fossil in alluvial soils, with beds of lignite, or on the seashore in many places. It takes a fine polish, and is used for pipe mouthpieces, beads, etc., and as a basis for a fine varnish. By friction, it becomes strongly electric.

Amber (n.) Amber color, or anything amber-colored; a clear light yellow; as, the amber of the sky.

Amber (n.) Ambergris. [Obs.]

Amber (n.) The balsam, liquidambar.

Amber (a.) 琥珀似的;琥珀製的;琥珀色的 Consisting of amber; made of amber. "Amber bracelets." -- Shak.

Amber (a.) Resembling amber, especially in color; amber-colored. "The amber morn." -- Tennyson.

Ambered (p. p. & p. a.) of Amber

Amber (v. t.) 使成琥珀色 To scent or flavor with ambergris; as, ambered wine.

Amber (v. t.) To preserve in amber; as, an ambered fly.

Amber (a.) Of a medium to dark brownish yellow color [syn: {amber}, {brownish-yellow}, {yellow-brown}].

Amber (n.) A deep yellow color; "an amber light illuminated the room"; "he admired the gold of her hair" [syn: {amber}, {gold}].

Amber (n.) A hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelry.

Amber fish () A fish of the southern Atlantic coast (Seriola Carolinensis.)

Ambergrease (n.) See Ambergris.

Ambergris (n.) 鯨糞;龍涎香 A substance of the consistence of wax, found floating in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the tropics, and also as a morbid secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale ({Physeter macrocephalus), which is believed to be in all cases its true origin. In color it is white, ash-gray, yellow, or black, and often variegated like marble. The floating masses are sometimes from sixty to two hundred and twenty-five pounds in weight. It is wholly volatilized as a white vapor at 212[deg] Fahrenheit, and is highly valued in perfumery. -- Dana.

Ambergris (n.) Waxy substance secreted by the sperm whale and found floating at sea or washed ashore; used in perfume.

Amber room () A room formerly in the Czar's Summer Palace in Russia, which was richly decorated with walls and fixtures made from amber. The amber was removed by occupying German troops during the Second World War and has, as of 1997, never been recovered. The room is being recreated from old photographs by Russian artisans.

Amber seed () Seed of the Hibiscus abelmoschus, somewhat resembling millet, brought from Egypt and the West Indies, and having a flavor like that of musk; musk seed.

Amber tree () A species of Anthospermum, a shrub with evergreen leaves, which, when bruised, emit a fragrant odor.

Ambes-as (n.) Ambs-ace.

Ambidexter (a.) 兩手都很靈巧的;兩面討好的 Using both hands with equal ease. -- Smollett.

Ambidexter (n.) 左右兩手均運用自如的人;兩面討好的人 A person who uses both hands with equal facility.

Ambidexter (n.) Hence: A double-dealer; one equally ready to act on either side in party disputes.

The rest are hypocrites, ambidexters, so many turning pictures -- a lion on one side, a lamb on the other. -- Burton.

Ambidexter (n.) (Law) A juror who takes money from both parties for giving his verdict. -- Cowell.

Ambidexter (n.) It is intended by this Latin word, to designate one who plays on both sides; in a legal sense it is taken for a juror or embraceor who takes money from the parties for giving his verdict. This is seldom or never done in the United States.

Ambidexterity (n.) 雙手皆靈巧的本領或狀態;懷二心 The quality of being ambidextrous; the faculty of using both hands with equal facility . Hence: Versatility; general readiness; as, ambidexterity of argumentation. -- Sterne.

Ignorant I was of the human frame, and of its latent powers, as regarded speed, force, and ambidexterity. -- De Quincey.

Ambidexterity (n.) Double-dealing. (Law) A juror's taking of money from the both parties for a verdict.

Ambidexterity (n.) The property of being equally skillful with each hand [syn: ambidexterity, ambidextrousness].

Ambidexterity (n.) Versatility; general readiness; as, ambidexterity of argumentation.

Ambidexterity (n.) Double-dealing.

Ambidexterity (n.) A juror's taking of money from the both parties for a verdict.

Ambidextral (a.) Pertaining equally to the right-hand side and the left-hand side.

Ambidextrous (a.) 雙手靈巧的;搞兩面派的 Having the faculty of using both hands with equal ease. -- Sir T. Browne.

Ambidextrous (a.) Practicing or siding with both parties.

All false, shuffling, and ambidextrous dealings. -- L'Estrange.

Ambidextrous (a.) Equally skillful with each hand; "an ambidextrous surgeon" [syn: {ambidextrous}, {two-handed}] [ant: {left- handed}, {right-handed}].

Ambidextrous (a.) Marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray [syn: {ambidextrous}, {deceitful}, {double-dealing}, {duplicitous}, {Janus-faced}, {two-faced}, {double-faced}, {double-tongued}].

Ambidextrous (a.) Able to pick with equal skill a right-hand pocket or a left.

Dexterous, dextrous (a.), dexterously (adv.), dexterity, dexterousness (n.) / ambidextrous (a.), ambidextrously (adv.), ambidexterity (n.)

 2009 10 27 日 同義詞或近義詞

這兩組字的意思在使用上並不會造成混淆,以形容詞為例,dexterous 意為「靈巧的,熟練的,敏捷的」,如 She untied the knots with dexterous fingers. (她用靈巧的手指解開繩結),而 ambidextrous 意為「左右手都能靈巧運用的」,如 Left-handed people are usually ambidextrous. (左撇子通常雙手都能運用自如)。它們的意思都是正面的,都是用來讚美人的。然而,它們的拼字卻把許多人搞得七葷八素。

Dexterous 亦可拼成 dextrous (亦即,dextrous dexterous 的變體字 variant),但前者是美國比較常見的拼法;再者,儘管 dexterous 的發音可為 DEK-stuhr-uhs DEKS-truhs,但一般都是發成 DEKS-truhs,亦即發成少了一個 “e” 的 dextrous 的音,就像發 try 的 “tr” 的音一樣。尤有甚者,雖然 dexterous 有變體字,但與其相關的副詞和兩個名詞卻沒有變體字,只能分別拼成 dexterouslydexterity dexterousness — 亦即中間一定要有個 “e”,沒有 “e” 就拼錯了。

夠奇怪的是,ambidextrous ambidextrously 是各該形容詞和副詞唯一標準的拼法 (亦即中間沒有 “e”,有 “e” 就拼錯了),而 ambidexterity ( dexterity 一樣,中間有個 e) 是唯一相關的名詞。

Ambidextrously (adv.) In an ambidextrous manner; cunningly.

Ambidextrousness (n.) The quality of being ambidextrous; ambidexterity.

Ambience (n.) [ S ] (Also ambiance) 氣氛;情調;環境 The character of a place or the quality it seems to have.

// Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the ambience of a country town.

Ambient (a.) 周遭的;環繞的 Encompassing on all sides; circumfused; investing. "Ambient air." -- Milton. "Ambient clouds." -- Pope.

Ambient (n.) Something that surrounds or invests; as, air . . . being a perpetual ambient. -- Sir H. Wotton.

Ambient (a.) Completely enveloping; "the ambient air"; "ambient sound"; "the ambient temperature".

Ambient (a.) [ Before noun ] (Environment) (Specialized) (Especially of environmental conditions) 周圍的;(尤指)周圍環境條件的 Existing in the surrounding area.

// Ambient conditions/ lighting/ noise/ temperature.

Ambigenous (a.) Of two kinds.

Ambigenous (a.) Partaking of two natures, as the perianth of some endogenous plants, where the outer surface is calycine, and the inner petaloid.

Ambigu (n.) An entertainment at which a medley of dishes is set on at the same time.

Ambiguities (n. pl. ) of Ambiguity

Ambiguity (n.) 可作兩種(或多種)解釋;意義不明確 [U];模稜兩可的話;含糊話 [C] The quality or state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty, particularly as to the signification of language, arising from its admitting of more than one meaning; an equivocal word or expression.

No shadow of ambiguity can rest upon the course to be pursued. -- I. Taylor.

The words are of single signification, without any ambiguity. -- South.

Ambiguity (n.) An expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context.

Ambiguity (n.) Unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning [syn: ambiguity, equivocalness] [ant: unambiguity, unequivocalness].

Ambiguity, () contracts, construction. When au expression has been used in an instrument of writing which may be understood in more than one sense, it is said there is an ambiguity,

Ambiguity, () There are two sorts of ambiguities of words, ambiguitas latens and ambiguitas patens.

Ambiguity, () The first occurs when the deed or instrument is sufficiently certain and free from ambiguity, but the ambiguity is produced by something extrinsic, or some collateral matter out of the instrument; for example, if a man devise property to his cousin A B, and he has two cousins of that name, in such case parol evidence will be received to explain the ambiguity.

Ambiguity, () The second or patent ambiguity occurs when a clause in a deed, will, or other instrument, is so defectively expressed, that a court of law, which has to put a construction on the instrument, is unable to collect the intention of the party. In such case, evidence of the declaration of the party cannot be submitted to explain his intention, and the clause will be void for its uncertainty. In Pennsylvania, this rule is somewhat qualified. 3 Binn. 587; 4 Binn. 482. Vide generally, Bac. Max. Reg. 23; 1 Phu. Ev. 410 to 420; 3 Stark. Ev. 1021 ; I Com. Dig. 575; Sudg. Vend. 113. The civil law on this subject will be found in Dig. lib. 50, t. 17, 1. 67; lib. 45, t. 1, 1. 8; and lib. 22, t. 1, 1. 4.

Ambiguity (n.) [ C or U ] (C2) (An example of) 模稜兩可,意義含糊不清 The fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion.

// We wish to remove any ambiguity concerning our demands.

//  There are some ambiguities in the legislation.

Ambiguous (a.) 曖昧的,不明確的 Doubtful or uncertain, particularly in respect to signification; capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses; equivocal; as, an ambiguous course; an ambiguous expression.

Ambiguous (a.) Open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead; "an equivocal statement"; "the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates"; "the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness"; "popularity is an equivocal crown"; "an equivocal response to an embarrassing question" [syn: {equivocal}, {ambiguous}] [ant: {unambiguous}, {unequivocal}, {univocal}].

Ambiguous (a.) Having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy" [ant: {unambiguous}].

Ambiguous (a.) Having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns; "an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference"; "ambiguous inkblots".

Ambiguous (a.) (C2) 含糊不清的;引起歧義的,模棱兩可的;不明確的 Having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally.

// His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.

// The wording of the agreement is ambiguous.

// The government has been ambiguous on this issue.

Ambiguously (adv.) In an ambiguous manner; with doubtful meaning.

Ambiguousness (n.) Ambiguity.

Ambilevous (a.) Left-handed on both sides; clumsy; -- opposed to ambidexter.

Ambiloquy (n.) Doubtful or ambiguous language.

Ambiparous (a.) Characterized by containing the rudiments of both flowers and leaves; -- applied to a bud.

Ambisinister (a.) 兩手均不靈活的 Clumsy or unskillful with both hands.

Ambit (n.) 周圍;界線;範圍;領域 Circuit or compass.

His great parts did not live within a small ambit. -- Milward.

Ambit (n.) An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet"; "a piano has a greater range than the human voice"; "the ambit of municipal legislation"; "within the compass of this article"; "within the scope of an investigation"; "outside the reach of the law"; "in the political orbit of a world power" [syn: scope, range, reach, orbit, compass, ambit].

AMBIT, () Algebraic Manipulation by Identity Translation (also claimed: "Acronym May Be Ignored Totally").

An early pattern-matching language, developed by C. Christensen of Massachusetts Computer Assocs in 1964, aimed at algebraic manipulation. [Sammet 1969, pp. 454-457]. (1994-12-08)

Ambition (n.) The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of desire; canvassing. [Obs.]

[I] used no ambition to commend my deeds. -- Milton.

Ambition (n.) An eager, and sometimes an inordinate, desire for preferment, honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something.

Cromwell, I charge thee, fling a way ambition: By that sin fell the angels. -- Shak.

The pitiful ambition of possessing five or six thousand more acres. -- Burke.

Ambition (v. t.) To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet. [R.]

Pausanias, ambitioning the sovereignty of Greece, bargains with Xerxes for his daughter in marriage. -- Trumbull.

Ambition (n.) A cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business" [syn: ambition, aspiration, dream].

Ambition (n.) A strong drive for success [syn: ambition, ambitiousness].

Ambition (v.) Have as one's ambition.

Ambition (n.) An overmastering desire to be vilified by enemies while living and made ridiculous by friends when dead.

Ambition (n.) (B1) [ C ] 抱負;志向;雄心;野心 A strong wish to achieve something.

// [ + to infinitive ] His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.

// He has already achieved his main ambition in life - to become wealthy.

// Political ambitions.

// She doubts whether she'll ever be able to fulfil her ambition.

// I've always had a burning (= very great) ambition to be a film director.

// After his heart attack, he abandoned his ambition to become prime minister.

Ambition (n.) (B2) [ U ] 抱負;志向;雄心;野心 A strong wish to be successful, powerful, rich, etc.

// She has a lot of ambition.

Ambitionist (n.) One excessively ambitious.

Ambitionless (a.) Devoid of ambition.

Ambitious (a.) 有野心的,抱負不凡的,雄心勃勃的 Possessing, or controlled by, ambition; greatly or inordinately desirous of power, honor, office, superiority, or distinction.

Ambitious (a.) Strongly desirous; -- followed by of or the infinitive; as, ambitious to be or to do something.

Ambitious (a.) Springing from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition; showy; aspiring; as, an ambitious style.

Ambitious (a.) Having a strong desire for success or achievement [ant: {ambitionless}, {unambitious}].

Ambitious (a.) Requiring full use of your abilities or resources; "ambitious schedule"; "performed the most challenging task without a mistake" [syn: {ambitious}, {challenging}].

Ambitious (a.) (B2) 有抱負的;志向遠大的;雄心勃勃的 Having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich.

// An ambitious young lawyer.

// He's very ambitious for his children (= he wants them to be successful).

Ambitiously (adv.) In an ambitious manner.

Ambitiousness (n.) The quality of being ambitious; ambition; pretentiousness.

Ambitus (n.) The exterior edge or border of a thing, as the border of a leaf, or the outline of a bivalve shell.

Ambitus (n.) A canvassing for votes.

Ambivalence (Also Ambivalency) (n.) 【心】矛盾心理(或情緒、態度等);猶豫;舉棋不定 Mixed feelings or emotions; uncertainty or vacillation in making a choice.

Ambivalence (n.) (Psychol.) The simultaneous existence within a person of both positive and negative feelings toward another person or action, or toward an object (as of attraction and revulsion), resulting in internal conflict.

Ambivalence (n.) Mixed feelings or emotions [syn: {ambivalence}, {ambivalency}].

Ambivalence (n.) Uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused  by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.

Ambivalence (n.) (Psychol.) The  coexistence within  an  individual  of positive and negative feelings  toward  the  same person,  object,  or  action,  simultaneously drawing him  or  her  in  opposite  directions.

Ambivalence (n.) [ U ] 矛盾心理 The state of feeling of being ambivalent.

// Her ambivalence towards men.

Ambivalent (a.) 【心】(對同一人或事物)有矛盾情緒的 Undecided as to whether or not to take a proposed course of action; having feelings both for and against the proposed action.

Ambivalent (a.) Uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow; "was ambivalent about having children".

Ambivalent (a.) (心情)矛盾的;模棱兩可的,含糊不定的 Having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel.

// I felt very ambivalent about leaving home.

// He has fairly ambivalent feelings towards his father.

// An ambivalent attitude to exercise.

Ambivalently (adv.) In an ambivalent manner.

Ambiversion (n.) (Psychol.) A state intermediate between extroversion and introversion.

Ambivert (n.) (Psychol.) One whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert.

Compare: Extrovert

Extrovert (n.) (Also  Extravert) 個性外向的人  An outgoing, socially confident person.

Extrovert (n.) (Psychology)  A person predominantly concerned with external things or objective considerations.

Compare with I ntrovert

Extrovert (a.) Relating to, denoting, or typical of an extrovert.

His extrovert personality made him the ideal host.

Compare: Introvert

Introvert (n.) 內向的人;內翻(內彎)的東西 A shy, reticent person.

Introvert (n.) (Psychology)  A person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things.

Compare with Extrovert

Introvert (a.) (性格)內向的;不愛交際的 Another term for I ntroverted.

Introvert (v. t.) 使內向,使內傾 To  turn  inward.

// To  introvert  one's  anger.

Introvert (v. t.) (Psychology) T o  direct  (the  mind,  one's interest,  etc.)  partly  to  things  within  the self.

Ambled (imp. & p. p.) of Amble

Ambling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Amble

Amble (v. i.) (馬)緩行;輕鬆地走,從容漫步 To go at the easy gait called an amble; -- applied to the horse or to its rider.

Amble (v. i.) To move somewhat like an ambling horse; to go easily or without hard shocks.

Amble (n.) [S](馬的)緩行步態;從容輕鬆的步伐,漫步 A peculiar gait of a horse, in which both legs on the same side are moved at the same time, alternating with the legs on the other side.

Amble (n.) A movement like the amble of a horse.

Amble (n.) A leisurely walk (usually in some public place) [syn: {amble}, {promenade}, {saunter}, {stroll}, {perambulation}].

Amble (v.) Walk leisurely [syn: {amble}, {mosey}].

Amble (v.) [ I usually + adv/ prep ] 漫步,緩行 To walk in a slow and relaxed way.

// He was ambling along the beach.

// She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.

Ambler (n.) [C] 漫步的人;緩馳的馬 A horse or a person that ambles.

Ambler (n.) Someone who walks at a leisurely pace [syn: {saunterer}, {stroller}, {ambler}].

Amblingly (adv.) With an ambling gait.

Amblotic (a.) Tending to cause abortion.

Amblygon (n.) An obtuse-angled figure, esp. and obtuse-angled triangle.

Amblygonal (a.) Obtuse-angled.

Amblyopia (n.) Alt. of Amblyopy

Amblyopy (n.) Weakness of sight, without and opacity of the cornea, or of the interior of the eye; the first degree of amaurosis.

Amblyopic (a.) Of or pertaining to amblyopy.

Amblypoda (n. pl.) A group of large, extinct, herbivorous mammals, common in the Tertiary formation of the United States.

Ambos (n. pl. ) of Ambo

Ambo (n.) 讀經檯 A large pulpit or reading desk, in the early Christian churches.

Compare: Pulpit

Pulpit (n.) 講道壇 [C];傳教,布道 [the S] A raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon.

Pulpit (n.) (The pulpit) Religious teaching as expressed in sermons; preachers collectively.

The movies could rival the pulpit as an agency molding the ideas of the mass public.

Pulpit (n.) A raised platform in the bow of a fishing boat or whaler.

More example sentences

Pulpit (n.) A guard rail enclosing a small area at the bow of a yacht.

I hung over the side of the pulpit and saw that the bobstay chain was shackled to the end cap on the bowsprit, so I hunted up a wrench and another shackle.

Not only are stanchions and pulpits expensive to repair or replace, but they often tear out at the bases, which will cost you even more money.

Ambon (n.) Same as Ambo.

Amboyna wood (n.) 安波拿木材 A beautiful mottled and curled wood, used in cabinetwork. It is obtained from the Pterocarpus Indicus of Amboyna, Borneo, etc.

Ambreate (n.) (Chem.) A salt formed by the combination of ambreic acid with a base or positive radical.

Ambreic (a.) (Chem.) Of or pertaining to ambrein; -- said of a certain acid produced by digesting ambrein in nitric acid.

Ambrein (n.) (Chem.) A fragrant substance which is the chief constituent of ambergris.

Ambrite (n.) [] 新西蘭產的一種瀝青產品 A fossil resin occurring in large masses in New Zealand.

Ambrite (n.) [U] A form of  resinite  found in  New Zealand  coal  seams.

Ambrose (n.) A sweet-scented herb; ambrosia. See {Ambrosia}, 3. -- Turner.

Ambrose (n.) (Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397) [syn: Ambrose, Saint Ambrose, St. Ambrose].

Ambrose, GA -- U.S. city in Georgia

Population (2000): 320

Housing Units (2000): 145

Land area (2000):  3.068713 sq. miles (7.947931 sq. km)

Water area (2000):  0.059073 sq. miles (0.152998 sq. km)

Total area (2000):  3.127786 sq. miles (8.100929 sq. km)

FIPS code:  02060

Located within:  Georgia (GA), FIPS 13

Location: 31.594015 N, 83.015819 W

ZIP Codes (1990): 31512

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Ambrose, GA


Ambrose, ND -- U.S. city in North Dakota

Population (2000): 23

Housing Units (2000): 41

Land area (2000): 1.066316 sq. miles (2.761745 sq. km)

Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)

Total area (2000): 1.066316 sq. miles (2.761745 sq. km)

FIPS code:  01860

Located within:  North Dakota (ND), FIPS 38

Location:  48.954219 N, 103.482933 W

ZIP Codes (1990):  58833

Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.


Ambrose, ND


Ambrosia (n.) (Myth.) (神話中的)神仙食品,仙饌;美味,珍饈 The fabled food of the gods (as nectar was their drink), which conferred immortality upon those who partook of it.

Ambrosia (n.) (Myth.) An unguent of the gods.

His dewy locks distilled ambrosia. -- Milton.

Ambrosia (n.) A perfumed unguent, salve, or draught; something very pleasing to the taste or smell. -- Spenser.

Ambrosia (n.) Formerly, a kind of fragrant plant; now (Bot.), a genus of plants, including some coarse and worthless weeds, called ragweed, hogweed, etc.

Ambrosia (n.) (Zool.) The food of certain small bark beetles, family {Scolytidae} believed to be fungi cultivated by the beetles in their burrows.

Ambrosia (n.) A dessert made from shredded coconuts and oranges, sometimes including other ingredients such as marshmallow.

Ambrosia (n.) A mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae [syn: {beebread}, {ambrosia}].

Ambrosia (n.) Any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma [syn: {ragweed}, {ambrosia}, {bitterweed}].

Ambrosia (n.) Fruit dessert made of oranges and bananas with shredded coconut.

Ambrosia (n.) (Classical mythology) The food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal [syn: {ambrosia}, {nectar}].

Ambrosiac (a.) Having the qualities of ambrosia; delicious.

Ambrosial (a.) 似神仙食物的;美味(芬芳)的;適於神用的 Consisting of, or partaking of the nature of, ambrosia; delighting the taste or smell; delicious. "Ambrosial food." "Ambrosial fragrance." -- Milton.

Ambrosial (a.) Divinely excellent or beautiful. "Shakes his ambrosial curls." -- Pope.

Ambrosial (a.) Extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant; "a nectarous drink"; "ambrosial food" [syn: {ambrosial}, {ambrosian}, {nectarous}].

Ambrosial (a.) Worthy of the gods [syn: {ambrosial}, {ambrosian}].

Ambrosially (adv.) After the manner of ambrosia; delightfully.

Ambrosian (a.) Ambrosial.

Ambrosian (a.) Of or pertaining to St. Ambrose; as, the Ambrosian office, or ritual, a formula of worship in the church of Milan, instituted by St. Ambrose.

Ambrosin (n.) An early coin struck by the dukes of Milan, and bearing the figure of St. Ambrose on horseback.

Ambrotype (n.) A picture taken on a plate of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades are produced by a dark background visible through the unsilvered portions of the glass.

Ambries (n. pl. ) of Ambry

Ambry (n.) In churches, a kind of closet, niche, cupboard, or locker for utensils, vestments, etc.

Ambry (n.) A store closet, as a pantry, cupboard, etc.

Ambry (n.) Almonry.

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