Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 44

Allanite (n.) A silicate containing a large amount of cerium. It is usually black in color, opaque, and is related to epidote in form and composition.

Allantoic (a.) Pertaining to, or contained in, the allantois.

Allantoid (a.) Alt. of Allantoidal.

Allantoidal (a.) Of or pertaining to the allantois.

Allantoidea (n. pl.) 尿囊胚盤 The division of Vertebrata in which the embryo develops an allantois. It includes reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Allantoin (n.) A crystalline, transparent, colorless substance found in the allantoic liquid of the fetal calf; -- formerly called allantoic acid and amniotic acid.

Allantois (n.) 尿囊 Alt. of Allantoid.

Allantoid (n.) A membranous appendage of the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles, -- in mammals serving to connect the fetus with the parent; the urinary vesicle.

Allatrate (v. i.) To bark as a dog.

Allayed (imp. & p. p.) of Allay.

Allaying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Allay.

Allay (v. t.) 使平靜,平息;使緩和,減輕 To diminish in strength; to abate; to subside. "When the rage allays." -- Shak.

Allay (n.) Alleviation; abatement; check. [Obs.]

Allay (n.) Alloy. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.

Allay (v. t.) To mix (metals); to mix with a baser metal; to alloy; to deteriorate. [Archaic] -- Fuller.

Allay (v. t.) To make quiet or put at rest; to pacify or appease; to quell; to calm; as, to allay popular excitement; to allay the tumult of the passions.

Allay (v. t.) To alleviate; to abate; to mitigate; as, to allay the severity of affliction or the bitterness of adversity.

It would allay the burning quality of that fell poison. -- Shak.

Syn: To alleviate; check; repress; assuage; appease; abate; subdue; destroy; compose; soothe; calm; quiet. See {Alleviate}.

Allay (v.) Lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears" [syn: {still}, {allay}, {relieve}, {ease}].

Allay (v.) Satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst" [syn: {quench}, {slake}, {allay}, {assuage}].

Allay (v.) [T] (Formal) 減輕,緩解(擔憂、恐懼等) If you allay a strong emotion felt by someone, such as fear or worry, you cause them to feel it less or to feel calm again.

// The government is trying to allay public fears/ concern about the spread of the disease.

Allayer (n.) One who, or that which, allays.

Allayer (n.) A person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies; "a reliever of anxiety"; "an allayer of fears" [syn: {reliever}, {allayer}, {comforter}].

Allayer (n.) A person who or thing which allays something; especially a person who or thing which tempers, restrains, or alleviates pain, a strong emotion, etc.; a mitigator, an assuager.

Allayment (n.) An allaying; that which allays; mitigation.

Allecret (n.) A kind of light armor used in the sixteenth century, esp. by the Swiss.

Allect (v. t.) To allure; to entice.

Allectation (n.) Enticement; allurement.

Allective (a.) Alluring.

Allective (n.) Allurement.

Alledge (v. t.) See Allege.

Allegation (n.) 指控,硬說,斷言:主張,陳述,辯護:理由 The act of alleging or positively asserting.

Allegation (n.) That which is alleged, asserted, or declared; positive assertion; formal averment

Allegation (n.) A statement by a party of what he undertakes to prove, -- usually applied to each separate averment; the charge or matter undertaken to be proved.

Allegation (n.) (Law) A formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law); "an allegation of malpractice."

Allegation (n.) Statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove [syn: {allegation}, {allegement}].

Allegation (n.) [ C ] (Formal)  (C1) (未經證實的)指責,指控  A statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal.

// Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.

// [ + that ] Allegations that Mr Dwight was receiving money from known criminals have caused a scandal.

Alleged (imp. & p. p.) of Allege.

Alleging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Allege.

Allege (v. t.) (無充分證據而)斷言,宣稱 [O2] [+that];(作為理由,藉口或論據等)提出 [+as] [+that] To bring forward with positiveness; to declare; to affirm; to assert; as, to allege a fact.

Allege (v. t.) To cite or quote; as, to allege the authority of a judge. [Archaic]

Allege (v. t.) To produce or urge as a reason, plea, or excuse; as, he refused to lend, alleging a resolution against lending.

Syn: To bring forward; adduce; advance; assign; produce; declare; affirm; assert; aver; predicate.

Allege (v. t.) [See {Allay}.] To alleviate; to lighten, as a burden or a trouble. [Obs.] -- Wyclif.

Allege (v.) Report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money" [syn: {allege}, {aver}, {say}].

Allegeable (a.) Capable of being alleged or affirmed.

Allegeable (Also Allegible) (a.) Capable of being submitted as evidence, or given as a reason or excuse for something. Also: (of an author, text, or passage) capable of being cited or quoted as an authority. Now rare.

Allegeance (n.) 指控,硬說,斷言;主張,陳述,辯護;理由 Allegation. [Obs.]

Alleged (a.) 聲稱的,被說成的,被斷言的;可疑的;靠不住的 Declared but not proved; "alleged abuses of housing benefits" -- Wall Street Journal.

Alleged (a.) Doubtful or suspect; "these so-called experts are no help" [syn: {alleged(a)}, {so-called}, {supposed}].

Allegedly (adv.) 據傳說,據宣稱 According to what has been alleged; "he was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife."

Allegement (n.) 指控,硬說,斷言;主張,陳述,辯護;理由 Allegation. [Obs.]

With many complaints and allegements. -- Bp. Sanderson.

Allegement (n.) Statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove [syn: {allegation}, {allegement}].

Alleger (n.) One who affirms or declares.

Alleger (n.) A person who alleges something.

Alleger (n.) A person who  alleges, especially one who makes a  formal  allegation.

Allegge (v. t.) See {Alegge} and {Allay}. [Obs.]

Allegge (v. t.) To ease, moderate or allay.

Allegiance (n.) 忠誠,忠貞 The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity to one's king, government, or state.

Allegiance (n.) Devotion; loyalty; as, allegiance to science.

Allegiant (a.) 忠實的 Loyal.

Allegoric (a.) 寓意的;寓言的;諷喻的 Alt. of Allegorical.

Allegoric (a.) Used in or characteristic of or containing allegory; "allegorical stories"; "an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army" [syn: {allegorical}, {allegoric}].

Allegorical (a.) 比喻的,寓意的 Belonging to, or consisting of, allegory; of the nature of an allegory; describing by resemblances; figurative. "An allegoric tale." -- Falconer. "An allegorical application." -- Pope.

Allegorical being . . . that kind of language which says one thing, but means another. -- Max Miller. Al`le*gor"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Al`le*gor"ic*al*ness, n.

Allegorical (a.) Used in or characteristic of or containing allegory; "allegorical stories"; "an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army" [syn: allegorical, allegoric].

Allegorist (n.) 寓言作家,諷喻家 One who allegorizes; a writer of allegory.

Allegorization (n.) The act of turning into allegory, or of understanding in an allegorical sense.

Allegorized (imp. & p. p.) of Allegorize.

Allegorizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Allegorize.

Allegorize (v. t.) 寓言化;以寓言詮釋 To form or turn into allegory; as, to allegorize the history of a people.

Allegorize (v. t.) To treat as allegorical; to understand in an allegorical sense; as, when a passage in a writer may understood literally or figuratively, he who gives it a figurative sense is said to allegorize it.

Allegorize (v. t.) To use allegory.

Allegorize (v.) Interpret as an allegory [syn: {allegorize}, {allegorise}].

Allegorize (v.) Make into an allegory; "The story was allegorized over time" [syn: {allegorize}, {allegorise}]

Allegorizer (n.) One who allegorizes, or turns things into allegory; an allegorist.

Allegorizer (n.) Someone who communicates in allegories [syn: {allegorizer}, {allegoriser}].

Allegories (n. pl. ) of Allegory.

Allegory (n.) 寓言 A figurative sentence or discourse, in which the principal subject is described by another subject resembling it in its properties and circumstances. The real subject is thus kept out of view, and we are left to collect the intentions of the writer or speaker by the resemblance of the secondary to the primary subject.

Allegory (n.) Anything which represents by suggestive resemblance; an emblem.

Allegory (n.) A figure representation which has a meaning beyond notion directly conveyed by the object painted or sculptured.

Allegory (n.) A short moral story (often with animal characters) [syn: {fable}, {parable}, {allegory}, {apologue}].

Allegory (n.) A visible symbol representing an abstract idea [syn: {emblem}, {allegory}].

Allegory (n.) An expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor.

Allegresse (n.) Joy; gladsomeness.

Compare: Gladsomeness

Gladsomeness (n.) The state of experiencing joy and pleasure.

Syn: gladness, gladfulness.

Compare: Gladsome

Gladsome (a.) 高興的;可喜的 Pleased; joyful; cheerful.

Gladsome (a.) Causing joy, pleasure, or cheerfulness; having the appearance of gayety; pleasing.

Of opening heaven they sung, and gladsome day. -- Prior. -- Glad"some*ly, adv. -- Glad"some*ness, n.

Hours of perfect gladsomeness. -- Wordsworth.

Gladsomeness (n.) Experiencing joy and pleasure [syn: gladness, gladfulness, gladsomeness].

Allegretto (a.) (Mus.) Quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro. -- n. A movement in this time.

Allegretto (n.) A movement in this time.

Allegretto (adv.) In a moderately quick tempo; "play this more allegretto."

Allegretto (a.)  (Of tempo) Faster than allegro.

Allegretto (n.) A quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro.

Allegretto (n.) A musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro.

Allegro (a.) (Mus.) 快速的 Brisk, lively. -- n. An allegro movement; a quick, sprightly strain or piece.

Allegro (n.) 急速的樂章 An allegro movement; a quick, sprightly strain or piece.

Allegro (adv.) 急速地 In a quick and lively tempo; "play this section allegro."

Allegro (a.) (Of tempo) Fast.

Allegro (n.) A brisk and lively tempo.

Allegro (n.) A musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively manner.

Allegro, () The code name for the major Mac OS release due in mid-1998. (1997-10-15)

Alleluia (n.) Alt. of Alleluiah.

Alleluiah (n.) 讚美上帝的頌歌 An exclamation signifying Praise ye Jehovah. Hence: A song of praise to God. See Hallelujah, the commoner form.

I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia. -- Rev. xix. 1.

Hallelujah (also  alleluia) (exclamation) 阿利路亞 God be praised (uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing)

He is risen! Alleluia!

Hallelujah (n.) An utterance of the word hallelujah as an expression of worship or rejoicing.

The reporter observed that this comment was met with amens and hallelujahs.

Hallelujah (n.) A piece of music or church liturgy containing an utterance or utterances of the word hallelujah.

The Gospel comes after the Alleluia verse.

Allemande (n.) A dance in moderate twofold time, invented by the French in the reign of Louis XIV.; -- now mostly found in suites of pieces, like those of Bach and Handel.

Allemande (n.) A figure in dancing.

Allemannic (a.) See Alemannic.

Allenarly (adv.) Solely; only.

Aller (a.) Same as Alder, of all.

Allergen (n.) [ C ] (Specialized) 過敏原;變應原(引起過敏反應的物質) A substance that can cause an allergy (= condition of the body reacting badly to something) but is not harmful to most people.

Allergenic (a.) 引起過敏症的 Of or pertaining to allergens or allergenicity.

Allergenic (a.) Causing an allergy or an allergic reaction.

Allergenic (a.) Relating to or having the effect of an allergen.

Allergenic (a.) Causing allergic sensitization.

Allergenicity (n.) Allergenicity refers to the ability of a substance to cause an allergic reaction in an individual. This is demonstrated by the recognition of antibodies, inhibition of IgE, and the release of histamine from basophils that have been sensitized to the substance.

Allergic (a.) 【醫】過敏的;對……極討厭的 Of or pertaining to allergy. allergic reaction.

Allergic (a.) Having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibilty especially to a specific factor allergic children.

Syn: hypersensitive, hypersensitized, sensitized, supersensitive, supersensitized

Allergic (a.) Characterized by or caused by allergy; "an allergic reaction."

Allergic (a.) Having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor); "allergic children"; "hypersensitive to pollen" [syn: allergic, hypersensitive, hypersensitized, hypersensitised, sensitized, sensitised, supersensitive, supersensitized, supersensitised].

Allergic (a.) [After verb] 變應的;過敏的 Having an allergy.

// I'm allergic to cats.

Allergic (a.) [ Before noun ] 變應性的;過敏引起的;過敏性的 Caused by an allergy.

// An allergic reaction.

Allergic (a.) (Humorous) 對…極其反感的 Having a strong dislike of something.

// My dad's allergic to pop music.

Allergic rhinitis (n. ph.) 過敏性鼻炎 Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. [1] Signs and symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, red, itchy, and watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes. [2] The fluid from the nose is usually clear. Symptom onset is often within minutes following exposure and they can affect sleep, the ability to work, and the ability to concentrate at school. [3] Those whose symptoms are due to pollen typically develop symptoms during specific times of the year. [4] Many people with allergic rhinitis also have asthma, allergic conjunctivitis, or atopic dermatitis. [3]

Allergist (n.) 過敏症專科醫師 A physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.

Allergy (n.) [ C ] 變應性;過敏反應;過敏性 A condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances.

// An allergy to wheat.

// A wheat allergy.

Allerion (n.) (Her.) Am eagle without beak or feet, with expanded wings. -- Burke.

Alleviated (imp. & p. p.) of Alleviate.

Alleviating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Alleviate.

Alleviate (v. t.) 減輕,使緩和 To lighten or lessen the force or weight of. [Obs.]

Should no others join capable to alleviate the expense. -- Evelyn.

Those large bladders . . . conduce much to the alleviating of the body [of flying birds]. -- Ray.

Alleviate (v. t.) To lighten or lessen (physical or mental troubles); to mitigate, or make easier to be endured; as, to alleviate sorrow, pain, care, etc. ; -- opposed to Aggravate.

The calamity of the want of the sense of hearing is much alleviated by giving the use of letters. -- Bp. Horsley.

Compare: Aggravate

Aggravate (v. t.) 加重,使惡化;激怒,惹惱 To make heavy or heavier; to add to; to increase. [Obs.] "To aggravate thy store." -- Shak.

Aggravate (v. t.) To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to intensify. "To aggravate my woes." -- Pope.

To aggravate the horrors of the scene. -- Prescott.

The defense made by the prisoner's counsel did rather aggravate than extenuate his crime. -- Addison.

Aggravate (v. t.) To give coloring to in description; to exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances. -- Paley.

Aggravate (v. t.) To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate. [Colloq.]

If both were to aggravate her parents, as my brother and sister do mine. -- Richardson (Clarissa).

Syn: To heighten; intensify; increase; magnify; exaggerate; provoke; irritate; exasperate.

Aggravate (v.) Make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain" [syn: {worsen}, {aggravate}, {exacerbate}, {exasperate}] [ant: {ameliorate}, {amend}, {better}, {improve}, {meliorate}].

Aggravate (v.) Exasperate or irritate [syn: {exacerbate}, {exasperate}, {aggravate}].

Alleviate (v. t.) 減輕,使緩和 To lighten or lessen the force or weight of. [Obs.]

Should no others join capable to alleviate the expense. -- Evelyn.

Those large bladders . . . conduce much to the alleviating of the body [of flying birds]. -- Ray.

Alleviate (v. t.) To lighten or lessen (physical or mental troubles); to mitigate, or make easier to be endured; as, to alleviate sorrow, pain, care, etc.; -- opposed to {Aggravate}.

The calamity of the want of the sense of hearing is much alleviated by giving the use of letters. -- Bp. Horsley.

Alleviate (v. t.) To extenuate; to palliate. [R.]

He alleviates his fault by an excuse. -- Johnson.

Syn: To lessen; diminish; soften; mitigate; assuage; abate; relieve; nullify; allay.

Usage: To Alleviate, Mitigate, Assuage, Allay. These words have in common the idea of relief from some painful state; and being all figurative, they differ in their application, according to the image under which this idea is presented. Alleviate supposes a load which is lightened or taken off; as, to alleviate one's cares. Mitigate supposes something fierce which is made mild; as, to mitigate one's anguish. Assuage supposes something violent which is quieted; as, to assuage one's sorrow. Allay supposes something previously excited, but now brought down; as, to allay one's suffering or one's thirst. To alleviate the distresses of life; to mitigate the fierceness of passion or the violence of grief; to assuage angry feeling; to allay wounded sensibility.

Alleviate (v.) Provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches" [syn: relieve, alleviate, palliate, assuage].

Alleviate (v.) Make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge" [syn: facilitate, ease, alleviate].

Alleviate (v.) [ T ]  (Formal) 減輕;緩和,緩解  To make something bad such as pain or problems less severe.

// The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/ suffering.

Alleviation (n.) The act of alleviating; a lightening of weight or severity; mitigation; relief.

Alleviation (n.) That which mitigates, or makes more tolerable.

I have not wanted such alleviations of life as  friendship could supply.              -- Johnson.

Alleviation (n.) The feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed          or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief" [syn: relief, alleviation, assuagement].

     Alleviation (n.) The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance); "he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain" [syn: easing, easement, alleviation, relief].

Alleviative (a.) Tending to alleviate.

Alleviative (n.) That which alleviates.

Alleviative (a.) Moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear [syn: alleviative, alleviatory, lenitive, mitigative, mitigatory, palliative].

Alleviator (n.) One who, or that which, alleviates.

Alleviator (n.) A therapist who makes suffering more endurable.

     Alleviator (n.) Remedy that alleviates pain without curing [syn: palliative, alleviant, alleviator].

Alleviatory (a.) Alleviative. -- Carlyle.

Alleviatory (a.) Moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear [syn: alleviative, alleviatory, lenitive, mitigative, mitigatory, palliative].

Alleys (n. pl. ) of Alley.

Alley (n.) A choice taw or marble. -- Dickens.

Alleys (n. pl. ) of Alley.

Alley (n.) 小徑,小巷,胡同 A narrow passage; especially a walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes; a bordered way.

I know each lane and every alley green. -- Milton.

Alley (n.) A narrow passage or way in a city, as distinct from a public street. -- Gay.

Alley (n.) A passageway between rows of pews in a church.

Alley (n.) (Persp.) Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.

Alley (n.) The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.

Alley (n.) A narrow street with walls on both sides [syn: {alley}, {alleyway}, {back street}].

Alley (n.) A lane down which a bowling ball is rolled toward pins [syn: {bowling alley}, {alley}, {skittle alley}].

Alleyed (a.) Furnished with alleys; forming an alley. "An alleyed walk." -- Sir W. Scott.

Alleyway (n.) An alley.

Alleyway (n.) A narrow street with walls on both sides [syn: alley, alleyway, back street].

All Fools' Day () The first day of April, a day on which sportive impositions are practiced.

The first of April, some do say, Is set apart for All Fools' Day. -- Poor Robin's Almanack


Allfours () A game at cards, called "High, Low, Jack, and the Game."

All fours () All four legs of a quadruped; or the two legs and two arms of a person.

To be, go, or run, on all fours (Fig.), To be on the same footing; to correspond (with) exactly; to be alike in all the circumstances to be considered. "This example is on all fours with the other." "No simile can go on all fours." -- Macaulay.

All fours (n.) Card games in which points are won for taking the high or low or jack or game [syn: all fours, high-low-jack].

All fours () This is a metaphorical expression, to signify that a case agrees in all its circumstances with another case; it goes as it were upon its four legs, as an animal does.

Compare: Hail

Hail, (interj.) [See Hail, v. t.] An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting. "Hail, brave friend." -- Shak.

All hail. See in the Vocabulary.

Hail Mary, A form of prayer made use of in the Roman Catholic Church in invocation of the Virgin. See Ave Maria.

All hail (interj.) All health; -- A phrase of salutation or welcome.

All-hail (v. t.) To salute; to greet. [Poet.]

Allhallond (n.) Allhallows. [Obs.] -- Shak. Allhallow

Allhallow (n.) Alt. of Allhallows.

Allhallows (n.) All the saints (in heaven). [Obs.]

Allhallows (n.) All Saints' Day, November 1st. [Archaic]

Allhallow eve () The evening before Allhallows. See Halloween.

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