Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 15

Acerous (a.) ‘動物’無角的;植物’= acerose Without antennae, as some insects.

Compare: Acerose

Acerose (a.) 植物’針狀的 Narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves.

Compare: Pine

Pine (n.) 松樹;鳳梨,菠蘿;松木 1. A coniferous tree. 2. Straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus.

Compare: Pinus

Pinus (n.) 松屬  Type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pines.

Compare: Pinaceae

Pinaceae (n.) 松科  A family of Pinaceae; Pinaceae, family Pinaceae, pine family.

Compare: Pine

Pine (v.) 消瘦,憔悴,衰弱;渴望;痛苦,悲哀 Have a desire for something or someone who is not present.

Compare: Antenna

Antenna (n. pl. - nae) 動物’觸須,觸角, (蝸牛的) 角;‘植物’觸毛 (n. pl. - s) () 天線 1. An electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals. 2. Sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ. 3. One of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans; typically sensitive to touch and taste.

Compare: Crustacean

Crustacean (n.) 甲殼類動物 Any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton.

Compare: Crustacean

Crustacean (a.) 甲殼類的  Of or belonging to the class Crustacea.

Compare: Crustacea

Crustacea (n.) 甲殼類 Class of mandibulate arthropods including: lobsters; crabs; shrimps; woodlice; barnacles; decapods; water fleas.

Compare: Mandibulate

Mandibulate (a.) 有顎的 Having mandibles.

Compare: Mandible

Mandible (n.) 顎,嘴的上部,下顎  The jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth

Acerval (a.) Pertaining to a heap.

Acerval (a.) (Rare) Relating to a heap; resembling a pile.

Compare: Heap

Heap (n.) [ C ] (C2)(淩亂的)一堆 An untidy pile or mass of things.

// A heap of clothes/ rubbish.


The bottom of the heap 社會的最底層 People who are at the bottom of the heap are poor and unsuccessful and have the lowest position in society.


Collapse/ fall in a heap 倒下癱成一團 To fall down heavily and lie on the ground without moving.

// The woman staggered and collapsed in a heap.


A (whole) heap of sth (Informal) 大量的…  A lot of something.

// I've got a whole heap of work to do.

Heap (v.) [ T + adv/ prep ] 堆積;使成堆 To put things into a large, untidy pile.

// He heaped more food onto his plate.

Phrasal Verb: Heap sth on sb

Heap sth on sb (- Phrasal verb with heap) (v.) [ T + adv/ prep ] 對(某人)大加(讚揚、批評等) To give someone a lot of praise, criticism, etc.

// He deals well with all the criticism heaped on him.

Acervate (v. t.) To heap up. [Obs.]

Acervate (a.) Heaped, or growing in heaps, or closely compacted clusters.

Acervate (a.) Pertaining to a growth of fungi that forms a heaped-up mass; "acervate fungous sporophores".

Acervation (n.) A heaping up; accumulation. [R.] -- Johnson.

Acervative (a.) Heaped up; tending to heap up.

Acervose (a.) Full of heaps. [R.] -- Bailey.

Acervuline (a.) Resembling little heaps.

Acescence (n.) Alt. of Acescency.

Acescency (n.) The quality of being acescent; the process of acetous fermentation; a moderate degree of sourness. -- Johnson.

Acescency (n.) (pl. - es) The quality or state of being acescent ; the process of acetous fermentation; a moderate degree of sourness. -- Johnson.

Acescent (a.) 容易變酸的 Turning sour; readily becoming tart or acid; slightly sour. -- Faraday.

Acescent (n.) A substance liable to become sour.

Acetable (n.) An acetabulum; or about one eighth of a pint. [Obs.] -- Holland.

Acetabular (a.) Cup-shaped; saucer-shaped; acetabuliform.

Acetabular (a.) Of the cup-shaped socket that receives the head of the thigh bone [syn: acetabular, cotyloid, cotyloidal].

Acetabulifera (n. pl.) (Zool.) The division of Cephalopoda in which the arms are furnished with cup-shaped suckers, as the cuttlefishes, squids, and octopus; the Dibranchiata. See Cephalopoda.

Acetabuliferous (a.) Furnished with fleshy cups for adhering to bodies, as cuttlefish, etc.

Acetabuliform (a.) (Bot.) Shaped like a shallow cup; saucer-shaped; as, an acetabuliform calyx. -- Gray.

Acetabulum (n.) (Rom. Antiq.) A vinegar cup; socket of the hip bone; a measure of about one eighth of a pint, etc.

Acetabulum (n.) (Anat.) The bony cup which receives the head of the thigh bone.

Acetabulum (n.) (Anat.) The cavity in which the leg of an insect is inserted at its articulation with the body.

Acetabulum (n.) (Anat.) A sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish and related animals.

Acetabulum (n.) (Anat.) The large posterior sucker of the leeches.

Acetabulum (n.) (Anat.) One of the lobes of the placenta in ruminating animals.

Acetabulum (n.) The cup-shaped hollow in the hipbone into which the head of the femur fits to form a ball-and-socket joint [syn: acetabulum, cotyloid cavity].

Acetal (n.) (Chem.) A limpid, colorless, inflammable liquid from the slow oxidation of alcohol under the influence of platinum black.

Acetal (n.) Any organic compound formed by adding alcohol molecules to aldehyde molecules.

Acetaldehyde (n.) Acetic aldehyde. See Aldehyde.

Aldehyde (n.) (Chem.) A colorless, mobile, and very volatile liquid obtained from alcohol by certain processes of oxidation.

Aldehyde (n.) (Chem.) Any compound having the group -CHO. Methyl aldehyde, the simplest aldehyde, is more commonly called formaldehyde, H-CHO, and acetic aldehyde is now more commonly called acetaldehyde. The higher aldehydes may be solids. A reducing sugar typically contains the aldehyde group.

Note: The aldehydes are intermediate between the alcohols and acids, and differ from the alcohols in having two less hydrogen atoms in the molecule, as common aldehyde (called also acetaldehyde, acetic aldehyde or ethyl aldehyde), C2H4O; methyl aldehyde (called also formaldehyde), CH2O.

Aldehyde ammonia (Chem.), A compound formed by the union of aldehyde with ammonia.

Acetaldehyde (n.) A colorless volatile water-soluble liquid aldehyde used chiefly in the manufacture of acetic acid and perfumes and drugs [syn: acetaldehyde, ethanal].

Acetamide (n.) (Chem.) A white crystalline solid, from ammonia by replacement of an equivalent of hydrogen by acetyl.

Acetamide (n.) A colorless solid amide of acetic acid used as a solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds [syn: acetamide, ethanamide].

Acetanilide (n.) A compound of aniline with acetyl, used to allay fever or pain; -- called also antifebrine.

Acetanilide (n.) (Med., Chem.) An amide formed from aniline and an acetyl group ({C6H5.NH.CO.CH3); it is a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic. It has molecular weight 135.16. [Written also acetanilid] AS

Syn: phenylacetamide, N-phenylacetamide, antifebrin, antifebrine, acetylaminobenzene, acetylaniline

Acetanilide (n.) A white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic [syn: acetanilide, acetanilid, phenylacetamide].

Acetarious (a.) Used in salads; as, acetarious plants.

Acetary (n.) An acid pulp in certain fruits, as the pear. -- Grew.

Acetate (n.) (Chem.) A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate of potash.

Acetate (n.) A salt or ester of acetic acid [syn: acetate, ethanoate].

Acetate (n.) A fabric made from fibers of cellulose acetate [syn: acetate rayon, acetate].

Acetated (a.) Combined with acetic acid.

Acetic (a.) (Chem.) Of a pertaining to vinegar; producing vinegar; producing vinegar; as, acetic fermentation.

Acetic (a.) (Chem.) Pertaining to, containing, or derived from, acetyl, as acetic ether, acetic acid. The latter is the acid to which the sour taste of vinegar is due.

Acetic (a.) Relating to or containing acetic acid.

Acetification (n.) The act of making acetous or sour; the process of converting, or of becoming converted, into vinegar.

Acetifier (n.) An apparatus for hastening acetification.

Acetified (imp. & p. p.) of Acetify.

Acetifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Acetify.

Acetify (v. t.) To convert into acid or vinegar.

Acetify (v. i.) To turn acid.

Acetimeter (n.) An instrument for estimating the amount of acetic acid in vinegar or in any liquid containing acetic acid.

Acetimetry (n.) The act or method of ascertaining the strength of vinegar, or the proportion of acetic acid contained in it.

Acetin (n.) A combination of acetic acid with glycerin.

Acetize (v. i.) To acetify.

Acetometer (n.) Same as Acetimeter.

Acetone (n.) A volatile liquid consisting of three parts of carbon, six of hydrogen, and one of oxygen; pyroacetic spirit, -- obtained by the distillation of certain acetates, or by the destructive distillation of citric acid, starch, sugar, or gum, with quicklime.

Acetonic (a.) Of or pertaining to acetone; as, acetonic bodies.

Acetose (a.) Sour like vinegar; acetous.

Acetosity (n.) The quality of being acetous; sourness.

Acetous (a.) Having a sour taste; sour; acid.

Acetous (a.) Causing, or connected with, acetification; as, acetous fermentation.

Acetyl (n.) A complex, hypothetical radical, composed of two parts of carbon to three of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Its hydroxide is acetic acid.

Acetylene (n.) A gaseous compound of carbon and hydrogen, in the proportion of two atoms of the former to two of the latter. It is a colorless gas, with a peculiar, unpleasant odor, and is produced for use as an illuminating gas in a number of ways, but chiefly by the action of water on calcium carbide. Its light is very brilliant.

Ach (n.) Alt. of Ache.

Ache (n.) A name given to several species of plants; as, smallage, wild celery, parsley.

Achaean (a.) Alt. of Achaian.

Achaian (a.) Of or pertaining to Achaia in Greece; also, Grecian.

Achaian (n.) A native of Achaia; a Greek.

Acharnement (n.) Savage fierceness; ferocity.

Achate (n.) An agate.

Achate (n.) Purchase; bargaining.

Achate (n.) Provisions. Same as Cates.

Achatina (n.) A genus of land snails, often large, common in the warm parts of America and Africa.

Achatour (n.) Purveyor; acater.

Ache (v. i.) Continued pain, as distinguished from sudden twinges, or spasmodic pain. "Such an ache in my bones."

Ached (imp. & p. p.) of Ache.

Aching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ache.

Ache (v. i.) To suffer pain; to have, or be in, pain, or in continued pain; to be distressed.

Achean (a & n.) See Achaean, Achaian.

Achene (n.) Alt. of Achenium.

Achenium (n.) A small, dry, indehiscent fruit, containing a single seed, as in the buttercup; -- called a naked seed by the earlier botanists.

Achenial (a.) Pertaining to an achene.

Acheron (n.) A river in the Nether World or infernal regions; also, the infernal regions themselves. By some of the English poets it was supposed to be a flaming lake or gulf.

Acherontic (a.) Of or pertaining to Acheron; infernal; hence, dismal, gloomy; moribund.

Achievable (a.) Capable of being achieved.

Achievance (n.) Achievement.

Achieved (imp. & p. p.) of Achieve.

Achieving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Achieve.

Achieve (v. t.) To carry on to a final close; to bring out into a perfected state; to accomplish; to perform; -- as, to achieve a feat, an exploit, an enterprise.

Supposing faculties and powers to be the same, far more may be achieved in any line by the aid of a capital, invigorating motive than without it. -- I. Taylor.

Achieve (v. t.) To obtain, or gain, as the result of exertion; to succeed in gaining; to win.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness. -- Shak.

Thou hast achieved our liberty. -- Milton.

Note: [[Obs]., with a material thing as the aim.]

Show all the spoils by valiant kings achieved. -- Prior.

He hath achieved a maid That paragons description. -- Shak.

Achieve (v. t.) To finish; to kill. [Obs.] -- Shak.

Syn: To accomplish; effect; fulfill; complete; execute; perform; realize; obtain. See Accomplish.

Achieve (v.) To gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" [syn: achieve, accomplish, attain, reach].

Hatchment (-ment), (n.) (Her.) A sort of panel, upon which the arms of a deceased person are temporarily displayed, -- usually on the walls of his dwelling. It is lozenge-shaped or square, but is hung cornerwise. It is used in England as a means of giving public notification of the death of the deceased, his or her rank, whether married, widower, widow, etc. Called also achievement.

His obscure funeral; No trophy, sword, or hatchment o'er his bones. -- Shak.

Hatchment (-ment), (n.) A sword or other mark of the profession of arms; in general, a mark of dignity.

Let there be deducted, out of our main potation, Five marks in hatchments to adorn this thigh. -- Beau. & Fl.

Achievement (n.) The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by exertion; successful performance; accomplishment; as, the achievement of his object.

Achievement (n.) A great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valor, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion; a feat.

[The exploits] of the ancient saints . . . do far surpass the most famous achievements of pagan heroes. -- Barrow.

The highest achievements of the human intellect. -- Macaulay.

Achievement (n.) (Her.) An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment. -- Cussans.

Achievement (n.) The action of accomplishing something [syn: accomplishment, achievement].

Achievement (n.) [ C or U ] (B1) 成就,成績;功績 Something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing.

// An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.

// The Tale of Genji has been described as the greatest achievement of Japanese literature.

// It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.

Achiever (n.) One who achieves; a winner.

Achiever (n.) A person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success" [syn: achiever, winner, success, succeeder] [ant: failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person].

Achillean (a.) Resembling Achilles, the hero of the Iliad; invincible.

Achilles' tendon (n.) (Anat.) The strong tendon formed of the united tendons of the large muscles in the calf of the leg, an inserted into the bone of the heel; -- so called from the mythological account of Achilles being held by the heel when dipped in the River Styx.

Achilles' tendon (n.) A large tendon that runs from the heel to the calf [syn: Achilles tendon, tendon of Achilles].

Achilous (a.) (Bot.) Without a lip.

Ache (v. i.) [imp. & p. p. Ached; p. pr. & vb. n. Aching.] To suffer pain; to have, or be in, pain, or in continued pain; to be distressed. "My old bones ache." -- Shak.

The sins that in your conscience ache. -- Keble.

Aching (a.) That aches; continuously painful. See Ache. -- Ach"ing*ly, adv.

The aching heart, the aching head. -- Longfellow.

Aching (a.) Causing a dull and steady pain; "my aching head"; "her old achy joints" [syn: aching, achy].

Aching (n.) A dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain [syn: ache, aching].

Achiote (n.) Seeds of the annotto tree; also, the coloring matter, annotto.

Achlamydate (a.) (Zool.) Not possessing a mantle; -- said of certain gastropods.

Achlamydeous (a.) (Bot.) Naked; having no floral envelope, neither calyx nor corolla.

Achlamydeous (a.) Not having a floral envelope or perianth [ant: chlamydeous].

Acholia (n.) (Med.) Deficiency or lack of bile. AS

Acholia (n.) A condition in which little or no bile is secreted or the flow of bile into the digestive tract is obstructed [syn: acholia, cholestasis].

Acholous (a.) (Med.) Lacking bile. AS

Achondroplastic stenosis (n.) Increased vertebral thickness, marked concavity of the vertebral body, and shortened pedicles.

Achromatic (a.) (Opt.) Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors.

Achromatic (a.) (Biol.) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.

Achromatic lens (Opt.), A lens composed usually of two separate lenses, a convex and concave, of substances having different refractive and dispersive powers, as crown and flint glass, with the curvatures so adjusted that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is corrected by other, and light emerges from the compound lens undecomposed.

Achromatic prism. See Prism.

Achromatic telescope, or microscope, One in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives images free from extraneous color.

Achromatic (a.) Having no hue; "neutral colors like black or white" [syn: achromatic, neutral] [ant: chromatic].

Achromatically (adv.) In an achromatic manner.

Achromaticity (n.) Achromatism.

Achromaticity (n.) The visual property of being without chromatic color [syn: colorlessness, colourlessness, achromatism, achromaticity] [ant: color, coloring, colour, colouring].

Achromatin (n.) (Biol.) Tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes. -- W. Flemming.

Achromatin (n.) The part of a cell nucleus that is relatively uncolored by stains or dyes.

Achromatism (n.) The state or quality of being achromatic; as, the achromatism of a lens; achromaticity. -- Nichol.

Achromatism (n.) The visual property of being without chromatic color [syn: colorlessness, colourlessness, achromatism, achromaticity] [ant: color, coloring, colour, colouring].

Achromatization (n.) The act or process of achromatizing.

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