Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 111
Authorism (n.) 作者的身分;著述業 Authorship.
Authoritarian (a.) 權力主義的;獨裁主義的;主張服從權力的 Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; -- of governments or rulers; as, an authoritarian regime
Syn: autocratic, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannical
Authoritarian (a.) Expecting unquestioning obedience: "he was imperious and dictatorial"; "the timid child of authoritarian parents"; "insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter".
Syn: dictatorial, overbearing
Authoritarian (n.) 權力主義者;獨裁主義者 Behaves like a tyrant.
Syn: dictator
Authoritarian (a.) Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government" [syn: authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannic, tyrannical].
Authoritarian (a.) Expecting unquestioning obedience; "the timid child of authoritarian parents"; "insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter" [syn: authoritarian, dictatorial, overbearing].
Authoritarian (n.) A person who behaves in a tyrannical manner; "my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime" [syn: authoritarian, dictator].
Authoritarian (a.) (Disapproving) 獨裁的;專制的 Demanding that people obey completely and refusing to allow them freedom to act as they wish.
// An authoritarian regime/ government/ ruler.
// His manner is extremely authoritarian.
Authoritarian (n.) 獨裁者 An authoritarian person.
// My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly.
Authoritarianism (n.) 權威主義;獨裁論 A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.).
Authoritative (a.) 權威的,有權威的,命令式的 Having, or proceeding from, due authority; entitled to obedience, credit, or acceptance; determinate; commanding.
Authoritative (a.) Having an air of authority; positive; dictatorial; peremptory; as, an authoritative tone.
Authorities (n. pl. ) of Authority
Authority (n.) [U] 權,權力;[U] 職權,權限;當局,官方;[C] 權威 Legal or rightful power; a right to command or to act; power exercised buy a person in virtue of his office or trust; dominion; jurisdiction; authorization; as, the authority of a prince over subjects, and of parents over children; the authority of a court.
Authority (n.) Government; the persons or the body exercising power or command; as, the local authorities of the States; the military authorities.
Authority (n.) The power derived from opinion, respect, or esteem; influence of character, office, or station, or mental or moral superiority, and the like; claim to be believed or obeyed; as, an historian of no authority; a magistrate of great authority.
Authority (n.) That which, or one who, is claimed or appealed to in support of opinions, actions, measures, etc.
Authority (n.) Testimony; witness.
Authority (n.) A precedent; a decision of a court, an official declaration, or an opinion, saying, or statement worthy to be taken as a precedent.
Authority (n.) A book containing such a statement or opinion, or the author of the book.
Authority (n.) Justification; warrant.
Authorizable (a.) 可授權的 Capable of being authorized. -- Hammond.
Authorizable (a.) or Authorisable, Able to be authorized.
Authorization (n.) 授權;委任;認可;批准 The act of giving authority or legal power; establishment by authority; sanction or warrant.
The authorization of laws. -- Motley.
A special authorization from the chief. -- Merivale.
Authorization (n.) A document giving an official instruction or command [syn: {mandate}, {authorization}, {authorisation}].
Authorization (n.) The power or right to give orders or make decisions; "he has the authority to issue warrants"; "deputies are given authorization to make arrests"; "a place of potency in the state" [syn: {authority}, {authorization}, {authorisation}, {potency}, {dominance}, {say-so}].
Authorization (n.) Official permission or approval; "authority for the program was renewed several times" [syn: {authority}, {authorization}, {authorisation}, {sanction}].
Authorization (n.) The act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant [syn: {authorization}, {authorisation}, {empowerment}].
Authorized (imp. & p. p.) of Authorize.
Authorizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Authorize.
Authorize (v. t.) 授權給,全權委託 [O2];批准,認可;允許 To clothe with authority, warrant, or legal power; to give a right to act; to empower; as, to authorize commissioners to settle a boundary.
Authorize (v. t.) To make legal; to give legal sanction to; to legalize; as, to authorize a marriage.
Authorize (v. t.) To establish by authority, as by usage or public opinion; to sanction; as, idioms authorized by usage.
Authorize (v. t.) To sanction or confirm by the authority of some one; to warrant; as, to authorize a report.
A woman's story at a winter's fire, Authorized by her grandam. -- Shak.
Authorize (v. t.) To justify; to furnish a ground for. -- Locke.
To authorize one's self, To rely for authority. [Obs.]
Authorizing himself, for the most part, upon other histories. -- Sir P. Sidney.
Authorize (v.) Grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography" [syn: authorize, authorise, pass, clear].
Authorize (v.) Give or delegate power or authority to; "She authorized her assistant to sign the papers" [syn: empower, authorise, authorize].
Authorized (a.) 經授權的;經批准的;公認的;經認可的 Possessed of or endowed with authority; as, an authorized agent.
Authorized (a.) Sanctioned by authority.
The Authorized Version, Of the Bible is the English translation of the Bible published in 1611 under sanction of King James I. It was "appointed to be read in churches," and has been the accepted English Bible. The Revised Version was published in a complete form in 1855.
Authorizer (n.) 【經】 核准人;授權人 One who authorizes.
Authorizer (n.) An authority who authorizes (people or actions); "the agents report back to their authorizers" [syn: authorizer, authoriser].
Authorless (a.) 作者不詳的 Without an author; without authority; anonymous.
Authorly (a.) 作者的;作家的Authorial. [R.] -- Cowper.
Authorship (n.) [U] 著作者的身分;著述業;(作品的)來源(指作者);(事物的)源頭(指創始人等) The quality or state of being an author; function or dignity of an author.
Authorship (n.) Source; origin; origination; as, the authorship of a book or review, or of an act, or state of affairs.
Authotype (n.) A type or block containing a facsimile of an autograph. -- Knight.
Compare: Facsimile
Facsimile (n.) 摹寫;(真)本;【電信】傳真 An exact copy, especially of written or printed material.
‘A facsimile of the manuscript.’
[As modifier] ‘Facsimile editions.’
Facsimile (n.) Another term for Fax.
Facsimile (v. t.) 摹寫;與……一模一樣 To make a facsimile of.
Auto- () A combining form, with the meaning of self, one's self, one's own, itself, its own.
Autobiographer (n.) 自傳作者 [C] One who writers his own life or biography.
Autobiographic (a.) Alt. of Autobiographical
Autobiographical (a.) 自傳(體)的 Pertaining to, or containing, autobiography; as, an autobiographical sketch.
Autobiographist (n.) 自傳作者 [C] One who writes his own life; an autobiographer.
Autobiographist (n.) (pl. -s) Autobiographer.
Autobiographies (n. pl. ) of Autobiography.
Autobiography (n.) 自傳 [C];自傳的寫作;自傳 [U] A biography written by the subject of it; memoirs of one's life written by one's self. Autocarpous
Autobiography (n.) A biography of yourself.
Autocarpous (a.) Alt. of Autocarpian.
Autocarpian (a.) (Bot.) Consisting of the ripened pericarp with no other parts adnate to it, as a peach, a poppy capsule, or a grape.
Autocarpian (a.) (variants or autocarpian or autocarpic) Consisting of the ripened pericarp with no adnate parts.
Autocephalous (a.) (Eccl. Hist.) Having its own head; independent of episcopal or patriarchal jurisdiction, as certain Greek churches.
Autochronograph (n.) An instrument for the instantaneous self-recording or printing of time. -- Knight.
Authochthons (n. pl. ) of Autochthon.
Autochthones (n. pl. ) of Autochthon.
Autochthon (n.) 土著,本地人;【地】原地岩 One who is supposed to rise or spring from the ground or the soil he inhabits; one of the original inhabitants or aborigines; a native; -- commonly in the plural. This title was assumed by the ancient Greeks, particularly the Athenians.
Autochthon (n.) That which is original to a particular country, or which had there its origin. Authochthonic Autochthonal
Autochthon (n.) The earliest known inhabitants of a region.
Autochthonal (a.) 土著的;土生土長的;(岩石)原地形成的 Alt. of Autochthonous.
Authochthonic (a.) Alt. of Autochthonous
Autochthonous (a.) Aboriginal; indigenous; native.
Autochthonal (a) Originating where it is found; "the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo"; "autochthonous rocks and people and folktales"; "endemic folkways"; "the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan" [syn: autochthonal, autochthonic, autochthonous, endemic, indigenous].
Autochthonism (n.) 土著;土生;土產 The state of being autochthonal.
Autochthony (n.) An aboriginal or autochthonous condition.
Autochthony (n.) Nativeness by virtue of originating or occurring naturally (as in a particular place) [syn: indigenousness, autochthony, endemism].
Autoclave (n.) A kind of French stewpan with a steam-tight lid. -- Knight.
Autoclave (n.) A device used for sterilizing objects by exposing them to steam at above atmospheric pressure (and thus at a temperature above the normal boiling point of water). It consists of a closed chamber able to withstand internal pressure, and a means of passing superheated steam into the chamber. Autoclaves are made in various sizes, and are much used in hospitals and research laboratories to render instruments and equipment sterile.
Autoclave (n.) A device for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or to sterilize surgical instruments [syn: autoclave, sterilizer, steriliser].
Autoclave (v.) Subject to the action of an autoclave.
Autocracies (n. pl. ) of Autocracy.
Autocracy (n.) 獨裁;獨裁政治;專制政治;專制制度;獨裁政府;獨裁統治的國家 Independent or self-derived power; absolute or controlling authority; supremacy.
The divine will moves, not by the external impulse or inclination of objects, but determines itself by an absolute autocracy. -- South.
Autocracy (n.) Supreme, uncontrolled, unlimited authority, or right of governing in a single person, as of an autocrat.
Autocracy (n.) Political independence or absolute sovereignty (of a state); autonomy. -- Barlow.
Autocracy (n.) (Med.) The action of the vital principle, or of the instinctive powers, toward the preservation of the individual; also, the vital principle. [In this sense, written also autocrasy.] -- Dunglison.
Autocracy (n.) A political system governed by a single individual [syn: autocracy, autarchy].
Autocracy (n.) A political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single Individual.
Autocrat (a.) 獨裁者,專制君主;獨斷獨行的人 An absolute sovereign; a monarch who holds and exercises the powers of government by claim of absolute right, not subject to restriction; as, Autocrat of all the Russias (a title of the Czar).
Autocrat (a.) One who rules with undisputed sway in any company or relation; a despot.
The autocrat of the breakfast table. -- Holmes. Autocratic
Autocrat (n.) A cruel and oppressive dictator [syn: tyrant, autocrat, despot].
Autocratic (a.) Alt. of Autocratical.
Autocratical (a.) 專橫的;獨裁的;專制的 Of or pertaining to autocracy or to an autocrat; absolute; holding independent and arbitrary powers of government. -- Au`to*crat"ic*al*ly, adv.
Autocratic (a.) Offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"; "a swaggering peremptory manner" [syn: autocratic, bossy, dominating, high-and-mighty, magisterial, peremptory].
Autocratic (a.) Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government" [syn: authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannic, tyrannical].
Autocrator (n.) An autocrat. [Archaic]
Autocratorical (a.) Pertaining to an autocrator; absolute. [Obs.] -- Bp. Pearson.
Autocratrix (n.) [NL.] A female sovereign who is independent and absolute; -- a title given to the empresses of Russia.
Autocratship (n.) The office or dignity of an autocrat.
Autos-da-fe (n. pl. ) of Auto-da-fe.
Auto-da-fe (n.) A judgment of the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal condemning or acquitting persons accused of religious offenses.
Auto-da-fe (n.) An execution of such sentence, by the civil power, esp. the burning of a heretic. It was usually held on Sunday, and was made a great public solemnity by impressive forms and ceremonies.
Auto-da-fe (n.) Hence: [Fig.] The public denunciation or punishment of a person who has offended the prevailing authorities.
Auto-da-fe (n.) A session of the court of Inquisition.
Autos-de-fe (n. pl. ) of Auto-de-fe.
Auto-de-fe (n.) Same as Auto-da-fe.
Autodidact (n.) One who is self-taught; an automath.
Autodidact (n.) A person who has taught himself.
Autodynamic (a.) Supplying its own power; -- applied to an instrument of the nature of a water-ram.
Autofecundation (n.) (Biol.) Self-impregnation. -- Darwin.
Autogamous (a.) (Bot.)【植】自花受精的 Characterized by autogamy; self-fertilized.
Autogamous (a.) Characterized by or fit for autogamy [syn: autogamous, autogamic] [ant: endogamic, endogamous, exogamic, exogamous].
Autogamy (n.) (Bot.) Self-fertilization, the fertilizing pollen being derived from the same blossom as the pistil acted upon.
Autogamy (n.) Self-fertilization in plants [ant: allogamy].
Autogeneal (a.) (Not comparable) (Archaic) Self-produced; autogenous.
Autogenesis (n.) (Biol.) 自然發生說 Spontaneous generation.
Autogenesis (n.) A hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter [syn: abiogenesis, autogenesis, autogeny, spontaneous generation].
Autogenetic (a.) (Biol.) 【生】單性生殖的;自然產生的 Relating to autogenesis; self-generated.
Autogenetic (a.) (Biol.) (Phys. Geog.) Pertaining to, controlled by, or designating, a system of self-determined drainage.
Autogenetic (a.) Of or relating to autogenesis.
Autogenous (a.) (Biol.) 自然發生的,自生的;【醫】自體的 Self-generated; produced independently.
Autogenous (a.) (Anat.) Developed from an independent center of ossification. -- Owen.
Autogenous (a.) Autogenetic.
Autogenous soldering, The junction by fusion of the joining edges of metals without the intervention of solder.
Autogenous (a.) Originating within the body [syn: autogenous, autogenic] [ant: heterogeneous, heterogenous].
Autogenously (adv.) In an autogenous manner; spontaneously.
Autograph (n.) 親筆;(尤指名人的)親筆簽名;親筆稿;手跡 That which is written with one's own hand; an original manuscript; a person's own signature or handwriting.
Autograph (a.) In one's own handwriting; as, an autograph letter; an autograph will.
Autograph (n.) Something written by one's own hand.
Autograph (n.) A person's own signature [syn: autograph, John Hancock].
Autograph (v. t.) 親筆簽名於;親筆書寫 Mark with one's signature; "The author autographed his book" [syn: autograph, inscribe].
Autographal (a.) Autographic. [Obs.]
Autographic (a.) Alt. of Autographical.
Autographical (a.) 親筆寫的 Pertaining to an autograph, or one's own handwriting; of the nature of an autograph.
Autographical (a.) Pertaining to, or used in, the process of autography; as, autographic ink, paper, or press.
Autographic (a.) Written in the author's own handwriting.
Autography (n.) 親筆;筆跡;原紙石版印刷術 The science of autographs; a person's own handwriting; an autograph.
Autography (n.) A process in lithography by which a writing or drawing is transferred from paper to stone. -- Ure.
Autolatry (n.) Self-worship. -- Farrar.
Autolatry (n.) The worship of yourself [syn: idiolatry, autolatry, self-worship].
Automath (n.) One who is self-taught. [R.] --Young. Automatic
AUTOMATH, () A very high level language for writing proofs, from Eindhoven, Netherlands.
["The Mathematical Language AUTOMATH, Its Usage and Some of its Extensions", N.G. deBruijn, in Symp on Automatic Demonstration, LNM 125, Springer 1970].
Compare: Colt pistol
Colt pistol, () (Firearms) A self-loading or semi-automatic pistol with removable magazine in the handle holding seven cartridges. The recoil extracts and ejects the empty cartridge case, and reloads ready for another shot. Called also Browning pistol, Colt-Browning pistol, automatic pistol and automatic.
Automatic (a.) Alt. of Automatical.
Automatical (a.) 自動的,自動裝置的;習慣性的,無意識的;必然的;當然的 Having an inherent power of action or motion.
Nothing can be said to be automatic. -- Sir H. Davy.
Automatical (a.) Pertaining to, or produced by, an automaton; of the nature of an automaton; self-acting or self-regulating under fixed conditions; -- esp. applied to machinery or devices in which certain things formerly or usually done by hand are done by the machine or device itself; as, the automatic feed of a lathe; automatic gas lighting; an automatic engine or switch; an automatic mouse ; an automatic transmission. The opposite of {manual}.
Note: Narrower terms are: {autoloading (prenominal), semiautomatic ; {automated, machine-controlled, machine-driven ; {self-acting, self-activating, self-moving, self-regulating ; {self-locking ; {self-winding . Also See: mechanical.
Automatical (a.) (Physiol.) Not voluntary; not depending on the will; mechanical; controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control; as, automatic movements or functions. The opposite of {voluntary}.
Syn: Reflex (prenominal), reflexive, involuntary.
Unconscious or automatic reasoning. -- H. Spenser.
Automatical (a.) Like the unthinking functioning of a machine. an automatic `thank you.'
Syn: Automaton-like, automatonlike, machinelike, machine-like, robotlike.
{Automatic arts}, Such economic arts or manufacture as are carried on by self-acting machinery. -- Ure.
Automatic (n.) Light machine gun.
Syn: automatic rifle, machine rifle.
Automatic (n.) A pistol that will keep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released; as, a .45 automatic.
Syn: automatic pistol.
Automatic (a.) Operating with minimal human intervention; independent of external control; "automatic transmission"; "a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts" [ant: manual].
Automatic (a.) Resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine; "an automatic `thank you'"; "machinelike efficiency" [syn: automatic, automatonlike, machinelike, robotlike, robotic].
Automatic (a.) Without volition or conscious control; "the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light"; "a reflex knee jerk"; "sneezing is reflexive" [syn: automatic, reflex(a), reflexive].
Automatic (n.) Light machine gun [syn: automatic rifle, automatic, machine rifle].
Automatic (n.) A pistol that will keep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released [syn: automatic pistol, automatic].
Automatic (a.) (Of a device or process) Working by itself with little or no direct human control.
‘An automatic kettle that switches itself off when it boils.’
‘Calibration is fully automatic.’
Automatic (a.) (Of a firearm) Self-loading and able to fire continuously until the ammunition is exhausted or the pressure on the trigger is released.
‘Automatic weapons.’
Automatic (a.) (Of a motor vehicle or its transmission) Using gears that change by themselves according to speed and acceleration.
‘A four-speed automatic gearbox.’
Automatic (a.) Done or occurring spontaneously, without conscious thought or attention.
‘Automatic physical functions such as breathing.’
‘‘Nice to meet you,’ he said, with automatic politeness.’
Automatic (a.) Done or occurring as a matter of course and without debate.
‘He is the automatic choice for the senior team.’
Automatic (a.) (Especially of a legal sanction) given or imposed as a necessary and inevitable result of a fixed rule or particular set of circumstances.
‘He received an automatic one-match suspension.’
Automatic (n.) [C] 自動機械;自動變速器;自動排檔汽車;自動手槍(或步槍等) A gun that continues firing until the ammunition is exhausted or the pressure on the trigger is released.
‘The rapid fire of automatics.’
Automatic (n.) A vehicle with automatic transmission.
‘A Mercedes 300SL five-speed automatic.’
Automatically (adv.) 自動地,機械地 In an automatic manner.
Automatically (adv.) In a reflex manner; "he answered automatically."
Automatically (adv.) In a mechanical manner; by a mechanism; "this door opens mechanically" [syn: {mechanically}, {automatically}].
Automatic train protection (ATP) (n.) 列車自動保護系統(英語:Automatic Train Protection,縮寫:ATP)亦稱列車超速防護系統,為列車超過規定速度時即自動制動的系統。
Is a type of train protection system which continually checks that the speed of a train is compatible with the permitted speed allowed by signalling. If it is not, ATP activates an emergency brake to stop the train. [1]
Automatism (n.) 自動,自動作用,自動力;【哲】【心】自動現象;【生理】(心臟等的)自動運動 The state or quality of being automatic; the power of self-moving; automatic, mechanical, or involuntary action. (Metaph.) A theory as to the activity of matter.
Automatism (n.) Any reaction that occurs automatically without conscious thought or reflection (especially the undirected behavior seen in psychomotor epilepsy).
Automata (n. pl. ) of Automaton.
Automatons (n. pl. ) of Automaton.
Automaton (n.) 【計】機器人;自動機械裝置;工作機械式的人;自動玩具 Any thing or being regarded as having the power of spontaneous motion or action. -- Huxley.
So great and admirable an automaton as the world. -- Boyle.
These living automata, human bodies. -- Boyle.
Automaton (n.) A self-moving machine, or one which has its motive power within itself; -- applied chiefly to machines which appear to imitate spontaneously the motions of living beings, such as men, birds, etc.