Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 101
Assurgent (a.) 上升的;【植】斜上性的 Ascending.
Assurgent (a.) (Bot.) Rising obliquely; curving upward. -- Gray.
Assurgent (a.) Rising from the sea; "a seahorse assurgent".
Assurgent (a.) Growing or extending upward; "an assurgent stem or leaf".
Assuring (a.) 保證的,確信的,給人信心的 That assures; tending to assure; giving confidence. -- {As*sur"ing*ly}, adv.
Assuring (a.) Giving confidence.
Asswage (v.) See {Assuage}.
Assyrian (a.) 亞述的 Of or pertaining to Assyria, or to its inhabitants.
Assyrian (n.) 亞述人;亞述語(屬閃語族) A native or an inhabitant of Assyria; the language of Assyria.
Assyrian (n.) An inhabitant of ancient Assyria.
Assyrian (n.) The language of modern Iraq [syn: {Assyrian Neo-Aramaic}, {Assyrian}].
Assyrian (n.) An extinct language of the Assyrians in ancient Mesopotamia [syn: {Assyrian Akkadian}, {Assyrian}].
Assyriological (a.) Of or pertaining to Assyriology; as, Assyriological studies.
Assyriologist (n.) 亞述研究者;亞述專家 One versed in Assyriology; a student of Assyrian arch[ae]ology.
Assyriology (n.) 亞述學 The science or study of the antiquities, language, etc., of ancient Assyria.
Assyriology (n.) [Mass noun] The study of the language, history, and antiquities of ancient Assyria.
Assythment (n.) Indemnification for injury; satisfaction. [Chiefly in Scots law]
Assythment (n.), Scotch law. An indemnification which a criminal is bound to make to the party injured or his executors, though the crime itself should be extinguished by pardon. Ersk. Pr. L. Scot. 4, 3, 13.
Compare: Indemnification
Indemnification (n.) 賠償;保障;賠償物(金) See Indemnify.
Compare: Indemnify
Indemnify (v.) [With object] (v. t.) 保障;使免於受罰;賠償,補償 Compensate (someone) for harm or loss.
‘Each of the parties shall indemnify me for all reasonable costs of defending such actions and proceedings.
‘The company has taken out insurance to indemnify its directors against liability when acting for the group.’
Compare: Executor
Executor (n.) (pl.- s) (Law) 執行者;實行者;【律】遺囑執行人 A person or institution appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of their will.
‘Hugh appointed him an executor of his will.’
‘The executors of the late John B. Smith.’
Executor (n.) (pl.- s) A person who produces something or puts something into effect.
‘The makers and executors of policy.’
Astacus (n.) A genus of crustaceans, containing the crawfish of fresh-water lobster of Europe, and allied species of western North America. See {Crawfish}.
Astacus (n.) Type genus of the family Astacidae; Old World crayfish [syn: {Astacus}, {genus Astacus}].
Astacus astacus (n.) Astacus astacus, the European crayfish, noble crayfish, or broad-fingered crayfish, is the most common species of crayfish in Europe, and a traditional food source. Like other true crayfish, A. astacus is restricted to fresh water, living only in unpolluted streams, rivers, and lakes. It is found from France throughout Central Europe, to the Balkan Peninsula, and north as far as parts of the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe. Males may grow up to 16 cm long, and females up to 12 cm. [2]
奧斯塔歐洲螯蝦(學名Astacus astacus),又名北歐螯蝦,是歐洲的一種螯蝦。它們只限於淡水環境,包括泉、河流及湖泊。它們分布在由法國經中歐至巴爾幹半島,北至不列顛群島、斯堪地那維亞、前蘇聯西部的地區。雄蝦可以長達16厘米,雌蝦則長12厘米。[2]
Compare: Crayfish
Crayfish (n.) 淡水螯蝦 [C] A nocturnal freshwater crustacean that resembles a small lobster and inhabits streams and rivers.
Several genera in the infraorder Astacidea, class Malacostraca, including Astacus of Europe and Cambarus of North America
Crayfish (n.) Another term for S piny lobster.
Astarboard (adv.) 【海】向右舷;向右舵 Over to the starboard side; -- said of the tiller.
Astarboard (adv.) Toward or on the starboard side of a ship.
// Put the helm hard astarboard.
Astart (v. t. & i.) Same as {Astert}. [Obs.]
Astart (adv.) (Obsolete) With a start: Suddenly.
Astert (In British) (v.) (Intransitive) To jump up or move quickly; come abruptly into reality or being; flee.
Astert (In British) (v.) (Transitive) To elude or circumvent (something).
Compare: Flee
Flee (v.) [No object] (v. i.) 逃,逃走 [(+from)];消失;消散Run away from a place or situation of danger.
‘To escape the fighting, his family fled from their village.’
Flee (v.) [With object] (v. t.) 逃離;逃避Run away from (someone or something).
‘He was forced to flee the country.’
Compare: Elude
Elude (v.) [With object] (v. t.)(巧妙地)逃避,躲避;使困惑,難倒 Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
‘He tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door.’
‘We need to ensure that bad cases do not elude tough penalties.’
Elude (v.) [With object] (Of an achievement or something desired) Fail to be attained by (someone).
‘Sleep still eluded her.’
‘The logic of this eluded most people.’
Compare: Circumvent
Circumvent (v.) [With object] (v. t.) 以智取勝;規避;防止……發生;環繞;包圍;使落入圈套;陷害 Find a way around (an obstacle).
‘If you come to an obstruction in a road you can seek to circumvent it.’
‘It was always possible to circumvent the regulations.’
Circumvent (v.) [With object] [Archaic] Deceive; outwit.
‘He's circumvented her with some of his stories.’
Astarte (n.) A genus of bivalve mollusks, common on the coasts of America and Europe.
Astarte (n.) 亞斯塔蒂(閃米特人神話中司愛情與生育之女神) An ancient Phoenician goddess of love and fertility; the Phoenician counterpart to Ishtar [syn: {Astarte}, {Ashtoreth}].
Astate (n.) Estate; state. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Astatic (a.) 不穩定的;【物】無定向的 Having little or no tendency to take a fixed or definite position or direction: thus, a suspended magnetic needle, when rendered astatic, loses its polarity, or tendency to point in a given direction.
{Astatic pair} (Magnetism), A pair of magnetic needles so mounted as to be nearly or quite astatic, as in some galvanometers.
Astatic (a.) Not static or stable.
Astatically (adv.) 不穩定地;【物】無定向地 In an astatic manner.
Astaticism (n.) 不穩定;不安定;【物】無定向 The state of being astatic.
Astay (adv.) (Naut.) An anchor is said to be astay, when, in heaving it, an acute angle is formed between the cable and the surface of the water.
Asteism (n.) (Rhet.) Genteel irony; a polite and ingenious manner of deriding another.
Astel (n.) 平巷頂板背板 An arch, or ceiling, of boards, placed over the men's heads in a mine.
Astel (n. pl. - s) (Mining) An arch or ceiling of boards placed above the workers' heads in a mine.
Aster (n.) (Bot.) 【植】紫菀屬植物;【生】星狀體;翠菊;藍菊 A genus of herbs with compound white or bluish flowers; starwort; Michaelmas daisy.
Aster (n.) (Floriculture) A plant of the genus Callistephus. Many varieties (called {China asters}, {German asters}, etc.) are cultivated for their handsome compound flowers.
Compare: Floriculture
Floriculture (n.) [Mass noun] 花卉栽培(業);花卉園藝學 The cultivation of flowers.
Aster (n.) (Biol.) A star-shaped figure of achromatic substance found chiefly in cells dividing by mitosis.
Aster (n.) Any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers.
Aster (n.) Star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell having fibers like rays that surround the centrosome during mitosis.
Asteraceae (n.) 菊科(學名:Asteraceae)是雙子葉植物綱菊目的一個非常龐大和廣泛分布的開花植物中的科[2][3]。
菊科是雙子葉植物中品種最多的其中一個科,現在約有已經接受的32,913種,分布在1119屬,和13個亞科[4] 。廣泛分布在全世界,但熱帶地區較少,中國有約200屬2000多種,包括了菊花、蒲公英、大薊、小薊、茵陳、艾葉、青蒿、紫苑、鵝不食草等中草藥。被子植物中,菊科的種類僅次於蘭科,是被子植物的第二大科(兩者的確切數目尚不清楚,故事實上兩科數目孰多也不能斷定)。菊科的學名是由模式屬紫菀屬(Aster)而來,是「星形」的意思,指菊科植物的頭狀花序似星形。
Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite, [4] or sunflower family) is a very large and widespread family of flowering plants (Angiospermae). [5] [6]
The family currently has 32,913 accepted species names, in 1,911 genera (list) and 13 subfamilies. [7] In terms of numbers of species, the Asteraceae are rivaled only by the Orchidaceae. [5] [8] (Which of the two families is actually larger is unclear, owing to uncertainty about exactly how many species exist in each family.) Many members have composite flowers in the form of flower heads (capitula or pseudanthia) surrounded by involucral bracts. When viewed from a distance, each capitulum may have the appearance of being a single flower. The name Asteraceae comes from the type genus Aster, from the Greek ἀστήρ, meaning star, and refers to the star-like form of the inflorescence. Compositae is an older (but still valid [9]) name which refers to the fact that the family is one of the few angiosperm families to have composite flowers.
Most members of Asteraceae are herbaceous, but a significant number are also shrubs, vines, or trees. The family has a worldwide distribution, from the polar regions to the tropics, colonizing a wide variety of habitats. It is most common in the arid and semiarid regions of subtropical and lower temperate latitudes. [10] The Asteraceae may represent as much as 10% of autochthonous flora in many regions of the world.
Asteraceae is an economically important family, providing products such as cooking oils, lettuce, sunflower seeds, artichokes, sweetening agents, coffee substitutes and herbal teas. Several genera are of horticultural importance, including pot marigold, Calendula officinalis, Echinacea (cone flowers), various daisies, fleabane, chrysanthemums, dahlias, zinnias, and heleniums. Asteraceae are important in herbal medicine, including Grindelia, yarrow, and many others. [11] A number of species are considered invasive, including, most notably in North America, dandelion, which was originally introduced by European settlers who used the young leaves as a salad green. [12]
The study of this family is known as synantherology.
Compare: Synantherology
Synantherology (n.) (Uncountable) (Sciences) The study of the Asteraceae.
Compare: Asteraceae
Asteraceae (Proper noun) A taxonomic family within the order Asterales -- many composite plants.
Compare: Asterales
Asterales (Proper noun) A taxonomic order within the class Magnoliopsida -- many dicotyledonous plants including aster, sunflower, zinnia, lettuce, artichoke and dandelion.
Compare: Magnoliopsida
Magnoliopsida (n.) Is a valid botanical name for a class of flowering plants. By definition the class will include the family Magnoliaceae, but its circumscription can otherwise vary, being more inclusive or less inclusive depending upon the classification system being discussed.
Compare: Magnoliaceae
Magnoliaceae (n.) 木蘭科(學名:Magnoliceae)是被子植物木蘭目的一科,具有原始的花,是顯花植物中最古老的幾科之一,包括玉蘭和鵝掌楸。
木蘭科之中花頂生雌蕊群無柄花被3數是木蘭屬(Magonlia L.)。花腋生雌蕊群有柄花被3-5數是含笑屬(Michelia L.)。
The Magnoliaceae are a flowering plant family, the magnolia family, in the order Magnoliales. It consists of two subfamilies: Magnolioideae, of which Magnolia is the best-known genus, and Liriodendroidae, a monogeneric subfamily, of which Liriodendron (tulip trees) is the only genus.
Unlike most angiosperms, whose flower parts are in whorls (rings), the Magnoliaceae have their stamens and pistils in spirals on a conical receptacle. [2] This arrangement is found in some fossil plants and is believed to be a basal or early condition for angiosperms. The flowers also have parts not distinctly differentiated into sepals and petals, while angiosperms that evolved later tend to have distinctly differentiated sepals and petals. The poorly differentiated perianth parts that occupy both positions are known as tepals.
The family has about 219 species and ranges across subtropical eastern North America, Mexico and Central America, the West Indies, tropical South America, southern and eastern India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Malesia, China, Japan, and Korea.
Compare: Notably
Notably (adv.) 尤其,特別;顯著地,明顯地 In particular; especially.
‘A diet low in animal fat protects against potentially fatal diseases, notably diabetes.’
Notably (adv.) In a way that is striking or remarkable.
[As submodifier ]‘Such a statement is notably absent from the government's proposals.’
Asterias (n.) (Zool.) 海星(屬) A genus of echinoderms.
Note: Formerly the group of this name included nearly all starfishes and ophiurans. Now it is restricted to a genus including the commonest shore starfishes.
Asteriated (a.) Radiated, with diverging rays; as, asteriated sapphire.
Asteriated (a.) (Of some crystals especially gemstones) exhibiting asterism.
Asteridian (a.) (Zool.) Of or pertaining to the Asterioidea.
Asteridian (n.) A starfish; one of the Asterioidea.
Asteridian (n.) (I n British) (Zoology) A member of the starfish family. Asteridae
Compare: Starfish
Starfish (n.) 【動】海星 [C] A marine echinoderm (invertebrate) with five or more radiating arms. The undersides of the arms bear tube feet for locomotion and, in predatory species, for opening the shells of molluscs. Class Asteroidea
Asterioidea (n. pl.) Alt. of Asteridea
Asteridea (n. pl.) A class of Echinodermata including the true starfishes. The rays vary in number and always have ambulacral grooves below. The body is star-shaped or pentagonal.
Asterion (n.) 星穴The point on the side of the skull where the lambdoid, parieto-mastoid and occipito-mastoid sutures.
Asterion (n.) The craniometric point at the junction of the lamboid suture and the occipitomastoid suture and the parietomastoid suture.
Asteriscus (n.) The smaller of the two otoliths found in the inner ear of many fishes.
Asterisk (n.) "*" ASCII code 42. Common names include: star; INTERCAL: splat; ITU-T: asterisk. Rare: wild card; gear; dingle; mult; spider; aster; times; twinkle; glob; Nathan Hale.
Commonly used as the multiplication operator and as the Kleene star. Often doubled, as in "x**2", to mean "to the power". In C and related languages, asterisk is used as the dereference operator, "*p" meaning "the thing pointed to by p". (2006-09-10)
Asterisk (n.) 星號;星狀物 The figure of a star, thus, * , used in printing and writing as a reference to a passage or note in the margin, to supply the omission of letters or words, or to mark a word or phrase as having a special character.
Asterisk (n.) A star-shaped character * used in printing [syn: {asterisk}, {star}].
Asterisk (v. t.) 註上星號 Mark with an asterisk; "Linguists star unacceptable sentences" [syn: {star}, {asterisk}].
Asterisk (n.) [ C ] (表示下有注釋或單詞中字母的缺失的)星號(*) The symbol * , used to refer readers to a note at the bottom of a page of text, or to show that a letter is missing from a word.
// Sometimes taboo words are written with asterisks to avoid causing offence.
Asterisk (v.) [ T ] 加星號於 To write an asterisk next to something.
// I have asterisked the books that are essential reading for the course.
Asterism (n.) (Astron.) 【天】星群;星座;【礦】星芒;【印】三星標 A constellation. [Obs.]
Compare: Constellation
Constellation (n.) 星座;星座區域 [C];薈萃;群集 [C] [(+of)];(占星學中的)星宿 [C] A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
Constellation (n.) A group of associated or similar people or things.
‘No two patients ever show exactly the same constellation of symptoms.’
Asterism (n.) A small cluster of stars.
Asterism (n.) (Printing) An asterisk, or mark of reference. [R.]
Asterism (n.) Three asterisks placed in this manner, [asterism], to direct attention to a particular passage.
Asterism (n.) (Crystallog.) An optical property of some crystals which exhibit a star-shaped by reflected light, as star sapphire, or by transmitted light, as some mica.
Asterism (n.) (Mineralogy) A star-shaped figure with six rays that is seen in some crystal structures under reflected or transmitted light.
Asterism (n.) (Astronomy) A cluster of stars (or a small constellation).
Astern (adv.) 【海】【空】在船(或飛機)的尾部;向船(或飛機)的尾部;在船(或飛機)的後面;向後 In or at the hinder part of a ship; toward the hinder part, or stern; backward; as, to go astern.
Astern (adv.) Behind a ship; in the rear. "A gale of wind right astern." -- De Foe. "Left this strait astern." -- Drake.
{To bake astern}, To go stern foremost.
{To be astern of the reckoning}, To be behind the position given by the reckoning.
{To drop astern}, To fall or be left behind.
{To go astern}, To go backward, as from the action of currents or winds.
Astern (adv.) Stern foremost or backward; "the steamer went astern at half speed".
Astern (adv.) At or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane; "stow the luggage aft"; "ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft"; "the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about" [syn: {aft}, {abaft}, {astern}] [ant: {fore}, {forward}].
Astern (adv.) (Of a ship or an airplane) Behind; "we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla, and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide".
Asternal (a.) 【解】不連胸骨的;無胸骨的 Not sternal; -- said of ribs which do not join the sternum.
Asternal (n.) Not connected to the sternum or breastbone; "asternal ribs".
Asteroid (n.) 【天】小行星;【動】海星;海盤車 A starlike body; esp. one of the numerous small planets whose orbits lie between those of Mars and Jupiter; -- called also {planetoids} and {minor planets}.
Compare: Planetoid
Planetoid (n.) 【天】小行星 Another term for A steroid.
Asteroid (n.) A small rocky body orbiting the sun. Large numbers of these, ranging enormously in size, are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, though some have more eccentric orbits.
Asteroid (n.) [Zoology] An echinoderm of the class Asteroidea, which comprises the starfishes.
Asteroid (a.) 星狀的 Shaped like a star [syn: {asteroid}, {star-shaped}].
Asteroid (n.) Any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter).
Asteroid (n.) [ C ] 小行星 One of many large rocks that circle the sun.
Asteroidal (a.) 星狀的 Of or pertaining to an asteroid, or to the asteroids.
Asteroidal (a.) Of or relating to or resembling an asteroid.
Asterolepis (n.) (Paleon.) A genus of fishes, some of which were eighteen or twenty feet long, found in a fossil state in the Old Red Sandstone. -- Hugh Miller.
Asterophyllite (n.) A fossil plant from the coal formations of Europe and America, now regarded as the branchlets and foliage of calamites.
Astert (v. t.) To start up; to befall; to escape; to shun.
Astert (v. i.) To escape.
Asthenia (n.) 【醫】無力 Alt. of Astheny
Astheny (n.) Want or loss of strength; debility; diminution of the vital forces.
Asthenia (n.) An abnormal loss of strength [syn: asthenia, astheny].
Asthenic (a.) (Med.) 無力的;(指體型)瘦長的 Characterized by, or pertaining to, debility; weak; debilitating.
Asthenic (a.) Lacking strength or vigor [syn: adynamic, asthenic, debilitated, enervated].
Asthenic (a.) Having a slender physique.
Asthenic (a.) (Medicine) Relating to, involving, or suffering from asthenia.
Compare: Ectomorphic
Ectomorphic (a.) (Physiology) 清瘦的 See ectomorph.
Compare: Ectomorph
Ectomorph (n.) (Physiology) 瘦型體質(者) A person with a lean and delicate build of body.
Compare with endomorph and mesomorph.
Endomorph (n.) (Physiology)【礦】內容礦物,內包礦物,內容體;胖型體質(者),內胚層體型(者) A person with a soft round build of body and a high proportion of fat tissue.
Compare with ectomorph and mesomorph.
Mesomorph (n.) (Physiology) 運動型體格 A person whose build is compact and muscular.
Compare with ectomorph and endomorph.
Asthenopia (n.) 眼力疲勞 Weakness of sight. -- Quain. -- As`the*nop"ic, a.
Asthenopia (n.) A tiredness of the eyes caused by prolonged close work by a person with an uncorrected vision problem [syn: eyestrain, asthenopia].
Asthma (n.) 【醫】氣喘(病),哮喘 A disease, characterized by difficulty of breathing (due to a spasmodic contraction of the bronchi), recurring at intervals, accompanied with a wheezing sound, a sense of constriction in the chest, a cough, and expectoration.
Asthma (n.) Respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin [syn: {asthma}, {asthma attack}, {bronchial asthma}].
Asthmatic (a.) 氣喘的;似患氣喘的,發出呼哧聲的 Alt. of Asthmatical
Asthmatical (a.) Of or pertaining to asthma; as, an asthmatic cough; liable to, or suffering from, asthma; as, an asthmatic patient. -- Asth*mat"ic*al*ly, adv.
Asthmatic (n.) 氣喘患者 A person affected with asthma.
Asthmatic (a.) Relating to breathing with a whistling sound [syn: asthmatic, wheezing, wheezy].
Asthmatic (n.) A person suffering from asthma; "she is a chronic asthmatic"; "the painful gasps of a dying asthmatic".
Astigmatic (a.) (Med. & Opt.) 亂視的;散光的;矯正亂視的;矯正散光的 Affected with, or pertaining to, astigmatism; as, astigmatic eyes; also, remedying astigmatism; as, astigmatic lenses.
Astigmatic (a.) Of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images [ant: anastigmatic, stigmatic].
Astigmatism (n.) (Med. & Opt.) 亂視;散光 A defect of the eye or of a lens, in consequence of which the rays derived from one point are not brought to a single focal point, thus causing imperfect images or indistinctness of vision.
Note: The term is applied especially to the defect causing images of lines having a certain direction to be indistinct, or imperfectly seen, while those of lines transverse to the former are distinct, or clearly seen.
Astigmatism (n.) (Ophthalmology) Impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea; common in nearsighted people [syn: astigmatism, astigmia].
Astigmatism (n.) (Optics) Defect in an optical system in which light rays from a single point fail to converge in a single focal point [syn: astigmatism, astigmia] [ant: stigmatism].
Astipulate (v. i.) To assent.
Astipulation (n.) Stipulation; agreement.
Astir (adv. & a.) Stirring; in a state of activity or motion; out of bed.
Astomatous (a.) Alt. of Astomous
Astomous (a.) 【動】無口的;【植】無氣孔的 Not possessing a mouth.
Astomatous (a.) Having no mouth or mouthlike opening [syn: astomatous, mouthless] [ant: stomatous].
Astoned (imp. & p. p.) of Astone
Astond () of Astone
Astound () of Astone
Aston (v. t.) Alt. of Astone
Astone (v. t.) 使震驚;使大驚;使驚駭;使大吃一驚 [H] To stun; to astonish; to stupefy. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Astonied (p. p.) Stunned; astonished. See Astony.
Astonished (imp. & p. p.) of Astonish
Astonishing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Astonish
Astonish (v. t.) 使震驚,使驚訝 To stun; to render senseless, as by a blow. [Obs.]
Enough, captain; you have astonished him. [Fluellen had struck Pistol]. -- Shak.
The very cramp-fish [i. e., torpedo] . . . being herself not benumbed, is able to astonish others. -- Holland.
Astonish (v. t.) To strike with sudden fear, terror, or wonder; to amaze; to surprise greatly, as with something unaccountable; to confound with some sudden emotion or passion.
Musidorus . . . had his wits astonished with sorrow. -- Sidney.
I, Daniel . . . was astonished at the vision. -- Dan. viii. 27.
Syn: To amaze; astound; overwhelm; surprise.
Usage: Astonished, Surprised. We are surprised at what is unexpected. We are astonished at what is above or beyond our comprehension. We are taken by surprise. We are struck with astonishment. -- C. J. Smith. See Amaze.
Astonish (v.) Affect with wonder; "Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!" [syn: amaze, astonish, astound].
Astonish (v.) [ T ] 使吃驚;使驚訝 To surprise someone very much.
// I was astonished by how much she'd grown.
// What astonished me was that he didn't seem to mind.
Astonished (a.) (B2) 感到震驚的;覺得驚駭的 Very surprised.
// [ + to infinitive ] I was astonished to see Miriam there.
// They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.
// The doctors were astonished at the speed of her recovery.
Astonishedly (adv.) 使吃驚地 In an astonished manner.
Astonishing (a.) 令人驚訝的;驚人的;astonish的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 Very wonderful; of a nature to excite astonishment; as, an astonishing event.
Syn: Amazing; surprising; wonderful; marvelous. As*ton"ish*ing*ly, adv. -- As*ton"ish*ing*ness, n.
Astonishing (a.) Surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks" [syn: amazing, astonishing].
Astonishing (a.) So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying" [syn: astonishing, astounding, staggering, stupefying].
Astonishingly (adv.) 可驚地;異常地 In an amazing manner; to everyone's surprise; "amazingly, he finished medical school in three years" [syn: {amazingly}, {surprisingly}, {astonishingly}].
Astonishment (n.) 驚訝;驚愕 [U];令人驚訝的事物 [C] The condition of one who is stunned. Hence: Numbness; loss of sensation; stupor; loss of sense. [Obs.]
A coldness and astonishment in his loins, as folk say. -- Holland.
Astonishment (n.) Dismay; consternation. [Archaic] -- Spenser.
Astonishment (n.) The overpowering emotion excited when something unaccountable, wonderful, or dreadful is presented to the mind; an intense degree of surprise; amazement.
Lest the place And my quaint habits breed astonishment. -- Milton.
Astonishment (n.) The object causing such an emotion.
Thou shalt become an astonishment. -- Deut. xxviii. 37.
Syn: Amazement; wonder; surprise.
Astonishment (n.) The feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising; "he looked at me in astonishment" [syn: {astonishment}, {amazement}].
Astonishment (n.) [ U ] (B2) 驚愕;驚訝 Very great surprise.
// To the astonishment of her colleagues, she resigned.
// She gasped in astonishment.
Astonied (imp. & p. p.) of Astony
Astonying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Astony
Astony (v. t.) To stun; to bewilder; to astonish; to dismay. [Archaic]
The captain of the Helots . . . strake Palladius upon the side of his head, that he reeled astonied. -- Sir P. Sidney.
This sodeyn cas this man astonied so, That reed he wex, abayst, and al quaking. -- Chaucer.
Astoop (adv.) In a stooping or inclined position.
Aston, Astone (v. t.) To stun; to astonish; to stupefy. [Obs.] -- Chaucer.
Astound (a.) Stunned; astounded; astonished. [Archaic] -- Spenser.
Thus Ellen, dizzy and astound. As sudden ruin yawned around.
Astounded (imp. & p. p.) of Astound
Astound () of Astound
Astounding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Astound
Astound (v. t.) 使震驚;使大驚 [H] To stun; to stupefy.
No puissant stroke his senses once astound. -- Fairfax.
Astound (v. t.) To astonish; to strike with amazement; to confound with wonder, surprise, or fear.
These thoughts may startle well, but not astound The virtuous mind. -- Milton.
Astound (v.) Affect with wonder; "Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!" [syn: {amaze}, {astonish}, {astound}].
Astounding (a.) 令人驚奇的,令人震驚的;Astound 的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 Of a nature to astound; astonishing; amazing; as, an astounding force, statement, or fact. -- As*tound"ing*ly, adv.
Astounding (a.) Bewildering or striking dumb with wonder [syn: astounding, dumbfounding, dumfounding].
Astounding (a.) So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying" [syn: astonishing, astounding, staggering, stupefying].
Astoundment (n.) Amazement. -- Coleridge.
Astrachan (a. & n.) See Astrakhan.
Astraddle (adv.) In a straddling position; astride; bestriding; as, to sit astraddle a horse.
Astraean (a.) Pertaining to the genus Astraea or the family Astraeidae.
Astraean (n.) A coral of the family Astraeidae; a star coral.
Astragal (n.) (Arch.) 【建】串珠裝飾蓋條;【解】距骨 A convex molding of rounded surface, generally from half to three quarters of a circle.
Astragal (n.) (Gun.) A round molding encircling a cannon near the mouth.
Astragal (n.) The bone in the ankle that articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle joint [syn: {anklebone}, {astragal}, {astragalus}, {talus}].
Astragal (n.) A beaded molding for edging or decorating furniture [syn: {beading}, {bead}, {beadwork}, {astragal}].
Astragalar (a.) (Anat.) 距骨的 Of or pertaining to the astragalus.
Astragalar (a.) Of or relating to the anklebone.
Astragaloid (a.) Resembling the astragalus in form.
Astragalomancy (n.) Divination by means of small bones or dice.
Astragalus (n.) (Anat.) 【解】距骨;【建】半圓飾 The ankle bone, or hock bone; the bone of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia at the ankle.
Astragalus (n.) (Bot.) A genus of papilionaceous plants, of the tribe Galegeae, containing numerous species, two of which are called, in English, milk vetch and licorice vetch. Gum tragacanth is obtained from different oriental species, particularly the {A. gummifer} and {A. verus}.
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